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Pat and Ali ...the movie

" ... This will rival Warren Miller's skiing movies. Who knows, they'll probably make enough to retire and leave the last laugh on all of us. ... "

Come on !!!

Warren features expert skiers, doing (& surviving) incredible things, with consummate skill.

The ‘Bums’ survive (what should be, to cruisers) doing mundane things, with incredible ineptitude.


29-11-2006 16:17

Now how is it that someone managed to edit my previous post? Is there an adminstrator who can explain this?

Rick in Florida

Alan Wheeler

29-11-2006 16:35

Admin/Mods will NEVER EVER play around with someones post. They will only delete it and send the poster an Email to explain why, IF it has breached the rules.

What has happend to your post Rick???

Mike, No you have not insulted me in anyway. Anything I say is aimed at the thread in general, not an individual in this thread. If I comment to an individual, I try to make it very clear whom I am adressing by using their name/handle. And if it a seriuose offense, we as the admin team will take that off board to a PM, so as we do not have a row "in front of everyone".

And remember, it isn't just this thread, it is the other bumfuzzle thread that this is related to that also is drawn into view. So my comments are being made in a holistic view of both threads.


29-11-2006 23:15


Nope. It is because they are "just doing it." It really doesn't matter what "it" is. Fill in the blank with your own "it." They have done what few on this list will ever do, despite their dreaming about doing it.

Here we go again:

Some folks thinks the negative comments are because the Bums "are doing it".

The same has been said over and over again, yet it rings the same hollow bell: Nobody on this board thinks the Bums should "not be doing it" in my opinion.

Most, if not all of us wish that more folks, regardless of age would just cut the dock lines and go sailing towards the horizon.

What rubs my hairs the wrong way however is not that the Bums, or anybody else is "doing it", but rather that they keep squacking and holloring about their lack of knowledge and preparation as well as their lust for fast-food places and internet connections, and if they found neither it was a bad island or a bad country. Especially if the natives could not splice their lines,:rolleyes:

So therefore jzk: It is not because they are "doing it",

(How many times do I have to explain the difference between an adventurous spirit and a spoiled city-brat spirit with too much money and not enough common sense?)

At any rate, let the Bums sail their own path: They choose to publish their log and some of us responded.

If young and inexerienced folks wants to chip in and state their opinion about the Bums being idols and hero's for doing it, despite the lack of sea-manship and common sense, so be it.
I prefer to run my boat and my future in a different direction than the Bums and I don't care what the amateurs think about it: Ya will never see my log or my blog on these or any other internet pages.

Again: My hat of the the Bums for sailing, but I wish they would keep their problems to themselfes and learn from it instead of publishing the BS on the net and feed the rookies and the wide-eyed internet landlubbers a story of how ya can be totally ignorant of the sea and get away with it: Happy-Go-Lucky seems to be the message.

Guess that was the reason I tuned out after the first few chapters: Not much to learn, not much adventure and lots of ignorant blabber.

Sorry, not my idols despite the fact they are "Doing It".


29-11-2006 23:37

oh yes and seafox i believe that i actually get up later than you as nz is closer to the dateline than aus



30-11-2006 00:44

:cool: just checking to see if you still had some of that kiwi iQ......mind took a while:p


30-11-2006 02:51

I apologise !

My most sincere apologies for inadvertently overwriting your post.

Apparently, I made a keyboard error, when I was trying to quote you (not intending to edit your post).
Such negligence (on my part) is inexcusable, and will not be repeated.


30-11-2006 08:42


Originally Posted by CSY Man

Here we go again:

Some folks thinks the negative comments are because the Bums "are doing it".

The same has been said over and over again, yet it rings the same hollow bell: Nobody on this board thinks the Bums should "not be doing it" in my opinion.

Most, if not all of us wish that more folks, regardless of age would just cut the dock lines and go sailing towards the horizon.

What rubs my hairs the wrong way however is not that the Bums, or anybody else is "doing it", but rather that they keep squacking and holloring about their lack of knowledge and preparation as well as their lust for fast-food places and internet connections, and if they found neither it was a bad island or a bad country. Especially if the natives could not splice their lines,:rolleyes:

So therefore jzk: It is not because they are "doing it",

(How many times do I have to explain the difference between an adventurous spirit and a spoiled city-brat spirit with too much money and not enough common sense?)

At any rate, let the Bums sail their own path: They choose to publish their log and some of us responded.

If young and inexerienced folks wants to chip in and state their opinion about the Bums being idols and hero's for doing it, despite the lack of sea-manship and common sense, so be it.
I prefer to run my boat and my future in a different direction than the Bums and I don't care what the amateurs think about it: Ya will never see my log or my blog on these or any other internet pages.

Again: My hat of the the Bums for sailing, but I wish they would keep their problems to themselfes and learn from it instead of publishing the BS on the net and feed the rookies and the wide-eyed internet landlubbers a story of how ya can be totally ignorant of the sea and get away with it: Happy-Go-Lucky seems to be the message.

Guess that was the reason I tuned out after the first few chapters: Not much to learn, not much adventure and lots of ignorant blabber.

Sorry, not my idols despite the fact they are "Doing It".

Hmmm. I wonder why the bums doing their bum thing and my calling them my idols causes you so much concern. So much concern that you directly call me "young and inexperienced folk" without ever knowing anything about me.

The reason that I admire them so much is that, after working a bit and saving some coin, they took all they had and set sail. Personally, I have a love for sailing, but they had a love for adventure and to see the world in their own way. For them sailing was a means to that end.

They did what I should have done when I was their age or at least wish I could have done. It was my sense of "responsibility" that prevented me and their sense of "irresponsibility" that seems to have allowed them to take the step.

Spoiled City brats with too much money? Says who? You? From all accounts that I can see, Pat earned his keep trading futures. And it seems he did well enough to cut loose in his late 20s. Is there some jealousy there? Not from me. I give them a "thumbs up" and a "way to go." What if they hired a cook, a maid, and a Volvo mechanic to sail with them? Ok by me. If they can afford it, more power to them.

Their lust of fast food places and quest for internet cafes bothers you? Who cares if their taste in food and desire to publish their accounts bothers you? No one cares. Many have found the internet a wonderful way to tell their story to their family and friends. If you don't want to know about their story, don't go to their website!

You aren't going to publish your accounts? Thanks for telling us that. We can all breath a sigh or relief now. Who cares?

Why are the Bums so endearing? I submit, that indeed, it is because "they are doing it." That one day they felt like doing it, and they did it. And further because they laugh at people like you that judge them with your high and mighty attitude about what kind of food they are supposed to like and how they should tell their story.

They are laughing their asses off. And they have almost completed saiiling around the world? Who here has made their first circumnavigation?

They have done it. The proof is in the pudding. They are the experienced ones. They are the ones with the miles under their keels.

And for all the people that are tired of reading about Bumfuzzle, don't open the thread? But you couldn't help yourself! You did open the thread. And you read it. Why is that? I don't read half the threads on here because they don't spark an interest. But you don't see me ranting and raving about how those people shouldn't be posting threads that don't interest me. Could you imagine the nerve?


30-11-2006 11:05

Well said jzk. Sums it all up quite nicely.

If anyone responds to you in the negative, it shows that really deep down they cant help themselves.....they are closet bumfuzzle followers and don't even know it:)


30-11-2006 11:11


So much concern that you directly call me "young and inexperienced folk" without ever knowing anything about me.

Not you in particular, general terms for previous posters in the catgory.


Is there some jealousy there? Not from me. I give them a "thumbs up" and a "way to go."

Agree 100%, no jealousy here either, I wish them luck and a thumbs up as well.


Their lust of fast food places and quest for internet cafes bothers you?

No, just don't agree......


You aren't going to publish your accounts? Thanks for telling us that. We can all breath a sigh or relief now. Who cares?

Seems like you do since you even responded.


And for all the people that are tired of reading about Bumfuzzle, don't open the thread? But you couldn't help yourself! You did open the thread. And you read it.

Nope. As I stated earlier, I lost interest after the first few chapters and have not been there since.


30-11-2006 11:23

JZK! thanks for writing was i was thinking!


Alan Wheeler

30-11-2006 11:59

Warning!!!! Stop this NOW!!! This is exactly as I stated earlier. No one is listening to the other and we are havign nothing more than a bicker which is achieving nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and I am annoyed with this carry on. So cool it or this thread will be removed.

Jim H

30-11-2006 12:38


Originally Posted by Alan Wheeler

Warning!!!! Stop this NOW!!! This is exactly as I stated earlier. No one is listening to the other and we are havign nothing more than a bicker which is achieving nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and I am annoyed with this carry on. So cool it or this thread will be removed.

I respectfully disagree. If there are users on CF that find inspiration from the Bums, why should they be told to "Stop this NOW?"

I'm not a fan of the Bums, mostly because I find the writing on their site to be "too first draft" for my tastes. If they find a good editor, they might have a pretty good book in a couple of years. For people new to sailing and cruising, it could be an important first book if they pick it up, because it's contemporary and has fresh voices they might identify with. No one sails off after reading one web site or one book, so who cares if there's shortcomings. In fact, I don't think I've read any cruising book that didn't have shortcomings or outdated parts.

There were mistakes made in the first thread in that certain members took a "scorn and contempt" approach to the Bum's site, and that position has offended some new users. I congratulate them for speaking out. In fact, I think this entire sequence is revealing in that some "advice" on sailing forums does seem to be thinly disguised derision. It also indicates that some of the "site wisdom" may be wrong.

Forgive me for thinking these thoughts, but I'm not certain why else the reaction would be so strong and defensive as to insist that people stop expressing themselves in a respectful way. I also think that people are listening to each other, and learning things. We all approach sailing and crusing in our own ways. I also believe the thoughts and ideas of new members deserve just as much respect as that of "long time" members.

JZK, excellent post.

Jim H


30-11-2006 12:51

This is the funiiest thread on the site, don't stop now ( vaguely reminiscent of Borat).


30-11-2006 12:51

Alan, it is just a debate, no bones broken, no worse than any discussion about say politics or religion. Healthly debate can be good. As far as I can see above, no forum rules have been broken. It is best to let it run. If people are not interested in the topic they do not need to click or post on it. Without two sides the topic will die a natural death. If administrators start to close threads based on their opinions and not their own forum rules it is a real shame.

(No offense.......could a guy who wears a Heidi hat ever offend anyone?):)


30-11-2006 13:26

I believe that administration stops, and censorship begins, when adults are denied access to non-proprietary ideas and information, which are of interest to them, and which are of no harm to others.

I suspect that any nascent call for censorship might disappear if we cease casting aspersions upon each other and absent others (Pat & Ali).
I’m certain we can entertain adult debate regarding the relative merits of pizza vs bulgur wheat, MOB pole colours, and other cruising related topics engendered by the Bum’s example. I’m also certain the negative characterisations do little to further any particular point of view.
Let's deport ourselves with some modicum of dignity & decorum.


30-11-2006 13:59

I can understand why this subject annoys the cr#p out of the Admin team :D (I haven't read all the previous thread (s??!) - but I got a flavour)

BUT, I see no reason why a subject should be killed, just cos' folk disagree on the subjects raised - as long as folk are polite (ish!). IMO nothing wrong with folk having different opinions / values. Whether the prevailing opinion is right or wrong is immaterial as IMO it is always good to have dissenting voices if only to help validate a position. Still, it's not my Forum and I do not have to spend time being a Mod :D :D :D

I suggest that as soon as a new thread starts, just dump the new post in an existing thread - folk who have been around a bit will mostly ignore it's "re-awakening" out of boredom, and it's lifecycle will gradually get shorter.


30-11-2006 14:06


This thread is "Much ado about nothing" and just not worth getting upset over. OTOH, I'm trying to figure out how it's solving anyone's problem or advancing the field of sailing???

I'm a fan of the Bumfuzzlers but sheesh, enough is enough.

Rick in Florida


30-11-2006 14:55


Warning!!!! Stop this NOW!!!

Roger, hear ya loud and clear.

I will stay away from this topic from now on.

It gets a bit heated I think, not because a young couple is out there "doing it", but the way they go about it.

I bet we all wish 'em well and hope more would do the same.

Heck, I did the same in my 20s, sold everything, (Which was not much) bought a boat and cruised the Caribe islands.

To those I offended on this and the other Bum threads: My appologies!


30-11-2006 14:56

i must admit that while i wouldnt be rushing to find the first maccas in countries the dominoes outlets would be a different matter:-)as for all the posts i originally started this thread just to see how many people agreed didnt care or disagreed with the fact that what they are doing is pretty cool not to continue the previous one, as stated previously i find their posts well written and quite funny,

i think that we should debate the merits of youth cruising as that will be me next year(32 which maybe isnt that young) and i certainly would feel a little cheesed off at older cruisers implying that my parents bought me a boat and while i can appreciate the wisdom in going slow there are also reasons to hoon around the world so to speak as there are just so many places to see and so many things to do


30-11-2006 16:28


30-11-2006 16:45


Originally Posted by seafox

Blowing 50,000 bastards here at the moment.

I think we can all agree that, cuisine preferences aside, it would be better to sail with Pat and Ali than join seafox in that peculiar hobby....


30-11-2006 17:04


I think we can all agree that, cuisine preferences aside, it would be better to sail with Pat and Ali than join seafox in that peculiar hobby....

Agree 50,000%

:D :D :D


30-11-2006 17:42

:) they have all blown away now:)


30-11-2006 18:03

Seafox, I have to hand it to you. You sure know how to end a thread

Rick in Florida


30-11-2006 18:10


they have all blown away now

No after-taste?..:)


30-11-2006 22:30

Hi Seafox. What's a heidi hat look like?


30-11-2006 22:37

Hi Savvy, go to:

there is a photo of one there.

I heard that they are going to be all the trend this year. Go well with Jockey wide fronts. I am going to be selling them on the internet once my patent comes through.:dork:

No aftertaste, not like a pizza!!!


30-11-2006 22:38

gotta love those anchovies though.

Alan Wheeler

30-11-2006 22:56

Yeah ummm, what Gord said.... I think. It sounds good but I am going to have to sit down with my dictionary and work out what he actually did say.:-0

OK, back to the thread. I really don't give a damn about the Pat and Ali saga. I am not telling anyone off about arguing about them. What I didn't want to see is a flame war begin between board members. Thats all I am worried about. I was worried about CSY and jzk picking up bigger toys to hit each other with. So as long as you boy's play nice now ya here, I'll let it carry on. I don't mind the debate, but as soon as someone spits a dummy, there'll be a wooping I tell ya. So play on but don't go poking an eye out. And if ya come running to me crying, I'll just tell ya I told you so. OK!!

Kai Nui

30-11-2006 23:19

"Still, it's not my Forum and I do not have to spend time being a Mod"

David, I just wanted to make one point to you, and all of the members. This IS your forum. One thing that makes this forum what it is, is the fact that we do not have a "Ruling Body" but a group of admins/mods that work to keep this site what the members want it to be. The issue of closing this thread, or not has been discussed between the admin/mods in almost as much detail as has been contained in the thread itself. If this thread is what the members want, then it stays. As long as the posters continue to treat each other with the respect due any member of this forum.
I would also point out that the concerns, and the warnings posted here by Wheels, or any Admin or Moderator, is the opinion of the forum leadership, and concerns over those decisions should be addressed to all of us accordngly, not just the spokesman. I may be stating the obvious, but reading back over the posts, I feel that point needs to be clear.

Alan Wheeler

01-12-2006 01:21

Hmmm, I thought that angry mob looked suspicouse. I wasn't sure if it was the pitch forks or the long rope they were carrying, or that glint in their eye with the hollow sinister "hello matey" :-)


01-12-2006 09:34

Great photo seafox. like the t-shirt too.



01-12-2006 09:42

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