Colonial Rule #3 I. Growth 17

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  1. Unemployment

  2. Over 30 Million…

  3. US Industrial Production

  4. 20% Pay Cuts, 1929-32

  5. Bank Closures

  6. Mortgage Foreclosures

  7. Public Charities…

  8. Suicide Rate

  9. Over 1 Million “Hobos” / Drifters

  10. Bonus Army

  11. Malnutrition

  12. “Panhandling”

  13. John Dillenger

V. “Dust Bowl”

  1. Lack of Crop Rotation

  2. Droughts

  3. Deforestation

  4. Soil Erosion

  5. Over 1 Million “Okies” & “Arkies”

    1. Grapes of Wrath

VI. Urban Middle Class

  1. Divorce Rate

  2. Unemployed Men…

  3. Women Survival Techniques

VII. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882 – 1945

  1. FDR, 1904

    1. NY State Senator, 1910-13

    2. Assistant Secretary of Navy, 1913-20

    3. James Cox, 7/5/1920

  2. Polio, Aug. 1921

  3. New York Governor

    1. “Nobless Oblige”

  4. Democratic National Convention, 7/2/1933 / New Deal

    1. John Nance Garner

    2. FDR

  5. “Brain Trust”

    1. Adolphe A. Berle, Raymond Moley, & Rexford G. Tugwell

  6. FDR’s Cabinet

    1. Henry Morgenthau

    2. Henry A. Wallace

    3. Frances Perkins

    4. Harold L. Ickes

  7. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” 3/4/1933

    1. “New Deal” Legislation

VIII. FDR’s 1st “100 Days” (March 9 – June 16, 1933)

  1. “Bank Holiday”

    1. Emergency Banking Relief Act

  2. Beer & Wine Revenue Act

  3. C.C.C. Act

    1. Over 3 Million, “Tree Army”

  4. AAA

  5. Federal Emergency Relief Act

  6. TVA

  7. Federal Securities Act

  8. Home Owners Refinancing Act

  9. National Industrial Recovery Act (NRA)

  10. Glass-Steagall Banking Act

IX. “Fireside Chats”

  1. FDR…

X. New Deal / “Alphabet Soup”

  1. PWA

    1. Golden Gate Bridge

  1. 21st Amendment

  2. FHA

  3. Wagner Act

  4. WPA

  5. Social Security Act

  6. “Court Packing” Plan

  7. Fair Labor Standard Act

XI. Minorities

  1. Mexican Americans

    1. Moved to large cities

    2. Segregation

    3. Over 1 Million…

  2. African Americans

    1. Segregated Federally funded…

    2. Discriminatory hiring…

    3. Rural Blacks…

    4. Lynching, Segregation

    5. “Black Cabinet”

    6. NAACP

  3. Women’s Place

    1. Only 1 member…

    2. 25% more Women

    3. Clerical Jobs

    4. More than 100

      1. Frances Perkins

      2. Eleanor Roosevelt

      3. Dorothea Lange

XII. “New Deal” Critics

  1. “Boondoggling”

  2. Father Charles E. Coughlin

  3. Dr. Francis E. Townsend

  4. Huey “Kingfish” Long, 1935

  5. American Liberty League

  6. Upton Sinclair

XIII. Franklin D. Roosevelt

  1. Hope & Confidence

  2. Deficit Spending

  3. Unemployment

  4. Military preparations, 9/1/1939

  5. Only WWII

XIV. Sports

  1. Chicago Bears, 1933

  2. Joe Louis

  3. New York Yankees

  4. Jesse Owens

XV. Hollywood

  1. Selznick International, 1939

  2. Wizard of Oz, 1939

  3. Clark Gable, Shirley Temple, John Wayne

  4. Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs, 1937

XVI. Radio

  1. Orson Wells, 10/30/1938

  2. Benny Goodman & Glenn Miller

XVII. Literature

  1. John Steinbeck, 1939

  2. Pearl Buck, 1931

  3. Margaret Mitchell, 1936

  4. Robert Frost

  5. Richard Wright, 1940

  6. New Comics & Escapism

World War II #26

I. Major Causes of World War II

  1. Treaty of Versailles, 1919

  2. League of Nations, 1919-39

  3. Great Depression, 1930s

  4. Fear of Communism

  5. Axis Aggression & Expansion

    1. Ethiopia, 1935-36

    2. Rhineland, 3/7/1936

    3. Spanish Civil War, 1936-39

    4. China, 1937

    5. “Anschluss”, 3/12/1938

    6. Munich Conference, 9/29/1938

    7. Czechoslovakia, 3/15/1939

    8. Movotov & Ribbentropp, 8/23/1939

II. Invasion of Poland, 9/1/1939

  1. “Blitzkrieg”

    1. Goring’s Luftwaffe

    2. Wehrmacht

  2. France & England, 9/3/1939

    1. World War II, 1939-45

  3. U.S. Neutrality, 9/5/1939

III. Sitzkrieg

  1. Maginot Line

    1. Over 800,000

IV. “Blitzkreig” 5/9/1940

  1. Wehrmact

    1. Heinz Guderian & Von Kleist

    2. Luftwaffe’s “Stuka”

    3. Dunkirk Evacuation

    4. Paris, 6/14/1940

    5. Compaigne

    6. Charles De Gaulle

V. Battle of Britain, 6/1940 – 6/1941

  1. Herman Goring

  2. Royal Air Force, RAF

  3. Winston Churchill

VI. “Operation Barbarrosa” 6/22/1941

  1. Wehrmacht

    1. “General Winter”

  2. Hitler’s “Two Front” war

    1. Georgi Zhukov

  3. Stalingrad, 9/1942

    1. Wehrmacht

VII. Erwin Rommel, “Desert Fox”

  1. Rommel’s “Africa Corps”

  2. Bernard L. Motgomery

    1. Battle of El Alamein

VIII. Causes for US Entrance

  1. Matthew C. Perry, 1853-54

  2. “Fear of the Yellow Peril”

    1. White California

  3. Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05

    1. Treaty of Portsmouth, 1905

  4. Taft-Taktsura, 1905

  5. Root-Takahira, 1908

  6. “Gentlemen’s Agreement” 1907

  7. Manchuria, 9/18/1931

  8. Shanghai, 1932

  9. Jehol Province, 1933

  10. U.S. Panay, 12/12/1937

  11. Lend-Lease Act, 3/11/1941

    1. Charles A. Lindbergh

  12. Japanese Assets, 7/25/1941

  13. “Flying Tigers” 1941

    1. Claire S. Chennault

  14. Atlantic Charter, 8/14/1941

  15. U.S.S. Kearney, 10/17/1941

    1. “Wolf Packs”

  16. U.S.S. Reuben James, 10/30/1941

IX. Pearl Harbor, 12/7/1941

  1. 2,403 US Servicemen

    1. USS Arizona

    2. About 188 aircraft

    3. US Aircraft Carriers

    4. Wake Island…

  1. President F.D. Roosevelt, 12/8/1941

    1. George C. Marshall

    2. Chester W. Nimitz

    3. Douglas MacArthur

    4. Louis Mountbatten

    5. Joseph W. Stillwell

    6. Dwight E. Eisenhower

    7. Cordell Hull

I. Mobilizing for Global War

  1. Industry Goes to War

  1. War Production Board (WPB)

  2. Farm economy booms again

  1. Braceros

  1. The End of the Depression

  1. Rationing and Price Controls

  1. Office of Price Administration (OPA)

  2. Rationing & Recycling

  1. The Armed Forces

  1. Campaigning against segregation

  1. Judge William H. Hastie

  2. Thurgood Marshall

  1. Confronting Racism

  1. Migration increases

  2. “Zoot suit riots”

  3. Fighting Prejudice

  1. Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)

  2. NAACP, CORE, & the Elizalde Committee

  1. Japanese-American Internment

  1. Executive Order 9066

  2. Internment Camps

  1. 2/3rd of Japanese interned were Nisei (children born in the US)

  2. Nisei 442nd Regimental Combat Team

  3. Korematsu v. United States

  1. Executive Order #9066, 2/19/1942

    1. All Nisei 442nd Combat Unit

X. Pacific Theater

  1. James H. Doolittle, 4/18/1942

  2. Battle of Coral Sea, 5/7-8/1942

  3. Battle of Midway, 6/3-6

    1. Raymond Spruance

  4. Guadalcanal, 8/7/1942 – 2/7/1943

    1. Douglas MacArhtur

    2. Jungle Warfare

    3. “Bushido Code”

XI. “Island Hopping” Strategy

  1. Gilbert Islands

  2. Marshall Islands

  3. Mariana Islands

  4. Guam

  5. Battle of the Philippines

    1. Leyte Gulf

    2. Kamikaze Pilots

    3. Manila

  6. Japan

  7. Iwo Jima Campaign

  8. Okinawa Campaign

XII. Casablanca Conference

  1. Kasserine Pass

  2. “Operation Husky”

    1. Gen. Bernard Montgomery & Gen. George Patton

  1. Invasion of Italy

    1. Mark Clark

XIII. Teheran Conference

XIV. “Operation Overlord” / D-Day 6/6/1944

  1. Omar Bradley

    1. Rommel

    2. George S. Patton

  2. Paris, 6/25/1944

  3. Battle of the Bulge

  4. Remagen Bridge

  5. Jewish Concentration Camps

XV. Yalta Conference

  1. FDR, 4/12/1944

  2. Harry S. Truman

    1. Manhattan Project

      1. Leslie Groves & Robert Oppenheimer

XVI. Patton & Zhukov

  1. Benito Mussolini

  2. Adolf Hitler

XV. V-E Day

  1. Berlin, 5/2/1945

  2. Karl Doenitz

XVI. Potsdam Conference

  1. “Trinity Experiment”

  2. Henry L. Stimson

    1. Truman…

XVII. Hiroshima, 8/6/1945

  1. Nagasaki, 8/9/1945

  2. Emperor Hirohito

  3. Formal Surrender, 9/2/1945

  4. 56 Million…

The Truman Years #27
I. Harry S. Truman, 1884 - 1972

  1. Independence, MO

    1. Public School

  2. World War I (1917-18)

  3. Eddie Jacobson, 1919-22

    1. “Bess” Wallace

  4. Jackson County, 1922-24

  5. Tom Pendergast

  6. US Senator, 1934-45

    1. Chairman

  7. FDR, 1944

II. “Accidental President”

  1. Monumental Task…

  2. “Manhattan Project”

  3. “V-E Day” 5/8/1945

  4. Potsdam Conference, 7/17/1945

    1. “Total Unconditional Surrender”

    2. “Trinity Experiment” 7/16/1945

  1. Henry Stimson

    1. Reasons…

  2. Hiroshima, 8/6/1945

    1. “Enola Gay”

  3. Nagasaki, 8/9/1945

  4. Japan…

    1. Douglas MacArthur

  5. Dual Occupation of Germany…

  6. United Nations, 4/25/1945

    1. China

    2. Tyrgve Lie

    3. Secret Ariat

    4. Security Council

      1. “Big 5”

    5. General Assembly

III. Foreign Policy

  1. Ho Chi Minh, 9/2/1945

  2. George F. Kennan

  3. Winston Churchill, 3/5/1946

  4. Truman doctrine, 3/12/1947

  5. Andrei Zhdanov, 1947

  6. Israel, 5/14/1947

  7. Marshall Plan, 6/5/1947

    1. European Economic Recovery

  8. Rio Treaty, 1947

  9. Berlin Blockade, 4/1/1948

  10. Truman, 6/29/1949

  11. NATO, 7/21/1949

    1. General Dwight D. Eisenhower

  12. Mao Zedong, 10/1/1949

    1. Chiang Kai-Chek, 8/5/1949

  13. UN & Korea

    1. North Korean Communists

      1. Syngman Rhee

      2. Kim Il-Sung

    1. UN Security, 6/27/1949

      1. Jacob A. Malik

IV. “Korean War”

  1. Truman, 6/30/1947

  2. Douglas MacArthur, 7/8/1947

    1. Inchon

    2. Pyongyang

    3. MacArthur

  3. Chinese Communists

  4. MacArthur vs. Truman

    1. Matthew Ridgway

  5. Cease-Fire Talks

  6. Korean War, 7/27/1953

  7. Ted Williams & John Glenn

V. Peace Talks

  1. US – Philippines Security

  2. Anzus

  3. Japanese Peace Treaty

  4. Peace Conract

VI. US & Atomic Energy

  1. McMahon Act, 8/1/1946

  2. National Security Act, 7/26/1947

  3. Charles Yeager, 10/19/1947

  4. Hydrogen Bomb, 1/30/1950

VII. Communist “Witch Hunt”

  1. House on Un-American Activities, 11/25/1947

  2. Federal Loyalty Program

    1. “Loyalty Boards”

  1. Alger Hiss, 12/15/1948

    1. Whittaker Chambers

  2. 11 US Communists, 10/14/1949

  3. Congress of Industrial Organizations

  4. Joseph McCarthy, 2/22/1950

    1. McCarthy…

    2. “McCarthyism”

    3. Richard M. Nixon

  5. Internal Security Act, 9/23/1950

  6. Julius & Ethel Rosenburg, 3/29/1951

  7. Civil Defense Act, 1951

    1. “Underground Shelters”

  8. McCarren-Walter, 6/27/1952

VIII. “Fair Deal” Legislation, 1945-53

  1. Truman…

    1. Civilian Production Administration

  1. Many Labor Strikes…

    1. 400,000 United Mine Workers

  2. Employment Act

  3. Fullbright Act

  4. Legislative Re-Organization

  5. Presidential Succession Act

  6. Taft-Hartley Act, 6/17/1947

  7. Public Housing Administration, 1947

  8. 1948 Presidential Election

    1. Alban W. Barkley, 6/15/1948

    2. Thomas E. Dewey

      1. Earl Warren

      2. “Dixiecrats”

      3. Polls…

      4. Truman…

  9. National Housing Act, 7/15/1949

IX. Racial Discrimination…

  1. President’s Committee, 1946

  2. Jackie Robinson, 4/12/1947

    1. Larry Doby, 6/1947

  1. Executive Order #9981

  2. 22nd Amendment

X. Entertainment

  1. Professional Sports

    1. Basketball Association of America

    2. Sammy Baugh

    3. Joe DiMaggio & Ted Williams

    4. Joe Louis

  2. Television…

    1. “The Lone Ranger”

    2. “I Love Lucy”

  3. Movie Industry…

    1. “Best Years of Our Lives” 1946

  4. Carl Sandburg, 1951

  5. Bing Crosby & Bob Hope

The Eisenhower Era #28
I. Dwight David Eisenhower, 1890 – 1969

A, Debusibm Texas

  1. Abilene, Kansas

B. West Point, 1910-15

  1. Mamie Geneva Doud, 7/1/1916

C. 37 Years…

  1. Douglas MacArthur

  2. George C. Marshall

  3. Allied Commander

    1. D-Day Invasion

  4. Truman, 1945-48

  5. Columbia University

  6. NATO

D. Republican Party

  1. Richard Nixon

  2. Adlai Stevenson

II. “Modern Republicanism”

A. Overta Culp Hobby

B. Small Business Administration, 1953

C. Seaway Act, 1954

D. “Army vs. McCarthy” 4/22/1954

  1. Edward R. Murrow

  2. McCarthy…

E. Dr. Jonas Salk, 2/23/1954

F. “Ike” 9/24/1955

G. Housing Act, 10/2/1955

H. Federal Hourly Wage, 8/12/1955

I. Federal-Aid Highway Act

J. Election of 1956

K. National Defense Education Act, 9/2/1958

L. Labor Reform Act of 1959

M. Alaska, 1/3/1959 & Hawaii, 3/18/1959

III. “Ike’s” Foreign Policy

A. Joseph Stalin, 3/5/1953

  1. Malenkov, 1953 – 55

  2. Nikolai A. Bulganin, 1955-56

  3. Nikita Khrushchev, 1956-64

B. Korean War, 7/27/1953

  1. US – South Korean…

  2. 54,246 US troops

C. John Foster Dulles, 1953-59

  1. “Massive Retaliation”

  2. “Brinkmanship”

D. Indochina

  1. Dien Bien Phu

    1. France…

E. Geneva Accords, 7/21/1954

  1. North Vietnam

    1. Ho Chi Minh

  2. South Vietnam

    1. Ngo Dinh Diem

  3. SEATO, 9/8/1954

  4. Ike’s “Domino Theory”

    1. Military Advisors

    2. ARVN

  5. National Liberation Front

    1. “Vietcong”

F. Baghdad Pact / CENTO, 1953

G. Shah of Iran, 1953

H. 1st Hydrogen Bomb Test, 2/2/1954

  1. Nautilus, 1/21/1954

  2. Distant Early Warning System/NORAD

  3. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile / ICBM

  4. Ike…

I. CIA, 10/30/1954

J. US – China Security Treaty, 1/28/1955

  1. Chiang Kai-Shek

K. “Open Skies” Policy, 7/21/1955

L. Suez Canal, 7/26/1956

  1. Israel

  2. France & England

  3. Gamal Abdel Nasser

  4. “Ike”…

  5. “Eisenhower Doctrine” 1/5/1957

    1. King Hussein

M. Hungary, 11/1-6/1956

N. Sputnik, 10/4/1957

  1. Explorer I, 1/31/1958

    1. Cape Canaveral, FL

  2. NASA

    1. Mercury Program

O. 5,000 US Marines…

P. Fulgencio Batista, 1/1/1959

  1. Nikita Khrushchev

  2. Fidel Castro & US

  3. CIA & “Ike”…

Q. Khrushchev, 9/15-27/1959

R. U – 2 Spy Plane, 5/5/1960

  1. Francis Gary Powers

  2. Khrushchev

  3. “Ike”…

  4. Cold War Tension Increases…

IV. Civil Rights Movement

A. Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

  1. Earl Warren

  2. Plessey vs. Ferguson 1896

  3. Supreme Court…

  4. South’s Reaction?

B. Rosa Parks, 12/1/1955

  1. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. Southern Christian Leadership Conference

C. Civil Rights Act, 8/29/1957

  1. Commission on Civil Rights

  2. KKK…

D. Central High School, Arkansas, 9/4/1957

  1. Orval Faubus

  2. President Eisenhower

E. Massive “Sit-Ins” 1960

V. US Economy…

A. $44 Billion, 1952

  1. Eisenhower…

  2. GNP, 1960

B. “Baby Boom”

C. Conspicious Consumption…

  1. Every Family…

    1. Gasoline…

    2. 8 Million Cars

  2. Televisions…

  3. Annual Salaries

D. Suburbs

  1. Freeway Construction

    1. “Shopping Malls”

    2. “Drive-In” Culture

VI. Entertainment

A. Ernest Hemingway, 1954

  1. Pulitzer Prize, 1953

  2. Jack Kerouac

B. Rock-n-Roll

  1. Elvis Presley

C. “Ben Hur”

D. Television

JFK / Johnson Era #29
I. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917-63

  1. Kennedy Family

  2. London

  3. Harvard University

II. Navy

  1. P.T. Boat 109

  2. Medal of Honor

  3. JFK…

III. Political Career, 1946

  1. US House of Rep.

  2. US Senate

1. Jacqueline Bouvier, 9/12/1953

  1. Democratic Party, 8/13/1956

  2. Election of 1960

1. Hurbert Humphrey & Lyndon B. Johnson

    1. Catholic Church

    2. Richard M. Nixon

a. 1st TV Debate

    1. Close Election

a. Robert Kennedy

5. Inaugural Address

IV. “New Frontier” 1961-63

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