For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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The way I want people to do is, first off, don’t accept something unless it’s intellectually correct, at whatever level they are at, and unless they go back quietly and pray and try to hear the Voice of the Creator God.

KC:   Mm hm.

BD:  Because the problem right now is that there’s so much noise, it’s discernment to keep them in “babble-on” or confusion...

BR:  Yeah.

BD: they won’t be able to discern or they’ll just dismiss it. And they’ll say: Look, you people that talk about UFOs are nuts. OK? If somebody had told me this years ago, I’d say: You’re crazy, there’s no way.

And, you know, going through medical school training, surgery, whatever, I’d say there’s no way that that could be true. Because my mind is now focused. I’m going to be a doctor; I’m going to help people; I’m going to do this and that.

I’m getting access to the totality of human knowledge and science, and I’m going to... At some future date we’re going to be able to help cure people of disease and so on -- not knowing that only 4% of information is accessed to even the university Ph.D. tenured professorial level, at the top levels in the world, and the other 96% is by invitation only.

BR:  Right. [laughs]

BD:  Right? Or that society. . . And when you’ve been invited to enter those realms, then you start to realize, like: My gosh! Your whole world is shattered. Right? And that’s what’s disturbing about this, and I’m trying to get the message to the people.

The hardest is to argue with people. I remember having an argument a year and a half ago with Professor Steven Jones, who felt that thermate could have brought down the World Trade Centers alone.

And, of course, until they’ve had a background in quantum physics and nuclear physics -- I was supposed to go to MIT and I went into honors biochemistry -- I asked him a series of questions that he couldn’t answer on a scientific ground. But he wanted to cling to his a priori idea anyway.

Even though there is probably evidence it was thermate, there had to be nuclear explosions. There could have not been directed energy weapons. And I tried to explain to him. Because I was a doctor for US Space Command and Strategic Defense, Star Wars. And I said: I’ve talked to the engineers at very high levels, and I know exactly what’s capable and what we have.

KC:  OK. You have a really interesting background. OK?

BD:  Right.

KC:  But a lot of people say: Well, you’re working for them.

BD:  Yeah. I know they’ll say that, but what people need to do is, they... Ultimately, they need to do is an intellectual analysis and they need to pray. They need to trust their gut, in other words, their spiritual gut.

KC:  So how did you get out of it? Because in a sense you did work for them. Right? You were their doctor.

BD:  Well, I was their doctor. But here’s what happened. People are so compartmentalized. To give you an example: Initially I talked to someone working at, say Falcon. And they had a little badge that would allow them to go into one hallway, and down one pathway, into one room with a security card. And they’d face-scan them with a retinal scan, and fingerprint scan them, and boom, they go in their room. And they’d spend so many hours there and they’d walk down the same pathway. And they were monitored all the way.

KC:  They had to follow lines. Isn’t that right?

BD:  They had to follow certain lines on the floor, and if they don’t, they’re immediately apprehended. And it’s not pleasant. OK? So they’re very highly compartmentalized.

So you can talk to your doctor. Now, these guys really loved being able to talk to me because what I would do is, I would talk to all the different people. And because I have this advanced technical training, which they never assumed I did -- like you know, artificial intelligence, super-computers, electronics, quantum physics, and other things --I’d talk to them about their project.

And after while they were more interested in hearing what I had to tell them about what everybody else was doing and projects that they didn’t know anything about. So as time went on I gained more and more knowledge.

BR:  Yeah. And it continued training you what questions to ask and you knew how to listen.

BD:  Right. They wanted to talk because they couldn’t tell their wives. They weren’t allowed to tell anybody, their son, their wife, their children, anybody, or their next door neighbor.

KC:  So you get this aggregate of information. And on top of it, you’ve had these life-death experiences.

BD:  Right. And some, what I’d call supernatural, and some other types of experiences that all fit together.

KC:  OK. You’re putting all of this together and then you eventually create this radio show. Right? And you’re interviewing witnesses and so on. But where are you at now, as we take this whole package? And you’ve got something to say here because you called us and. . .

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