Chapter-1 Introduction

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  1. Brajesh Jha, “Rural Non- Farm Employment in India: Macro–trends, Micro-Evidences and Policy Options”, Agricultural Economics Unit, Institute of Economic Growth.

  2. G.S. Mehta (2000), “Non-Farm Economy and Rural development”, Giri Institute of Development Studies

  3. H. Jones, M. Williams and Y. Thorat “Rural Financial Institutions and Agents in India: A Historical and Contemporary Comparative Analysis” (2007), International Conference on Rural Finance Research: Moving Results into Policies and Practice, FAO, Italy.

  4. P. Lanjouw and A. Shariff, Working Paper Series No. 81 “Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: Access, Income and Poverty Impact”, NCAER.

  5. R. P. Pradhan (2008), “Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: Trends and Determinants”, European Journal of Economics, Finance And Administrative Sciences - Issue 10, P. 7-18.

  6. S. Haggblade, Peter B. R. Hazell, and T. Reardon (2009), “Transforming the Rural Nonfarm Economy-Opportunities and Threats in the Developing World”, IFPRI.

  7. S. Kaur, V. S. Kulkarni, R. Gaiha, M. K. Pandey (2010) Working Paper 2010/05 “Prospects of Non-Farm Employment and Welfare in Rural Areas”, ASARC.

  8. S. Mittal, G. Tripathi and D. Sethi (2008), Working Paper No. 217, “Development Strategy for the Hill Districts of Uttarakhand”, Indian Council For Research on International Economic Relations.

  9. V. Abhraham (2008) “Rural Non-Farm Sector Employment in India: Distress Driven or Growth Driven”, International Conference on Employment Opportunities and Public Employment Policy in Globalising India.

  10. Vijay Mahajan and R. K. Gupta (2011), “Non Farm opportunities for Smallholder Agriculture”, Conference on New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture, IFAD.


  1. Annual Reports, Profiles, State Focus Papers, Newsletters, and Technical Digest of NABARD.

  2. Annual Reports of Ministry of MSMEs, Economic Survey of India, Statistical records of DGCI&S, and Bulletin and Statistical Diary of RBI.

  3. Various publications of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Uttrakhand.


  1. Report of the working group on improvement of banking services in Uttaranchal” (2006), RBI.

  2. Report on Employment and Unemployment Survey (2009-10)”, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Labour Bureau, Government of India.

  3. J. R. Davis (2003), Natural Resources Institute Report No: 2753 “The rural non-farm economy, livelihoods and their diversification: Issues and options”, World Bank.

  4. Annual Report to the People on Employment” (2010), Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.


  1. Financial Express

  2. Business Standards

  3. Business Line

  4. Economic Times

  5. Business Today

  6. Business India

  7. The Hindu














Other Publications:

  1. Executive Summary and Action Points of “National Seminar on Agricultural Credit” (2007) conducted by NABARD.

  2. Press Release on Uttarakhand State Infrastructure Summit (2011) “Uttarakhand To Capitalise On Inherent Strengths While Developing Infra”



Part-A (Bio-Data)

Name and Address of Respondent : ……………………………………

Location of area: ………………………………………

  1. District : ………………………………………

  2. Backward / Non Backward : …………………………………………

  3. Rural/ Semi-Urban/ Remote: ………………………………………

  1. What is respondent’s gender?

  1. Male

  2. Female

  1. What is the marital status of respondent?

  1. Married

  2. Unmarried

  3. Divorced/ Separated

  4. Widow (er)

  1. What is the caste of respondent?

  1. General

  2. SC (Scheduled Caste)

  3. ST(Scheduled Tribe)

  4. Other Backward Castes

  1. Can the respondent read and write?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  1. What is highest grade level attained in school for the respondent more than 5 yrs old. (I.e. currently enrolled in or grade when left school)

  1. No schooling

  2. Did not complete primary

  3. Primary

  4. Secondary

  5. High school

  6. Inter

  7. Graduate

  8. Post graduate

  9. Others (specify)

  1. For children 6-15 years old only, are they currently enrolled in school? No/ Yes

Part-B (Profession)

  1. What is the respondent’s main occupation?

  1. Nothing

  2. Farming

  3. Animal rearing

  4. Wage labour (farm)

  5. Wage labour (non-farm)

  6. Salaried job (service)

  7. Business

  8. Education

  9. Pensioned

  10. Household tasks

Part-C (Socio-Demographic)

  1. What is the poverty status of the respondent?

  1. Above Poverty Level (APL)

  2. Below Poverty Level (BPL)

  1. How many members are there in respondent’s family?

  1. 1

  2. 2-3

  3. 4-5

  4. More than 5

  1. Does the respondent has members who live and/or work elsewhere (married daughters and married sisters not to be included)? No/ Yes

  1. Please give the details of the respondent’s members & migrated members:

  1. Relation with the respondent:

  2. Gender:

  3. Age:

  4. Marital status:

  5. Main occupation:

  6. Literacy level:

  7. Last qualification:

  8. Location (in case of migrated member only): Nearby village/ Nearby town/ Town in the state/ Town outside state/ State Capital/ Capital of another state/ National Capital/ Abroad

  1. If the respondent’s members are illiterate then rank in order of importance up to 2 reasons for non enrolment or lack of attendance?

  1. School too far away/ no school to enroll in

  2. Works at home or nearby

  3. Did not like school/ was not learning anything

  4. Went as far in school as they need to learn useful skills/ education not a priority

  5. Poor health/ disability

  6. Not allowed to enroll by family

  7. Not allowed to enroll by school

  8. Marriage during school age

  9. Cost of schooling

  1. First reason :

  2. Second reason:

Part-D (Income-Expenditure)

  1. Please fill the following details by listing average annual income of respondent and/ his family (estimated) against different occupations.

  1. Wage labour (Agriculture):

  2. Wage labour (Non Agriculture):

  3. Salaried job (Service):

  4. Business:

  5. Pension:

  1. If the household is involved in any of the following economic activities, please list the average estimated expenditure and revenue (gross income)

  1. Agriculture:

  2. Milk, milk products, animal product sale:

  3. Horticulture/ vegetable:

  4. Minor forest produce:

  5. Wood:

  6. Regular animal sale for income generation:

  7. Family remittances:

  8. Rent:

  9. Other income:

  1. Does the migrant member of resident’s family assist them financially? No/ Yes (specify)

Part-E (Housing and Infrastructure)

  1. How the respondent would define his house?

  1. Single family house

  2. Part or shared house

  3. Tent

  4. Temporary shelter/ shack

  5. Others

  1. How the respondent acquired this house?

  1. Inherited

  2. Purchased

  3. Occupied mortgaged dwelling

  4. Tenant

  5. Caretaker

  6. Relative or friend of owner

  7. Squatter

  8. Other

  1. How many rooms does respondent’s house have?

  1. 1 room

  2. 2-3 rooms

  3. 4-5 rooms

  4. More than five rooms

  1. What is the current main source of drinking water for respondent?

  1. Tap

  2. Hand Pump ( within/ outside)

  3. Shallow open wells – Public

  4. Shallow open wells – in compound

  5. Pipe scheme-gravity

  6. Rain water harvesting

  7. Piped-municipal

  8. River/ Lake

  9. Canal/ pond

  1. What is the respondent’s most important source of cooking fuel?

  1. Animal dung

  2. Bushes

  3. Crop residues or sawdust

  4. Firewood

  5. Charcoal

  6. Kerosene oil

  7. Gas

  8. Electricity

  9. Other (specify)

  1. How much time does it take to collect water and return?

  1. No time – in community

  2. Near community – 1 hour or less

  3. < ¼ day (1-3hrs)

  4. ¼ to ½ day (3-6 hrs)

  1. What kind of toilet facility does your household use?

  1. Non /open field /bush

  2. Open pit

  3. Improved latrine

  4. Flush latrine

Part-F (Assets and Livestock)

  1. Has the respondent the following assets?

  1. Audio Medium- Radio/ Tape recorder/ None/ Others (specify)

  2. Video Medium - TV/ VCR/ DVD/ None/ Others (specify)

  3. Transport Medium - Bicycle/ Bullock cart/ Horse cart/ Motorcycle/ Car/ Lorry/ None/ Others (specify)

  4. Communication Medium - Telephone land line/ Wireless land line (WLL)/ Mobile phone/ None

  1. Do the respondent/ his family own any livestock, including poultry? No/ Yes (specify)

Part-G (Land and Agriculture)

  1. If the respondent is engaged in agricultural activities then what kind of land holdings the respondent has?

  1. Marginal land holdings

  2. Small land holdings

  3. Medium land holdings

  4. Large land holdings

  1. How many months of respondent’s food requirement are met by his own farm produce?

  1. 1 month or less

  2. 2-3 months

  3. 4-6 months

  4. 7-9 months

  5. 10 months or more

  1. Where does the respondent sell the surplus farm produce?

  1. No surplus

  2. Within the village

  3. Nearby village

  4. Nearby town

  5. Distant town

  6. To food merchants from outside

  1. What is the main source of irrigation used by the respondent?

  1. Canal

  2. Tank (Public)

  3. Tank (Pvt.)

  4. Open well

  5. Bore well

  6. Lift Irrigation

Part-H (Non Farm Activities)

  1. If the respondent is engaged in non-farm activities then define the type of that activity?

  1. Manufacturing Industry

  2. Construction Industry

  3. Storage Industry

  4. Tourism Industry

  5. Mining and Quarrying

  6. Floriculture Related Industry

  7. Horticulture and Agro based Industry

  8. Food Processing Industry

  9. Sericulture Related Industry

  10. Transportation related Industry

  11. Communication related Industry

  12. Forests’ products related Industry

  13. Medicinal herbs and aromatic herbs etc. processing

  14. Others (specify)

  1. What is/are the most persisting problem/(s) the respondent facing in pursuing his industrial activities? Rank them.

  1. Finance

  2. Human resource

  3. Non-availability of raw materials

  4. Power

  5. Transportation

  6. Communication

  7. Low access to markets

  8. Others (specify)

Part- I (Finance)

  1. Does the respondent have a bank account or post office account? Yes/ No

  1. What prompted the respondent to open an account?

  1. Faith in banks

  2. Official requirement

  3. Bank officials approached the village

  4. Encouraged by family/ village members

  5. Other (specify)

  1. Why does not the respondent have a bank account or post office account?

  1. No bank/ PO nearby

  2. Too much paper work

  3. Difficult to open

  4. Not accessible

  5. Don’t trust them

  6. Tried but did not get one

  1. Does the respondent have any savings? Yes/ No

  1. Where does the respondent keep his savings?

  1. At home

  2. SHGs

  3. Bank

  4. Post office

  5. Co-operative

  6. Loans to others

  7. NGOs

  8. LIC

  9. Others (specify)

  1. What is most important thing when the respondent decides where to save? Rank each on a scale of 1-5, 1 being least important and 5 being the most important.

  1. Access

  2. Ease of withdrawal

  3. Interest rate

  4. Safety and security

  5. Trust

      1. Does the respondent have an insurance policy? No/ Yes

  1. What kind of insurance does the respondent have?

  1. Life

  2. Product and asset

  3. Livestock

  4. Crop

  5. Other (specify)

  1. Why does the respondent not have insurance?

  1. No need for insurance

  2. No provider

  3. Very costly

  4. It is difficult to get money from company

  5. It is not of much use most of the times

  6. There is no suitable insurance available

  7. Tried but did not get one

  8. Other (specify)

  1. Use of the loan by the respondent?

  1. Housing

  2. Agricultural Input

  3. Land

  4. Livestock

  5. Small business

  6. Manufacturing

  7. Marriage

  8. Education

  9. Health

  10. Food

  11. Repay earlier loans

  12. Litigation

  13. Others (specify)

  1. Source of the loan

  1. Friends

  2. Relative

  3. Moneylender

  4. Employer

  5. SHGs

  6. Bank

  7. Government Department or scheme

  8. Co-operative

  9. Other (specify)

  1. Why do you use the source of credit that you use? Rank each on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the least important and 5 being the most important

  1. Ease of access (paper work)

  2. Low rate of interest

  3. Trust and faith

  4. Long association

  5. Fewer restrictions on loan use and supervision

  6. Other reason (specify)

  1. Were some of your credit needs left unfulfilled in the last twelve months? Yes/ No

Part-J (Crisis and Coping)

  1. In the last 12 months has the respondent been negatively affected by any of the following? Rank the top 3 in order of importance.

  1. No shocks experienced

  2. Water shortage

  3. Unusually high level of crop pests and diseases

  4. Unusually high level livestock diseases

  5. Reduced availability of grazing areas

  6. Landslides/ avalanches

  7. Heavy rains

  8. Unusually high level of human disease

  9. Unusually high increases in food prices.

  10. Unusual decrease in farm gate prices

  11. Loss of employment by a household member

  12. Reduced income of a household member

  13. Serious illness accident for working household member

  14. Death of a working household member

  15. Death of other household member

  16. Involuntary loss of house/ land

  17. Involuntary loss of livestock

First: ………………………………………

Second: .....…………………………………...

Third: ………………………………………

Part-K (Others)

  1. Mention four most important needs of the village and/or district?

  1. First Need:

  2. Second Need:

  3. Third Need:

  4. Fourth Need:






1 Jagannath Mishra, “My Vision for India’s Rural Development”, 1997, p. 32

2 Paul Streeten, “The Frontiers of Development Studies”, New York, Willey, 1972, p. 30

3 ‘Our Common Future’, a report by World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987, defined sustainable development as “meeting the needs of present without compromising, the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs”

4 Leonel Fernandez, President of Dominican Republic, in New Jersey’s William Patterson University on Sep 24, 2010 during a debate on National Development Strategy”

1 Hindustan Times, 2nd November 2011.

1 In its report ‘World urbanization prospects’, the Population Division of the UN defines the rural population as the “population living in areas classified as rural, that is, it is the difference between the total population of a country and its urban population.”

1 Pradeep Kashyap & Siddhartha Raut, “The Rural Marketing”, 2009, p. 9

2 Ajit K. Danda in “Studies on Rural Development” Edited by Ajit K. Danda, 1984, p. 72

1 G.R. Madan, “India’s developing villages”, 2nd Edition, 1990, Allied Publishers Limited, p. 522

2 Katar Singh, “Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management”, 2009, 3rd edition, p.3.

1 Alex F. McCalla, Wendy S. Ayres, “Rural development: from vision to action”, World Bank Group, 1999, p. 4.

1 “Basic needs are meant to achieve the objectives of removing poverty, unemployment and inequalities that have marred the growth of many countries in recent past.”

1 World Bank: "India Country Overview 2008”

2 Tenth 5year plan, Volume-I, Box 1.3, p.9.

1 Response for Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question number 2068 on 12th August 2005 (derived from NSSO Survey Report on “Indebtness of Farmer Households”, May 2005)

1 B. R. Kumari, “Farmer’s Suicides in India: Impact on Women”, Serials Publications, 1st Edition, 2009, p. 1

2 K.N. Prasad, “India’s Rural Problems”, Concept Publishing Company, 1st Edition, 1991, p.130

3 Purvey Ramashish, “Changing face of rural credit in India”, 2009, p.2


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