For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

And as he appeared, there was a big chasm that appeared in these clouds. There was all light all around. And I saw this little wooden bridge

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And as he appeared, there was a big chasm that appeared in these clouds. There was all light all around. And I saw this little wooden bridge.

And he said: Don’t cross the wooden bridge or the silver cord will break.

And I said: What’s that?

And he says: I will bring it into your remembrance. Because, in other words, you know everything, you just have to remember it.

I remember going down the tunnel of light. I can remember this cord that seemed to come out from the base of my brain and my throat and it went down. It was like a cord of water. He called it “the cord of living waters.” It looked like a neon cord that kind of scintillated with light. Right?

And he said: If you go, you won’t be able to return.

I said: Where am I?

And he said: You’re at the gates of paradise or heaven, the eternal NOW where there is no past, no present or future but everything that you think immediately is. Right?

So I said: Well, can you show me?

So all of a sudden he’s holding me by his right hand, and I’m flying over the Golden City and I can see everything. And I would say, because there’s no time and space, he showed me worlds, beings, planets, civilizations, that I’m going to talk about a little bit today.

But literally the amount of things he showed me about the universe... The universe is an elemental particle in a larger universe. He told me about time-space. He told me about quantum physics. He told me everything. That’s why I was about to go into nuclear physics at MIT. OK?

BR:  Yep.

BD:  He showed me beings that later on in life I’d say: Oh, I saw that in Star Wars. OK? Because these things did exist. I saw them, and I was there, to their worlds.

I can’t tell you how long it was, but in lineal time it had to be many centuries that I spent there. It wasn’t a matter of a few minutes, like some people who have these near death experiences. I was there for an indeterminate period of time. It was so long, you know, and the amount of... and I only talk about a very tiny portion of what I know because it’s so beyond the pale of human understanding, of civilizations and worlds and things that people cannot even grasp, so I don’t talk about it. So all of a sudden...

KC:  OK, so you went to this place...

BC: So after... I’m back. And all of a sudden he’s back on his side and now I’m back on my side and I’m thinking: OK. After this indeterminate time I’m back on my side and I say: Look...

And then he spoke to me telepathically; he didn’t have to speak. And he said: Well, what is your decision?

And I said: I want to do the right thing. And I said: Well, if I’m going to go back, what am I to do?

And all of a sudden he’s holding me with his hand again, and I’m giddy. We must be 400 miles above the Earth and I look down.

This time he had on a thing, a tallit, and I didn’t know what a tallit was because I was raised a little Roman Catholic boy. Right? So I saw this tallit and it was splattered with blood on it, this tallit, which is a prayer shawl. And I looked down over the Earth and I could see the edge of the horizon shimmering out across the dark of space.

And he said: Behold my blue jewel, the Earth. Right?

And I said: It’s alive!

He said: Yes! You know. Right?In other words, the Earth is a living thing. Right?

And I heard a voice behind me that sounded like a deep voice, one of the... what we could call “the angelic.” And he said: Behold the Voice of the Seven Thunders.

So the first time he said Behold he held his hand like this [gestures] -- and I don’t know what that symbol means -- but he held his index and middle finger and pointed down toward the Earth and he said Behold.

And all of a sudden I saw fireballs rising off the Earth everywhere, but particularly across continental America, a lot of them.And I thought: Oh, this is a light show.

I mean, this is great, I’m a little kid here, and I’m still in my little hospital gown from having my surgery and I’m free-floating up in space and I’m looking down over, and I see all these fireballs.

And then he looked back at me sternly, like: You don’t get it.

Part of it is, our civilization has been conceived almost like in a spiritual womb -- Earth -- and the timeline that we are selecting corporately will decide whether or not we’re stillborn or aborted or whether our civilization will move on to join the Ben Elohim, the Council of the Eschaton, the advanced civilizations that are literally the incarnation of the Creator of the Universe, in whatever form, whether they’re human, nonhuman, or other civilizations...

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