For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

KC:  OK. Well, but nuts and bolts and on a spiritual level, their choice is clear, I would say

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KC:  OK. Well, but nuts and bolts and on a spiritual level, their choice is clear, I would say.

BD:  Yeah. But they have to make hard decisions. See, those decisions are so hard that most people don’t want to swallow that. So they want to either attack me or any other messenger giving this message.

KC:  Sure.

BD:  They don’t want to make the tough choices to say: Hey, I’m not going to participate with what they’re planning on doing. I’m going to make certain that I’m not going to vote.

I’ll give you an example. What happens if nobody went out to vote? What if everybody said: Hey, we know both these guys, either party, is going to support the 700-billion dollar bailout.

Because, you know, in the next two weeks, long before the election, they’re going to sign this damn thing. And if they sign it, they guarantee the -- you could call it the controlled demolition of the economy of the world, and the de-evolution to the “mark of the beast,” which is coming. You know?

I’ve walked personally through the array, and either party is going to guarantee that. Now, whether it’s Obama and his messianic vision, or it’s McCain and Sarah Palin with her Armageddonite vision, it doesn’t matter. The devil will move forward like a snake pushing itself on its own belly.

KC:  OK. We’ve also gotten information about October [2008]. And I’m sure you’ve heard Half Past Human.

BD:  Yes, I can tell you what... Yeah.

BR:  We have thirteen different, actually fourteen now, different data-points, lined up in October...

BD:  Yeah. Well, you’re correct. Somewhere between the 7th and 15th of October. And I get the same feeling.

BR:  Right.

BD:  A lot of the time I don’t know... Like I’ll go to bed at night, wake up in cold sweats, get visions...

KC:  Yes.

BD:  ...see, you know, people crying. I see starvation. I see privation. I see darkness, a lot of very bad visions, very jumbled up, and I can’t tell you what it is specifically. But I can tell you what makes sense to me if I just take my intellectual viewpoint.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  I think we’re going to have a financial crash.

BR:  OK.

BD:  I think the financial crash is going to be so severe and so painful that the grocery store shelves are going to be completely empty in the very, very near future. I mean, it could only last for maybe a few weeks, but it’s going to frighten people so badly, that no matter what the government presents to them -- in terms of world government, regional currency, the Amero, whatever -- they’re going to take it.

And then, when they can go back to buying their latte, and go to the movie theater, and put gas in their car at a reasonable price, they’re going to say: Thank God we’ve got this.

KC:  Right.

BD:  But I can tell you right now, what I see is empty shelves.

BR:  And martial law.

BD:  And martial law. Remember now, martial law will be almost like a theater. It’ll be on... They brought back an entire division. I posted up the article on Clay and Iron, and the dates. So if you go, I posted up that article.

They brought an entire division back to America to be permanently stationed for civil defense inside the United States. That’s 650,000 battle-hardened troops, with heavy artillery and weapons, that’ll control the civilian population. They don’t need to be in their home country.

The media that’s on that screen there [television], I call Satan-vision. OK? In that box. What they need to do is they need to frighten people into accepting whatever the agenda is.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  So they need a thing like the Katrina thing in one or another city or two or three cities. Maybe they need an event like... They’ve been working on this idea of blowing up dirty bombs or nukes in two or three cities.

BR:  If...

BD:  I’ve got the long and short list.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  On both the long and the short list -- and I happen to be living very near to one of those. The very top of both lists is Los Angeles.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  They’re number one.

KC:  I think so, too.

BD:  Chicago, Detroit, all those three cities are on both long and short lists. OK?

BR:  It feels to us that there is a violent event coming up.

BD:  Yes, there is a very violent event coming up. And I see a financial collapse, and I see, at the very latest by next year, a thermonuclear explosion in a U.S. city, one or more cities, and civil war in America. OK?

And then a period of false peace after that. And a period of, you know, them setting up this temple thing and kind of scaring the crap out of the population of the planet.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  And then I see this time period of 1230, literally marked off. Because, remember now, this is a religious ceremony. You see, the Bible isn’t just a thing for the Jews or for the Christians. It’s a Luciferic ceremony.

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