Turning Cycles
CYCLE 95 Stock removal cycle
NPP name of the subprogram Name Part Program
MID maximum infeed depth Maximum Infeed Depth (without sign)
FALZ finishing allowance in Z Finishing ALlowance Z (without sign)
FALX finishing allowance in X Finishing ALlowance X (without sign)
FAL finishing allowance parallel to contour Finishing Allowance (without sign)
FF1 feed for roughing cuts without undercut
FF2 feed for roughing - dive-in in undercuts
FF3 feed for finishing
VARI machining variant 1..12 Variant
DT dwell time for chip break while roughing
DAM traverse path after that every roughing cut will be interrupted for chip breaking
The stock removal cycle works off a contour that is stored in a subprogram.
The contour can be machined outside or inside, longitudinal or face side.
The contour can be roughed, finished or complete machined.
Tool position before cycle:
The last position before cycle call must be approached with G40 (cutter radius compensation off).
Outside machining: Before cycle call the tool must be outside the greatest diameter of the contour subprogram.
Inside machining: Before cycle call the tool must be inside the smallest diameter of the contour subprogram.
Machining sequence:
Roughing without undercut elements
The roughing cuts are done with G1 and feed rate FF1.
The roughing cuts occur parallel to the axis until finishing allowance (1), afterwards parallel to the contour (2).
After every roughing cut is a lift off in X and Z for tool radius + 1 mm (3) and retraction with G0 (4).
This sequence is repeated until the end depth (with finishing allowance) is reached (5).
The infeed depths are divided evenly, for that they are smaller equal the programmed parameter MID.
Roughing the undercut elements
The infeed at the undercut occurs parallel to the contour (6) with G1 and feed rate FF2.
The roughing cuts parallel to the axis within the undercut area (7) occur with G1 and feed rate FF1.
Sequence of roughing:
Roughing without undercut (8)
Roughing 1st undercut (9)
Roughing 2nd undercut (10) etc.
The contour start point will be approached in both axes simultaneously.
Finishing occurs along the contour with G1, G2, G3 and with feed rate FF3.
Retraction occurs with G0.
This parameter is the name of the contour subprogram. The name must be in quotation marks, e.g. "CONT1".
Maximum infeed depth for roughing.
The total depth for roughing will be divided evenly in several single infeeds.
These infeed depths are divided evenly, for that they are smaller / equal the programmed parameter MID.
Total depth = 19 mm, MID = 4 mm -> 5 infeeds with each 3,8 mm will be machined.
Finishing allowance for roughing
Finishing allowance in Z
Finishing allowance in X
Finishing allowance parallel to the contour
It is not useful to program all 3 parameter (the values will be added).
Program either the values for FALZ and FALX and 0 for FAL or vice versa.
When no finishing allowance is programmed, roughing is proceeded until final contour.
FF1, FF2, FF3
Feed rates for the different maching steps:
FF1 Roughing
FF2 Roughing - dive-in in undercuts
FF3 Finishing.
VARI defines the kind of machining (roughing, finishing, complete), the direction of machining (longitudinal or face) and the side of machining (inside or outside).
These parameter interrupt the axis-parallel movement while roughing to break the chip.
DT dwell time
DAM traverse path after that the movement should be stopped
Programming DAM=0 means no interruption, the dwell time will not be executed.
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