For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  Yeah.

BD:  You are a son or daughter of the Most High God. And what’s happening is your birthright’s being stolen away from you, just like the story of Jacob and Esau. It’s being stolen away from people.

And the problem is, it’s being stolen away primarily to tell them things that they are not. Or to fill in dogma. And, of course, it’s interesting -- the word dogma means “am-God”, backwards.

They’re being told that they should decide what’s good or evil rather than deciding from the spirit by making that connection. Because the only way for people to connect and not have an eternal matrix is to have the spirit inside them.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  Now the problem I see is this: People have to discern. There’s two groups in the universe. There is, if you want to call itthe Dark Empire. We will call them the transdimenstional beings. We might call them the Higher Lords of Darkness and their Princes. And there’s many different civilizations that’re in this. We don’t even need to get into names, but there’s a whole series of them.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  You might call them the serpentines, the Reptilians, the Tall Grays, whatever you want to call them. OK? There’s a whole array of these.

And on the other side, there is a Grand Council of Civilizations out there that are very, very caring and they are connected to the spirit of the Creator God. They are advanced beings, both human, humanoid and nonhuman, across the cosmos and universe.

BR:  And of course this was why the movie Star Wars was such a tremendous modern myth because it represented this whole archetype that everyone really understands even if they don’t know it.

BD:  Well, they understand because it’s something that they’re resonating with their spirit. You see. . .

BR:  Exactly.

BD:  It’s almost like someone going through a neuralizer like the show MIB -- Men in Black. And so they’ve forgotten something but something can jar them back to remember it anyway. Right?

BR:  Yeah. Right.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  OK. So in a sense you’re in a state of what I call spirit sleep. Your spirit’s asleep so that it can then start to reawaken its connectedness with everyone else.

KC:  OK. But what’s the nuts and bolts to how this plays out, though, at the moment?

BD:  Well, I’ll just give you a little story. This is one of the most recent ones. Roughly one year ago... And I get visions and dreams. OK? And one of my primary roles isn’t to be a doctor or a whistleblower or a radio host. Those are all secondary. And really, to be honest with you, they’re just a vehicle to try to get the real truth out -- which isn’t just facts. Because the problem is, we have a sea of facts.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  But it doesn’t change people. For example, when you look at the anomalies around 9/11, how many people have insisted that there’s a proper investigation? Right?

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  Right. And they’re not. Just to follow the financial side and all the other anomalies... And we still have all these factions, even in the so-called 9/11 movement.

Well, it’s the same way with “religion.” I call it “real lies going on.” They have their dogma they cling to because... It’s what they call their “hell insurance,” because they’re fearful of knowing these things out here, of hell, or separation, or whatever it is, at the end of their physical life. So hence they kind of stuff themselves with dogma so that they can feel safe. Right?

KC:  Mm hm. OK. But you’ve just told us you have three roles that are your secondary roles. What’s your first role?

BD:  My first role is to speak as a prophet.

KC:  OK.

BD:  OK? Now, I’m not talking about Monty Python, fill the stadium with prophets. And there’s many different prophets. For example, I had on the show last week John Boncore/Splitting the Sky. And I really believe that there are many people, especially now, that there is a prophetic role for them. OK?

KC:  Sure.

BD:  And they’re from all different nations, colors, peoples, whatever, on the Earth. It’s like the body of mankind.

But there are specific prophets that have what I call, if you want to call it, an “executive role,” to try to bring those together, and to bring the picture together so that there can be a platform to have an overall synthesis that can be presented back to mankind to say: Now see? So they can start to kind of get with the program before all hell breaks loose.

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