6 The oral complications of diabetes mellitus include 1) Xerostomia (dry mouth) 2) An increased susceptibility to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections (oral pseudomembranous candidiasis or thrush) 3) Parotid glands maybe enlarged. 4) Atrophic changes in tongue coating. 5) Burning sensation of tongue or paraesthia. 6) Odontalgia. 7) Lichenoid. 8) Increased incidence of infection ➢ The increased periodontal tissue destruction in diabetic individuals maybe attributed to 1. Increased gingival crevicular fluid glucose level. 2. Changes in collagen metabolism. 3. Vascular changes in the periodontium. 4. Changes in host cell function in diabetic patients Manifestations of diabetes are due to 1. Hyperglycemia Decrease phagocytic ability of neutrophils → Good media for growth of microorganisms 2. Ketoacidosis: Decrease phagocytic ability → Decrease chemotaxis 3. Vascular wall disease Microangiopathy Decrease flow of blood Decrease mobilization of neutrophil Decrease in oxygen tension Atherosclerosis 4. Hyperlipidemia 5. Advanced glycosylated end products (AGEs)