Colonial Rule #3 I. Growth 17

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Diversion to…

Competitive Spirit

Technological Development

Darwin’s Theories

Josiah Strong

John Fiske

John W. Burgess

Alfred T. Mahan



Benjamin Tracey, 1889-93

U.S. Navy

Rudyard Kipling

II. French Intervention, 1862-67

  1. Napoleon III

Marshal Bazaine

  1. Otto Van Bismarck

    1. Napoleon III…

  2. Maximilian, 1867

III. Yankee Imperialism

  1. “Seward’s Folley”, 3/30/1867

  2. Hawaii, 1820-98

    1. US Missionaries, 1820

    2. Commercial Treaty, 1867

    3. Reciprocity Treaty, 3/18/1875

    4. Pearl Harbor, 1/20/1887

    5. Queen Liliuokalani, 1/16/1893

John L. Stevens, 2/1/1893

    1. US Annexation, 7/7/1898

      1. Sanford B. Dole, 8/12/1898

C. Midway Islands

  1. Samoa, 2/17/1872

    1. Hayes’ Envoy, 1/17/1878

    2. Pago Pago, 1881

    3. US, Britain & Germany

    4. Samoa, 1899

IV. Foreign Policy, 1861-1900

  1. William H. Seward, 1861-69

  2. Hamilton Fish, 1869-77

    1. Treaty of Washington, 5/8/1871

  3. James G. Blaine, 1881 & 1889-92

    1. Inter-American Conference, 10/2/1889

    2. Valparariso, Chile, 10/16/1891

      1. Secretary Blaine

      2. Chile

D. Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, 1881-85

  1. Richard Olney, 1895-97

    1. Great Britain, 1895

    2. Lord Salisbury

    3. Venezuela & Britain, 11/1896

V. Spanish – American War, 1898

  1. Cuba’s 10 Year War, 1868-78

  2. Cuban Rebels, 1890s

  3. Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, 1896

    1. “Butch” Weyler / “Mad Dog” Weyler

    2. Grover Cleveland, 1896

  4. “Yellow Journalism”

    1. Joseph Pulitzer, NY World

    2. William R. Hearst, NY Journal

  5. William McKinley, 1897

    1. Weyler, 10/6/1897

    2. US Businessmen…

    3. U.S.S. Maine, 1/25/1898

    4. Enrique Duprey de Lome, 2/9

  6. USS Maine Explosion

    1. Charles Sigsbee

    2. “Remember the Maine!”

      1. Yellow Press

3. Neutrality…

      1. Armistice, 3/27

4. McKinley’s War, 4/11

      1. Teller Amendment, 4/19

  1. US Congress, 4/25

    1. Volunteer Army Act,

      1. 1 million

  2. Commodore George Dewey, 2/25

    1. Manila Bay, 4/30

      1. Spanish Fleet

    2. Emilio Aguinaldo

  3. General William Shafter

    1. Training Facilities

    2. Transport

  4. Captain Henry Glass, 6/20

  5. “Rough Riders”

    1. Lieutenant Colonel Roosevelt

      1. Leonard Wood

    2. San Juan Hill

    3. “Teddy” Roosevelt

      1. NY Nominee…

  6. Battle of Santiago, 6/3

    1. Cervera

    2. William Sampson

    3. Admiral Winfield Scott Schley

    4. Spanish Army, 7/17

  7. Wake Island, 7/4

  8. Puerto Rico, 7/25-8/12

    1. Nelson A. Miles

      1. John Hay, 7/27

  9. Spain, 8/12

    1. Length…

    2. William R. Day

  10. Treaty of Paris, 12/10

    1. Cuba

    2. Spain

  11. Anti-Imperialist League

  12. US Casualties

    1. $250 Million

  13. Emilio Aguinaldo, 1899-1902

    1. Over 50,000 Filipino rebels

    2. $175 Million

    3. Shurman, 1/20/1899

    4. Philippine, 1900

    5. William H. Taft, 1901

    6. Philippine Government Act, 1902

VI. Foraker Act, 4/12/1900

VII. Platt Amendment, 3/2/1901

  1. Dr. Walter Reed

VIII. Insular Cases, 5/27/1901

  1. De Lima v. Bidwell Case

  2. Dooley v. US Case

  3. Downes v. Bidwell

IX. “Open Door Policy”, 9/6/1899

  1. John Hay

    1. Tz’U’His, 1898-1908

  2. “Boxer Rebellion”, 6/20/1900

    1. “Sphere of Influence”

    2. “Boxers”…

      1. Baron von Ketteler

      2. 18,000 United troops

      3. $333 Million…

X. Jones Act, 1916

XI. Virgin Islands, 1/17/1917

Urban & Rural Reforms #20
I. Temperance Movement

  1. Female Membership

    1. W.C.T.U., 1874

    2. Francis Willard, 1879

  2. Anti-Saloon League, 1893

    1. Carrie A. Nation

II. Women’s Suffrage

  1. National American Women’s Suffrage Association, 1890

    1. Carrie Chapman Catt

  2. Clara Barton

III. College Education

  1. Women’s Colleges

    1. Arabella Mansfield, 1869

    2. Martha Carey, 1880

B. Enrollment

IV. “Chicago Fire”, 10/8/1871

  1. Social Reformers

    1. Over-Crowded Tenements

    2. Well-Trained Firefighters

    3. City-Owned Waterworks

    4. New Streets

  2. Jane Addams, 1889

    1. Hull House

    2. Provided…

    3. Lillian Wald,1893

    4. Robert A. Wood, 1892

    5. First Catholic house, 1898

    6. Bronson House, 1900

    7. 100 Settlement Houses, 1900

  3. Florence Kelley, 1893 & Addams

    1. Illinois Factory Act

    2. National Consumers League

  4. Urban Improvements

    1. Andrew Hallidadie, 8/1/1873

    2. Fairmont Park Zoo, 1874

    3. Wabash

    4. Thomas Edison, 1881

    5. Brooklyn Bridge, 5/24/1883

    6. Cleveland, Ohio, 7/26/1884

    7. Chicago Skyscraper, 1884

    8. Electric Streetcars, 1890

V. John Dewey, 1896

VI. Farmers

  1. Oliver H. Kelley, 12/4/1867

    1. National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry

    2. Railroad Monopolies

    3. Serious Depression, 1873

    4. “Cooperatives”

      1. Help each other

    5. State Politics, 1870s

    6. Farmers Alliance, 1875

  2. Southern & Northwestern Alliance, 1880

    1. Colored Farmers Alliance

    2. Alliance, 1890

  3. Populist Party, 7/2/1892

    1. Anti…

    2. Weaver

    3. Other Elections…

  4. Panic of 1893, 2/20/1893

    1. “Coxey’s Army”, 4/30/1894

      1. Jacob S. Coxey

      2. Armed Police

  5. Populists, 1894

  6. Democratic Party, 7/7/1896

    1. William J. Bryan

      1. “Cross of Gold”

      2. Thomas Watson

    2. Populists Condemned…

    3. “Whistle Stop” campaign

      1. Revivalistic Style

      2. Supporters…

  7. William McKinley, 6/16/1896

    1. “Front Porch”

    2. Garrett Hobart

    3. Frightened Middle Class

    4. McKinley wins, 11/3/1896

      1. “Overseas Expansion”

  8. Populists, 1900-08

    1. End of movement…

VII. Literary Landmarks

  1. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain)

  2. Lew Wallace

  3. Stephen Crane

  4. Jack London

  5. “Golden Period

    1. Howard Pyle

    2. Chandler Harris

VIII. Sports

  1. Cincinnati Red Stockings, 1896

  2. John L. O’Sullivan 1882-92 & James J. Corbett, 1892-97

  3. James Naismith, 1891

  4. Inter-Collegiate Sports, 1860s

  5. Thoroughbred Horse Racing

  6. Summer Olympics, 1896

  7. P.T. Barnum & James A. Bailey

  8. “Statue of Liberty” 10/28/1886

  9. “First Flicker” 4/23/1896

IX. Factory Workers & Strikes

  1. Baltimore & Ohio RR Strike, 7/14/1877

    1. Nearly 23,000 Strikes, 1881-1900

  2. Haymarket Riot, 5/4/1886

    1. “Robber Barons”

  3. Homestead Strike, 7/1/1892

  4. Pullman Strike, 7/6/1894

    1. Samuel Gompers

    2. Eugene V. Debs

Age of “Teddy” Roosevelt #21

I. Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919

  1. Asthmatic Child

  2. Harvard University, 1880

  3. N.Y. State Assembly, 1882-84

1. Alice H. Lee

  1. North Dakota, 1884-86

  2. N.Y. City 1886

  3. Edith Carow, 1886-1919

  4. U.S. Civil Service, 1889-95

  5. N.Y. City Police Commissioner, 1895-97

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