
Utilizing Computer Simulations for Problem Solving in the Industry

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Utilizing Computer Simulations for Problem Solving in the Industry

Interviewees 2 (IE2) and 4 (IE4) concur that after a software engineer designs a vehicle, the design is simulated to ensure it meets operational standards. This finding is consistent with prior research (e.g., Liu et al., 2023; Mohseni et al., 2019) that has demonstrated the importance of computer simulations in the engineering design process. Before building physical prototypes, computer simulations can help identify potential problems and optimise designs, saving time and resources ( e.g.,Coimbra et al., 2022; Obsie et al., 2020)
Interviewee 3 (IE3), on the other hand, reports that computer simulations are not yet utilised in Ghana, but are anticipated to be implemented shortly, as vehicle design and manufacturing will commence in 2024. This finding suggests that the adoption of computer simulations in the Ghanaian mechanical engineering industry has room for expansion. The expected increase in the use of computer simulations in Ghana mirrors global trends, as more industries recognise the value of simulation technology in enhancing design processes and reducing costs (e.g., Botín-Sanabria et al., 2022; Gao et al., 2019)
Thus, the interviewees disclosed that computer simulations are utilised for problem-solving in their industry, particularly in designing and ensuring that vehicles meet operational standards. However, this practise is not yet widespread in Ghana, but it is anticipated that it will be adopted as the local industry shifts towards vehicle design and manufacturing. This finding confirms the importance

of computer simulations in the engineering design process and identifies growth opportunities in the Ghanaian mechanical engineering sector (e.g., Gao et al., 2019; Mattson & Wood, 2014) Essential Emerging Laboratory Technologies for Engineering Graduates Seeking Employment

The findings from the interviews demonstrate the significance of emerging technologies in the mechanical engineering industry, with interviewees emphasising the need for engineering graduates to be conversant with these technologies in order to increase their job prospects. Interviewees mention artificial intelligence, industrial robotics, additive manufacturing, machine learning algorithms, computer control systems, digital diagnostic support systems, coding, scripting, and digital twin technology.
The first interviewee (IE1) highlighted the importance of artificial intelligence, industrial robotics, additive manufacturing, machine learning algorithms, and computer control systems in Ghana's flourishing vehicle manufacturing processes. This is consistent with the literature (e.g., Huang et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2015) highlighting the increasing role of these technologies in the global mechanical engineering industry.
Both Interviewee 2 (IE2) and Interviewee 3 (IE3) emphasised the role of automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning in the Fourth Industrial Revolution's enhancement of processes. They emphasised the need for mechanical engineers to be proficient in fundamental coding and scripting, as well as Python and C/C++. This is consistent with research regarding the significance of programming abilities in the engineering field ( e.g.,Malik et al., 2022; Syam & Sharma, 2018) In addition, they discussed the importance of the digital counterpart in mechanical engineering and the need for graduates to be familiar with vehicle diagnostic equipment and automotive multimeters. This technology is increasingly being used to enhance design and maintenance processes (e.g., Grieves & Vickers, 2016; Tao et al., 2019) making digital twins a growing trend in industry.
The interviewees emphasised the significance of emergent technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, digital diagnosis systems, programming, and scripting for mechanical engineering graduates. They emphasised that graduates with these skills would have greater employment

opportunities in the industry's evolution. These findings support prior research on the growing importance of emerging technologies in mechanical engineering and the need for graduates to acquire relevant skills to meet industry demands (e.g., Kamaruzaman et al., 2019; Sackey & Bester, 2016).

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