Contour subprogram
The contour will be entered as sequence of the commands G1, G2 and G3 in the contour subprogram.
Programming chamfers and radii is allowed.
The contour subprogram must contain at least 3 blocks with movements in both axes.
The start point of the contour is the first position programmed in the contour subprogram.
The commands G17, G18, G19, G41 and G42 and also frames are not allows in the subprogram.
While roughing only the movements contained in the subprogram will be executed (only the contour will be machined).
While finishing also the miscellaneous functions contained in the subprogram will be executed.
CYCLE 93 Grooving cycle
SPD start point in X without sign Start Point Diameter
SPL start point in Z Start Point Length
WIDG groove width at groove ground WIDth Ground without sign must be larger or equal tool width
DIAG groove depth related to start point without sign.
STA1 angle between contour and turning axis 0<=STA1<=180°.
ANG1 flank angle 1 ANGle 1
Flank angle at the side of the start point without sign
ANG2 flank angle 2 ANGle 2
Flank angle at the side opposite to the start point without sign
RCO1 radius / chamfer 1 outside Radius Corner Outside 1
Radius /chamfer at the outside corner on the side of the start point
Radius: positive sign, chamfer: negative sign
RCO2 Radius/Fase 2 outside Radius Corner Outside 2
Radius /chamfer at the outside corner on the side opposite to the start point
Radius: positive sign, chamfer: negative sign
RCI1 Radius/Fase 1 inside Radius Corner Inside 1
Radius /chamfer at the inside corner on the side of the start point
Radius: positive sign, chamfer: negative sign
RCI2 Radius/Fase 2 inside Radius Corner Inside 2
Radius /chamfer at the inside corner on the side opposite to the start point
Radius: positive sign, chamfer: negative sign
FAL1 finishing allowance at groove ground Finishing ALlowance 1
FAL2 finishing allowance at the flanks Finishing ALlowance 2
If FAL1 and FAL2 are programmed, roughing leaves back these allowances.
Afterwards a contour-parallel cut occurs along the final contour with the same tool.
IDEP infeed depth without sign Infeed DEPth
DTP dwell time at groove ground in [s] Dwell Time at end dePth
The tool lifts off the groove ground after the programmed dwell time.
VARI machining variant Variant
Both cutting edges must be measured at the cut-in tool. The values for the two edges must be entered in subsequent D numbers.
E.g. if T2 D1 is called at tool for the grooving cycle, the second edge4 must be entered in D2.
The cycle itself selects the corresponding tool correction for each machining step of the cycle and activates it automatically.
These coordinates define the start point of the groove in X (SPD) and Z (SPL).
Groove width (WIDG) and groove depth (DIAG), related to the start point.
When the groove is larger in width than the tool, the whole width will be worked off in several steps with even overlapping.
Angle of the contour on which the groove will be produced. This angle is related to the Z axis. This angle will be indicated for that the lateral infeed outside can occur parallel to the contour.
By separated flank angles, asymmetric groves can be produced.
Radius / chamfer at the 4 corners of the groove.
Radius: positive sign
Chamfer: negative sign
The variant of chamfer calculation is determined by the parameter VARI.
For groove ground (FAL1) and flanks (FAL2) different finishing allowances can be determined.
Roughing leaves back these allowances. Afterwards a countour parallel cut occurs along the final contour with the same tool
Infeed depth. The axis-parallel dive-in is divided in several depth infeeds. After every infeed the tool will be retracted for 1 mm to break the chips. The parameter IDEP must be programmed anyhow.
The dwell time must be as long as at least one spindle revolution lasts.
The ten's place digit (xx) determines how the chamfer length will be calculated.
The one's place digit (xx) defines the kind (= position) of the groove .
Drilling Cycles
CYCLE81 Drilling, Centering
RTP retraction plane absolute ReTraction Plane
After the cycle the tool is placed on this height. RTP must be higher than the reference plane.
RFP reference plane absolute ReFerence Plane
Height of the workpiece surface, most time the workpiece reference point is on the surface (RFP=0)
SDIS safety distance without sign Safety DIStance
The tool traverses with rapid feed until SDIS over reference plane and then changes to working feed
DP end depth absolute Depth
Depth of the hole, related to the workpiece reference point.
DPR end depth relative to reference plane Depth Relative
Depth of the hole, related to the reference plane, without sign.
Either DP or DPR can be programmed. If nevertheless both parameters are programmed, DPR will be valid.
DTP dwell time at hole ground in [s] Dwell Time at end drilling depth
The tool retracts only after a dwell time to clean the hole ground (only CYCLE82).
Previous to the cycle the tool must be placed over the hole position (X=0).
The tool drills with programmed feed to hole depth DP/DPR and retracts with rapid feed.
CYCLE83 Deep hole drilling
Parameter additional to Cycle81:
FDEP 1st drilling depth absolute First DEPth
Depth of the first drilling infeed related to the workpiece zero point.
FDPR 1st drilling depth relative First DePth Relative
Depth of the first drilling infeed related to the reference plane, without sign.
DAM degression amount Degression AMount
Starting from the first drilling depth each of the following infeeds will be reduced each by the value DAM.
DTS dwell time before infeed in [s] Dwell Time at infeed Start
The tool is retracted after each infeed and will go forward again after the dwell time DTS.
FRF feed reduction factor for 1st infeed Feed Reduction Factor With this factor FRF the programmed feed can be reduced for the first infeed, possible input: 0,001 - 1.
VARI machining variant VARIant
After each infeed the tool retracts for 1 mm to break the chips.
After each infeed the tool retracts out of the boring to the reference plane to remove the chips out of the boring.
Previous to the cycle the tool must be placed over the hole position (X=0).
The tool drills with programmed feed to the first drilling depth FDEP/FDPR, retracts in rapid, next infeed etc.. The infeed depth will be reduced each for DAM.
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