Chicago Debate League 2013/14 Core Files

Plan-specific Solvency: Mexico Security [1/2] 377

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Plan-specific Solvency: Mexico Security [1/2] 377

1) The European Union already has a framework for assisting Mexico with security issues.


The establishment of a Strategic Partnership between Mexico and the EU reflects the readiness of both players to strengthen coordination on matters of global importance and further intensify their political, economic and cooperation links. The guiding objectives of the Strategic Partnership between Mexico and the EU are the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law; the protection of human rights; sustainable economic development; equal opportunities and a mutual commitment to fighting poverty and social exclusion. To fulfill those objectives, both parties agree to cooperate on three levels. First, Mexico and the EU will work together at bilateral, regional and multilateral level on global issues of common interest. Secondly, through this Strategic Partnership Mexico and the EU can extend their dynamic links to third countries and regions in which the two parties have shared interests, such as Latin America and the Caribbean. Consequently, Mexico and the EU undertake to strengthen the areas of political dialogue in the region, encouraging bi-regional dialogue, especially with the Rio Group, at Latin America and Caribbean-European Union Summits and promoting triangular cooperation via the Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project. Mexico and the EU will also explore possibilities on engaging in triangular cooperation with other regions of the world, such as Africa. Both Parties will also take advantage of their experience on electoral matters to collaborate with third countries. Thirdly, Mexico and the EU will take forward the most significant bilateral subjects on their agenda: economic and trade relations; cooperation in the field of the environment and sustainable development, in particular combating climate change; security matters; human rights; education and culture; science, technology and innovation; regional development, social cohesion, statistics and public health.

Plan-specific Solvency: Mexico Security [2/2] 378

2) Mexico and the E.U. are cooperating on combating organized crime and cartel violence.


Mexico and the European Union recognise the destabilising effect of organised crime on States and societies and agree that enhancing international cooperation is a key means of combating this phenomenon efficiently. The Palermo Convention and its supplementary Protocols provide the general framework for dealing with this phenomenon. The United Nations Convention against Corruption (Merida Convention) which focuses on combating corruption also provides invaluable support for increasing the efficiency of the fight against organised crime. The strategic dialogue between Mexico and the EU will aim at jointly promoting mechanisms for effective implementation of those instruments. In the framework of the Conference of States Party to the Palermo Convention, the EU and Mexico will also seek the necessary consensus for establishing a mechanism for reviewing the implementation of the Convention and its Protocols that is impartial, effective, multilateral and respects States' sovereignty. The ultimate objective is that the mechanism contributes to ensuring the full application and validity of these instruments. According to Resolution n. 179 adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18 2009, Mexico and the EU will press jointly for further political commitment by the international community to the fight against organized crime by promoting the universality and full implementation of the Palermo Convention and its three supplementary Protocols to prevent the smuggling of migrants, trafficking in human beings and illicit manufacturing trafficking in firearms, both within and outside the UN framework.

Plan-specific Solvency: Venezuela Democracy 379

1) The E.U. has established ties with the new Venezuelan government for economic assistance.

[Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, “Venezuela's Maduro Concludes “Successful” European Tour;” 6/20,,]

Upon completing a series of high-level talks in France, Portugal and Italy, securing a slew of new bilateral agreements this week, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro described his visit to Europe as producing “excellent results”. After meeting with his French counterpart President Francois Hollande on the final day of his trip, Maduro announced a “new phase” in the relationship between the two countries. Maduro stated that a “strategic alliance” would be formed between Venezuela and France. According to the Venezuelan president, the relationship between Paris and Caracas could act as an “engine” to promote cooperation between Europe and Latin America. Both leaders stated that the “alliance” would focus on strengthening economic ties. “The partnership could help establish closer ties between the European Union and Latin America,” Maduro stated.
2) The European Union is successful in promoting democracy in Latin America.

[Osvaldo, Director of the International Trade and Integration Division of ECLAC; “Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union: striving for a renewed partnership,” Feb,]

The strategic partnership between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union began during the presidential summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1999. Since then, biannual meetings have served to monitor progress towards integration and cooperation between the two regions. A key and constant issue was economic and commercial integration between the two markets through partnership agreements between the European Union and CARIFORUM, Chile, Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Peru. The high-level bilateral meetings also supported cooperation in other key areas for economic and social development such as democracy and human rights, strengthening multilateral approaches to fostering peace, stability and respect for international law, terrorism, drugs and organized crime, the environment, energy, growth and employment, the fight against poverty, inequality and social exclusion, cooperation for development and international finance, migration and knowledge sharing and training (higher education, research, development and innovation science and technology, culture).

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