For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  Yeah.

BD:  I mean, it just shows you that the abuse of this power is not just under circumspection of human beings. If you want to invoke the Biblical terms, if you want to call the word... angel just means, in Greek it means messenger. It means these messengers are always watching everything in the higher planes of existence. Right? And they’re here right now.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  They’re here in this room right now. Right?

KC:  I was going to say...

BD:  Right. They’re here in this room right now.

KC:  So what do they want you to tell people, you know, that has to happen now?

BD:  Well, it’s wrapped up in one word, and it sounds kind of trite but it’s true. It’s called Repent. OK?

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  And it says in the Book of Malachi, which is one of the last books of the Old Testament, it says:Repent before the great and terrible day.

And what it’s really saying is: Reconnect with the Creator God, become a Child of God, take your scepter.

And we have authority. You’re no longer just a little bug down here, a worm on the planet Earth and a small dwarf, yellow dwarf star. You are the Voice in this plane of existence of the Creator God. The spirit in you is not a separate spirit. It is the I AM. OK?

You have the authority to create your own future. You have the authority to destroy disease and poverty, and not have pollution, and have limitless energy and information and to spread peacefully and interact with other civilizations throughout the cosmos without disrupting or destroying them, but maybe being almost like, if you want to call it, midwives to other civilizations...

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  ...that will then advance to the level where they’ll understand and come out of the Petri dish and the crib of civilization and become another advanced culture themselves.

BR:  I’d like to add an anecdote to this, which you may have heard, and I’ve also said before on another interview but it’s worth repeating. Bill Birnes, the editor of UFO Magazine was privileged to talk with Admiral George Hoover of the office of Naval Intelligence before he died.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And he asked Admiral George Hoover: What’s all this big secrecy about? What’s the real deal? What’s really going on here?

BD:  Right.

BR:  Because, what’s the big deal about Roswell and little guys from wherever they’re from or whenever they’re from? Why can’t we tell the people this? And the long story is that, according to George Hoover, the biggest secret that the people must not realize, it’s not this data about the technology or the visitors, or the existence of the visitors. It’s our own power. This is the biggest secret.

BD:  It’s our own power. Exactly.

BR:  It’s our own power that we must not realize, because the greatest secret is who we are, what we can do, what we can be, and they’ve got to keep us in our box. Otherwise, their game is over.

BD:  Right. In other words, the comment made by Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus is: Surely you know you are gods. And they misinterpret the word. In other words, you don’t replace the Creator God of the universe; it means you’re an extension of it.

KC:  Sure.

BD:  And you’re only an extension of it when you hear. The Hebrew word is shemahhear and do.

In other words, the problem I see right now is that we have a society that thinks, by external rules and controls, we can create this Luciferian world of order in chaos, so they can create a world of “peace” which is totally an ordered world that is completely under, if you want it call it, you know, scientific control. It’s a scientifically-controlled society, not ruled by spirit.

The very nature of what we are, though, is a spirit being passing through a matrix of energy that creates worlds. We are literally creating our own timeline in our name.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  And the thing is, corporately we are creating our own timeline in our name. That’s why, for example, I tell people on the show repeatedly: Don’t drink the Kool-aid of fear.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  Because fear itself creates, if you want to call it, a backburner or an atmosphere that allows them to create the web of destruction that occurs next.

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