For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  Yep. All of this corroborates... all of this is. . . Let me start that sentence again. Nothing we know contradicts anything that you have just said. The information that we’ve got from other sources completely supports everything you say.

BD:  Right.

BR:  This is just testimony for the people watching this.

BD:  Right. I know, and I’m saying this straight out.

BR:  This is the way it is.

BD:  Yeah. Now you’ve got to understand that the number of convergences... When I traveled around to The Prophecy Club, to 42 cities in Israel, and I tell my story, people said 100 individuals couldn’t have been in all those places, but I was supernaturally told, just like I was told to call you guys.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  I was the exit examining doctor for the Special-Op forensic team that came back from the Murrah Building in ’95, and my boss, Major George Schwinder, was not available because he was getting extra air time at Fort Hood, Texas. So all five Special-Op agents, I had to examine ’em.

One of the five broke down and told me in great detail how they removed two unexploded fourth-generation U.S. Army Corp Engineer micro-nukes, thermate, RDX, and high explosive cores, and the buildings were brought down by the FBI and ATF.

I kept that information hidden. And as I was driving down the street in Littleton, Colorado -- because I had my practice in downtown Denver, and I was living in Littleton and down on the Highlands Ranch.

KC:  And this was after...

BD:  This was after. This was back in 2003. I’m driving down the road, and because I do have this gift, literally I hear the voice of God, just like Moses.

KC:  Right.

BD:  You know, what it talks about in the Bible? I’m the bloodline descendent. OK?

God said: Turn on the radio. And I turn it on.

And he said: Turn to this channel.

And I do, and I’m hearing this guy talk about financial things. I say: Oh, that’s boring. Why am I listening to this?

And then all of a sudden... Don’t turn it off.

And then a guy comes on and it’s Alex Jones. And Alex comes on and he starts talking about this New World Order stuff, and I got this real kind of pinge in my spirit because I’d kept this information hidden since ’95 to 2003. I said: I’m going to release this information. So I called into the show a couple of times and I told them I have information about Oklahoma City.

And the guy who asked me to do a really extensive interview was a Pastor Butch Paugh on Genesis Network. Well, after that, the network called me back and said: We want you to do the show. So in February of 2004 I started doing a radio show on Genesis.

Now, before that, I had done a kind of, like an entertainment show, called Laughter is the Best Medicine on Clear Channel. So I’d go there on Wednesday nights with Mark Alan Curry. We used to have a fun time going down to the Clear Channel studios in Denver and just crack jokes back and forth and talk about wellness and toxicology and environmental medicine, and anti-aging and things like that.

Well, since that time... You really need to understand... I’ve been in so many places... at the wrong place at the wrong time. [laughs]

I was the doctor for the Englewood Fire Department and the ladder truck that was actually there on the scene, including a number of the other people there, so I know exactly what happened. It was a complete government op at Columbine.

I was the doctor for the first kid shot in Columbine. And I had one pediatric patient, and he had only started working there, going to school, because he had a special-ed need -- Mark Taylor -- three weeks before. Right?

And when he came out of hospital after two 14-hour procedures and 57 units of blood, his mother asked me to put my hands on him and pray for him. And I have an intuitive gift of discernment that’s very unique. So I put my hands on him.

And I knew right away. I said: You have an abscess in your chest that they missed, and I’m going to put you on a specific antibiotic and in three days to the hour you’re going to call me in pain and I’m going to put you in hospital and drain it.

And to the hour he called me. OK?I put him in the hospital and I told the radiologist, I said: Now, when you go and do the CT scan, put this catheter into the abscess.

He said: Well how do you know that?

I said: Well, when you do the CT you’re going to see the abscess. Put the catheter in, drain it, and call a thoracic surgeon. OK?

So he did and he said: How did you know that?

And I said: It’s a long story. OK? So don’t get... [Bill laughs]

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