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1. I secure data from the information communication
technology system (ITC) to teach.



2. Easy to teach and receive assignment online



3. I have access to internet base computer to teach online



4. The application of digital technology for training
serves as catalyst for students’ competency base training



5. I intend to learn and adopt more about digital
technologies in my teaching practices



6. Computers and accessories are used to manipulate and
control robotic actions for mechanical engineering training.



7. I am aware that my students should be trained on using equipment and machines of latest model and make so
that they can perform well at their workplace



8. I feel that future teaching demands will require me to be well versed with computer and other learning



9. The advantages of using digital technologies in
teaching outweigh the disadvantages






Source: Field Data (2023)
Table 4.6 displays the findings regarding the mode of teaching (MoT), which suggest that instructors in technical universities in Ghana are partially integrating digital technologies into their pedagogical approaches, with differing degrees of efficacy. The utilisation of data derived from the information communication technology system (ITC) is employed for pedagogical purposes (M
= 2.69; SD = 1.104), and the process of instructing and receiving assignments online is perceived as relatively facile (M = 2.63; SD = 1.216). The availability of internet- based computers for online teaching is moderately present, with a mean score of
2.69 and a standard deviation of 1.140. The results of this study indicate that there has been some advancement in the incorporation of digital technologies within the realm of mechanical engineering pedagogy. Nevertheless, there remains ample opportunity for further enhancement.
The findings are consistent with prior research on the advantages of integrating digital tools and technologies into engineering instruction. However, they also reveal some unforeseen outcomes. The relatively restricted implementation of digital technologies among educators may appear surprising, considering the increasing emphasis on digital competencies within the engineering domain. The observed incongruity may be attributed to various factors, including restricted availability of technology, insufficient instruction, or reluctance to embrace modifications.
The rationale behind the unforeseen outcomes can be attributed to the difficulties that educators encounter when integrating novel technologies into their teaching practises, including insufficient time, resources, and support. Prior studies have underscored the significance of offering ample assistance and resources to facilitate the seamless integration of technology into the pedagogical approaches of instructors (France et al., 2021: Ertmer et al., 2012). Haleem et al., (2022) have identified the increased utilisation of virtual learning environments as a successful implementation of digital technologies in engineering education. The utilisation of these learning environments has the potential to augment academic achievements and promote cooperation between students and instructors. This implies that a wider

implementation of these technologies may result in enhanced educational experiences for students.

The findings suggest the significance of identifying efficacious approaches for complete integration of digital tools and technologies into the educational syllabus. Additionally, it is imperative to examine the obstacles that may impede their implementation and scrutinise the factors that influence educators' adoption of technology. Subsequent investigations ought to concentrate on these domains, in conjunction with ascertaining optimal methodologies for integrating technology into the educational syllabus and scrutinising the impact of institutional backing on cultivating a technology-infused learning milieu.
Furthermore, the findings indicate that the utilisation of digital technology is viewed as a facilitator for the development of students' competency-based education in technical universities in Ghana (mean = 3.12; standard deviation = 1.194). The data suggests that educators exhibit a significant inclination towards acquiring and implementing digital technologies in their pedagogical approaches (M = 3.47; SD = 1.222). Computers and related equipment are utilised in the instruction of mechanical engineering to manage and regulate robotic operations, although there is scope for further enhancement (M = 2.57; SD = 1.269). The findings of this study are consistent with prior research on the advantages of incorporating digital technologies into engineering education. These benefits include heightened student involvement, superior educational achievements, and improved critical thinking skills (Fadilah, 2022). Nonetheless, the results also disclose unanticipated consequences regarding the degree of incorporation of digital technologies in the education of mechanical engineering.
Insufficient access to essential resources, including computers and related equipment, could be a plausible rationale for the unanticipated outcomes. This may impede the complete assimilation of digital technologies in the field of mechanical engineering education. Moreover, educators may encounter obstacles in embracing these technologies owing to inadequate training or support. Gomez-del Rio & Rodriguez, (2022) have provided an instance of efficacious integration of digital technology in engineering education. They have showcased the constructive influence of computer-aided design (CAD) software and other digital tools on the

problem-solving skills and learning outcomes of students. The aforementioned instance underscores the prospective advantages of integrating digital technologies more extensively into the realm of mechanical engineering education.

It was found that it is imperative to tackle the difficulties encountered by educators when incorporating digital technologies into their pedagogical approaches. Subsequent investigations ought to concentrate on the identification of efficacious tactics for surmounting these obstacles, including the provision of sufficient resources, instruction, and assistance. Furthermore, it is imperative for scholarly inquiry to delve into the determinants that impact the incorporation of digital instruments by educators and examine the optimal approaches to assimilate these technologies into the educational syllabus. The notion that the integration of digital technology in engineering education can enhance student outcomes is supported by prior research (Broo et al., 2022). Consequently, it is imperative to provide specific suggestions for prospective studies, such as investigating the determinants that influence the adoption of technology, ascertaining the most effective strategies for incorporating technology into educational settings, and scrutinising the significance of institutional backing in cultivating technology- enhanced learning atmospheres.
Educators in technical universities in Ghana possess knowledge regarding the significance of instructing students on the utilisation of contemporary equipment and machinery to excel in their professional environments (M = 3.61; SD = 1.133). The participants hold the belief that their proficiency in computer and other learning technologies will be necessary for future teaching demands, as evidenced by a mean score of 3.22 and a standard deviation of 1.346. Additionally, they perceive that the benefits of utilising digital technologies in teaching surpass the drawbacks, with a mean score of 3.76 and a standard deviation of 1.142. The findings presented in this study are in accordance with the anticipated results and demonstrate conformity with prior investigations concerning the function of digital technologies in the realm of engineering education. The integration of emerging technologies into engineering curricula has been emphasised as crucial by the (S.
A. Becker et al., (2018), to equip students with the necessary skills to adapt to the changing job market.

Nevertheless, there could be unanticipated consequences regarding the degree to which educators have embraced digital technologies and the obstacles they encounter during their implementation. A plausible rationale for the unanticipated outcomes could be attributed to the restricted availability of resources or inadequate institutional backing for the assimilation of digital technologies into the educational syllabus. Haleem et al., (2022), demonstrated a successful application of digital technologies in engineering education. Their study highlighted the benefits of incorporating computer-aided design (CAD) software in the learning process, leading to enhanced problem-solving skills and improved learning outcomes among students.

Besides, the significance of tackling the obstacles encountered by educators when integrating and executing digital technologies in their pedagogical approaches. Based on the aforementioned discoveries, it is plausible to postulate that enhancing the availability of resources and furnishing sufficient instruction and assistance for instructors could result in a more efficacious assimilation of digital technologies in the realm of engineering education. The notion that the integration of digital technologies in engineering education can enhance student outcomes is supported by prior research, as exemplified by the study conducted by (Bongomin et al., 2020a). Consequently, it is imperative to provide suggestions for further investigation, such as examining the variables that influence the adoption of technology, ascertaining the most effective techniques for incorporating technology into educational settings, and scrutinising the significance of institutional backing in cultivating learning environments that are abundant in technology.
To summarise, the utilisation of digital technologies in teaching mechanical engineering in Ghanaian technical universities has shown progress, as evidenced by the composite mean of 3.08 and the composite standard deviation of 1.196. Nonetheless, additional progress and acceptance are still required. The results indicate that educators comprehend the significance and worth of incorporating digital technologies into their pedagogical approaches and acknowledge the potential advantages for the academic development of students. Furthermore, they articulate their eagerness to be flexible and expand their knowledge regarding these technological advancements. However, there exists a degree of variability in the

perceptions of individuals, which may be subject to influence from factors such as personal experiences, available resources, and institutional support. This underscores the necessity for sustained enhancement and backing in the assimilation of digital technologies into educational approaches.

Table 4.7 Results on classroom disruptive technologies (CDT)

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