For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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And you could see his countenance change. He got really nasty looking. And then all of a sudden, literally – four feet -- as far as you’re away from me, in broad daylight, he just “poof” and disappeared, like in a vortex.

And I went upstairs shaking, and I could hardly talk, you know. I told my wife what happened. So the next morning I went to my office to do a pregnancy test, and of course she was pregnant.

And like six weeks later we’re sitting in the ultrasound room. During medical school I had worked with Dr. McMillan and I actually did some of the background research on ultrasound before any of the doctors in North America actually had it for analysis, so I could read ultrasounds.

So I’m sitting in the ultrasound room and the tech’s moving over my wife’s abdomen. And as she scans over the abdomen, the technician, you could tell... Her lips dried right up, and she had this kind of stark look on her face. And I knew right away. I could see nuchal thickening and the center of my daughter’s heart was stopped.

BR:  Wow.

KC:  Is this the young girl we just met?

BD:  Right. Now you’ve got to understand that some of the things that’ve happened to me are so remarkable that they just, you know...

She was born through C-section. I was told supernaturally, I had visitations that told me that she wasn’t going to die, even though the surgeons said: We don’t know why she’s even born alive. Because her heart was... Literally the center of her heart was gone. She had almost a single chamber heart. Right? Which is a miracle.

And they did the first surgery at six and a half months. By the way, we’re pro-life. We knew that she was going to be born with Downs Syndrome, and of course we hoped that it was going to be somehow miraculously healed.

But I was told, basically, don’t be fearful, that she’s going to survive, and she’s going to have this surgery. She had her first surgery. She had already lost four ounces from her birth weight by the time she had her first surgery.

And then at two and a half years, her heart started to enlarge again. It was now the size of an adult heart and she was about to die. So we had oxygen tanks, you know, oxygen pumps concentrating oxygenated air and it had a 60-foot long tube going to her bedroom with a little mask before her surgery.

And so I had a... because I have visitations all the time. They told me: This is the words the surgeon will say to you, that I don’t know what I did, but I put in only four sutures, and her heart was miraculously healed.

There’s not even just a grade-one mitral valve defect. They didn’t have to replace the heart valves. But literally, with the Dacron grafts that he had done earlier, and with just a few sutures, she’s healed. She never even had to be on a heart drug, never been in a hospital, hasn’t even ever had a cold, which is amazing for Downs Syndrome. Right?

But the key issue to me... And I think that I was permitted to go through these experiences - this is one of the many ones - is to understand the issue of the sacredness of all human life, whether it’s the disabled, the elderly, people of different faiths, skin colors, intellectual powers, whatever, that we’re all in a sense the continuous incarnation of the Creator God, which is the message of The Kingdom that Yeshua Jesus was trying to give.

The other experience I want to share is back in... October 10th of 1993, I was face-down praying and I was brought supernaturally by, if you want to call it, the term, archangel, which is one of the senior messengers.

I was brought by this archangel, and he announced his name. He said he name was Gabriel. Right? And the word Gabriel means one who has a message from the voice of the Most High God. Gabriel means one who can speak for God. Right? That’s what it means.

And he brought me to an underground facility. He brought me to some satellite facility. And we didn’t just walk around and he kind of said: This is that, and this is what’s been happening. He actually explained the technology to me in great detail. We spent, if you want to call it in the spirit realm, I spent hours and hours and hours with him.

And I said: Well, where am I?

And he wouldn’t tell me. He said: You’re gonna know because you’re gonna go to the place where this pastor is.

And I thought it was Dallas. Right? So I called up. No, no he’s already left here. He’s gone to Colorado Springs. It was a pastor by the name of Pastor Doug Sheets.

So my wife called, and she checked with a placement agency. She said: Well, there’s no jobs available in Colorado Springs.

So three weeks later, she got prompted to go and start calling around. And the second hospital she called, she talked to a lady by the name of Joyce Wolf, who is the head of CCom. Oh, we need an Op-Med doctor. Your husband does occupational and environmental medicine? He has a background in...?And, you know, I was a charter member of Greenpeace, and had a background in toxicology and chemistry and biochemistry. Oh good, we’ll fly you up this weekend. And four days later I had the job.

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