While determining the airport development criteria it should be considered several factors. These factors are related with the geographical, socio-economical and topological circumstances of the airport. The different criteria are as follows:
Geographical criteria
The situation of the airport regarding on the main city/region it serves
The situation of the competing airports
The meteorological characteristics of the airport
Topological criteria
Main connecting transport modes
Spatial development possibilities at and around the airport
Land use around the airport
Socio-economical criteria
Population in the catchment area
Economic situation in the catchment area (growth, structure, employment etc.)
Business attractiveness of the catchment area
Regarding on geographical situation it was demonstrated that in the core regions there is a higher level of air traffic demand than in peripheral zones. The more important cities can be arranged within acceptable time (within 1-2 hours as a maximum) from an airport the more point-to-point connections are possible.
Because the fact that the majority of European citizens have possibility to choose at least between two airports to flight to/from airports compete among each other in level and specialities of services. The more competitive airport can attract more passengers and on this basis can achieve better economic performance. (Below 5 million passengers yearly airports are rarely profitable.)
The role of an airport in the complete transport network influences the development possibilities of the airport and its neighbourhood. The more variable and easy connection possibilities with other transport modes contribute to the larger passenger flow at the airport. It includes the connections to other airports as well.
Airports need enough space to grow if needed (new runways, passenger areas and/or other buildings and installations). Not only space but other infrastructures are indispensable to attract enterprises which needs or offer services of/for the airport.
It is also indispensable that the nature of the neighbouring areas of the airport shouldn't be controversy to the airport activities: in protected areas it isn't possible to enlarge the airport and to attract more connections because of noise. It can also negatively affect urbanisation developments.
The higher level of density of population contributes to the air traffic needs. It was demonstrated that in denser populated areas people travel by air more frequently. Also the higher living standard of the population generates more need for air traffic because those people spend more for holidays or city visits. The higher level of incomes is in strong correlation with the education and profession. In those service sectors which generate more air traffic, the share of higher educated people is also higher than the average in the economy.
It was also demonstrated that in those regions where the economic development level is higher, where the share of service is higher, where the employment is higher, the air traffic demand is also higher and as a consequence the possibilities of profitability of airports are also better.
The more attractive a region for investors is the more enterprises and institutions choose the region to settle down there. The large companies and institutions also generate economic development and air traffic as well. That is demonstrated by the fact as well that in those regions where the major air traffic hubs are, also several headquarters of major international companies can be found there.
Nevertheless it is very important that the stakeholders should have a common vision regarding on the future of the airport and their surrounding area to enable the airport or airport region to develop the appropriate strategic development plan and to follow the realization of this strategic development plan. It is shown that although most organizations have a strategic development plan, but without the appropriate tools for tracing, a high percentage of them can’t realize their strategic goals.
On the other hand, each airport has to consider their own possibilities and situation in the recent competition for air carriers, passengers and cargo taking in to consideration the financial possibilities of the shareholders for developing the airport and their catchment area as well.
VI.2. Airport impacts on surrounding regions
It is demonstrated that airports are dynamic motors of economic development in their smaller or wider catchment area by generating demand for services, materials and jobs not only at the airport but at the airport supplying companies as well. Airports make easier to connect business with other business situated on medium or long distance of the airport region. These relationships can exist between persons but can be developed between suppliers and clients as well of air transport intensive or sensitive business sectors like finance, R&D or other, mainly businesses of high added value.
Airports can have a positive impact on the tourist sector of their catchment area due to better connections to the world, to the possible leisure travellers of other regions. If there are possibilities for develop certain activities airports can help in concentrating not only R&D activities of those certain activities but also education, suppliers or clients of the activity in question, e.g. pharmaceutical industry or computer related activities.
Nevertheless it can’t be forgotten the possible negative impacts of the airport like noise and air pollution or safety problems (terrorism) when a high concentration of high value added activities are concentrated in a certain and smaller area. Therefore is also very important that airports have to prepare reliable strategic development plans with these regards also.
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