buffer, which represents a shared logic expander in the CPLD. There will be more detail
about this type of buffer in Chapter 8, but for now, just be aware that this type of buffer supplies
inverted product terms for general use within the CPLD.
The Normal synthesis mode generates a sum-of-products equation that uses a number
of expanders, but only one logic cell (i.e., one SOP output), indicated as LC123. The
WYSIWYG synthesis uses an unnumbered output logic cell, which in turn uses two other
logic cell outputs (LC113 and LC114) as inputs. Thus, in the Normal synthesis mode, the
input signals propagate through one logic cell, and in the WYSIWYG mode, the input
signals go through two layers of logic cells, increasing the path length, and thus the delay.
What can we conclude? If MAX_PLUS II is allowed to synthesize a design for a full
adder in the defined Normal style, it will optimize the design equations to produce as flat a
network as possible. Thus we do not need to explicitly design an adder circuit to have a fast
carry function.
Summary 267
1. Addition combines an addend (x) and an augend (y) to get a
sum (z _ x _ y).
2. Binary addition is based on four sums:
0 _ 0 _ 0
0 _ 1 _ 1
1 _ 1 _ 10
1 _ 1 _ 1 _ 11
3. A sum of two bits generates a sum bit and a carry bit. (For the
first two sums above, the carry bit is 0; the last two sums
have a carry of 1. The last sum includes a carry from a lowerorder
4. Subtraction combines a minuend (x) and a subtrahend (y) to
get a difference (z _ x _ y).
5. Binary subtraction is based on the following four differences:
0 _ 0 _ 0
1 _ 0 _ 1
1 _ 1 _ 0
10 _ 1 _ 1
6. If the subtrahend bit is larger than the minuend bit, as in the
fourth difference above, a 1 must be borrowed from the next
higher-order bit.
7. Binary addition or subtraction can be unsigned, where the
magnitudes of the operands and result are presumed to be
positive, or signed, where the operands and result can be positive
or negative. The sign is indicated by a sign bit.
8. The sign bit (usually MSB) of a binary number indicates that
the number is positive if it is 0 and negative if it is 1.
9. Signed binary numbers can be written in true-magnitude, 1’s
complement, or 2’s complement form. True magnitude has
the same binary value for positive and negative numbers,
with only the sign bit changed. A 1’s complement negative
number is generated by inverting all bits of the positive number
of the same magnitude. A 2’s complement negative number
is generated by adding 1 to the equivalent 1’s complement
number. Positive numbers are the same in all three
10. 1’s complement or 2’s complement binary numbers are used
in signed addition or subtraction. Subtraction is performed
by adding a negative number in complement form to another
number in complement form (i.e., x _ y _ x _ (_y)). This
technique does not work for true-magnitude form.
11. A negative sum or difference in 2’s complement subtraction
must be converted to a positive form to read its magnitude
(i.e., _(_x) __x).
12. A signed binary number, x, with n bits has a valid range of
_2n _ x _ _( 2n _1).
13. A negative number with a power-of-2 magnitude (i.e.,
_2n) is written in 2’s complement form as n 0s preceded
by all 1s to fill the defined size of the number (e.g., in 8-
bit 2’s complement form, _128 _ 10000000 (1 followed
by seven 0s; 128 _ 27); in 8-bit 2’s complement form, _8 _
11111000 (all 1s, followed by three 0s; 8 _ 23).
14. If a sum or difference falls outside the permissible range of
magnitudes for a 2’s complement number, it generates an
overflow into the sign bit of the number. The result is that
the sum of two positive numbers appears to be negative
(e.g., 01111111 _ 00000010 _ 10000001; 127 _ 2 _
129) or the sum of two negative numbers appears to be
positive (e.g., 11111111 _ 10000000 _ 01111111, where
the carry beyond the 8th place is discarded: _1 _ (_128) _
15. When adding two hexadecimal digits, any digit sum greater
than 15 (F) can be converted to a hexadecimal value by subtracting
16 and carrying a 1 to the next digit position.
16. Hexadecimal numbers can be subtracted conventionally or
by a complement method. To get the 16’s complement of a
number, obtain the 15’s complement by subtracting the number
from all Fs and adding 1 to the result.
17. Binary numbers can be used in nonpositional codes to represent
numbers or alphanumeric characters.
18. Binary coded decimal (BCD) codes represent decimal numbers
as a series of 4-bit groups of numbers. Natural BCD or
8421 code does this as a positionally weighted code for each
digit (e.g., 158 _ 0001 0101 1000 (NBCD)). Other codes,
such as Excess-3, are not positionally weighted.
19. Gray code is a binary code that has a difference of one bit
between adjacent codes. It can be generated by a set of
XOR functions or by recognizing the symmetry inherent in
the code. In any Gray code sequence, the MSB is 0 for the
first half of the sequence and 1 for the second half. The remaining
bits are symmetrical about the halfway point of the
20. ASCII code represents alphanumeric characters and computer
control codes as a 7-bit group of binary numbers. Alpha
characters are listed in uppercase in columns 4 and 5 of
the ASCII table. Lowercase alpha characters are in columns
6 and 7. Numeric characters are in column 3.
21. A half adder combines two bits to generate a sum and a carry.
It can be represented by the following truth table:
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0
22. From the half adder truth table, we can derive two equations:
_ _ A _ B
23. Afull adder can accept an input carry from a lower-order adder
and combine the input carry with two operands to generate
268 C H A P T E R 6 • Digital Arithmetic and Arithemtic Circuits
a sum and output carry. Its operation can be summarized in
the following truth table:
31. The port map of a component maps the port names defined in
a component to the port, signal, or variable names defined in
the design entity that uses the component.
32. If all ports of a component are to be used in the same order as
in the component definition in the original component design
entity, the port map can simply contain the user names in the
same order. For example:
adder1: full_add PORT MAP (a(1), b(1),
c0, c(1), sum(1));
33. If only a portion of the component ports are to be used or
they are not used in the same sequence as they are declared,
the port map must be more explicit. For example:
adder1: full_add
PORT MAP ( b __ b(1),
a __ a(1),
c_in __ c0,
sum __ sum(1)),
c_out __ c(1);
34. A GENERATE statement can be used to instantiate multiple
instances of a component. The GENERATE statement has
the form:
FOR index IN range GENERATE
35. MAX_PLUS II will synthesize an adder to minimize carry
delays without much intervention.
36. A parallel binary adder can be made into a 2’s complement
subtractor by inverting one set of inputs and tying the input
carry to a logic HIGH.
37. A parallel binary adder can be made into a 2’s complement
adder/subtractor by using a set of XOR gates as programmable
inverters and connecting the XOR control line to the
carry input of the adder.
38. One method of detecting a sign bit overflow in a 2’s complement
adder/subtractor is to compare the sign bits of the
operands to the sign bit of the result. If the sign bits of
the operands are the same as each other, but different
from the sign bit of the result, there has been an overflow.
The Boolean equation for this detector is given by V _ S__ _
SA _ SB _ S_ _ S_A _ S_B.
39. Another method of overflow detection compares the carry
out of the MSB of the adder/subtractor to the carry into
the MSB. An overflow occurs if there is a carry out of or
into the MSB, but not both. The Boolean equation for this
detector is given by V _ Cn _ Cn_1, for an n-bit
40. A BCD adder adds two binary coded decimal (BCD) digits
and generates a BCD digit and a carry bit.
41. Since BCD is a 4-bit code, BCD addition can be done with a
4-bit binary adder and a code converter. The code converter
can be synthesized from another 4-bit binary adder and a circuit
to generate a carry.
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
24. The following Boolean equations for a full adder can be derived
from the truth table and Boolean algebra:
COUT _ (A _ B) CIN _ AB
_ _ (A _ B) _ CIN
25. Two half adders can be combined to make a full adder.
Operands A and B go to the first half adder. The sum output
of the first half adder and the carry input go to the inputs of
the second half adder. The carry outputs of both half adders
are combined in an OR gate.
26. Multiple full adders can be cascaded to make a parallel binary
adder. Operands A1 and B1 are applied to the first full
adder. Carry bit C0 is grounded. A2 and B2 go to the second
adder stage, and so on. The carry output of one stage is cascaded
to the carry input of the following stage. This connection
is called ripple carry.
27. Ripple carry has the disadvantage of increasing the time required
to generate an output result as more stages are
added. Fast carry, or look-ahead carry, examines all adder
inputs simultaneously and generates each internal and output
carry with a separate circuit. This makes the carry circuit
wider, but flatter, thus reducing the delay time of the
28. A parallel adder can be implemented in VHDL by creating a
design entity for a full adder, then using multiple instances of
the full adder as components in the parallel adder.
29. To use a component in a VHDL design hierarchy, we require
a design entity that defines the component, a component declaration
in the design entity that uses the component, and a
component instantiation statement for every instance of the
component in the higher-level design entity.
30. The general form of a design entity using components is:
ENTITY entity_name IS
PORT ( input and output definitions);
END entity_name;
ARCHITECTURE arch_name OF entity_name IS
component declaration (s);
signal declaration(s);
Component instantiation(s);
Other statements;
END arch_name;
Glossary 269
1’s complement A form of signed binary notation in which
negative numbers are created by complementing all bits of a
number, including the sign bit.
10’s complement A way of writing decimal numbers where a
negative number is generated by adding 1 to its 9’s complement.
2’s complement A form of signed binary notation in which
negative numbers are created by adding 1 to the 1’s complement
form of the number.
8421 Code (or NBCD; natural binary coded decimal) A
BCD code that represents each digit of a decimal number by its
4-bit true binary value.
9’s complement A way of writing decimal numbers where a
number is made negative by subtracting each of its digits from 9
(e.g., _726 _ 999 _ 726 _ 273 in 9’s complement).
Addend The number in an addition operation that is added to
Alphanumeric code A code used to represent letters of the alphabet
and numerical characters.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
A 7-bit code for representing alphanumeric and control
Augend The number in an addition operation to which another
number is added.
BCD Binary coded decimal. A code that represents each digit
of a decimal number by a 4-bit binary value.
BCD adder A parallel adder whose output is in groups of 4
bits, each group representing a BCD digit.
Borrow A digit brought back from a more significant position
when the subtrahend digit is larger than the minuend digit.
Carry A digit which is “carried over” to the next most significant
position when the sum of two single digits is too large to be
expressed as a single digit.
Carry bit A bit that holds the value of a carry (0 or 1) resulting
from the sum of two binary numbers.
Cascade To connect an output of one device to a input of another,
often for the purpose of expanding the number of bits
available for a particular function.
Case shift Changing letters from capitals (UPPERCASE) to
small letters (lowercase) or vice versa.
Component A complete VHDL design entity that can be used
as a part of a higher-level file in a hierarchical design.
Component declaration statement A statement that defines
the input and output port names of a component used in a VHDL
design entity.
Component instantiation statement A statement that maps
port names of a VHDL component to the port names, internal
signals, or variables of a higher-level VHDL design entity.
Difference The result of a subtraction operation.
End-around carry An operation in 1’s complement subtraction
where the carry bit resulting from a sum of two 1’s complement
numbers is added to that sum.
Excess-3 code A BCD code that represents each digit of a decimal
number by a binary number derived by adding 3 to its 4-bit
true binary value. Excess-3 code has the advantage of being
Expander buffer A MAX_PLUS II primitive that supplies an
inverted product term for general use within a CPLD.
Fast carry (or look-ahead carry) A gate network which generates
a carry bit directly from all incoming operand bits, independent
of the operation of each full adder stage.
Full adder A circuit that will add a carry bit from another full
or half adder and two operand bits to produce a sum bit and a
carry bit.
GENERATE statement A VHDL construct that is used to
create repetitive portions of hardware.
Gray code A binary code which progresses such that only one
bit changes between two successive codes.
Half adder A circuit that will add two bits and produce a sum
bit and a carry bit.
Hierarchy A group of design entities associated in a series of
levels or layers in which complete designs form portions of another,
more general design entity. The more general design is
considered to be the higher level of the hierarchy.
Instantiate To use an instance of a component.
Magnitude bits The part of a signed binary number that tell us
how large the number is (i.e., its magnitude).
Minuend The number in a subtraction operation from which
another number is subtracted.
Operand A number upon which an arithmetic function operates
(e.g., in the expression x _ y _ z, x and y are the operands).
Overflow An erroneous carry into the sign bit of a signed binary
number which results from a sum larger than can be represented
by the number of magnitude bits.
Parallel binary adder A circuit, consisting of n full adders,
which will add two n-bit binary numbers. The output consists of
n sum bits and a carry bit.
Port An input or output of a VHDL design entity or component.
Ripple carry A method of passing carry bits from one stage of
a parallel adder to the next by connecting COUT of one full adder
to CIN of the following stage.
Self-complementing A code that automatically generates a
negative-equivalent (e.g., 9’s complement for a decimal code)
when all its bits are inverted.
Sign bit A bit, usually the MSB, that indicates whether a
signed binary number is positive or negative.
Signed binary arithmetic Arithmetic operations performed
using signed binary numbers.
Signed binary number A binary number of fixed length
whose sign is represented by one bit, usually the most significant
bit, and whose magnitude is represented by the remaining
270 C H A P T E R 6 • Digital Arithmetic and Arithemtic Circuits
Speed grade A specification that indicates the internal delay
time that can be expected of a CPLD.
Subtrahend The number in a subtraction operation that is subtracted
from another number.
Sum The result of an addition operation.
Sum bit (single-bit addition) The least significant bit of the
sum of two 1-bit binary numbers.
True-magnitude form A form of signed binary number
whose magnitude is represented in true binary.
Unsigned binary arithmetic Arithmetic operations performed
using unsigned binary numbers.
Unsigned binary number A binary number whose sign is not
indicated by a sign bit. A positive sign is assumed unless explicitly
stated otherwise.
Section 6.1 Digital Arithmetic
6.1 Add the following unsigned binary numbers.
a. 10101 _ 1010
b. 10101 _ 1011
c. 1111 _ 1111
d. 11100 _ 1110
e. 11001 _ 10011
f. 111011 _ 101001
6.2 Subtract the following unsigned binary numbers.
a. 1100 _ 100
b. 10001 _ 1001
c. 10101 _ 1100
d. 10110 _ 1010
e. 10110 _ 1001
f. 10001 _ 1111
g. 100010 _ 10111
h. 1100011 _ 100111
Section 6.2 Representing Signed Binary Numbers
6.3 Write the following decimal numbers in 8-bit true-magnitude,
1’s complement, and 2’s complement forms.
a. _110
b. 67
c. _54
d. _93
e. 0
f. _1
g. 127
h. _127
Section 6.3 Signed Binary Arithmetic
6.4 Perform the following arithmetic operations in the truemagnitude
(addition only), 1’s complement, and 2’s complement
systems. Use 8-bit numbers consisting of a sign
bit and 7 magnitude bits. (The numbers shown are in the
decimal system.)
Convert the results back to decimal to prove the correctness
of each operation. Also demonstrate that the idea
of adding a negative number to perform subtraction is not
valid for the true-magnitude form.
a. 37 _ 25
b. 85 _ 40
c. 95 _ 63
d. 63 _ 95
e. _23 _ 50
f. 120 _ 73
g. 73 _ 120
6.5 What are the largest positive and negative numbers, expressed
in 2’s complement notation, that can be represented
by an 8-bit signed binary number?
6.6 Perform the following signed binary operations, using 2’s
complement notation where required. State whether or
not sign bit overflow occurs. Give the signed decimal
equivalent values of the sums in which overflow does not
a. 01101 _ 00110
b. 01101 _ 10110
c. 01110 _ 01001
d. 11110 _ 00010
e. 11110 _ 00010
6.7 Without doing any binary complement arithmetic, indicate
which of the following operations will result in 2’s
complement overflow. (Assume 8-bit representation consisting
of a sign bit and 7 magnitude bits.) Explain the
reasons for each choice.
a. _109 _ 36
b. 109 _ 36
c. 65 _ 72
d. _110 _ 29
e. 117 _ 11
f. 117 _ 11
6.8 Explain how you can know, by examining sign or
magnitude bits of the numbers involved, when overflow
has occurred in 2’s complement addition or subtraction.
Section 6.4 Hexadecimal Arithmetic
6.9 Add the following hexadecimal numbers.
a. 27H _ 16H
b. 87H _ 99H
c. A55H _ C5H
d. C7FH _ 380H
e. 1FFFH _A80H
Problems 271
6.10 Subtract the following hexadecimal numbers.
a. F86H _ 614H
b. E72H _ 229H
c. 37FFH _ 137FH
d. 5764H _ACBH
e. 7D30H _ 5D33H
f. 5D33H _ 7D30H
g. 813AH _A318H
Section 6.5 Numeric and Alphanumeric Codes
6.11 Convert the following decimal numbers to true binary,
8421 BCD code, and Excess-3 code.
a. 70910
b. 188910
c. 239510
d. 125910
e. 397210
f. 773010
6.12 Make a table showing the equivalent Gray codes corresponding
to the range from 010 to 3110.
6.13 Write your name in ASCII code.
6.14 Encode the following text into ASCII code: “10% off purchases
over $50. (Monday only)”
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