For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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The thing that I’m particularly concerned about is... Someone like McCain, if he lives long enough, which I’m very concerned about, because he’s had a third recurrence of a melanoma. He’s had a lymphatic spread. And I know a lot of... I do consulting, helping people integrate with treatments for cancer all around the world.

Unless he’s getting some of the new classified anti-cancer therapies with some of the people that I know in Europe or elsewhere -- like Dr. Tulio Simoncini and Dr. Munoz in Tijuana, and other places, where you get IPT and so on -- he’s a dead man.

This cancer or another cancer is going to come back and kill him, and he’ll probably die in his term. And we’re not talking about a 30% chance. We’re probably talking 80% chance in the first two years of his term, if he does become president, that President Palin will take over.

BR:  With what consequences?

BD:  Well, President Palin doesn’t, I don’t think, have the... To me she’s pro-life which is positive for a lot of Christian rights. [Ed. Note: the political right] She’s going to drag a lot of votes that way. But in terms of her ability to have a rational judgment, with the extreme religious background that she has, is going to be very disturbing.

Now, I’m for the pro-life issue and I’m for the fact she’s got spirituality. But when you have religion and it’s clouded that Israel can do no wrong? That’s frickin’ dangerous.

BR:  Yes. She says that Iraq is God’s war.

BD:  Right. And that’s really dangerous. And you can’t say Israel can do no wrong when the whole nation of Israel is Sabbatian Luciferian Satanist Jews. OK? Who do not worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and have nothing to do with she thinks...

And they laugh at her and think that this Christian fool is going to back us no matter what, and allow us to attack Iran.

BR:  Yeah. And she’s playing straight into their hands.

BD:  Right. She’s playing right into their hands. And, of course, they’re using her as a card to manipulate. And on the other hand, we’ve got Obama and there’s a trail of strange things going on behind him.

KC:  And you know this because...

BD:  I’ve got so many contacts you would not believe it. I can’t... I’ve spent a lot of time on the... Obama is a, if you want to call it, messianic figure.

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  This is a very dangerous man. In fact, of all of the options we have, Obama is the most dangerous of all of them.

BR:  OK. So that’s the most-worst version.

BD:  He’s the most-worst version. Even Biden would be better. Biden might actually have a clue, even though he’s a bit of a criminal.

BR:  Yeah.

KC:  But our understanding is that Biden probably won’t make it to the...

BR:  Is it possible that Hillary could be back on the ticket?

BD:  It’s possible. It’s possible.

BR:  Have you heard that?

BD:  The thing is that Hillary, other than Obama, is the most scary individual I’ve ever met. She is very brilliant, incredibly evil, and her family, the Rodhams, have been Luciferian Satanists for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. She has a lot of stuff attached to her.

BR:  So what’s the way out of all that crap?

BD:  The way out of it is to just get the population woke up, to pray for the leaders, to get the people woke up. If we just get a tiny minority of the body of mankind to wake up to the truth of this...

Whether they think they’re atheists or agnostics or Jews or Christians, they’ve got to stop being Armageddonites. They’ve got to stop being Sabbatian Jews. They’ve got to stop being “religious”,thinking: Oh well, it’s just karma being worked out, in their Buddhism. Right?

They’ve got to stop all that foolishness and pick up their septre and say: We craft the future. We’re going to determine whether or not mankind is going to survive what’s coming. And they’ve got to start making decisions.

They’ve got to start saying: Hey, we’re not going to participate with a country that’s going to have a thermonuclear war with Iran. We’re not going to...

You know, as Carlin said: If you vote for one of these blankey-blank guys or this blankey-blank guy, you can’t complain when either one of them starts a thermonuclear war.

KC:  OK. But actually people are left with that choice.

BD:  They aren’t. They can actually... The thing is that I think we need to transcend politics. We need to transcend religion.

We need to stop thinking that if we make the right decision on the right leader we’ve solved the problem. The transformation is not at the leadership level of the White House.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  It’s not even at the capitol building of the state. It’s not even at the town council. It’s in us. We have to decide that we’re no longer going to participate in these things. We’re not going to participate in churches or pastors or politicians doing these things. We’re not going to participate in a financial collapse that’s going to starve millions, and start a pandemic. We’re not going to participate in doing those things that...

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