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1. Information and communication technology (ICT) base training eliminates the use of paper to bridge the digital
skills gap.



2. Model for online learning with no attendance limits.



3. Collecting, examining, and analyzing engineering
project and assignments online.



4. I trained with Virtual and Augmented Reality software
in eLearning environment.



5. Usage of artificial intelligence and machine learning
for engineering practices.



6. Creating 3D objects from computer-aided design
models with additive manufacturing.



7. Computers are used to manipulate and control robotic
actions as part of engineering training.



8. Electronic vehicles management system training is



9. Design and manufacturing using computer-aided
design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) is achieved.



10. Computer-aided design (CAD) software for
engineering simulations.






Source: Field Data (2023)
The findings indicate that the incorporation of disruptive technologies in the classroom is currently in its nascent phase, exhibiting heterogeneous degrees of integration across diverse domains. The utilisation of information and communication technology (ICT) in training has demonstrated a moderate

reduction in paper usage (M = 2.65; SD = 1.016). However, the model for online learning without attendance restrictions is not as prevalent (M = 2.29; SD = 0.986). The adoption of online platforms for the collection, evaluation, and analysis of engineering projects and assignments is not yet prevalent, as indicated by a mean score of 2.33 and a standard deviation of 1.125.

The findings are consistent with prior research that has highlighted difficulties associated with the integration of digital technologies in higher education environments (e.g. Broo et al., 2022; Miranda et al., 2021). The potential advantages of incorporating digital technologies into engineering education, such as enhanced student involvement, increased academic performance, and improved aptitude for problem-solving, have been emphasised in previous research ((Miranda et al., 2021 : Felder & Brent, 2016). However, the present study's results indicate that further efforts are necessary to realise these benefits within the framework of technical universities in Ghana.
The modest uptake of digital technologies in mechanical engineering education within technical universities in Ghana may appear unexpected, considering the growing significance of digital competencies in the field of engineering. The unexpected outcomes may be attributed to various factors such as inadequate resources, insufficient training, or reluctance to adopt new practises (Broo et al., 2022). In order to comprehensively comprehend and tackle the difficulties encountered by educators in the adoption of disruptive technologies, it is recommended that forthcoming research endeavours delve into the hindrances to technology adoption, scrutinise efficacious approaches for integrating technology into the curriculum, and assess the significance of institutional support in cultivating technology-laden learning environments (S. A. Becker et al., 2017).
The findings indicate that instructors report a moderate level of familiarity with virtual and augmented reality software training in e-learning settings (M = 2.49, SD = 0.880), while the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering practises is currently in its nascent stages (M = 2.39, SD = 0.961). Furthermore, the utilisation of additive manufacturing to generate 3D objects from computer-aided design models is not a widely adopted convention (M
= 2.39; SD = 0.981), and the manipulation and regulation of robotic actions through

computers as a component of engineering education is only moderately prevalent (M = 2.43; SD = 0.855).

The outcomes are consistent with prior research that has identified obstacles to the implementation of sophisticated technologies in higher education, particularly in contexts where resources are constrained (e.g., Akhmedov, 2022: Laurillard, 2016). The incorporation of these technologies is imperative in equipping students with the necessary skills to navigate the swiftly changing engineering terrain. RadiSanti et al., (2020) have suggested that the implementation of virtual and augmented reality can potentially augment students' comprehension of intricate concepts. Similarly, Peramunugamage et al., (2023) have posited that the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning can facilitate the optimisation of engineering procedures and enhance the development of problem- solving abilities.
The insufficient implementation of aforementioned technologies in technical universities in Ghana may be attributed to a range of factors, including insufficient resources, inadequate training, or reluctance to embrace change (Gomez-del Rio & Rodriguez, 2022). The Adams Becker et al., (2017), suggests that forthcoming studies should focus on identifying the hindrances to technology adoption, evaluating successful approaches for incorporating technology into the educational programme, and analysing the impact of institutional backing on the development of technology-enhanced learning settings.
It was found that training in electronic vehicle management system has been more successful (mean = 3.02; standard deviation = 1.029), along with the utilisation of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in design and manufacturing processes (mean = 2.82; standard deviation = 0.994), and the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software for engineering simulations (mean = 2.49; standard deviation = 0.880). Based on the composite mean value of 2.53 and the composite standard deviation of 0.971, it can be inferred that the implementation of classroom disruptive technologies is currently in its nascent phase.
The findings align with prior studies that highlight the significance of integrating digital technologies in tertiary education to facilitate inventive learning opportunities and equip students with the necessary skills for the contemporary

engineering industry (e.g., Salah et al., 2019; Sörensen et al., 2022) The implementation of said technologies within technical universities in Ghana has been characterised by disparities, thus necessitating a more extensive adoption and provision of support to fully optimise their educational potential.

The existence of differing viewpoints emphasises the necessity for ongoing assistance, materials, and instruction to facilitate the integration and proficient utilisation of these technological tools in pedagogical methodologies by educators (Education & 2012, n.d.; Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010; Moorhouse & Wong, 2022) The literature highlights the significance of incorporating technology into engineering education as a means of equipping students with the necessary skills to navigate the constantly changing engineering field (Öztürk et al., 2022). In order to tackle this issue, forthcoming studies ought to concentrate on determining the variables that impact the adoption of technology, investigate efficient tactics for incorporating technology into the educational programme, and scrutinise the function of institutional backing in cultivating technology-infused learning settings (Adams Becker et al., 2017; Statti, 2021).
The findings, in conjunction with prior research perspectives, underscore the necessity of augmenting the incorporation of digital technologies in the realm of mechanical engineering instruction. Through an examination of the determinants of technology adoption, the implementation of efficacious strategies for integrating technology into educational contexts, and the significance of institutional backing in fostering technology-enhanced learning environments, scholars and instructors can work together to construct specific interventions and support mechanisms. The aforementioned approach is expected to make a significant contribution towards narrowing the digital skills gap in the field of mechanical engineering education in Ghana. It is anticipated that this will result in better preparation of students to cope with the constantly changing engineering landscape.
The mean composite score for disruptive classroom technologies (CDT) is
2.53 with a standard deviation of 0.971. This score reflects the consensus response to all questions regarding the use of disruptive technologies in the classroom. This suggests that respondents have a relatively benign view of disruptive classroom technologies. While there may be certain areas that require development, such as

online learning models and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the higher mean score for attaining training in electronic vehicle management systems indicates a slightly more favourable perception in that area. These findings shed light on the perceived assets and areas for improvement in the classroom setting where disruptive technologies were integrated.

Table 4.8 Results on workshop digital equipment (WDE)

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