For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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I’m called to speak as Moses and as Elijah, to blow the trumpet, which I’ve done on my show. And God has given me a voice to speak to them and warn them. We are at the time of The End. And that’s why my other website’s called clay and iron.

They need to know: Come out of Babylon, which means come out of confusion. Come out of religion. Come back in relationship.

Stop believing lies. And the first lie is what you are. You’re not a biological machine. You’re not an advanced piece of slime that’s evolved. You’re an infinite being that has the right to choose to have life and to live it abundantly for thousands of years, literally, you know, and have contact with advanced civilizations, and to survive, and to thrive.

But if you don’t choose life today... Just like Moses, when he set the peoples between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, we as a civilization will die.

BR:  Now, stepping back into the Black-Ops world, you will know that we’ve been contacted by time-traveling future humans with a message.

BD:  Right.

BR:  And it’d be interesting to hear your take on this. But our understanding is that there arealternative timelines. Not all of them are catastrophic.

BD:  Right.

BR:  We do have choices.

BD:  Sure we do.

BR:  It’s not a done deal.

BD:  Oh, absolutely.

BR:  And what do you know of those contacts, those messages, and what opportunities we have, and how those messages have been acted upon by the people who’ve received them?

BD:  Firstly, the way I would answer that is that the universe is stranger than even they can imagine. In other words, when you’re dealing with people... Let’s say that we have posited that there are alternative timelines, and these people have traveled back from multiple timelines.

If we think of the -- I call it the universe as a One-“I”-Voice, in other words, there is a unification of All-That-Is because what the universe is, is not energy portrayed through advanced equations in a cybernetic world. It is literally the passage of spirit through a montage of images.

And when you start to understand that, there is only one. In other words, there is not... There are maybe multiple possible futures. . .

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  But there is only ONE real future.

BR:  OK.

BD:  OK?

BR:  Right.

BD:  But we do have a choice because... I say we foregive. We actually are creating whichever timeline we are going get, whichever rail we are going to get on.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  Otherwise, it would be purposeless to even have human beings because we’d just be automatons because the future is already set in stone and whatever is going to happen will happen.

BR:  Exactly. Yep.

BR:  And we aren’t. We are actually in the image of the Creator. We are actually the, if you want to call it, the incarnation of the I AM that said: Let there be light in the universe, as human beings in this world.

And there’s other beings of other types that are across the cosmos that are incarnations of the same I AM. And they’ve come to the knowledge that they are and have that responsibility to be, in a sense, midwives to Earth in the birthing-room of this civilization.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  We’re literally in the birthing-room now.

BR:  Yes. But, what do you know, and what have you heard, of those messages from future humans who presumably are altruistically trying to help in some way? Because they’re looking back through their own history saying, you know: Don’t do that stuff because this happened to us. Or some other message. What do you know about this?

BD:  You have to use a great deal of discernment. Because one of the things about alternative timelines, in terms of an actual being coming back from a timeline, is you have to think: Is this inserted ideas?

Because the very nature of the universe is that there is one timeline that you follow. There may be alternatives that you have a choice of. But you have to use discernment.

You’ve got to remember that, in a sense, we live in a matrix. We live in a cybernetic world that, to a great extent, is the manifestation of a higher dimensional reality of being that transcends our physical body.

For example, I try to tell people this repeatedly, is that your mind, i.e., which is equal to your soul, is not physical. It doesn’t exist on this plane. So when people talk about psychic phenomena anddoppelgangers and other things, what they’re really referring to is something that’s just the very nature of what we are.

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