For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  Yep.

BD:  We’re still in the playpen or the crib of civilization and we’ve been actually quarantined for 3shars, which is Zecharia Sitchen’s “passages through the galactic plane of fire,” it’s called.

The two perspectives tie in with either being in touch with that Higher Self, which is the “I AM,” the one that says Let there be light, the spirit that’s in us.

And all great spiritual leaders that spoke truth that they knew in their heart -- whether it was Buddha or Zoroaster or whatever -- all of these great leaders have spoken something. And many times it’s been converted, or perverted, or twisted.

Or they themselves didn’t have the whole truth, they just had portions of it, so then it became a “religion.” Now, religion is a substitute for relationship.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And I call it “real lies going on”. And it doesn’t matter if you’re talking about Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Atheism.

All the “isms” in the world fall into two categories: Either you hear the Voice of the spirit that created you and created all that exists, the continuum -- because without a single voice there is no universe -- one “I” voice, I call it. There is no one “I” voice.

So, therefore, it’s either your will – the will of, in other words, deciding for yourself what is good or evil -- or hearing the Voice. In other words, you don’t need to tell people what’s right or wrong. If they’re in contact with their higher self and with the Creator that created them, they know what’s right or wrong.

BR:  OK. Now, just bring that back to where you were when you were talking about the wild card factors of who people really are -- this is my paraphrase of what you were saying -- and how there are certain things that can’t be programmed into their super-computer, because, actually, you’re talking about actual human beings that are eternal and magical.

BD:  Exactly. And you see that point ties in with the factions, if you want to call it. You know, you can go to all kinds of different religious books, whether it’s the Hopi Indians or the Christian Bible or many other books, and they’ll tell you that there’s been visitations to Earth over all of the ages.

BR:  OK. Now... 

BD:  And the way it ties into this is that some of these visitors have specific characteristics that are very common. For example, Naga, in the area of Oceania. Right? Which are, you know, the serpent people or the feathered serpent god, or whatever. What you’ll find... Or the Dagon, which is, you know, the amphibian beings that come from a world. And therefore, even the hat, for example, that’s on the Pope, is actually called “the sign of Dagon”, which is a fish-god or Oannes...

BR:  Yes. Yes.

KC:  OK. Right. But . . .

BD:   ...which is always in the background, in other words.

BR:  Right now there will be people watching this who say: I know I’m eternal and magical, and I’m really interested in what you’re saying. So what can I do? How can I be? What action can I take to capitalize on my wild card so they may not be able to predict what I’m going to do next?

BD:  Yeah, what I’m trying to get at... You know, I hear lots of different reports, that people say: I’ve been in touch with the Pleiadians or Andromedans, or I’m in touch with this group or that group. But people need to use extremeextreme discernment.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And the way I think about it is this. Say, you know, if you went to a new city. Let’s say you were from South Africa and you came to New York City, and you didn’t know where to go, but you went to the wrong part of the city. You might not come back out alive. OK?

BR:  Right

BD:  And a similar thing... You have to think of the universe that way, too.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  There’s very good places in the universe, and very bad.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK? Just think of it this way. Any being that’s capable of leaping across space/time and arriving in our world, you have to assume that their intelligence is limitlessly greater than ours. And therefore anything that they communicate to us could either be very true or very, very maliciously manipulated to control us, almost like a pack.

BR:  Exactly.

BD:  In other words, we would be treated like an ant, or cockroach or like my pet dogs. They would have no way of even understanding what we’re talking about, so it would be almost sport. Right?

BR:  Yes.

KC:  Except that, if they’re that intelligent, they also realize that we’re grand spiritual beings in our own right and therefore they’re actually dealing with something that’s much more massive than just our 3-dimensional form.

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