For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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BD:  Yeah.

BR:  An entire virtual world, with virtual people.

BD:  In a virtual world. I actually took care of employees working on what’s called the Sentient World Project in Denver.

KC:  Yes. But I still don’t understand, you know, how they’re choosing their scenario. In other words, we know that the financial collapse...

BD:  Well, they can try a scenario and they can actually try it in the cyber-world and then they can see the response based on...

KC:  Right. But have you gotten feedback from say, secret deep black projects, saying, you know, they have chosen this scenario?

BD:  Ah, some things. Some things. Yeah.

BR:  Give us some clues, Bill.

BD:  Well, I’ll give you an example. One of the first things is, by doing this modeling, it means that they don’t do it in just a kind of... In other words, they’re not just trying it on the public. They try a different thing.

For example, they had the Countrywide financial collapse earlier this year, and then they had the collapse of Lehman Brothers. And they try each thing. And they try to see what kind of response they’re getting from the public. And they feed that back into the model.

Now, when I took care of the people that were working on the Sentient World Project, they actually created a cybernetic model of the Earth. It’s an actual physical model in hyperspace that is down to a tolerance of about a centimeter-and-a-half. All the roadways, buildings, everything, people. Everybody inside that model are actually considered, called, nodes. That’s their actual term they use for it.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Besides doing the simulator computer modeling, they’re using other technologies. Some of them are quite alien, if you want to call it.

BR:  I can believe it.

BD:  And they’re using these technologies so they can actually analyze timeline pathways. Because what they’re trying to do is...

KC:  So we’re talking about Looking-Glass, then?

BD:  Yeah. Exactly. And, of course, a lot of the people don’t understand that most of these are actually based on what’s called torsional vortex imaging, which is hyperdimensional imaging.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And torsional vortex imaging we’ve had since the 1950s, reverse-engineered.

BR:  Yep.

BD:   Torsional vortex imaging was the top project of HAARP. It was not the bottom project; it was the top project.

BR:  OK.

BD:  So torsional vortex imaging allows them to look through the Earth to see all the resources. So the primary thing was to drop a thermal-magnetic mirror with aluminum and barium salts.

BR:  Which is the chemtrail project?

BD:  Yeah. But it’s really high, 73- to 80-thousand feet. You won’t see these.

BR:  OK.

BD:  And when the particles are put up there, they last two to three years in space because they layer out and they get locked into that layer at the upper troposphere. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And it acts as a mirror for what’s called torsional vortex imaging. So they can throw a pulse and see an echo that comes back and they can image it.

BR:  I got it. Yep.

BD:  So they can see oil resources, gold, minerals, titanium, whatever they need, and they can also see through the Earth and see underground bases, cities, facilities. So, for example, when Sichuan...

BR:  Some of this stuff that isn’t even ours.

BD:  Right. Yeah. And they can also see stuff that’s not ours. Exactly. They see giant caves and cavern systems that go hundreds of miles through the Midwest.

BR:  Right.

BD:  But they can also see things like military bases, like the Chinese nuclear and military munitions base that was struck with a tectonic weapon in Sichuan, west China. That was a specific use of tectonic technology. Right?

BR:  Yep. Mm hm.

BD:  Now, we have our version of it. And the Russians have a new system called a super-capacitor technology, so they were able to make these very, very powerful capacitors that can generate similar things to our HAARP technology. Right?

KC:  OK. But where are they going with this? That’s actually what we...

BD:  Yeah. Well, where they’re going with all this... Just to give you an idea: The first thing is, you have to look at the menu of what they have. And they try various items, try to perturbate on new computer modeling.

And then they decide whether they’re going to proceed now or in the near future. Like, a lot of people say: Well, why hasn’t there been another 9/11?

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  Right? Another... like blowing up cities or doing other things? Because for years they’ve been doing war-game simulations of a 10-kiloton nuke in a number of cities.

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