Pillar 1 – Vulnerability and Resilience
Delivery FY
Support to forced displacement50
Support to enhance the productive capacities, livelihood opportunities (including pastoralism and animal health) and coping mechanisms of displaced populations and their host communities, in particular women and children.
Strengthening regional health systems
Strengthening regional health systems, for example, by extending the East Africa Lab project to other countries.
Expansion of the successful IGAD Regional HIV/AIDs partnership programme.
Expansion of the Regional Pastoral Livelihood and Resilience Project to South Sudan
Pillar 2 – Economic Opportunity and Integration
Delivery FY
Regional ICT connectivity for service provision and e-Transformation
i) Investments in fiber optic network infrastructures, through PPPs, ii) strengthening the legal and regulatory enabling environment to promote private sector competition and investment, and iii) develop government e-services applications.
FY15 (Uganda & S. Sudan);
FY16 (Djibouti)
South Sudan Kenya road link phase II
Mostly support activities in Kenya and include financing for 300km of road infrastructure from Nadapal to Eldoret.
FY15 (Kenya)
FY16 (South Sudan)
Support for feasibility study for the Ethiopia – Somaliland energy interconnector
Expansion of South West Indian Ocean Fisheries and Shared Growth project to Somalia
$10 m (TBC)
Cross-border growth and stability
Assistance for a limited number of border zones characterized by high levels of forced displacement, insecurity, and limited service delivery
Regional pipeline development using WBG products (PRG, political risk insurance etc.); and build local capacity in relevant geological and other technical skills.
Coordinated institutional support to the IGAD Secretariat
$5m (TBC)
Delivery FY
Financial Services, Agribusiness, Extractives
Regional projects or national projects, including PPPs, with regional implications in the HoA. Examples of key sectors for special attention include Financial Markets, Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy, ICT, Transport, Mining, and Agribusiness. An indicative list of projects for special targeting include:
Regional pipeline and roads projects linking Uganda, Kenya and South Sudan.
Investment and advisory work in the extractives, including local content.
Possible PPPs in pharmaceutical industry; renewable energy and transport (e.g. Port of Berbera); PPP frameworks in the extractives and other critical sectors.
Agribusiness sector opportunities including storage, processing, warehouse receipt systems, and seeds.
Additional advisory support to enhance market access, ease of doing business across the region, and access to finance.
$ 600 m (est)
Delivery FY
Support for Economic Opportunity and Integration:
Infrastructure, Energy, Agribusiness
MIGA will continue to seek regional and national project opportunities, to support to private investments into HoA, building on successful cooperation with Bank/ IFC and on international investors’ interest in infrastructure, power, and agri-business sectors.
An indicative list of projects for special targeting include:
Regional pipeline and roads projects linking Uganda, Kenya and South Sudan.
Renewables projects in Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia
$200m (est)
Pillar 1: Vulnerability and Resilience
Delivery FY
A Regional Fragility Assessment
Build a common understanding on the exact nature and magnitude of regional drivers of fragility, on the elements of resilience, and on the region’s stability-development nexus. This will inform the development of regional interventions which address and/or accommodate drivers of fragility/instability, and provide guidance on implementation and monitoring.
Regional Forced Displacement Study
Collaborate with UNHCR is carrying out a regional study on displacement in the Horn of Africa, including the profile of displacement, displacement dynamics, and possible operational priorities for regional assistance to displaced populations, returnees and their host communities.
Pillar 2: Economic Opportunity and Integration
Delivery FY
A Regional Extractive Endowment Assessment
Launch regional programmatic analytic work, building where possible on national studies, modeled on “Growth without Borders” ie, juxtapositioning demographics, natural resources, ecology and environmental assets, infrastructure and trade routes, markets, supply chains, relevant policy reforms, etc.
Geo-mapping of Mineral Resources
Launch initiative to capacitate countries to collect, collate and reinterpret various types of data to generate geological maps.
Transport connectivity
Launch phased development of a regional infrastructure strategic investment plan for Somalia, including identification of some early wins.
Regional Groundwater Assessment
Regional groundwater assessment to address food insecurity, energy insecurity and water insecurity, and promote regional integration between nation states sharing water resources.
Borderlands diagnostic
Launch programmatic borderlands diagnostic work program (in line with African Union’s Border Programme (AUBP) which is based on three pillars: (a) co-operation and co-ordination, (b) capacity building, and (c) community involvement) to help identify opportunities for local economic integration, social capital building, service delivery, trade, local governance and peace building.
Special Partnerships
Delivery FY
WBG/UN/other partners
Enhanced World Bank/UN partnership a new broad-based partnership with UNHCR, UNOCHA and other parties, including the AUC, Solutions Alliance, and African Governments, focused on development approaches to IDPs and refugees. A number of partners have structural issues which inhibit their ability to act regionally and thus initiative could help facilitate change in this area.
Launch a new partnership on borderlands development with a programmatic work program. Such a partnership could also begin to address the borderland development issues in Western and Central Africa.
TerrAfrica partnership on Sustainable Land and Water Management will prioritize a program in the Horn of Africa