MESSIANIC PROPHECY (PROPHECY RELATING TO JESUS, THE MESSIAH) Introduction This writer knows of no Scripture-apart from the Bible--in the religions of the world which contain extensive prophecy of a Savior that has been fulfilled by such a Savior. Such prophecy found in the Bible validates the accuracy of the Bible, and testifies that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Messianic Prophecy foretells of a righteous man-the Anointed One-in the line of David who (1) as a suffering Servant would die and rise again to redeem God's people from their sins, and (2) as a conquering King would subdue the enemies of God's people, establishing an eternal kingdom. Old Testament Prophecy foretells of the suffering Servant and the conquering King, but does not specify that there would be two advents (appearances on earth) of the Messiah. The Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah because he did not, in his first advent, fulfill prophecy of a King subduing the enemies of Israel. Both Old and New Testament Messianic Prophecy foretells of the Messiah establishing an eternal kingdom for his people. This module on prophecy focuses primarily upon Messianic Prophecy of the Old Testament and its fulfillment in Jesus. Minimal attention is given to types and symbols. Types and symbols are important, but careful investigation should be made before reaching conclusions regarding their meaning. It has been said that in Scripture, the plain thing is the main thing. So attention is primarily directed to plain prophecy and away from obscure symbolism. BACK TO OUTLINE Page 1 of MESSIANIC PROPHECY - Introduction 1/7/2012