For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

For example, this year it was in Portland Harbor, and last year it was in Charleston Harbor, where they actually did a simulation of a

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For example, this year it was in Portland Harbor, and last year it was in Charleston Harbor, where they actually did a simulation of a...

And it was not just the U.S. It was the U.S., British, and Canadians, where they were doing a joint war-games simulation of this, and trying to see the civil defense, and the radiation plume, and the movement of the public and, you know, how to handle the bodies, and all this kind of stuff.

So they’re doing all of that. They do this on multiple levels and they feed the data back into their super-computers to decide what will work best.

One of the things that we did... Back in the late 90s, I was a doctor for Rocky Mountain Occupational Medicine, and we got the contract for the Hazmat teams in Colorado, for the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control to do a war-game simulation called Operation Top Off and Operation Dark Winter.

We did a simulation at the Performing Arts Center, on a “simulated release”, not a real release, of pneumonic plague. And we wanted to look at the kill ratio, in terms of how quickly the system could be activated -- the EMS system -- to be able to get people and treat them and triage them and whatever.

And we did a similar one down on 17th Avenue, downtown Denver, in a second-floor window of an apartment. And we even set up a sprayer to spray out the window, with a little compressed air, a little vapor stream, which was supposedly anthrax. So, it would be a weaponized anthrax stream that would actually spray out that second-floor window. And that anthrax stream would then...

We would then have people go... We had the Hazmat officers and Special Forces, and they would go to various hospitals, like St. Joe’s, Presbyterian, St. Lukes, etcetera. And we tried to see, with recording all these data intake sheets, whether or not, Number One, emergency departments would activate CDC, get the proper specimens, get the people treated in a timely fashion so they wouldn’t die.

We killed everybody.

BR:  OK.

KC:  Why did you kill everybody, though?

BD:  We killed everybody because the system was too inadequate. The Emergency department doctors, the infectious disease, the activation of the system... The tracking back to the source of the spray would have been too long.

So if there was a lethal weaponized anthrax -- it only needs, let’s say, 80 spores to cause a lethal infection rather than 80,000 to 100,000 – that we figured out from the dispersal at that level on the canyon of, say, 17th Avenue, would have killed at least 4- to 5-thousand people that were, during the middle of the day, would have been exposed.

BR:  Right.

BD:  Now, the reason why I bring up that model is that they’re doing this all the time with their cybernetics models, because they’re trying to steer society along certain timelines.

And they have various forces. All the people in this – you hear the word “New World Order” -- they’re not in agreement. And there are various levels. And most of ’em think that they’re at the top of whatever level they’re at, and they’re really at the bottom of another level. OK?

Even the people at the top that are human. Because the New World Order is not being run by humans.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  OK?

BR:  Exactly.

BD:  And you need to grasp this. The analogy I use on my show is... In their training in England, as part of a power game, they’d bring you to their gardens. And their gardener would kind of make a little maze. And then you’d go through the little maze and thought you were quite clever because you’d get out in a matter of moments.

And then what they’d do is, they’d take you to the big maze, which was done by a very clever gardener. And the only way you could get out was if you were talked out.

BR:  OK.

BD:  OK. If you weren’t talked out, you wouldn’t make it out of the maze, and you’d be stuck there the entire afternoon and wouldn’t have tea or anything. Right?

BR:  OK.

BD:  So the thing was to humiliate you to realize there was no way you could get out of the big maze unless you changed your paradigm of how to get out of the maze. Right?

BR:  Very good. Right.

BD:  And what they’re doing basically is, they’re... In a sense they’re “sheep dipping” the entire society to kind of buy into the lies of what’s going on. People don’t know what kind of... You know, even modern history has completely been rewritten. Everything...

BR:  But there is some waking up going on, which you need to also factor in.

BD:  Yes, there is.

BR:  It’s also being factored in.

BD:  Sure it is. And that’s why there’s been quite a delay. In fact, if you look at the published documents, like Global 2000, about population reduction; if you look at the planned release of things like avian flu; if you look at the planning on blowing up cities with dirty bombs or micro-nukes, or doing other things, they’re way behind schedule.

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