Эумк по дисциплине «иностранный язык (английский)»для студентов заочной формы обучения специальностей

Choose which section (A, B, C or D) each question (1 – 11) refers to

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2. Choose which section (A, B, C or D) each question (1 – 11) refers to.

1. Which location does not physically tend the animals?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

2. Which location does not feature mammals?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

3. Where can you arrange an event to celebrate your child’s birthday?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

4. Where can you stay overnight?

a. 1

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

5. Where can you buy a ticket which pays for all the attractions at the site?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

6. Where can someone experience what it is like to work at the site?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

7. Where can visitors take part in water sports?

a. 2 and 3

b. 2 and 4

c. 4 and 5

d. 2 and 5

8. Where can a teacher take a group of school children?

a. 1 and 2

b. 1 and 3

c. 3 and 4

d. 1 and 4

9. In which two locations are there age restrictions for some activities?

a. 1 and 3

b. 2 and 3

c. 3 and 4

d. 4 and 5

10. Where can you ride on a train?

a. 1 and 2

b. 1 and 3

c. 1 and 4

d. 1 and 5

11. Which locations have the same opening hours all year round?

a. 1, 3 and 5

b. 2, 3 and 5

c. 2, 3 and 4

d. 2, 4 and 5

1. Read a news story by a San Francisco CBS 5 reporter Barbara Roger.

For someone who watches her diet as much as Wendy Moro, the symptoms didn't add up.

“Severe fatigue and vertigo, very weak. I was at one point able to leg press two hundred pounds, (but) I could barely walk down the block,” says Wendy Moro.

Why, she wondered, would someone who eats so healthily feel so unhealthy? She says doctor after doctor misdiagnosed her condition. Then, Wendy and her current doctor begin to suspect the answer was on her plate.

"A few times a week I was having fish, whether it was once or three times or four times," says Wendy.

"What kind of fish? Swordfish, ahi, tuna and sea bass, the highest mercury-content fish sold in the commercial market," says Dr. Jane Hightower.

Mercury enters the ocean with commercial pollution. It works its way up the food chain, and apparently into to some of the most popular fish on the market. Wendy's doctor, Dr. Jane Hightower, was so suspicious that she began testing dozens of her Bay Area patients. All consumed substantial amounts of fish, and an overwhelming majority tested high for mercury in their systems.

"I was seeing hair loss, fatigue, muscle ache, headache, feeling just an ill feeling." Hightower said.

The symptoms began to clear up when Hightower cut the amount of fish in their diets.

"It was so obvious that this was the problem," she said. "I wanted to rent a tent and a tambourine." (A tambourine is a small one-sided drum with metal disks around its rim).

Her published findings drew national attention. But despite her study, there is still fierce debate over how much fish is safe to eat, and how much mercury consumers are actually ingesting. So we decided to do our own test.

CBS 5 joined with Jane Kay, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. We drove to more than half a dozen high-end fish markets around the Bay Area, and purchased tuna, Alaskan halibut, swordfish, and Chilean sea bass. But instead of the dinner table, our samples wound up packed in ice, and on their way to a testing lab in Washington State.

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the safe level of mercury intake for a 120-pound woman like Wendy is a little over 38 micrograms per week. (A microgram is one-millionth of a gram. It is a measurement of weight. One ounce of weight equals more than 28 million micrograms.) Our results? Only halibut was under that limit. On average, a single serving of tuna purchased here in the Bay Area contained more mercury than the EPA recommends a woman of Wendy's size eat for an entire week. Sea bass had nearly twice that level, and swordfish nearly six times the EPA's safe mercury intake for a week, in a single serving.

"When you realized that the problem was on your plate, what did you say?"

"If I had known, I could have prevented so much heartache and illness in my life," said Wendy.

While there is little scientific data on how the body reacts to high levels of mercury, it has been linked to symptoms ranging from muscle pain to hair loss, birth defects, and muscle fatigue. And, as in our testing, the evidence is mounting that the larger the fish, the more the exposure.

"I'm very frustrated," Wendy said. "I feel the government, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), had this knowledge. This information should have been shared with the public."

"It is a schizophrenic way of thinking to think that we can have a substance that is the second-most toxic element next to plutonium, mercury. We tell people it is so toxic you can't do controlled trials on human subjects with it – yet it's ok to eat it, it won't bother you? What's wrong here? Is anybody listening?" Hightower said.

Note: The Environmental Protection Agency website explains how mercury gets into the fish we eat:

“Mercury occurs naturally in the environment and can also be released into the air through industrial pollution. Mercury falls from the air and can accumulate in streams and oceans and is turned into methylmercury in the water. It is this type of mercury that can be harmful to your unborn baby and young child. Fish absorb the methylmercury as they feed in these waters and so it builds up in them. It builds up more in some types of fish and shellfish than others, depending on what the fish eat, which is why the levels vary.”

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. What amount of mercury is the safe level of weekly intake for a 120-pound woman like Wendy Moro?

a. 38 micrograms per week.

b. 38 grams per week.

c. 3.8 ounces per week.

d. 3 pounds per week.

2. How is Wendy feeling now?

a. Very happy.

b. Very frustrated.

c. Very symptomatic.

d. Very misdiagnosed.

3. What happened when Dr. Hightower cut the amount of fish in the diets of her patients?

a. They started eating too many desserts.

b. Their food bills went up.

c. Their food bills went down.

d. Their symptoms began to clear up.

4. Where did the newspaper and television reporters get the fish they tested for mercury?

a. In the state of Washington.

b. On the dinner tables of Dr. Hightower’s patients.

c. In fish markets around the San Francisco Bay Area.

d. From the local restaurants.

5. What did Dr. Hightower do with the information she discovered?

a. She published the results of her study.

b. She hired a lawyer.

c. She went to the police with information.

d. She stopped eating fish.

6. According to the article, different fish have differing amount of mercury in their bodies. Given the examples in the story, which fish would be safest for Wendy to eat?

a. Tuna.

b. Sea bass.

c. Swordfish.

d. Halibut.

7. When Dr. Hightower says she “…wanted to rent a tent and a tambourine” what does she mean?

a. Dr. Hightower would like to be a circus performer or a musician.

b. Dr. Hightower wants to call attention to the connection between the symptoms in her patients and the amount of fish they ate.

c. Dr. Hightower is tired of being a physician.

d. Dr. Hightower thinks this is “schizophrenic”.

8. When the article says there is still a “…fierce debate over how much fish is safe to eat…”, what does that mean?

a. Everyone agrees with Dr. Hightower about her results.

b. No one thinks that any fish is safe to eat.

c. People have different ideas of what is the safe amount of fish for people to eat.

d. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) doesn’t care about this problem.

9. What does it mean to say, “…the larger the fish, the more the exposure.”?

a. Larger fish are more expensive.

b. Larger fish get sunburns because of exposure to the sun.

c. Larger fish are more popular as food, so they have more exposure to people.

d. Larger fish have higher mercury contents, so people get greater exposure to mercury if they eat the larger fish.

1. Read the story by Leland Waldrip. Six sentences have been removed from the text.

Three thousand head of bawling Hereford cattle were being collected from little grassy patches and wooded breaks up in Togwotee Pass country. The cool mountain air was relatively free from the swarms of biting flies and gnats that would have kept them miserable at the lower elevations and the high meadows had made the red and white cattle sleek and fat during the spring and summer. 1. ______________________.

Fall was coming to the northern Wyoming mountains at the southern edge of the Absaroka range. It was time to push the animals back into the low country for the shelter of the valleys and the grass that had grown there during the long summer days. Eighteen hands from the Hayrake Ranch out from Dubois had moved into the high country with a chuck wagon and a forty-horse remuda for the three-day roundup.

A leather-faced Jamie Alden sat hipshod in his saddle at the edge of one of the high meadows; hand rolled cigarette pinched between his thumb and forefinger.

2. _________________________________. He had been "brush bustin'" steadily since he had mounted the big rawboned dun at first light.

The large, muscular man patted the sweating horse on the neck, soothing the fidgeting animal, "Just rest a minute. We'll catch up to 'em." He would work this horse until noon, then pull a sleek bay gelding out of the remuda for the afternoon.

The herd dogs had just routed a large old cow and two calves from a gully at the edge of the meadow. After a few futile lunges and bawls at the yipping dogs, the old cow remembered her lessons from years gone by. She conceded the dodging contest to the persistence of the two black and white shepherds, and led her bleating twins in a bounding retreat down the draw to join the other upset cows and calves bawling on a grassy bench fifty yards down the slope.

As the lowing, yipping and bleating receded from the meadow, Jamie thought he heard a strange noise in a draw over a couple of small ridges. 3. _________________. It sounded like a calf bleating, but he had seen two of the other cowboys working that area just as he had come into the meadow.

"Well, I reckon we better check. Those boys musta missed somethin'." He pinched the fire off the spent cigarette and pulled the paper from the remaining butt, scattering little shreds of black and brown tobacco on the ground at the horse's hoofs. The dun responded to the neckreining and headed in the direction indicated by the cowboy, scrambling up the steep little scree and greasewood brush slope of the second ridge. At the top Jamie scanned from one side to the other, looking over the little brushy valley for any signs of Hereford. 4. ______________________________________________.

"Well, we better get on back, ol' buddy. Guess it musta been my 'magination." He started to neckrein the horse back toward the drive activity when something caught his eye in the lower part of the draw. To a seasoned cowboy the bright red stain on the leaves was something that must be checked out. It looked like blood.

Bringing his horse down the slope several yards closer confirmed his suspicions. 5. ________________________________________________. Keeping a tight hold on the reins, he walked slowly to the side of the draw where the commotion had occurred.

There was blood on the ground and on one of the scrubby greasewood bushes nearby. It had obviously been spilled within the last half hour or so. It was still bright red all the way across the little pools and splashes. None of it had started to turn dark at the edges. A lot of scuffed area in the leaves and rocks told of a struggle here this morning.

"Cougar kill a calf here?" He spoke the question to himself, not unusual for someone used to working so much alone. He also talked to his horse often.

"I reckon I didn' hear this calf. It happened before I got up this high. Mmmm. They usually just choke 'em, don't bleed 'em right away." The unmistakable partial prints where the claws of the bear had scuffed the leaves and trash away to hard ground in the attack were obvious.

"Bear would be more likely to choke 'im, too. 6. __________________________. Either way, wouldn't be no blood like this. Unless this blood come from a real young calf. That's it. Musta been tender enough that its throat tore when th' bear grabbed him. Hmmm, mebbeso that ol' momma cow ... naw, this track was made by one o' them big bulls.

"I reckon this ol' bull made it hot for th' bear, an th' calf's throat come loose from th' wrench o' th' fightin. Anyway th' bear got th' calf. Yeah, there's some more blood leadin off up th' draw. An' judgin' by th' size o' that track there, it must be a big un."

He studied the marks on the disturbed ground a few minutes. "We don't get many blacks that big an' I ain't seen a griz in these parts for a while. I think we got one now, though. 'Em boys at th' chuck's gonna be mighty innerested in these doins."

The cowboy looked past the head of the draw. There were numerous rock lined, scree-filled gullies coming off the upper part of the mountain. "Reckon he's prob'ly up there somewheres fillin' his gut about now."

2. Choose from the sentences A – G the one which fits each gap (1 – 6). Remember, there is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

A. Or break his neck.

B. The dun looked at him nervously as he started to gallop.

C. It may have been his saddle creaking, but with the noise in the background, he wasn't sure.

D. No cattle appeared to be in the area.

E. But now their summer "vacation" was ending.

F. He dismounted from the nervous dun.

G. His mid-morning smoke break was needed.

5.2 Материалы к практическим занятиям

5.2.1 Вопросы к темам изучаемой тематики
1. Our University

 •  Who may enter higher educational establishments?

•  Are there many institutes and universities in your country?

•  What is education in your country?

•  Who gets grants?

•  What University do you study at?

•  How many faculties and departments are there at your University and what are they?

•  How often do the external students come to the University?

•  What subjects do you study?

•  Is it easy to study by correspondence? (to be an external student).

•  What do you do during examination sessions?

• Who encouraged you in your desire to enter our University?

• Explain the reasons of your choice of the educational establishment and the faculty?

• What is the perspective of your future job?

• Do you think education is in demand in modern world? Why?

• What is the reason for you to get higher education?

• Is education of any significance in the village, small settlement, city?

• What are your personal educational demands and requirements?

• Did you attend any optional courses to acquire knowledge, abilities and skills at


• Were all your school teachers real professionals?

• Were new information processing technologies introduced in your school?

• Where can you apply your abilities at the University?

• What would you like to change in our system of education?
2. Family Relations

 •  Which three things do you find most important for you (health, a job, a family, a place where you live, etc)?

•  Is love important in a person's life?

•  Do you have a permanent partner?

•  How long have you known each other?

•  Where did you first meet?

•  Are you a perfect couple?

•  What qualities in your opinion should people possess to form a perfect couple (kind, intelligent, tolerant to each other, even-tempered, quick to apologize)?

•  Do they have to have much in common or should they be opposites?

•  Is money and financial side relevant in family relations?

•  There is a philosophical saying: Marriages are made on heavens. Do you agree or disagree with it? 

•  Which famous couple do you know that can serve an example for you or perhaps is there any perfect couple among your relatives, friends, colleagues or neighbors?

•  Why do you consider it perfect? (Paul and Linda McCartney, Prince Charles and Lady D (Camilla), Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Michael and Raisa Gorbachovs, Russian Zar Nickolai II and his wife Alexandra.

3. Food and Cooking

•  How important is food in your country?

• What kind of food do/don’t you like?

• Can you describe how to make your favorite dish?

• Can you describe how to make a traditional dish from your country?

• Do you always leave money for the waiter?

• Do you drink before the meal?

• What Is the difference Between Bittersweet and Semisweet Chocolate?

4. Ecology

•  Does the environment belong principally to the human race?

•  Do your consumption habits destroy the habitats of other species?

•  Do you think that developers should be permitted to build big hotels and tourist

complexes in the most beautiful places in your country?

•  Should the private motorist be made to pay more heavily through higher road tax, petrol prices, parking fees and motorway tolls?

•  Should cars be banned from city, town and village centers?

•  Are you for or against nuclear power?

•  Does your country need stricter laws to punish noisy neighbors or discos which play loud music late at night?

•  Are your country’s seas, rivers and / or lakes clean to swim in?

•  What government and private campaigns are there in your country to protect and improve the environment? Are these campaigns motivated by concern for the lives and habitats of species other than our own?
5. Housing

•  What kinds of housing do people live in?

•  What makes a place “home”?

•  What is your ideal living arrangement?

•  What do you think about allowing different types of housing in the City’s single-family residential areas?

• What things can make an apartment a great apartment? Has your residence ever been broken into?

• Which do you prefer — living in the countryside or the city?

• What do you know about your neighbors? Do you get along with them?

• What is your neighborhood like? Is it becoming better or worse?

• What types of disagreements often arise between neighbors?

• What do you think of IKEA and its products?

6. Shopping

• At present lots of people, women in particular, are fond of shopping. For them,

shopping is a sport or their favorite leisure activity. What's shopping for you:

pleasure, routine or tiresome duty?

• How often do you do shopping?

• Where do you normally buy things for everyday life?

• Where do you usually buy clothes?

• What's your attitude to designer goods and clothes?

• Is any member of your family keen on designer clothes?

• Do you have any idea where the most expensive clothes shop in your city is?

• Can you describe the most expensive item of clothing or jewellery you've ever


• Do you think it is right to spend a fortune on clothes and jewellery?

• There're some modern shopping technologies which were unfamiliar in the past,

aren't there? E.g. shopping in huge hypermarkets or over the internet. Can you share your opinion about them with us?

• Do you believe that in future virtual shopping will totally replace going to shops?

5.3 Материалы и задания для управляемой самостоятельной работы студентов

5.3.1Словарные слова по темам изучаемой тематики

1. Our University:

•  education - образование

•  a student of education - студент - педагог

•  to enter an Institute - поступить в институт

•  a faculty - факультет

•  an establishment - учреждение, заведение

•  a department - отделение

•  geographical - географический

•  biological - биологический

•  to study - учиться

•  a study - кабинет

•  tutorial - практическое занятие

•  to attend lectures - посещать лекции

•  to take notes of the lectures - записывать лекции

•  a subject - предмет

•  a term - семестр

•  to take an exam -сдавать экзамен

•  to pass an exam - сдать экзамен

•  to fail in an exam - провалить экзамен

•  an internal student - студент - очник

•  an external student - студент - заочник

•  an extra - mural department - заочное отделение

•  free of charge - бесплатный

•  miss classes - пропускать занятия

•  a school - leaver - выпускнк школы


2. Family Relations:

surname (family/last name) - фамилия

namesake - тезка

middle name (patronimic) - отчество

nickname - прозвище

pet name - ласкательное имя

call- назвать

call by first name - называть (звать) по имени

call smb after smb- назвать в честь кого-л.

birthday - день рождения

teenager - подросток

under sixteen - менее 16

over twenty - двадцать с лишним

be in one's mid - thirties/fourties- примерно 35 (45) лет

turn sixty - перевалило за 60 лет

be of age under age - (не) достичь совершеннолетия

three years older/younger - на 3 года старше/младше

double one's age - в два раза старше

relative - родственник

relations on my mother's/father's side - родственники со стороны матери/отца

nephew - племянник

niece - племянница

twins- близнецы

stepbrother (sister) - сводный брат (сестра)

stepfather (mother) - отчим (мачеха)

elder brother (sister) - старший брат (сестра)

younger brother (sister) - младший брат (сестра)

siblings (собират.) - братья и сестры

close relations - близкие отношения

generation - поколение

household chores - домашние хлопоты

help around the house - помогать в работе по дому

get along well - ладить с кем-либо

quarrel - спорить, ссориться,

bicker - спорить, пререкаться

tease - дразнить, приставать

argue - (with smb about smth) спорить

lie (tell a lie) - лгать

compete (with smb for smth) - конкурировать, состязаться

treat (smb) - обращаться с кем-либо

share (secrets, a room) - делить (поделиться секретами, жить в одной комнате)

be divorced - быть в разводе

punish - наказывать

feel hurt - обижаться

resemble smb - быть похожим (на кого-либо)

3. Food and Cooking:

fresh - свежий

sell-by date - срок годности

raw - сырой

ripe - созревший

rotten - сгнивший

tough - жесткий

undercooked - недоваренный

overcooked - переваренный

bake - печь

boil - кипятить

fry - жарить

grill - готовить на гриле

heat - греть, подогреть

poach- варить на медленном огне

roast - жарить

steam - готовить на пару

stew - тушить

bar - мера

liter - литр

loaf - батон

lump - кусковой (сахар)

pint - пинта

portion - порция

slice - ломтик

spoonful - столовая ложка (полная)

bitter - горький

creamy - сливочный, жирный

crisp - хрустящий

bland - нежный

crunchy - хрустящий

hot - горячий

mild - неострый, некрепкий, мягкий

savory - пикантный

sickly - тошнотворный

sour - кислый

spicy - острый

stodgy - густой

sweet - сладкий

tasteless - безвкусный

barbecue - барбекю

buffet - шведский стол

four-course meal - четырехразовое питание

picnic - пикник

snack - закуски

TV dinner - обед из полуфабрикатов

bite - кусать

chew - жевать

swallow - глотать

sip – пригубить, сделать маленький глоток, потягивать

add - добавить

fill - наполнить

mix - смешать

pour - лить

shаke - встряхнуть

stir - взболтать

bacon - бекон

sandwich - бутерброд

ham - ветчина

soft caviar(e) - икра (зернистая)

wurst, sausage - колбаса

boiled sausage - колбаса вареная

smoked sausage - колбаса копченая

summer sausage - колбаса сырокопченая

corn flakes - кукурузные хлопья

butter - масло сливочное

vegetable oil, vegetable fat, fat, seed-oil - масло растительное

olive oil, olive - масло оливковое

melted butter - масло топленое

omelet(te) - омлет

paste; pâté - паштет

salad - салат из овощей

sour cream - сметана

rye-bread - хлеб черный

white bread - хлеб белый

hard-boiled eggs - яйца вкрутую

soft-boiled eggs - яйца всмятку

scrambled eggs - яичница-болтунья

aubergine - баклажаны

artichoke - артишоки

green pea - зеленый горошек

sauerkraut - кислая капуста

cauliflower - цветная капуста

Brussels sprouts - брюссельская капуста

heads of cabbage - кочанная капуста

laminaria - морская капуста

broth - бульон

pea soup - гороховый суп

meat course - мясные блюда

beefstroganoff - бефстроганов

meatballs - биточки

steak - бифштекс

chop, cutlet - отбивная

meat dumplings - пельмени

liver - печень

roast beef - ростбиф

tongue - язык

seafood - рыбные блюда и морепродукты

jellied - заливное

plaice - камбала

crabmeat - крабы

shrimp - креветки

salmon - лососина

grouper - морской окунь

lobster - омар

sturgeon - осетрина

sardines - сардины

herring - сельдь

pikeperch - судак

oyster - устрицы

trout - форель

pike - щука

dessert - десерт

biscuit - бисквит

bun - булочка

jam - варенье

jelly - желе

cake - кекс

candy - конфеты

honey - мед

cookies - печенье

empanada - пирожки слоеные

cake - пирожное

pudding - пудинг

crumbs - крошки

fast food еда - на скорую руку

pastry - выпечка

slimming - худеть

sticky – липкий
4. Ecology:

pedestrian - пешеход

ant - муравей

lizard - ящерица

perch - окунь

nuclear - ядерный

logger - дровосек

poisonous - ядовитый

diameter - диаметр

circumference - окружность

rely - onполагаться на

rare - редко

ban - запрещать

lack - отсутствие

demand - спрос, требования

crimson - малиновый

pump - насос

push - толчок

percentage - процент

armour - броня

quotation - цитата

mammal - млекопитающее

conservation - сохранение

inspire - вдохновлять

reserve - резервировать

hum - жужжать

consequence - следствие

pole - полюс

fragile - хрупкий

deceive - обманывать

renewable - возобновляемый

rhyme - рифма

drawback - недостаток

hue - оттенок, тон

knob - ручка

drift - дрейф

emit - испускать

mend - чинить

clad - покрытый, бронированный

objection - возражение

deforestation - вырубка леса

layer - слой

frozen - замороженный

global warming - глобальное потепление

offshore - морской

Ozone Layer - озоновый слой

insulate - изолировать

imagery - образ

fluorescent - светящийся

recycle - перерабатывать

acid rain - кислотный дождь

mahogany - красное дерево

fossil fuel - ископаемое топливо

reindeer - северный олень

afar - издалека

car pool - автопарк

endangered species - исчезающие виды

energy use - использование энергии

fairy land - сказочная страна

gas mask - противогаз

gratefull - признательный

greenhouse gases - парниковые газы

hold still - оставаться неподвижным

humming fly - шмель

hydropower - гидроэлектроэнергия

lose heart - падать духом

off limits - вход воспрещён

permafrost - вечная мерзлота

pied - пестрый

rotor blade - лопасть

rubbish dump - свалка
6. Shopping:

•  to cater for - угождать, удовлетворять

•  wallet - кошелек

•  convenience store - ночной магазин

•  self-service store - магазин самообслуживания

•  spacious - просторный

•  goods - товары

•  customer - покупатель

•  cart - тележка

•  washing powder - порошок

•  cash desk - касса

•  queue - очередь

•  market - рынок

•  foodstuffs - продукты питания

•  to bargain - торговаться

•  price - цена

•  shopping mall/centre - торговый центр

retail store - магазин розничной торговли

•  establishment - учреждение

•  department store - универмаг

•  consumer goods - потребительские товары

•  counter - прилавок

•  household goods - хозяйственные товары

•  electric appliances - электротовары

•  crockery - посуда

•  glassware - изделия из стекла

•  textiles - ткани

•  to wander around - бродить

•  bakery/backer's - булочная

•  butcher's - мясная лавка

•  confectioner's - кондитерская

•  fishmonger's - магазин морепродуктов

6 Раздел контроля знаний

6.1 Требования к промежуточному (текущему) контролю

1. Стартовое тестирование,

2. Два компьютерных теста,

3. Устные беседы по текстам и темам текущего контроля,

4. Письменный перевод текстов изученной тематики
6.2 Требования к зачету по дисциплине «английский язык»:

6.2.1 Содержание зачета по дисциплине «английский язык»::
после II семестра:

  1. темы, пройденные в I семестре: “Our University”, “Family Relations”, “Food and Cooking”

  2. Чтение, пересказ и беседа по тексту изученной тематики (1500 -2000 п.з.)

  3. Наличие теста по иностранному языку за 1 курс, II семестр (тест № 1) (имя существительное, число и притяжательный падеж имени существительного; личные, притяжательные, указательные и неопределенные местоимения; имя прилагательное, наречие, степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий; времена глагола (действительный залог); модальные глаголы)

6.2.2 Темы и вопросы к зачету по дисциплине «английский язык»:
1. Our University

1) When was the university founded? 1933

2) What are the main areas of studies? economics, management, law

3) How many schools does the university have? 11

4) Where are the two branches of the university situated? Bobruisk and Pinsk

5) How many departments does the university have? 57

2. Food and Cooking

1) How was cooking invented?

2) What is your favorite dish or foodstuff?

3) Which cuisines do you like most?

4) What are the typical Belarusian dishes?

5) Can you cook well? What did you cook last time?

3. Family Relations

1) Which types of families do you know?

2) Do you believe in love at first sight?

3) What are the main functions of the family?

4) What is the most common type of family in the USA?

5) What type of family do you have?

6.3 Требования к экзамену по дисциплине «Aнглийский язык»:

6.3.1 Содержание экзамена по дисциплине «английский язык»:
после III семестра:

1) Чтение и беседа по текстам изученной тематики (1500 -2000 п. з.)

2) Беседа по одной из тем, пройденных в 1-2 семестрах: 1)“ Our University”, 2)“ Family Relations”, 3)“ Food and Cooking”, 4)“ Ecology”, 5)“ Housing”, 6)“ Shopping”

3) Письменный экзаменационный перевод (1500 п.з.) до экзамена!

4) Тест по иностранному языку за 2 курс, III семестр (тест № 2) (времена и модальные глаголы в страдательном залоге; инфинитив; причастие I, II; герундий)
6.3.2 Темы и вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «английский язык»:

1. Our University

1) When was the university founded? 1933

2) What are the main areas of studies? economics, management, law

3) How many schools does the university have? 11

4) Where are the two branches of the university situated? Bobruisk and Pinsk

5) How many departments does the university have? 57

2. Food and Cooking

1) How was cooking invented?

2) What is your favorite dish or foodstuff?

3) Which cuisines do you like most?

4) What are the typical Belarusian dishes?

5) Can you cook well? What did you cook last time?

3. Family Relations

1) Which types of families do you know?

2) Do you believe in love at first sight?

3) What are the main functions of the family?

4) What is the most common type of family in the USA?

5) What type of family do you have?

4. Housing

1) What is the most common type of housing in Britain?

2) Which houses are typical of Belarus?

3) What kind of house do you live in?

4) What is more convenient: living on the outskirts or in the center?

5) Are you for or against living in a block of flats?

5. Ecology

1) Which are the human activities that change the earth?

2) What are the consequences of the internationally caused fires?

3) Why should strategic assessment of ecological impact be done?

4) Does the growth of transport threaten the ecology? How?

5) What rare animals live in your area and how do people care of them?

6. Shopping

1) Are you a shopaholic?

2) Which types of shop do you know?

3) Which clothes shop do you find the best in Minsk?

4) How often do you go shopping?

5) Do you like window shopping?

6.4 Материалы и рекомендации (памятки) для подготовки к контрольным мероприятиям

6.4.1 Образец текста разговорной тематики для чтения и пересказа
Essential winter weather travel

Caution and preparation are the best bets for travelers who can't stay home during winter storms. While pretty, fluffy blankets of snow and glittering ice have a knack for making travel treacherous. For those who aren't able to stay put when wintry weather hits, here are some winter travel essentials:

Tips for winter air travel

Consider rebooking. The airlines generally allow passengers to change tickets free of charge when a major storm threatens travel. You might be able to connect through another city unaffected by the weather system. Sign up for airline alerts and check your flights frequently online before you head to the airport. A flight's status often changes by the minute as the airline works to line up slots and crews and keep planes and runways clear of ice and snow during winter travel disruptions. Make sure you have a cell phone and your charger in case you need to rebook a canceled flight. Get in line for assistance and try your airline by phone at the same time if you're among hundreds of passengers jockeying for seats. If you can get online, try that, too. If you're hoping to make your original flight, be sure to pack essentials such as prescriptions, glasses or contacts and other necessary toiletries or clothes in your carry-on. You and your checked luggage are likely to get separated if you end up stranded overnight. With sleeping in an airport terminal in mind, pack and dress for warmth and comfort. Foam earplugs can be a saving grace.

Airport entertainment and snacks can get expensive, and they're harder to come by in the wee hours. Stow away an emergency book or magazine and some sustenance to keep you going. Inquire at the gate about food vouchers and sleeping areas. While airlines aren't required to provide accommodations for travel interrupted by severe weather, many airports will provide food and cots to stranded travelers.

Tips for winter driving

A driver's best bet is to stay home when wintry weather coats the roads in snow and ice. For those who must go out, it's important to plan ahead.AAA recommends motorists pack a winter driving kit made up of the following: a bag of abrasive material (sand, salt or cat litter), a snow shovel and brush, traction mats, an ice scraper, booster cables, a flashlight, window washing liquid, cloth, warning flares or triangles, a cell phone, gloves and a blanket. Try to ease your vehicle out of parking spaces without spinning the wheels. Drive back and forth for several feet in either direction to clear a path. Spread sand or salt near the wheels if additional traction is needed.

6.4.2 Образец текста разговорной тематики для письменного экзаменационного перевода
Different Types of UK Companies

There are four main different kinds of UK companies which can be registered. Each might be suitable in specific situations, although to some extent, more than one type of company may satisfy the particular requirements of the purchaser.

The different types of company in the UK are: companies limited by shares, companies limited by guarantee, public limited companies (PLCs) and less commonly known, unlimited companies.

When forming a company, the choice of which type of business structure to adopt is an important one and requires adequate consideration.

Changing the type of company might be possible in certain situations, whereas in others, it would not be an option.

Whilst it is possible to change a private company limited by shares to a PLC, it is not permissible to change the fundamentals of the incorporation and migrate it to a limited by guarantee entity.

Registering a company of any kind will carry with it its own set of business regulations which have to be adhered to. Some of the requirements are more stringent and potentially onerous than others, particularly those for public limited companies.

The purchasers should consider their capacity to both manage and fund whichever kind of entity they select and might wish to plan a migration route to another kind of company based on their future ambitions and plans.

6.4.3 Образец плана пересказа текста разговорной тематики

  1. The Headline/Title of the Article/text

The article/text is headlined…

The article/text goes under the headline…

The article/text under the headline…has the subhead…

  1. The Place of Origin

The article/text is printed/ published in

The article/text is from a newspaper under the nameplate…

  1. The Time of Origin

The publication date of the article/text is…

The article/text is dated by the first of October 2007

The article/text is printed on the second of October in 2007

  1. The Author

The article/text is written by…/The author of the article is…

The article/text is written by a group of authors

  1. The Theme/Topic

The article/text deals with the topic…

The basic subject matter of the script is…

The article/text touches upon the topic of…

The headline of the article/text corresponds to the topic.

  1. The Main Idea/Aim of the Article/Text

The purpose of the article/text/author is to give the reader some information on…; to inform with…; to compare/determine…; to provide the reader with some material/data on…

  1. The Contents of the Article/Text

important facts, names, figures.

The article/text can be divided into some parts (The first part deals with…, the second covers the events, the third touches upon the problem of…, the fourth part includes some interviews, dialogues, pictures, reviews, references, quotations, figures.

The article/text is written in the form of the monologue, from the first/third person narration.

In the article/text we come across an interview, historical facts, a speech of…, the picture from the place of events .

-The author starts by telling the reader…(writes, states, stresses, depicts, says, informs, underlines, confirms, emphasizes, puts an accent on, accepts/denies the fact, reports, resorts to, hints on, inclines to and so on)

-The article/text describes, goes on to say…

-In conclusion/the author comes to the conclusion/concludes

The key sentence/words of the article/text…the following…

  1. The Vocabulary of the Article/Text

-the topical voc.

-the author’s voc.

While reading I’ve come across some topical words and expressions like…/A great number of words belong to the topic:

The author’s vocabulary is rather vivid, poor, rich

The author resorts to colorful general phrases/ clichés/stable statements/understatements/exaggerations/words with negative/positive connotation/fine words/descriptive adjectives/comparisons (to create a vivid picture, a humorous effect/to enforce the influence the reader)

We see the author’s mastery in conveying the main idea to the reader with the help of the phrases/parenthesis/sayings/proverbs

  1. Personal Opinion/Impression of the Article/text

I found the article/text interesting/important/hard to understand (Why?)

I appreciate the author’s word-painting as/superb/ordinary/


  1. Personal View on the Topic/Idea/Problem

The message of the writer is clear to understand… I share the author’s view…I see the problem in different way… I don’t quite agree with the fact…

6.5 Тесты контроля усвоения знаний
Стартовый тест для определения уровня знаний

Starting Test

Level A1

1. Have you ever visited other countries? - Yes, I... to Italy and France.

a) was c) had been

b) have been d) would be

2. I feel really tired. We ... to the party last night and have just returned home.

a) went c) had seen

b) has gone d) was going

3. At the beginning of the film I realized that I ... it before.

a) see c) had seen

b) saw d) have seen

4. When the bus stopped in the small square, Helen ... her magazine and didn't realized at first that she had arrived at her destination.

a) read c) was reading

b) reads d) had read

5. My sister's son ... in tomorrow's race, because he is too young. They do not allow riders under sixteen.

a) won't ride c) wouldn't ride

b) shan't ride d) doesn't ride

6. A beautiful bridge ... in our city. It will be finished next year.

a) builds c) is being built

b) is built d) has been built

7. It has been raining for two hours. I hope it ... raining soon.

a) stops c) would stop

b) shall stop d) stop

8. Television has many advantages. It keeps us informed about the latest news, and also ... entertainment at home.

a) provide c) is provided

b) provides d) provided

9. On the other hand television ... for the violent behavior of some young people, and for encouraging children to sit indoors, instead of doing sports.

a) blames c) is blamed

b) blamed d) would blame

10. Some millionaires have lots of money and ... what to do with it.

a) don't know c) won't know

b) didn't d) knows

11. How ... at college? You didn't say much about it in your last letter.

a) do you get on c) will you get on

b) are you get on d) are you getting on

12. When you ... in this city again? - In a month.

a) arrive c) have you arrived

b) arrived d) will you arrive

13. Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I ... walk to work.

a) has to c) had to

b) have to d) could

14. Every time when I missed the bus, I ... to return home late.

a) must c) can

b) had d) may

15. That was great! It was ... meal you have ever cooked.

a) good c) best

b) better d) the best

16. This exhibition is ... interesting than the previous one.

a) little c) least

b) less d) the least

17. We saw ... good film last night. The film was about the love of a girl to her cat and dog.

a) a c) -

b)the d) an

18. Everybody agrees that ... happiness is very important in the life of people.

a) - с) а

b) the d) many

19. In the past people lived in ... harmony with the environment.

a) a c) the

b) an d) -

20. When they arrived ... the station, they rushed to the platform not to miss the train.

a)to c)in

b) at d) for

Starting Test

Level A2

Use the proper form:

1. Bill works here, ... ? - Yes, he (work) here for five years already.

2. You (see) this film? - Oh, no. I (see) it by the end of the week.

3. Where you {make, do) the report today? - At the (student's, students') conference.

4. (All time, every time, still, yet) I see her, she (look) different.

5. Your boss will be angry (at, about, with, on) you if you (be) late for the office again.

6. You (may, might, can, must) not let him talk to you like that.

7. How are you? - I am (nice, fine, good, right). Thank you.

8. He (speaks, tells, talks, says) he studies at Moscow University.

9. My watch (stop) so I didn't know the right (time, hour, o'clock, moment).

10. She is clever (also, too, either, enough) to do this work (herself, hers, himself).

11. Does Mike sometimes (come, go, arrive, visit) to your place?

12.1 don't want (anything, something, nothing) to eat. (Will, shall, should) you give me two (coffee, coffees), please?

13. If I (see) John tomorrow, I will tell him (a, the, -) truth.

14. When are you going to finish this test? - I (finish) it already.

15. When I arrived at the party, Tom (go) home already, but some guests still (dance).

16. The children (swim) for half an hour when the storm began.

17. Could you ask when Ann (arrive)? - O.K., but I know that she (not, arrive) yet.

18. There weren't any other questions to him, ...? - Oh, he (ask) a lot of questions by his colleagues.

19. The doctor just (sent) for. Before he (come), I (not, take) any medicine.

20. Scaryna Avenue is the (beautiful) street in Minsk. It is much (wide) than many (other, another, others) streets in the city,

21. She speaks English (good) than I do, but she (not, know) German at all.

22. Yesterday I (must) to get up at 6 o'clock. I (be to) be at work at 7 a.m.

23. Tom asked me, "How did you spend your weekend?" (in Reported Speech)

24. I asked them, "Did you see the film 'Gone with the Wind'?" (in Reported Speech)

25. In our country (the, a, -) children go to school on (a, the, -) 1st of September.

26. Chocolate first (come) from ... Central America where (a, the) Aztecs (live).

27. Do you like (a, the, -) black coffee? - No, I prefer to have (a, the, -) tea.

28.We (arrive) in England in the middle of July. We (tell) that England (shroud) in fog all year round. We (be) quite surprised to find that it merely (rain) from early morning till late evening every day. So we (had to, could, might) carry our umbrellas everywhere.

29.The documents (sign) by the president of the company? -Yes, they (lie) on the table. You (may, must, could) take them.

30. All these business letters (answer) by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. I (must, can, may) remember to post them.

31. Everybody is busy as the welcoming party (prepare) in honor of the distinguished visitors. They (be to, have, can) arrive in an hour.

32. A new metro line (construct) in our city now. One of its stations (build) in our street soon.

33. If Paul (not, be) at home, we (leave) a message for him.

34. When we arrive, the concert already (begin). We (had, may, will have to) take a taxi not to be late.

35. Tom is upset because he (not, pass) his exams.

36.- Look! Somebody (try) to open the door of your car. - Oh! I (not, see) anybody.

37. Can you help me, please? I (look) for my glasses. I (lose) them somewhere.

Starting Test

Level B1
1. Banks lend money (make, do) profit. These days banks (lend) more money to encourage businesses to expand.

2.1 would advise you to arrive (at, in, into) the airport two hours before the flight (leave).

3. I'm afraid I (can, have to, may) inform you that your application for funding (turn down).

4. She has only just recovered from the operation and still (find) it difficult to move about.

5.1 promise I (do) everything I can to help you find (a, the, -) flat, although I suggest that you also advertise in the local newspaper.

6. Scientists (discover) that, all over the world, millions of frogs and toads died.

7. Timson (make) 13 films and I think her latest is (good). I'm sure it will win a prize.

8. Bill (represent) his country (on, at, for) many occasions, but (force) to retire after an injury.

9. Since Mr. Hassan (become) President, both taxes and unemployment (increase).

10. When I was young, I never (bother) too (much, many, far) abo'ut my appearance.

11. This novel (translate) from Spanish (in, on, into) Russian not long ago.

12. My brother has got a lot of stamps in his collection but I have (few, little, less) in (my, mine)-.

13.1 already (translate) the article when my boss (phone) me and asked if the translation was finished.

14. The accident looked (serious, seriously), but fortunately nobody (injure).

15. You (ought to, must, can) trust your daughter more. You (need not, should not, may not) treat her like a child.

16. (Must, may, can) I really do this translation today? -No, you (mustn't, needn't, may not). You (need, may-must) do it tomorrow if you like.

17. The boy (try) already to do it several times without any results. I think he may succeed only if he (show) how to do it.

18. In a week the government (announce) a new program to help (a/an, the, —) unemployed.

19. Our library has received a lot of new books this week. By the end of next week they (register) and we (can, will be able to, must) borrow them for reading.

20. He never helps me. Perhaps he (help) me if I (ask) him about it but I never do it.

Starting Test

Level B2

1. For many centuries, during the cold time of the year English people (use) coal in their fireplaces in private houses and smoke from factories contributed greatly to trouble, called smog.

2. The history of Scotland as well as the character of its people (portray) by such famous Scottish writers as Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.

3. The thistle (have) nothing pleasant in it, especially if one (touch) (it, its, it's) thorns. But it (have) (-, an, the) important meaning (for, to, at) Scotland. (It's, it, its) the Scottish national emblem.

4. Why the Scottish people (choose) the thistle as the national emblem of their country? - (An, the, -) answer is interesting, and it (can, must, should) be found in the history of Scotland.

5.1 think that he (discharge) from (a, the, -) hospital soon. 6.1 don't know why Peter (be) late. He might (delay) by the traffic.

7. (A, the, -) children (not, allow) to wear jewelry to school.

8. Helen said that she (go) to the circus (last, that, the following) week.

9. She (needn't, mustn't, couldn't) have bought such (a/an. the, —) expensive dress yesterday.

10. You (should, would, needn't) have seen this film on TV last night, it was very good.

11. (Couldn't, may) I speak to Jane, please? - Just a moment, please. I (call) her.

12. He (work) (hard, hardly) these days. He (hard, hardly) goes (somewhere, anywhere) now.

13. My mother (near, nearly) fainted when the man came (near, nearly). She (not, see) him for ages.

14. ... apple ... day keeps ... doctor away, (a/an, the, -)

15. When in ... Rome, do as ... Romans do. (a/an, the, -)

16. You can't teach (a/an, the, -) old dog (with, by, at) new tricks.

17. (The, a, -) Whispering Gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral which is over 100 feet above the floor is remarkable (of, off, for) its acoustics.

18. Who has prepared to work overtime besides (/, my, me)? 19.1 can't find my book. Can you give me (your, yours)?

20. Let's go to the beach, ... ?

21. The people of Scotland (choose) the thistle as (there, their, theirs) national emblem because it (save) the land (of, from, out of) foreign invaders many years ago.

22. Mary Stuart (1542-1587), the queen of Scots, reigned in Scotland for only seven years; (yet, also) the romance, intrigue and mystery (surrounding, surrounded) her life (make) her a legendary figure in Scottish history.

23. Immigrants who (arrive) in Great Britain from all parts of the Common Wealth since 1945 only (not, create) a mixture of nations, but also (bring) their cultures and habits with them.

24. Mark Twain always (think) that his days on (-, a, the) Mississippi (be) the happiest in his life.

25. The house (clean) before the guests arrived.

26. Why is David late? - Perhaps, he (hold) up in (a, the, -) traffic.

27. Margaret Mitchell (write) the original novel "Gone with the Wind". The film (release) in 1939 and (become) (a, the, -) huge success soon after its release.

28. Two years (is, are) a long time to be away from home.

29. (Could, would) I use your telephone, please? - Yes, you (can, could, would).

30. There is nobody there. If he (be) in, he (answer) the telephone.
ЭУМК ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ)»для студентов заочной формы обучения специальности 1-25 01 10 «Коммерческая деятельность», 1-25 01 09 «Товароведение и экспертиза товаров», 1-25 01 14«Товароведение и торговое предпринимательство»

1. Титульный экран……………………………………………………………303

2. Карта ЭУМК…………………………………………………………………303

3. Учебная программа по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)».......................................................................................................304

3.1 Титульный лист………………………………………………………………304

3.2 Пояснительная записка……………………………………………………....306

3.3 Структура курса………………………………………………………………308

3.4 Формы контроля сформированности умений и навыков…………………..309

3.5 Учебно-методическая карта………………………………………………….310

3.6 Информационно-методическая часть……………………………………….321

4. Теоретический раздел………………………………………………………..322

4.1 Методические рекомендации «Иностранный язык (английский)».............322

5. Практический раздел

5.1 Электронные учебные пособия по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»……………………………………………………………………..327

5.1.1 С.Н. Березовская Е.В. Климук « BASICS OF ECONOMICS». Учебно-методическое пособие по деловому английскому язык для студентов экономических специальностей ЗФО / Минск: БГЭУ, 2010. – 59 с………….327

5.2 Материалы к практическим занятиям.............................................................358

5.2.1 Вопросы к темам изучаемой тематики……………………………………358

5.3 Материалы и задания для управляемой самостоятельной работы студентов…………………………………………………………………………..359

5.3.1Словарные слова по темам изучаемой тематики………………………….359

6. Раздел контроля знаний

6.1. Требования к промежуточному (текущему) контролю................................362

6.2. Требования к зачету.........................................................................................362

6.2.1 Содержание зачета по дисциплине………………………………………...362

6.2.2 Темы и вопросы к зачету по дисциплине ……… ………………………..362

6.3 Требования к экзамену.....................................................................................362

6.3.1 Содержание экзамена по дисциплине …………………………………….362

6.3.2 Темы и вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине »…… ………………………363

6.4. Материалы и рекомендации (памятки) для подготовки к контрольным мероприятиям……………………………………………………………………..363

6.4.1 Образец текста разговорной тематики для чтения и пересказа…………363

6.4.2 Образец текста разговорной тематики для письменного экзаменационного перевода…………………………………………………………………………..364

6.4.3 Образец плана пересказа текста разговорной тематики…………………365

6.5. Тесты контроля усвоения знаний…………………………………………..367

3 Учебная программа по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)

3.1Титульный лист

Министерство образования Республики Беларусь

УO «Белорусский Государственный Экономический Университет»

Декан Факультета экономики управления торговлей

_______________ А.И.Ярцев

«_____» ___________2013 г.

Регистрационный № УТД___/р.

Учебная программа

для студентов специальности 1-25 01 10 «Коммерческая деятельность», 1-25 01 09 «Товароведение и экспертиза товаров», 1-25 01 14«Товароведение и торговое предпринимательство»

Факультет экономки и управления торговлей

Кафедра профессионально ориентированной английской речи

Полный курс обучения Сокращенный курс обучения

Курс 1 (для ЗГС/ЗГГ)

Курс 1 для РГС

Курс 1,2 для РГХ/РГТ

Семестры – I, II

Семестры – I, II для РГС

Семестры – I, II, III для РГХ/РГТ

Зачет – I семестр

Зачет – I семестр

Зачет – II семестр

Экзамен – II семестр

Экзамен – II семестр

Экзамен – III семестр

Практические (семинарские) занятия: 36 часов

Практические (семинарские) занятия: 30часов

Всего аудиторных часов по дисциплине: 36 часов

Всего аудиторных часов по дисциплине:

30 часов

Всего часов

по дисциплине 320 часов

Форма получения

высшего образования - заочная

2013 г.

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bitstream -> Images of Fairfax in Modern Literature and Film Andrew Hopper
bitstream -> Amphitheater High School’s Outdoor Classroom: a study in the Application of Design
bitstream -> Ethics of Climate Change: Adopting an Empirical Approach to Moral Concern
bitstream -> The Age of Revolution in the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and South China Sea: a maritime Perspective
bitstream -> Methodism and Culture
bitstream -> Review of coastal ecosystem management to improve the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
bitstream -> Present state of the area
edoc -> Учебно-методическое пособие по профессионально-ориентированному английскому языку для студентов специальности «Финансы и контроль в сфере таможенной деятельности»

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