For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BR:  This also means that they’ve also programmed in the Nutrimedical Report and the Project Camelot interviews. And they’re taking all of that into account and then recalculating everything. Right?

BD:  Ah, well they are. But the problem is that there’s a number of wild cards that they're not in control of.

BR:  Which are?

BD:  Well, lots of wild cards.

BR:  OK.

BD:  The first one is the human one. Human beings are a polydimensional being that far transcends what people usually think of as human.

Just to give you kind of... To back up in terms of a little physics: Our plane of existence, the energetic plane, has five dimensions, not four. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Then the spiritual plane has seven dimensions. Some people call that astral. And then there is the 13th, which is the eternal. OK? And everything are harmonics of that. That’s why... The very nature of the existence itself is literally the passage of spirit through energetic planes that creates a montage.

BR:  We’ll buy all of that. And what we are here, what I see in my field of vision, is the tiny tip of a huge iceberg.

BD:  Right.

BR:  Yeah. And the iceberg is a beautiful, fantastic wonderful eternal thing.

BD:  Right. Exactly. In other words, this moment that’s existing right now as we are taping, has always existed.

BR:  Yeah. I’ll buy that.

KC:  Absolutely. Time is circular. But Bill, what I wanted to know is, what are you saying they are going to do with this? Because obviously if they’re behind schedule... And here we are, at the end of September, and we’ve got the American economy going in the tank.

BD:  Right.

KC:  And so what’s the next step?

BD:  Well, here you’ve got to think about what their goal is. It’s almost like a mouse that reaches certain barriers, a smart mouse. You put certain barriers down, but a mouse can still smell the cheese. It’ll get around that barrier and it’ll figure out how to do it. And if it’s a very intuitive mouse, it can see beyond the barrier to where the pathway is to get to the cheese. And if it’s got lots of access, then it’s going to do that. Right?

BR:  Right.

BD:  So what I see is this. Their goal is to have a world bank. Their goal is to have regionalized currency zones. They published it. In fact, one of the things that you have to understand -- which is really bizarre but also true -- is that part the “religion,” if you want to call it, or the dogma, of the globalists is to prove that they are a super class, or the predator class, who have the right to make these decisions.

Because they have to publish it, and the profane don’t understand it. But it’s plainly published. Like for example in September of 1973, the Council on Foreign Relations...

BR:  It’s all in plain sight.

BD:  It’s all in plain sight.

KC:  Like the Iron Mountain Report, for example.

BD:  Yeah. Or the 1974 document that talked about the greatest danger to the world is population growth. Or the Global 2001. . .

BR:  The Georgia Guidestones.

BD:  Exactly. It’s all in plain sight. And the problem is that people will look at it and say: Well, it can’t be true because it’s in plain sight.

It’s almost like, if you want to say: It’s a battleship. And they say: Well, it’s painted pink. It can’t be a battleship. It’s got plants coming out of all the turrets. [Bill laughs] Even though it is a battleship and it’s in the front yard. [more laughter]

KC:  What aliens, though, are running the show, in your opinion?

BD:  Well, I’m going to get to that because I’m going to give you a little different spin. What we have to do is use a lot of discernment. There’s basically two perspectives in the universe -- and this is whether you’re human or nonhuman.

What we are or any other “sentient” being in the universe is a spirit-being that’s transcending through an energy matrix, creating a reality. OK? In other words, we are co-creators of our own timeline and future.

BR:  Absolutely.

BD:  And if you look at people like Michio Kaku and advanced physicists and so on, they talk about the universe in terms of energy. You know, like a Zero Energy culture, and the Level One energy culture, a culture that is able to leap across the galaxy and is bound by time and space.

But you can also use those similar principles for, you know -- similar kinds of characteristics -- for dealing with what I call the spirituality of a sentient civilization. Right?

BR:  Right.

BD:  So you need to use both the energy thing and they are tied together.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Because there’s lot of suppression of the technology that we already have, because spiritually we are very... what I call a Zero Order culture.

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