Cidoc conceptual Reference Model

Amendments to version 5.0.3

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Amendments to version 5.0.3

E11 Modification

The forth paragraph of the scope note of E11 Modification has been changed

From: “If the instance of the E29 Design or Procedure utilised for the modification prescribes the use of specific materials, they should be documented using properties of the design or procedure, rather than via P126 employed (was employed in): E57 Material.”

To: “If the instance of the E29 Design or Procedure utilized for the modification prescribes the use of specific materials, they should be documented using property P68 foresees use of (use foreseen by): E57 Material of E29 Design or Procedure, rather than via P126 employed (was employed in): E57 Material.”

This is related to ISSUE 188

E51 Contact Point

The scope note of E51 has been changed

from: “This class comprises identifiers employed, or understood, by communication services to direct communications to an instance of E39 Actor. These include E-mail addresses, telephone numbers, post office boxes, Fax numbers, etc. Most postal addresses can be considered both as instances of E44 Place Appellation and E51 Contact Point. In such cases the subclass E45 Address should be used”

to: “This class comprises identifiers employed, or understood, by communication services to direct communications to an instance of E39 Actor. These include E-mail addresses, telephone numbers, post office boxes, Fax numbers, URLs etc. Most postal addresses can be considered both as instances of E44 Place Appellation and E51 Contact Point. In such cases the subclass E45 Address should be used.

URLs are addresses used by machines to access another machine through an http request. Since the accessed machine acts on behalf of the E39 Actor providing the machine, URLs are considered as instances of E51 Contact Point to that E39 Actor.”

This is related to the ISSUE 180

E89 Propositional Object

The first paragraph of the scope note has been changed

from: This class comprises immaterial items, including but not limited to stories, plots, procedural prescriptions, algorithms, laws of physics or images that are, or represent in some sense, sets of propositions about real or mental things and that are documented as single units or serve as topic of discourse.

to: This class comprises immaterial items, including but not limited to stories, plots, procedural prescriptions, algorithms, laws of physics or images that are, or represent in some sense, sets of propositions about real or imaginary things and that are documented as single units or serve as topics of discourse.

This is related to the ISSUE 181

P2 has type (is type of)

The example has been changed

from: “” (E51) has type URL (E55)

to: “” (E51) has type e-mail address (E55)

This is related to the ISSUE 180

P33 used specific technique (was used by)

The scope note of this property has been changed

from: This property identifies a specific E29 Design or Procedure used in an E11 Modification.

Modification may be carried out in order to ensure the preservation of an object and not just as part of the creative process.

The property differs from P32 used general technique (was technique of) in that the E29 Design or Procedure referred to is specific and documented rather than simply being a term in the E55 Type hierarchy. Typical examples would include intervention plans for conservation.

to: This property identifies a specific instance of E29 Design or Procedure in order to carry out an instance of E7 Activity or parts of it.
The property differs from P32 used general technique (was technique of) in that P33 refers to an instance of E29 Design or Procedure, which is a concrete information object in its own right rather than simply being a term or a method known by tradition.
Typical examples would include intervention plans for conservation or the construction plans of a building

This is related to ISSUE 188

P68 foresees use of (use foreseen by)

P68 is subproperty of P67 refers to(is referred to by). This is related to the ISSUE 189. The appropriate changes were made to the pages:

  • xxvi(table)

  • 55(P67)

  • 55(P68)

P69 is associated with

The third paragraph of the scope note has been changed

from: The nature of the association may be whole-part, sequence, prerequisite etc. The property is assumed to be entirely reciprocal.

to: The P69.1 has type property of P69 is associated with allows the nature of the association to be specified; examples of types of association between instances of E29 Design or Procedure include: whole-part, sequence, prerequisite, etc

This is related to the ISSUE 184

P71 lists (is listed in)

The range of this property has been changed from E55 Type to E1 CRM Entity. This is related to ISSUE 182.

The appropriate changes have been made to pages:

  • xxvi(table)

  • 15 (E32)

  • 55(P67)

  • 56(P71)

P101 had as general use (was use of)

The first sentence of the second paragraph of the scope note has been changed.

from: It allows the generic link between things, both physical and immaterial, to methods and techniques of use.

to: It allows the relationship between particular things, both physical and immaterial, and general methods and techniques of use to be documented.

This is related to the ISSUE 190

P111 added (was added by)

P111 is subproperty of P12 occurred in the presence of(was present at). This is related to the ISSUE 189. The appropriate changeswere made to the pages:

  • xxv(table)

  • 40(P12)

  • 66(P111)

P113 removed (was removed by)

P113 is subproperty of P12 occurred in the presence of(was present at). This is related to the ISSUE 189.

The appropriate changes were made to the pages:

  • xxv(table)

  • 40(P12)

  • 66(P113)

P128 carries (is carried by)

The range of this property has been changed from E73 Information Object to E90 Symbolic Object. This is related to ISSUE 167. Also P128 carries (is carried by) has been declared as subproperty of P130 shows features of (features are also found on). The latter change is related to ISSUE 178.

The appropriate changes have been made to pages:

  • v(table),

  • xxvi(table),

  • 12(E24 Physical Man-Made Thing),

  • 54(P65 shows visual item (is shown by)),

  • 70 (P128, P130)

P149 is identified by (identifies)

It is decided to create a subproperty of P1 to connect E28 with E75 as follows
P149 is identified by: E75
Domain: E28 Conceptual Object

Range: E75 Conceptual Object Appellation

Subproperty of: E1 CRM Entity. P1 is identified by (identifies): E41 Appellation

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

Scope note: This property identifies an instance of E28 Conceptual Object using an instance of E75 Conceptual Object Appellation.
Examples: The German edition of the CIDOC CRM (E73) is identified by ISBN 978-3-00-030907-6 (E75)
This is related to the ISSUE 183. The appropriate changes have been made to pages:

  • xxv(table)

  • 14(E28)

  • 37 (P1)

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