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If I did...

If I did what they're doing with their level of experience I'd expect to die. Maybe it really is true that god protects kids and fools!! I certainly don't begrudge them anything. Each to his own.


28-11-2006 09:56

Not enough choices in the poll:

Don't agree with # 3, as I appreciate what they are doing. More young folks should do the same in my opinion.

Have not read the entire log, sort of gave up or lost interest after the first few chapters.

Good luck to the Bums however.


28-11-2006 11:29

Bumfuzzle poll

What are your opinions on the Bumfuzzles?:devil:


28-11-2006 12:09

We think their journey shows that too many people are reading too many magazines, buying too much stuff, waiting way too long, preparing way too much and listening to WAY TOO many other "experts" and they never make it out here.


28-11-2006 12:22

posted this same answer in the other poll, but....

We think their journey shows that too many people are reading too many magazines, buying too much stuff, waiting way too long, preparing way too much and listening to WAY TOO many other "experts" and they never make it out here.

s/v 'Faith'

28-11-2006 12:39


Y? R there two polls on this at the same time?


28-11-2006 12:56

They are my idols.

28-11-2006 16:03

I appreciate them. I am thankful they chose to share so much of their journey (lumps and all) with complete strangers via their webpage.

I think "idiots" could not be more misplaced.

I wish them well and will be sad to see their adventure come to an end.


28-11-2006 16:56

Where do I go to read this?


28-11-2006 17:09


Originally Posted by dana-tenacity

Where do I go to read this?


28-11-2006 17:25

who cares, they're having fun. That's what's so great about the sea, one of the last few places you can go without having to weave through walls of red tape(until you decide to head back near land anyway).


28-11-2006 17:27

Am I the only person in the world who has not bothered to read their blog?

I'm sure they did not write it for acclaim or criticism - so why not just let the subject drop?



28-11-2006 17:42


I'm sure they did not write it for acclaim or criticism - so why not just let the subject drop?

Controversial and irresponsible, that is why the comments are still flowing.

Not sure why they wrote the blog either, I sure as hell would sail for the enjoyment, not for chasing down internet-cafes on every stop to publish my diary.

At any rate, yawnnn....Let them sail, but I wish they would keep it to themselfs.


28-11-2006 18:49

What a joke!!!!

:( What a joke, why did the administrator remove my poll? It had better choices than this one and was completely different. It did not break any of the forum rules. What is this? A dictatorship??


28-11-2006 18:51

If people did not want to vote on it, it would have become lost in the thousands of past threads that no longer get commented on.

What harm was that?


28-11-2006 19:18

Aha..I thought there was 2 polls for a while.

Then something disappeared...Too many Bitburgers in my brain and my liver perhaps?

Nah, admin killed one of them polls and left us confused.:confused:

For most "hits" on this here site, keep the Bum topics alive and open: We all have comments and opinions on it.

If the Bum's wants publicity and the spot-light, they are doing the right thing.

If they want respect and admiration they may be on the wrong course.


28-11-2006 22:20

I just feel sorry for whoever buys that boat next. From what I could discern it is relying heavily on chopped strand mat for structural integrity now. It has one new engine already and seems to always be in need of engine work-a fairly good indicator of poor maintenance.

One day I'm sure we'll here someone here defending their purchase of it saying "well it got them around the world didn't it?!)
Idiots seems abit strong since they do seem to have good computer and communications skills. But clever people still do stupid things all the time. These folks have that down pat.


28-11-2006 22:50

i actually posted this poll as a way of getting away from the comments and just have a way of metaphorically putting your hand up in favour or against

as for seafox well all i can say is that the natural intelligence and superiority of a kiwi based in australia shone through :-)

Alan Wheeler

28-11-2006 22:58

Ummm, seafox is a Kiwi in Kiwi land.

So what poll has dissapeared?? Seems strange that one has been deleted without all the "team" knowing about it. we would normally discuss deleting a thread or similar to get a concensus as to what to do with it. And usually when something is deleted from you folks, it is actually sent to an area that we as the "team" can continue to view it and decide what to do with it. I have not heard any of the team discuss this nor have I seen the post moved. So I will look into it. Maybe I was away or asleep or day dreaming at the time we decided something.
Anyways, can someone explain what it was that seems to be gone and where it was originaly placed.

Personly however, I don't know why we are bothering to place polls on these two. It has caused no end of bickering here.


28-11-2006 23:13

Hey Sean,

you get up earlier over there, that's all.
When a Kiwi leaves to go to Australia the IQ of both NZ and Austraila increase so it can't be what you said.;)


28-11-2006 23:14

Hi Alan,
it was the poll that went with post number 11.


Alan Wheeler

28-11-2006 23:37

Arrrr, OK. Nope something happend to it outside of the Mod/admin team. I remember seeing your post this morning (I am online every morning from 7.AM) and thought, "I don't get that". Now I do if it went with a poll. There was nothing other than your words in the post from early this morning.


29-11-2006 00:24

Had a few votes and a couple of posts under it. Some of the guys above saw it.

Blowing 50,000 bastards here at the moment.

Alan Wheeler

29-11-2006 01:08

Yep tracked the issue. Yes you are right, it did exist. What happend was that the two threads were trying to be merged so as the topic remained in one thread. But something glitched. It didn't like the fact that two polls were in the one thread for some reason and it deleted one of them. Unfortunatly it was yours Darryl.

But hey folks, (and this is to everyone not just you Darryl) I would really, no actually the "team" would really appreciate this topic being dropped. It is serving no purpose than to spark heated debate about nothing. It has no winners, just opinions and depending on what light you look at them in, both views are right and wrong. IMO we are serving no good for this Forum if we keep this subject going. So please can we drop it.

Oh and yeah, blowing again here to mate. I know it is that time of the year, but I am sure we haven't had such constant winds with such high strengths like this before. I can't get any thing done outside on the boat and Christmas is coming a a lot too fast.


29-11-2006 01:48

hmm thinks.... darn cant think of a comeback for seafox yet, but ill work on it with that elevated newzealand(A.I.)australian intelligence i spoke of earlier


Island Mike

29-11-2006 09:57

Wheels, while I did vote and voice an opinion in this matter, you are absolutely correct. There are no winners in this and it only breeds contempt and angry debate. For whatever my opinion imight be worth.


29-11-2006 10:18


Originally Posted by Island Mike

Wheels, while I did vote and voice an opinion in this matter, you are absolutely correct. There are no winners in this and it only breeds contempt and angry debate. For whatever my opinion imight be worth.

Hmmm. I wonder why that is. The Bums in many ways are an inspiration. Why are they an inspiration? Is it because they like McDonalds? Pizza? Rental cars? Hotels? Is it because they don't love sailing? Is it because they call 20 knots "crap weather?"

Nope. It is because they are "just doing it." It really doesn't matter what "it" is. Fill in the blank with your own "it." They have done what few on this list will ever do, despite their dreaming about doing it.

They packed it all up, freed their dock lines and set off into the wild blue yonder.

Are the bums an appropriate topic for this website? How could they not be? There is a great deal to be learned from reading about their marvelous adventures.

I admire and envy them. Not envy in a hostile, evil way, but rather I wish I was in a place where I could do what they are doing, but in my own way. The freedom that the sailing lifestyle offers is the freedom to do it in your own way. They don't play loud music in crowded anchorages. They don't drag on their anchor into other boats. In fact, they seem like very courteous sailors.

So why all the controversy? Well it seems, from these poll results, that it comes from a very small minority. And that small minority shouldn't ruin it for everyone else.

I know I follow the bums. I have turned many on to their site, and those people follow them also - even non sailors.

Bravo to Pat and Ali.

Alan Wheeler

29-11-2006 11:44

The story of the Bums maybe fine for this website. The arguments that have become more than just opinions of "left vs right" is what is detrimental to this site.

For instance, your post directly above jzk, although valid in your way of thinking, leaves me with feeling a little insulted. Did you intend to insult me??? I would like to think not. But due to the fact that tone and intention can not easily be portrayed in words. It is one reason why we often use the simlies just to help with a picture what we maybe trying to portray. So your post will enevitably attract another negative reply. The reply maybe directed at your comments, but a reader now coming in, reads it and then aligns it to the Bumfuzzle discusion and we have another join in posting a scathing attack on what some people have said and off it all goes again.
The actual discussion of the fuzzles ended not much long after it began. There was some very good responses in the thread that we as Admin suggested it was all worth keeping for. I am not so sure it was a good decision in hind site as we go no further than simply round in circles on this subject now and it is taking us no where on what I think could be some great discussions.

This is what I propose. We all stop with the Fuzzle subject!!. (Hold on before you protest and read on.) Many topics, Pizza and McD's for instance, make some good discussion. Not for the food par'say, but the fact that there are many different cruisers out there. Some cruise the world to see the sights and meet the cultures. Some cruise to find the warmer climates, some crusie to experiance the sea. Who has the wrong motive??? None. it is just that each of us is different. I would rather see a thread started on opinions of how people would cruise. Would you get involved with a culture, or would you go for McD's or would you find a sunny beach and chill out and so on. That's what this board is about and here for.

So can we please drop this volunaterrily and would someone like to start a thread in some relation to what I just suggested??


29-11-2006 12:08

Sorry Alan, but this is too much fun

Guys, I had never heard of these people till this thread, I went to their blog and read a couple of pages, but was too bored to read all of it . So what , specifically, are they doing that is so wrong? Errors of seamanship?

Alan Wheeler

29-11-2006 12:32

There is no "wrong" in what they are doing. "right and wrong" in sailing comes down to opinion. There is "better", there is "eaiser" there is "safer" adn most importantly, there is "prepared" but I don't think their is a clear "wrong". If something does go wrong, it is probably more an "unfortunate". Because people that do it all right can still have it go all wrong.

Yep I made a couple of comments in the early days. One regarding their MOB pole being painted grey, in my opinion could be rather a silly idea, but hey, just my opinion. and the other, which become more contiversial was an opinion that I thought it was sad that these two were spending so much energy and money on such a whirlwind tour of the world. They have never seen 99% of the sights to be had out there. So my mistake was to suggest that it was like them going round and round their harbour till they clocked up the same sea miles. Oopps, that didn't go down well with Pat. But once again, that was my opinion And they are seeing the world how they want to and for there own reasons, in a way they want to. Who am I to judge that. But it could have all gone quite way back then. However, Pat made some flaming type comments on other forums and on his website and we started to get the odd poster that would dredge this up, flame and then never be seen again. Then after all that history has gone intot the depths, we get the regulars here that have no idea of the context that many of the comments way back then were made. And so the comments have been taken out of proportion and context and we end up with the comments we get in the recent days.
Personly, I think the thread series should be locked off. It was voted on by the "team" that there was too much valuable info in it to simply delete the whole thing. But I am not sure it is worth the hassles it presents adn seems to surface every few months. And I find it frustrating as it divides the board, causes a "tone" that will hinder more nervouse newbies from participating here and in the end gets us totaly no where but back around that circle.

Island Mike

29-11-2006 13:41


This is out of control, in no way was I intending to insult you or anybody else for that matter, read my posts I respect all and their opinions. My point was that yes I did participate in the survey, and yes I do like Bumfuzzles and their posts and yes I wish I was able to leave now and do what they do. The subject is controversial to say the least. And maybe, just maybe this is not the forum for this hotly debated issue, but who am I to decide. I for one will not enter this particular forum (Bumfuzzle) again.

Wheels, for whatever it is worth I am truely sorry if I insulted you in any way, it certainly was not meant that way.... I was only stating I agreed with you.


29-11-2006 13:45

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