For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BD:  Right

KC:  And I find this very interesting.

BD:  Well actually, I was told to call you.

KC:  You were told to call us.

BD:  I was told to call you.

KC:  Wonderful.

BR:  By?

KC:  By your direct contact above?

BD:  Yeah. If you want to call it that. I have the direct phone line.

KC:  You’re not the only one that’s been told that way to call us.

BD:  Yeah, yeah, I was told to call you and that it was time to call you, not an hour from now, but right now. And I did. OK? So that’s, you know, interesting. And things always happen like that to me, you know.

KC:  They do?

BD:  If I told you all the stories you could fill books, you’d have stacks of tapes of amazing stories.

KC:  OK.

BD:  You’d say: That can’t happen; and that can’t happen. But it has.

KC:  All right.

BR:  I want to bring it back to: what are they modeling?

KC:  Yes. [laughter]

BD:  Yeah, yeah.

BR:  And what about these guys with their children and their money? Yeah. OK. Fine.

BD:  Well, yeah. And I’m going to get to that. So basically I want people to discern, to use discernment, and I’m. . .

KC:  Therefore, why do you think you were told to call us?

BD:  At the moment I had no idea. OK? [Bill laughs]

KC:  OK. And do you have an idea now?

BD:  Yeah. I have a very good idea.

KC:  Yeah? And do you want to tell us, or do you want to go down that road?

BD:  Yeah, anyway... [laughter] What people have to understand is that human beings are a supernatural transdimensional being that’s made in the image of the Creator of the universe, just like the Bible says. OK?

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  But not only that, we’re like cells in a body. And we’re connected, almost like neurons. So that if we get to a level of revelation, it’s not just for our own purpose to use greedily; it’s to serve the entire body of mankind.

And the best way to think of mankind is not just, you know, in this plane of time/space, but mankind is a non-local being that stretches across the cosmos, and into the past, present and future. OK?

So when you start to grasp that and you have that intuitive. . . That’s why I tell people... When I try to do talks, I say: You know, there are two groups of “religions” on Earth. There’s those that believe in reincarnation and those that don’t believe in reincarnation. Right? And the reason is, they’re both right and wrong.

KC:  OK.

BD:  And the reason is, for them, that’s their level of understanding because that’s where they’re at. When you become truly intuitive at the highest levels, there’s no such thing as reincarnation.

KC:  Sure, because we’re eternal beings.

BD:  Right. Once you start grasping that, it’s like the words of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus that says, you know, Though you do it to the least of my brothers, you have done it to me. If you actually felt the pain of allowing your government to attack and blow up little girls in Baghdad, you wouldn’t do it because it would be like a neuron connected to another being.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  Or you wouldn’t walk by a plant starving for water without watering it. You wouldn’t spread depleted uranium on crops because you could feel that. In other words. . .

BR:  You wouldn’t do these things, because you’re doing it to yourself.

BD:  Right. It actually is another expression of the “I AM.” OK?

KC:  Totally.

BD:  We’re a gardener of the garden. We’re actually. . . Think of each spinning galaxy as a spinning flower in the universe. OK?

KC:  Yes. But let’s get back to this, because we have Reptilians influencing the Illuminati agenda. And we’ve got an agenda that’s being rolled out on a bunch of eternal beings that don’t really recognize their eternalness. And so how’s it going to play out?

BD:  Well, first, the thing that I’ve found...

KC:  Why has this been allowed to get so far?

BD:  Well, it’s allowed to get so far for a couple of reasons. The most important thing in the universe for sentient beings is to have free choice. In other words, to choose to remember.

A lot of people think that, you know, you’re going through life to learn things, or to prove a point or to reach something, you know, like a point system, like a grade. And that if you reach a certain grade, you can transcend -- which is totally garbage.

It’s like my little daughter with Down’s Syndrome, she doesn’t have to earn points to be my daughter. OK?

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