Compiled by Colby B. Rucker Preface: Use of Copyrighted Material

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118. Primulaceae (Primrose Family)

1005. Anagallis arvensis L. 1753. Shr.468, B&B.727

(Scarlet Pimpernel, Common Pimpernel)

Spreading prostrate annual herb with 5-petaled dull brick-red flowers, and opposite leaves. Naturalized from Europe.

Habitat: "Waste sandy fields" (Gray 1867). "Pastures and waste places" (Brown & Brown 1984). "A weed...fields and gardens" (Jaques 1959).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: No locale 6/8/1880, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Near St. James Church, along grassy roadside 6/5/1966, Stieber 423 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Manresa, moist woods 6/20/1966, Stieber 424 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, solitary by tractor trail to grassy old field on Scaffold Peninsula, Higman 835 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Sightings: By sidewalk, Central Services Bldg., State Complex, Annapolis, 6/5/91. Fields, Holly Beach Farm 6/13/1992.

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

1006. Lysimachia ciliata L. B&B.727

[Steironema ciliatum (L.) Raf.] Shr.468

(Fringed Loosestrife) Erect yellow-flowered perennial herb.

Habitat: "Low ground and thickets" (Gray 1867). "In moist forests and meadows" (Shreve et al 1910). "Wet soils, or shores, rich woods, or thickets" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Infrequent in the Coastal Zone, common in the Midland and Mountain Zones" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

1007. Lysimachia lanceolata Walt. B&B.727

[Steironema lanceolatum (Walt.) Gray] Shr.468

(Lance-leaved Loosestrife) Erect perennial herb.

Habitat: "Low grounds" (Gray 1867). "Dry to moist open woods" (Grimm 1968). "Moist open woods or shores" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Rare" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State declining). 1991: Watchlist.

County Occurrence: "Anne Arundel County (Baltars & PLM)" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: "Annapolis (M. A. Chrysler)" (Shreve et al 1910).

1008. Lysimachia nummularia L. 1753. Shr.468, B&B.727

(Creeping Loosestrife, Moneywort)

Creeping perennial herb naturalized from Europe. Flowers yellow. Leaves opposite, oval.

Habitat: "In ditches and about the margins of ponds" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...damp ground and often occurs in ditches or along stream Banks and pond borders...lawn or rock garden" (Fogg 1956). "A weed...usually in damp places in lawns and fields" (Jaques 1959). "Damp roadsides, grasslands and shores" (Stieber 1971).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Patuxent R. near Rt. 50, near a wet woods 6/7/1966, Stieber 421 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 5/1/1992 (Sipple 1993).

Herbaria: LCU (Stieber 1971).

1009. Lysimachia quadrifolia L. 1753. Shr.468, B&B.725

[Steironema quadriflorum (Sims) Hitch.]

(Whorled Loosestrife, Crosswort)

Native erect perennial herb; yellow flowers. Leaves in whorls of 4.

Habitat: "Moist or sandy soil" (Gray 1867). "In moist or dry forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "Moist or sandy soil" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Open woodlands and thickets" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Armiger 6/9/1924, Ivar Tidestrom 12036 (GH). Patuxent Community Pond, at the edge of the pond 6/14/1966, Stieber 422 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Star Co. tract, infrequent along swampy road past O'Neill Marsh, Higman,1309, 1349 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Beachwood Park, Governors Bridge gravel pits (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Sightings: Near Round Bay Bog (Longbottom pc 1991).

Herbaria: CBC. GH. LCU (Stieber 1971).

1010. Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP Shr.468, B&B.727

(Swamp Loosestrife, Swamp Candles, Yellow Loosestrife)

Erect perennial herb.

Habitat: "In swamps and moist thickets" (Britton 1901). "In fresh marshes and about the margins of ponds" (Shreve et al 1910). "In swamps and low wet woods" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Frequent in the Coastal Zone, infrequent in the Midland Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Marley shore (Plitt 6/17/1899). Vicinity Elvaton/Waterford (Plitt 7/2/1904). Severn Run 6/25/1983 (Sipple 1993). Severn Run above Dicus Mill 6/22/1987 (Sipple 1993). Sawmill Pond 8/11/1989 (Sipple 1993). Governors Bridge gravel pits (Longbottom 1991).

Sightings: Forked Creek (Blue Lake bog by D. H. Williams 1986).

1011. Samolus parviflorus Raf. B&B.731

(Samolus floribundus H.B.K.) Shr.468

(Water Pimpernel) Native perennial herb.

Habitat: "In brackish and fresh marshes" (Shreve et al 1910). "In swamps and brooks, often in brackish soil" (Britton & Brown 1913).

Frequency: "Coastal Zone; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Deale, a saltmarsh near Mimosa Cove 7/10/1949, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). One Magothy brackish-marsh station mapped by Sipple 1978. Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

119. Plumbaginaceae

(Plumbago or Leadwort Family)

1012. Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britton 1894. Shr.469, B&B.731

(Marsh Rosemary; Sea Lavender)

Native erect perennial herb.

Habitat: "On salt meadows" (Britton 1901). "In salt and brackish marshes" (Shreve et al 1910).

Frequency: "Coastal Zone; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Java Farm & Ivy Neck, infrequent in flooded parts of salt marshes, Higman 993 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

1013. Limonium nashii Small B&B.731

(Nash's Sea Lavender) Perennial herb.

Habitat: "Salt marshes" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Rare" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Heritage Rating: 1988: B1/U (Regionally rare, Md. status uncertain). 1991: Status uncertain.

Records: Java Farm & Ivy Neck, infrequent in flooded parts of salt marshes, Higman 212 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC.

1014. Limonium nashii var. trichogonum Blake B&B: unlisted.

(Sea Lavender) Herb.

Habitat: "Saltmarshes" (Stieber 1971).

Records: Churchton, in a saltmarsh at Cape Anne 9/26/1948, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

120. Ebenaceae (Ebony Family)

1015. Diospyros virginiana L. 1753. Shr.469, B&B.275


Slow-growing, native tree, usually straight and slender. Blocky bark, entire leaves.

Habitat: "Woods and old fields" (Gray 1867). "In fields and woods" (Britton & Brown 1913). Strands.

Frequency: "Throughout the Coastal and Midland Zones, absent from the Mountain Zone" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: No locale 6/8/1880, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). South R., along shore 6/11/1966, Stieber 425 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Near St. James Church, 10 m. tree at Lyons Creek branch 7/27/1966 & 9/18/1966, Stieber 426 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm & Ivy Neck, infrequent in old fields, fence rows, and less saline parts of tidal marshes, Higman 116, 158 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Upland or other habitats at Angels Bog, Eagle Hill Bog, Cypress Creek Savanna (Whigham 1981). College Creek Woods (Williams 1986a). Marley Creek Swamp (Longbottom 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).

Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Ruckers Pond). Bay Ridge (Mayo Avenue). Winchester Pond (Bullard property). Swamp at SW corner Boyd Pond (Longbottom pc 1991).

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

121. Oleaceae (Olive Family)

1016. Chionanthus virginica L. 1753. Shr.469, B&B.282

(Fringe Tree; White Fringetree) Small native tree.

Habitat: "Moist sandy floodplains and sandy-loam upland swamps" (Shreve et al 1910).

Frequency: "Coastal and Midland Zones" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Sawmill Pond (NE side) 8/26/1989 (Sipple 1993). Lowland east of Route 100 near Jumpers Hole Road intersection 5/18/1990 (Sipple 1993).

Sightings: Severn Run (floodplain below Lake Marion, with skunk cabbage). Severn Run (roadside of Old Mill Road at Burns Crossing Road). Hog Farm Road. Rays Pond watershed (Harbour Glen tract by Nancy Kelly 1985; this has not been confirmed). Said to occur at Fort Meade.

1017. Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl. B&B.286

(Forsythia) Large spreading early-flowering shrub.

Habitat: Layering naturally, and persistent at abandoned homesites.

Records: CBC (Star Co. tract), infrequent in yard of old house, Persistent after cultivation, Higman 1319 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC.

1018. Fraxinus americana L. Shr.469, B&B.278

(White Ash)

Large native tree. Lateral leaflets stalked, glabrous beneath.

Habitat: "In swamps and ravines and along streams" (Shreve et al 1910).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

County Occurrence: "Native to the county" (Besley 1917).

Records: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Sightings: Chase Creek watershed: Iliff's ravine, and above Ruckers Pond (both tentative identification).

1019. Fraxinus americana var. biltmoreana (Beadle) J. Wright B&B.280

(Fraxinus biltmoreana Beadle 1898)

(Biltmore Ash)

Large native tree. Lateral leaflets stalked, quite pubescent beneath.

Habitat: "Moist woodlands" (Strausbaugh & Core 1958).

Records: Java Farm, moderately abundant in canopy along floodplain of North Fork of Muddy Creek (infrequent along other floodplains in Rhode River watershed), Higman 1043 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

1020. Fraxinus nigra Marsh. Shr.469, B&B.280

(Black Ash)

Native tree. Lateral leaflets sessile.

Habitat: "In swamps and flood plains" (Shreve et al 1910).

Frequency: "Throughout the state, infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910). Garrett County" (Brown & Brown 1972).

Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State Declining). 1991: Watchlist.

County Occurrence: "Native to county" (Besley 1917). Broome et al 1979 listed one station each in Garrett, Baltimore, and Frederick County.

1021. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. Shr.469, B&B.280

(Green Ash, Red Ash)

Native tree. Leaflets stalked, serrate, not whitened beneath.

Habitat: "In flood plains and along streams" (Shreve et al 1910).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

County Occurrence: "Native to county" (Besley 1917).

Records: Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 5/1/1992 (Sipple 1993).

Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993).

1022. Fraxinus profunda (Bush) Bush 1901. B&B: unlisted.

[Fraxinus americana L. profunda Bush 1894]

[Fraxinus tomentosa Michx. f.]

(Pumpkin Ash) Tall native tree of southern states.

Habitat: "Deep river swamps often inundated during several months of the year" (Sargent 1922).

Heritage Rating: 1988: B1 (Regionally Rare). 1991: Endangered Extirpated.

County Occurrence: Listed for Anne Arundel County by Matthews 1987.

Records: Java Farm, solitary in old field near junction of old entrance road and spring house road, Higman 389 (CBC) (As F. tomentosa; Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US (As F. tomentosa; Stieber 1971).

1023. Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. B&B.284

(California Privet) Large semi-evergreen shrub or small spreading tree. Native of Japan, escaping freely.

Habitat: "Escaping to roadsides and thickets" (Brown & Brown 1972). In rich soils near gardens.

Sightings: Chase Creek watershed (Rucker property).

1024. Ligustrum vulgare L. 1753. B&B.284

(Common Privet) Large introduced European shrub.

Habitat: Escape from cultivation.

Records: Java Farm, solitary at main building area, Higman 828 (CBC) (Higman 1977). In deciduous woodland at Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

1025. Syringa vulgaris L. 1753. B&B.282

(Lilac) Large European shrub.

Habitat: "Persisting around old home sites" (Brown & Brown 1972).

Records: Ivy Neck, solitary in yard of old house near parking area, persistent after cultivation, Higman 1145 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Garden area at Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

122. Loganiaceae (Logania Family)

1026. Polypremum procumbens L. 1753. Shr.469, B&B.733

(Polypremum) Native annual herb.

Habitat: "In open fields and waste grounds" (Shreve et al 1910). "Dry sandy fields and roadsides" (Stieber 1971).

Frequency: "Confined to the southern counties of the Eastern Shore; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Millersville, in an open field 2 mi. south 7/2/1960, N. Hotchkiss (US) (Stieber 1967). Upland forest below Catherine Avenue (Magothy headwaters) 7/28/1991 (Sipple 1993). Governors Bridge gravel pits (Longbottom 1991).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

123. Gentianaceae (Gentian Family)

1027. Bartonia paniculata (Michx.) Muhl. B&B.741

[Bartonia paniculata (Michx.) Robinson 1908.

[Centaurella paniculata Michx. 1803]

(Twining Bartonia; Branched Bartonia; Panicled Bartonia; Screw-stem Bartonia)

Native slender erect herb.

Habitat: "Wet sandy woods and swamps" (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "In wet peaty or sandy places" (Grimm 1968).

Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State declining). 1991: Watchlist. 1994: S-3 Watchlist.

Records: Wetland control area at Round Bay Bog (Whigham 1981).

Sightings: South River (marshy area near Blackwalnut Creek, reported to Heritage program by a professor from Howard University 1985).

1028. Gentiana villosa L. Shr.470, B&B.741

(Striped Gentian, Sampson's Snakeroot) Perennial herb.

Habitat: "Moist forests" (Shreve et al 1910). "Wooded slopes and stream banks" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Midland Zone; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Heritage Rating: 1988: B2 (Highly State Rare). 1991: Endangered.

Records: Glen Burnie 9/1/1897, F. H. Knowlton (US) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

1029. Obolaria virginica L. 1753. Shr.470, B&B.741

(Pennywort) Low native perennial fleshy herb.

Habitat: "Moist hardwood forests and thickets" (Stieber 1971). "In rich, moist woods and thickets, getting much of its nourishment from the decaying humus" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Midland Zone; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Java Farm, solitary in mature mixed hardwood forest west of North Fork of Muddy Creek, Higman 653 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

1030. Sabatia angularis (L.) Pursh 1814. Shr.470, B&B.735

(Chironia angularis L. 1753)

(Rose Sea-pink, Rose Pink, Square-stemmed Sabatia) Native herb.

Habitat: "In rich soil" (Britton 1901). "In open woodlands, thickets, meadows and marshes" (Grimm 1968). "Moist open woods and fields" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Coastal and Midland Zones; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Road embankment N. of Ft. Meade at intersection of Balt-Wash Pkwy. & Rt. 170, 8/8/1966, Stieber 427 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Ivy Neck, solitary on old road through mixed hardwood forest on Scaffold Peninsula, Higman 964 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

1031. Sabatia dodecandra (L.) BSP. Shr.470, B&B.735

(Sabatia chloroides Pursh)

(Large Marsh-pink, Large Sea-pink) Perennial herb.

Habitat: "In brackish and fresh marshes" (Shreve et al 1910). "On the sandy borders of pools and in brackish or salt marshes" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Coastal Zone; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State Declining). 1991: Watchlist.

Records: Old Furnace inlet (Plitt 8/5/1899). Shore at Marley bridge (Plitt 9/6/1899).

1032. Sabatia stellaris Pursh 1814. Shr.470, B&B.735

(Little Sea-pink, Marsh Pink) Native much-branched herb.

Habitat: "In salt and brackish marshes" (Shreve et al 1910).

Frequency: "Coastal Zone; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Sherwood Forest in a marsh 8/16/1930, G. M. & E. C. Leonard (US) (Stieber 1967). Churchton, in a saltmarsh of Cape Anne 9/26/1948, L. B. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Two county brackish marsh stations mapped by Sipple 1978.

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

124. Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)

1033. Apocynum androsaemifolium L. Shr.470, B&B.746

(Spreading Dogbane)

Native perennial branching herb. Ht. 1-4 ft. Flowers pink, leaves opposite.

Habitat: "In dry forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed. In dry, sandy soil along roadsides and in fields" (Jaques 1959). "In dry, open woods, thickets, and fields" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Vicinity of Elvaton (Plitt 7/2/1904).

1034. Apocynum cannabinum L. 1753. Shr,470, B&B.746

(Indian Hemp, Dogbane)

Tough-stemmed native perennial branching herb. Ht. 1-3 ft. Leaves opposite. Leaves greenish-white.

Habitat: "In open dry situations" (Shreve et al 1910). "Open dry ground, thickets" (Stieber 1971).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Shadyside, in open meadow near the bay July 1913, Wm. R. Maxon (US) (Stieber 1967). Manresa, moist woods 5/2/1966, Stieber 428a (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent in old fields, Higman 232 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).

Sightings: Davidsonville USAF transmitter station (Longbottom pc 1991).

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

1035. Apocynum cannabinum var. glabberimum A. DC. B&B: unlisted.

Records: Patuxent River near Rt. 50, moist woods, sandy clay 6/7/1966, Stieber 428b (LCU) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: LCU.

1036. Apocynum medium Greene 1897. B&B.746

(Intermediate Dogbane).

"A highly variable species; probably a hybrid" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Habitat: "Open dry or moist ground, rocky shores, etc." (Robinson & Fernald 1908). "Fields and hillsides" (Britton & Brown 1913). "Woods and waste areas" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991).

1037. Trachelospermum difforme (Walt.) A. Gray 1878. B&B: unlisted.

(Echites difformis Walt. 1788)

(Climbing Dogbane) Native high-climbing woody vine.

Habitat: "In moist woods and along streams" (Britton 1901). Delaware to Florida and westward.

Heritage Rating: 1988: B2/X (Highly State Rare, not reported since at least 1950.) 1991: Endangered.

Records: Reported 1943 from a site thought to have been near the beach at Land's End, Annapolis Roads. Bay Ridge 10/17/1943, P. L. Richter (US) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

1038. Vinca major L. B&B.742

(Large Periwinkle)

European trailing evergreen vine. Leaves opposite, > 2 cm wide.

Habitat: Persistent from old plantings.

Frequency: Much less common than V. minor.

Sightings: Truxtun Park (edge of woods west of Hesselius cemetery).

1039. Vinca minor L. 1753. B&B.744

(Common Periwinkle, Small Periwinkle, Myrtle)

Trailing evergreen vine, leaves < 1.5 cm wide. Introduced from southern Europe.

Habitat: "Escaped from gardens" (Britton 1901). "A weed...frequently escapes or persists from cultivation" (Jaques 1959). Moist woods, old homesites. Apparently spreading vegetatively only.

Records: Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989). Garden area at Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991).

Sightings: Truxtun Park. Chase Creek watershed (Ruckers Woods).

1040. Vinca minor var. alba West B&B: unlisted.

(White-flowered Periwinkle) Trailing evergreen herb.

Frequency: Plantings uncommon; seen at Ladew Gardens, Balto. Co. Only one A. A. County station known.

Sightings: Frequent in old-field yellow poplar woods east of junction of Arnold Road and railroad r/w.

125. Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family)

1041. Asclepias amplexicaulis J. E. Smith 1797. B&B.752

(Blunt-leaved Milkweed) Tall unbranched herb.

Habitat: "In dry fields, mostly in sandy soil" (Britton 1901).

Records: Vicinity of Elvaton (Plitt 7/2/1904).

Sightings: Vicinity of Round Bay Bog (Longbottom pc 1991).

Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993).

1042. Asclepias incarnata L. 1753. Shr.471, B&B.750

(Swamp Milkweed)

Native branched 2-4 ft. perennial herb. Corolla pink or rose-purple.

Habitat: "A damp places" (Jaques 1959). "Swamps, wet thickets and shores" (Stieber 1971).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: "Back Bay near Annapolis" (Back Bay is a 1920's community on Chalk Point Road, on West River; Back Creek adjoins Annapolis) 7/29/1923, Ivar Tidestrom 11470 (GH). Severna, a beach swamp 8/16/1927, E. C. & G. M. Leonard (US) (Stieber 1967). Patuxent R. near Rt. 50, sandy clay area 7/21/1966, Stieber 429 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Eight county brackish-marsh stations mapped by Sipple 1978. Cypress Creek Savanna (Sipple & Klockner 1984). Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991).

Herbaria: GH. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

1043. Asclepias incarnata var. pulchra (Ehrh.) Pers. 1805. B&B.750

(Asclepias pulchra Ehrh. 1798) Shr.471

(Hairy Milkweed) Native branched perennial herb.

Habitat: "Moist fields and swamps" (Britton 1901).

Records: W. of Friendship, Md., along a RR track 8/18/1966, N. Hotchkiss (US) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent along tidal channel of Muddy Creek, Higman 268 (CBC) (Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC. US (Stieber 1971).

1044. Asclepias syriaca L. 1753. Shr.471, B&B.752

(Common Milkweed)

Tall (2.5-5 ft.) unbranched native perennial herb. Flowers greenish purple to greenish white.

Habitat: "In fields and waste places" (Britton 1901). "Cultivated and waste ground" (Shreve et al 1910). "A weed...roadsides, fields, meadows, and waste places" (Fogg 1956). "In dry fields, thickets, and along roadsides" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common. (Shreve et al 1910).

Records: Rt. 424 at Rt. 50, large stands in grassy area 7/27/1966 &

10/29/1966, Stieber 430 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Java Farm, infrequent to moderately abundant in old fields, Higman 359, 825 (CBC) (Higman 1977). Beachwood Park (Longbottom 1991).

Herbaria: CBC. US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

1045. Asclepias tuberosa L. 1753. Shr.471, B&B.748

(Butterfly Weed)

Orange-flowered erect native perennial herb. Leaves not opposite. Juice not milky.

Habitat: "A weed" (Fogg 1956). "In dry fields, on rocky open slopes, and along the roadside" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; common" (Shreve et al 1910). Seldom encountered locally.

Records: Evergreen Road off Rt. 3, edge of a grassy field 7/1/1966, Stieber 432 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). Rt. 3, S. of jct. Rt. 424, sandy Roadside 7/27/1966 & 8/6/1966, Stieber 431 (LCU) (Stieber 1967). CBC (Steinlein Farm), infrequent in old fields (also infrequent in vacant lots near Edgewater, South River watershed) (Higman 1977). Hancock's Resolution (Envirens 1991). Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (Mason et al 1991).

Sightings: Railroad r/w at Arnold Road, station now destroyed. Truxtun Park (one plant, by path to bare ridge).

Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993). LCU (Stieber 1971).

1046. Asclepias variegata L. 1753. Shr.471, B&B.752

(White Milkweed) Native perennial herb.

Habitat: "In dry woods and thickets" (Britton 1901). "In moist and dry forests and open situations" (Shreve et al 1910).

Frequency: "Throughout the state; frequent" Shreve et al 1910).

Records: No locale 6/8/1880, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967). Near St. James Church, sandy clay near a field 8/12/1966, Stieber 433 (LCU) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: US & LCU (Stieber 1971).

1047. Asclepias verticillata L. 1753. Shr.471, B&B.752

(Whorled Milkweed)

Erect native perennial herb. Juice milky, leaves opposite. Corolla greenish-white.

Habitat: "Dry hills" (Gray 1867). "In open dry situations" (Shreve 1910). "A weed...along roadsides and in pastures, mostly in dry ground" (Jaques 1959). "In dry fields and woods" (Strausbaugh & Core 1958).

Frequency: Throughout the state, infrequent" (Shreve et al 1910).

Heritage Rating: 1988: C (State Declining). 1991: Watchlist. 1994: S-3 (Watchlist).

County Occurrence: Historically known from Anne Arundel and eight other Md. counties; declining due to development of open habitat, and no longer known from Anne Arundel (Riefner & Hill 1983).

Records: Between Stony Run and Glen Burnie (Plitt 8/9/1899).

1048. Asclepias viridiflora Raf. 1808 B&B.752

[Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Eaton 1829] Shr.472

(Green Milkweed) Native perennial herb. Green flowers.

Habitat: "In dry sandy or rocky soil" (Britton 1901). "Dry upland woods" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Frequency: "Frequent in Piedmont & Midland, occasionally southward on the Coastal Plain" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Records: As Acerates viridiflora: No locale 6/8/1880, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: US.

ADD: Matelea sp.

Records: Java Farm, solitary along old entrance road near small stream; only found once, Higman 1364 (CBC) (As Gonolobus sp.; Higman 1977).

Herbaria: CBC.

1049. Matelea carolinensis (Jacq.) Woodson B&B.754

[Vincetoxicum carolinense (Jacq.) Britton 1894]

[Gonolobus carolinensis (Jacq.) Schult.]

[Gonolobus carolinensis (Jacq.) R. Br. 1820]

[Odontostephans carolinensis (Jacq.) Small]

(Cynanchum carolinense Jacq. 1788)

(Carolina Angle-pod)

Native perennial herbaceous twining vine.

Habitat: "Rich woods and thickets" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Heritage Rating: 1988: B2 (Highly State Rare). 1991: Endangered.

Records: Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (The Capital newspaper 7/22/89; also Mason et al 1991). Back Creek watershed (Williams 1989).

Herbaria: CBC (CBC 1993).

1050. Matelea obliqua (Jacq.) Woodson B&B.754

[Vincetoxicum obliquum (Jacq.) Britton 1894]

[Gonolobus obliquus (Jacq.) Schultes]

[Gonolobus obliquus (Jacq.) R. Br. 1820]

(Cynanchum obliquum Jacq. 1786)

(Cynanchum hirtum L. 1753)

(Large-flowered Angle-pod)

Native perennial twining herbaceous vine.

Habitat: "In rather dry but rich thickets, woods borders, and on rocky slopes" (Grimm 1968).

Frequency: "Rare; Allegany County" (Brown & Brown 1984).

Heritage Rating: 1988: B2 (Highly State Rare). 1991: Endangered Extirpated.

Records: No locale 6/8/1880, J. D. Smith (US) (Stieber 1967).

Herbaria: US (Stieber 1971).

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