Cidoc conceptual Reference Model

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Page 2: it was corrected the declaration of property ‘P3.1 has type: E55 Type’ of the property ‘P3 has note’ of E1 CRM Entity

Page 11: the “P” removed from the second example of E20:“Tut-Ankh-AmunP”

Page14: the “,” at the end of the first example of E28 has been deleted.

Page 18: it was corrected the declaration of property ‘P139.1 has type: E55 Type’ of the property P139 has alternative form of E41 Appellation.

Page 23: The reference to the

Page 26: the terms “postquem” and “antequem” in the scope note of E63 Beginning of Existence were corrected.

Page 27: The singulars and plurals in the first sentence in the scope note of E67 Birth are corrected

Page 30: It was corrected the declaration of property ‘P107.1 kind of member: E55 Type’ of the property P107 has current or former member (is current or former member of) of E74 Group

Page 33: one of the two closing brackets in property P136 in the definition of E83 Type Creation was dropped

Page 34: In E87, in the example, in the phrase “Michael. Foslie”, the period was removed.

Page 40: P11 had participant (participated in), the OR between two examples has been deleted

Page 41: the name of the property P14 was corrected in the example

Page 42: P16 used specific object (was used for), in the second example the phrase ‘mode of use’ is turned on italics

Page 45: P30 transferred custody of (custody transferred through), the phrase “transferred custody of in the example, changed to italics.

Page 47: a closing bracket was added after “P35 has identified (was identified by”.

Pages 6,32,44,45,66,69: E9,E81,P26,P27,P112,P113,P123,P124, the different spellings of Tut Ankh Amun / Tutankhamun /.. are changed to Tut-Ankh-Amun

Page 48, 58,59: In P43,P83,P84, the codes (P90 and P91) of the properties are added to the examples.

Page 49: The name of the P35B in the scope note of P44 was corrected.

Page 54: In P62, in the scope note and examples, all occurrences of property names were turned to italics.

Page 54: the two examples for P62 depicts (is depicted by) were corrected: “Eugene Delacroix” was replaced with “Eugène Delacroix”, “the “July Revolution” 1830” was replaced with “the “July Revolution” of 1830”, “a 20 pence coin” was replaced with “the 20 pence coin held by the Department of Coins and Medals of the British Museum under registration number 2006,1101.126”.

Page 55: In P67, the domain of P129 is about (is subject of) was corrected to E89 Propositional Object

Page 58: inside the parenthesis in the scope notes of the P81 and P82, “it’s” was changed to “its”

Page 58: outside and inside the parenthesis in the scope notes of the P83 and P84, “it’s” was changed to “its”

Page 64: In P105, in the definition, the range of the subproperty P52 was added.

Page 64: In P106, the label of the property P106 is composed of (forms part of), in the examples were corrected.

Page 65: In P109, in the second example, in the phrase “Mikael.Foslie”, the period between “Mikael” and “Foslie”” was removed.

Page 70: In P128 carries (is carried by) and P129 is about (is subject of), in the examples for both properties, the label of the property (i.e., “carries”, “is about”) was converted to italics.

Page 74: In P142, in the examples the reference to the property names and codes was formalized to be the same as in the rest document.

Page 74,75: In p143, P144, P145, P146, in the examples, the class codes are added to follow the usual pattern of property example.

Page 76: In P147, in the third example, in the phrase “Mikael. Foslie”, the period was removed.

Page 70,71,72: In P130,P134,P136,P137,P138, the missing “of” next to the superproperty or subproperty definition is added.

Page. 31, 34, 65, 76: “Mikael Foslie” was replaced with “Mikael Heggelund Foslie”.
General Notice 1: All the appellations in the examples of the entities and properties are displayed in double quotes. Changes took place at the following pages / entity code / property code.

Page no.

Entity / Property code






E46, E47,E48


E50, E51












P37, P38




P76, P78





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