Elections Disad – Core – Hoya-Spartan 2012

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Ext - Terrorism Lx

Winning in Iran will destroy the Global Terror Network ands Stabilize the Middle East

Ledeen, 2002 (Michael, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, Financial Times, 9/24)

The fall of the radical Islamic Republic would eliminate the terrorists' greatest source of support and the subsequent joy of the Iranian people would cut the heart out of Islamic fundamentalism, demonstrating to an entire generation of Muslims that such regimes fail utterly, whether in their (Iranian) Shiite or (Afghan) Sunni versions. And the successful overthrow of the Tehran regime would inspire great public support for similar revolutions in Baghdad and Damascus, which is precisely what we want. We shall have far greater success if we arrive as credible liberators than if we come as invaders; and it would be well to show the Iraqis - who have twice been betrayed by feckless US presidents in the past decade - that this time we know what we are doing.

Iran Strikes Key to Prevent Terrorism

Thomas Holsinger, Guest Author, 1/19/06, Winds of Change, http://www.windsofchange.net/archives/007981.php

Those who have considered the consequences of Iran’s open possession of nuclear weapons (as opposed to covert possession) have generally focused on its avowed threats against Israel and the United States. Those are certainly enough grounds for pre-emptive attack by both – Iran’s mullah regime is the one government in the entire world whose possession of nuclear weapons would most pose a direct and immediate threat to America and Israel.Iran’s mullahs will use nuclear weapons as a shield against foreign attack while they more openly support terrorism elsewhere. American acquiescence in Iranian nuclear weapons will lose the war on terror by ceding terrorists a “privileged sanctuary” in Iran. We’ll have let terrorists have in Iran what we invaded Iraq to stop. The invasion of Iraq will have been a complete waste of effort, and our dead in Iraq will have died in vain.

Global Prolif 2NC

Iran Strikes Key to Prevent Rapid Global Proliferation and Nuclear War

Thomas Holsinger, Guest Author, 1/19/06, Winds of Change, http://www.windsofchange.net/archives/007981.php

Iran’s mullahs are about to produce their first home-built nuclear weapons this year. If we permit that, many other countries, some of whose governments are dangerously unstable, will build their own nuclear weapons to deter Iran and each other from nuclear attack as our inaction will have demonstrated our unwillingness to keep the peace. This rapid and widespread proliferation will inevitably lead to use of nuclear weapons in anger, both by terrorists and by fearful and unstable third world regimes, at which point the existing world order will break down and we will suffer every Hobbesian nightmare of nuclear proliferation.

Proliferation causes nuclear war and extinction

Utgoff ’02 (Victor A., Deputy Director of the Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division of the Institute for Defense Analysis, Survival Vol 44 No 2 Proliferation, Missile Defence and American Ambitions, p. 87-90)

In sum, widespread proliferation is likely to lead to an occasional shoot-out with nuclear weapons, and that such shoot-outs will have a substantial probability of escalating to the maximum destruction possible with the weapons at hand. Unless nuclear proliferation is stopped, we are headed toward a world that will mirror the American Wild West of the late 1800s. With most, if not all, nations wearing nuclear 'six-shooters' on their hips, the world may even be a more polite place than it is today, but every once in a while we will all gather on a hill to bury the bodies of dead cities or even whole nations.

Ext: Prolif

Military force vital to stop rapid proliferation in the Middle East.

Rouse -11 (Hana Rouse, June 23, 2011, Bolton: Administration Needs Military Option in Iran, http://www.nationaljournal.com/nationalsecurity/bolton-administration-needs-military-option-in-iran-20110623?mrefid=site_search)

Bolton said that a lack of American military action against Iran would send a signal to other countries in the area that they, too, can successfully develop nuclear programs without fear of retaliation from the United States. Bolton named Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey among states that he believed would likely do so. Robert Satloff, executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, agreed that the military should play some role in the United States’ interaction with Iran, writing in his prepared testimony that “the most important contribution the United States can make is to restore the credibility of the military option.”

Strikes successful and solve proliferation.

Katzman -11 (Kenneth Katzman, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, June 9, 2011, Congressional Research Service, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL32048.pdf)

Proponents of U.S. air and missile strikes against suspected nuclear sites argue that military action could set back Iran’s nuclear program because there are only a limited number of key targets, and these targets are known to U.S. planners and vulnerable, even those that are hardened or buried.63 Estimates of the target set range from 400 nuclear and other WMD-related targets, to potentially a few thousand targets crucial to Iran’s economy and military. Those who take an expansive view of the target set argue that the United States would need to reduce Iran’s potential for retaliation by striking not only nuclear facilities but also Iran’s conventional military, particularly its small ships and coastal missiles.

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