For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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KC:  Yes.

BD:  Anywhere from 5.24 to 7.25 cubic miles in size. Most of them are in dormant volcanic domes or built with nuclear explosions underground to create these massive domes or what’s called a matrix where they cut these giant tunnels.

KC:  But that’s not going to save them.

BD:  No, it won’t save them. The fact is, it’s not going to be a technical answer that’s going to save them. And that’s where the problem is. These are advanced intellectual beings without spirit. And that’s the basis of what we call the Reptilian or serpentine empire.

It’s like a group of super-scientists with these super-intellects, with massive knowledge of energy and time/space, and jumping across the galaxy, and life extension, and everything. But with no spirit, because they do what is right in their own eyes.

Bill Deagle (BD): ...You know, like one of the things they’ll often do is, they’ll say: Well, Deagle, if all the stuff you’re telling is true, you’re either crazy, or why are you walking around alive? 

I say it’s because I’m being protected on the supernatural level, on the cosmic level, and on the spiritual level, and also on the physical. I mean, there’s a lot on the physical level, too.

And there’s a number of people even within the organizations you might call the Illuminati, the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] and so on that actually see what’s going on and see the insanity of it.

Bill Ryan (BR): They’re not all evil.

Kerry Cassidy (KC): Let’s go from exactly where you are... because you’re before the Council. They’re making a decision.

BD:  Right.

KC:  And are they conscious that you’re there? Did they invite you in?

BD:  Oh, they bring you right in. It’s like a courtroom, you know, so that we will understand it, of course. But what they do is they give you a surrounding that you can identify with. So for me, I was in a physical courtroom.

KC:  Sure. OK.

BD:  And there’s all these other human beings that are actually like in the witness box, 24 of us. And they were being brought forward one at a time, and then our consciousness would be uploaded for all of those beings to actually see all our life experiences and the information on the world and so on. And you see all these images. And actually, because we were in the box, we could actually see what was being witnessed by the others.

KC:  OK. But you’re also being given a message to take back.

BD:  Right. The message to bring back is, if you want to call it, it’s almost like a Biblical message, because my calling is virtually identical to the calling of Moses, who is my ancestor, and to Elijah and Jeremiah.

It’s basically: Repent. Get back connected with the creator God. Don’t set up a set of rules, i.e., stone commandments. Get people so their heart is so they don’t do things wrong because it’s written on their heart.

It’s the message of “The Kingdom,” which is, in other words, for mankind to be an advanced civilization with advanced technology that doesn’t get absorbed by the technology like Ray Kurzweil and many “Luciferians” talk about, is to transcend it spiritually so that technology is our servant and not our master.

BR:  Right.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  And that’s what’s happening, is whether it’s genetic technology that could relieve illness, and stop many of the pains of fragility as people get older, and we want to lengthen human lifespan. I belong to the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

But I don’t want them to do things like create cybernetic chimeric super-soldiers, that then become a plague upon the planet, or super-weapons that are used to kill or destroy others so they can get control. And so it could be used for good or incredible evil, and our problem is right now that most of the funding is toward evil.

KC:  Right.

BR:  What’s the outcome of this meeting that you’ve just been describing?

BD:  The outcome of the meeting was a somberness, a seriousness that, if we didn’t get the message through to the people, that the planet of Earth would be annihilated, would be allowed to be annihilated.

A lot of people think, for example, a lot of the space-based weapons platforms we have around the Earth -- Right? Because I worked with U.S. Space Command -- are weapons to knock out spacecraft, to knock out asteroids or meteors, to, you know, basically shield Earth against geomagnetic super-storms that may occur from Solar Mass Ejections and other things, and to control the climate. In other words, they’re trying to create a kind of, like a terrarium, of Earth so as we pass through the galactic plane...

KC:  Right. Except that some of those weapons are located on the Moon and aimed at Earth.

BD:  Right. And in fact, most of the weapons there could be aimed at Earth very easily and have been, and have been used for great evil -- just like the geotectonic weapon that triggered off the Sichuan earthquake, or the earthquake that was struck on Nagata, Japan, and broke the reactor core of the largest reactor in Japan. And it was told three days before to Ben Fulford that his finance minister, of course, had been warned that he had to pass over authority to the Rothschilds, or their banking system, or they were going to hit Nagata. And they did.

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