Ap euro student study materials review Outline 1450-1991 Renaissance The Italian Renaissance

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War at Sea

Allied forces stopped all trade with Germany

Germany attempted to blockade Britain by German U-boats or submarines

Germany declared unrestricted sea warfare

Germans sank the Lusitania, an ocean liner that carried around 180 American citizens

Italy joined the side of the Allies when promised lands of high-speaking Italians in Austria “irredentism”

Treaty of London (1915) – treaty that made Italy part of the Allies

The Zimmerman Telegram

Telegram penetrated by American forces during WWI

Germany wanted Mexico to declare war on the United States

Germany would help Mexico regain Southwestern United States

The Collapse of Czarist Russia

March 1917 – Troops rebelled and riots occurred in factories

Czar abdicated and provisional government was created

April 1917 – Lenin returned to Russia

November 1917 – Provisional government fell

Lenin and Bolsheviks came to power

December 3, 1917 – The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended the war on the East, and much Russian land was given to Germany

Peace of Paris

Armistice (Nov. 11, 1918) – called for a cease-fire, Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated to Holland

During the summer of 1919, 5 treaties (named after Paris Suburbs) were signed

Main treaty that ended World War I is the Treaty of Versailles:

1. Germany lost colonies

2. German guilt clause

3. German military restrictions

4. Germany must pay reparations

5. League of Nations

6. Austria Hungary broken up

7. Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia created

8. Montenegro and Serbia no longer existed

9. Polish Corridor divided Germany

There were four main countries and leaders “The Big Four”:

United States – Woodrow Wilson

Great Britain – David Lloyd George

France – Clemenceau

Italy - Orlando

The Fourteen Points – point for peace drawn by Woodrow Wilson: “Make the world safe for democracy”

No secret treaties

Freedom of the seas

Reduction of arms

Colonial readjustments

Self-determinations of nationalities

International Policy Organization to prevent war

This forms the League of Nations

Few European statesmen had any confidence in the League, and Wilson was obliged to compromise the other Fourteen Points in order for it to get accepted

World War II
The conditions of the 1930’s were basically those proposed by the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. Neither Germany, Italy, Japan, nor the USSR was content with these conditions. From the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, force was used by those who wished to upset international order, but never by those who wished to maintain it

Rise of Fascism in Italy

Fascism gained support from the fear of the Bolsheviks in Russia

Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) a newspaper editor, was incredibly nationalist and demanded irredentism

Favored Triple Entente because he wished for irredentism to be completed

Angry when the Allies did not fulfill irredentism

He formed different groups of soldiers that brought him power

Fascio di combattimento – army which was supposed to represent the power of Rome through combat

Blackshirts – army in favor and talking of irredentism

Squadristí – army that beat up people who opposed Mussolini

Oct. 1922 March on Rome – Mussolini marched into Rome and obtained power

Mussolini took over Rome and held free elections

Enforced 2/3 law, where the majority obtained 2/3 of the parliamentary seats

Fascists win, and Mussolini is elected into office by the Fascist Parliament

“Fascism was born of the need for action”.

Rise of Fascism in Germany

Wilhelm II fled to Holland and ended the German Empire (1918-1921)

Weimar Republic was established 1923

Germany is forced to pay reparations for the war, but they have no money

The United States came up with the Dawes Plan (1924), lending money to Germany so they can pay reparations

Germany and France signed Locarno Agreement, outlawing war between the two

In 1929, 69 nations signed the Kellogg-Brand Peace Pact was signed which outlawed warfare and attempted to instill peace

Germany was in a terrible state

Germany printed money excessively, which brought them deeper into depression

France took German lands because Germany could not afford to pay

Weimar Republic collapsed due to inflation

United States agreed to help Germany if they balance their budget and increase exports to the U.S.

In 1929, the Great Depression occurred in the U.S., and they could no longer afford to help Germany

6 million in Germany were unemployed

Fascist leader, Adolf Hitler promised to bring Germany out of depression

The Storm Troopers, Nazi soldiers were formed in 1921 to follow the Führer, or leader (Adolf Hitler)

The Beer Hall Putsch (1923) was a failed attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic.

Hitler was sent to jail for this and he wrote Mein Kampf, a book that outlined his plan

His political group, the National Socialist German Worker’s Party or the Nazis, was elected into power

Italy in Ethiopia (Abyssinia)

In 1935, Mussolini attacked Ethiopia

The Italians did not forget the humiliating Battle of Adowa

League of Nations put an embargo on Italy. All goods were banned except for oil

Italy united Ethiopia with Somaliland

Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia protested against the Italians

In 1939, Albania conquered by the Italians

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