From idea to essay a rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook Eleventh Edition Jo Ray McCuen

Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers (654)

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Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers (654)
The following are possible answers to the exercise on dangling or misplaced modifiers.

  1. Looking down in horror, I saw the snake crawl away.

  2. The teachers organized collective bargaining to protect their rights.

  3. She did not realize until Friday that he had had major surgery.

  4. For two weeks John had looked forward to getting married to Mary Ellen.

  5. The Honda was promoted in response to consumer demands for better gasoline mileage.

  6. At a small stand we bought ice cream cones that cost forty cents.

  7. She decided to telephone her friend immediately.

  8. Arriving at the pack station, we noticed our dried food had been stolen.

  9. I held my breath as the car that had raced ahead suddenly slid into the curb.

  10. While I dreamed about the future, lightning flashed and the rain began to pour.

  11. My mother reluctantly consented to let me use her car.

  12. Continue to whip the cream until you are tired.

  13. One must read the classics in order to understand The Lord of the Rings.

  14. I could tell he was an excellent dentist by the way he drilled my teeth.

  15. He was not willing to give up drinking completely.

  16. Looking at the mountain range from the valley, we could see a lovely rainbow.

  17. My uncle warned me never to leave a loaded gun in my car.

  18. If you want a Democrat in the White House, now is the time to vote for our governor.

  19. At the party hors d’oeuvres on silver trays were served to all the guests.

Parallelism (658)

Possible answers to exercise on parallelism.

  1. Bright sunbeams on the water, dark shadows across the cliffs, and delicate flowers in the desert created a memorable picture.

  2. I prefer small dinners to big banquets.

  3. What we claim to believe rarely coincides with what we do.

  4. The anthropologist traveled into heated jungles, along insect infested rivers, and up steep mountain trails.

  5. I tried to explain that time was short, that the firm wanted an answer, and that efficiency was important.

  6. Most women’s fashions come from Paris, Rome, and New York.

  7. As we watched through the bars of the cage, we could see the monkeys eating bananas, scratching their fur, and swinging on rails.

  8. Most teachers try not only to engage the students’ attention but also to say something important.

  9. Victor Hugo was a statesman who also wrote novels, including Les Miserables.

  10. Bigger Social Security checks would allow senior citizens to pay for decent living quarters, to get proper medical help, and to afford sound nutrition.

  11. Basketball, football, and baseball are favorite American spectator sports.

  12. I admire the songs of Paul McCartney, formerly a member of the Beatles but now on his own.

  1. Their divorce was due to his stressful job, his hot temper, and his dislike of her friends.

  2. You have two choices: to take the exam or to write a research paper.

Word Choice (668)
The correct term in each of the following sentences is underlined:

  1. When they arrived at West Point, they received some practical (advise, advice) regarding the honor system.

  2. During his lecture the professor made an (allusion, illusion) to Abraham Lincoln.

  3. The prime minister's illness was so (aggravated irritated) by his drinking that he needed surgery.

  4. My aunt does a (credible, creditable) job of sewing evening gowns.

  5. In the past, interviewers were (disinterested, uninterested) when they interviewed candidates; now they are biased.

  6. I was (enthusiastic, enthused) when they told me about the new director.

  7. When we heard about the theft, we immediately (suspicioned, suspected) collusion within the company.

  8. They received the news that he would return (within, inside of) a week.

  9. Pete Sampras’ (latest, last) match gave the world of tennis something to rave about.

  10. Be careful not to (loose, lose) the keys.

  11. We drank the spring water (as if, like) we would never drink water again.

  12. That information seriously (affects, effects) the decision.

  13. The agreement was (oral, verbal), so it will not hold up in court.

  14. The reason grades are necessary (is that, is because) they are a point of reference for students.

  15. If I had known you were coming I (would of, would have) baked a cake.

  16. Most people improve (somewhat some) the moment they take one spoonful of Kay's cough syrup.

  17. For Christmas I sent mother some blue (stationary, stationery) so she could write to her friends.

  18. Never use a large (number, amount) of words when (less, fewer) will do.

  19. We still had a long (way, ways) to trudge uphill, but none of the students complained.

  20. Will the person (who’s, whose) wallet this is please claim it at the front ticket booth?

  21. Before the tall buildings were built, we (used to could, used to be able to) see the ocean.

  22. That scandal in her (passed, past) may keep her from getting the promotion.

  23. Many Americans want to return to old-fashioned (principals, principles).

  24. (Regardless, irregardless) of the consequences, the ambassador stood by his post.

  25. The glint in her eye (implied, inferred) more clearly than words how she really felt.

Concrete Words (671)
Some possible answers to exercise on replacing vague words with more concrete words or phrases are given below.

  1. John leaped on his horse and quickly galloped away.

  2. Eloise always wears such sloppy blue jeans and blouses.

  3. The streets of Amsterdam are crowded with cars and bicycles.

  4. The lecturer was tediously dull.

  5. She gobbled her food voraciously.

  6. It was fascinating to watch the children laughing and frolicking on the playground.

  7. I was upset by this whole scandal.

  8. What an ingenious idea!

  9. We expect to have a relaxing time in Palm Springs.

  10. Eskimos have many peculiar customs.

  11. I couldn’t follow the complicated ritual in his church.

  12. My psychology class was one of the most enlightening experiences of my college days.

  13. Spanking is an important practice of child rearing.

  14. The problems of driving large cars outweigh the pleasures.

  15. All the President’s Men is a suspenseful movie.

  16. Here are the arbitrary and unfair considerations that bother me about assigning grades.

Wordiness (675)
Answers to exercise on eliminating redundancies or wasted words.

  1. The secretary behind the big mahogany desk seemed efficient.

  2. Most people find tenderness difficult to express.

  3. The winner was reticent to accept the trophy.

  4. Her fur coat cost $2,000.

  5. Ancestor worship is a venerable tradition among the Chinese.

  6. My study of history indicates that the Danes were a militant people.

  7. Paying decent wages is usually the right thing to do.

  8. The employed shouldn't be allowed to collect food stamps.

  9. If he wants to be president, he had better bring about some innovations in Congress.

  10. Generally speaking, improper diet causes gallstones.

  11. Present clothing styles reflect a taste for the bizarre.

  12. At 10:00 P.M. a strange knock was heard.

  13. The consensus of our class was to invite Dr. Boling as our keynote speaker.

  14. The story dealt with a murder and had a tragic ending.

  15. As a rule, one should lock one’s car while shopping.

  16. Three women decided to volunteer for the job.

  17. Neil Simon writes comedies that really make you laugh.

  18. If we don’t cooperate with the Russians, a nuclear war could annihilate the world.

  19. Palestinians and Israelis are very different.

  20. Today it is difficult to find a musician who touches people’s hearts the way Charles Witt does.

Choosing the Right Subordinator (681)

  1. The doctor was taking the patient’s temperature when suddenly a rock came crashing through the window.

  2. In mid July he was inspecting the dig when he was alerted by someone who was moving along the northern edge of the plateau.

  3. It was a bright day in May when the drums exploded as two priests from the temple appeared.

  4. The crowd groaned with disappointment since they had hoped to see a glamorous young girl.

  5. While others planned the forthcoming battle, he remained alone in the shaded grove, meditating and praying to his god, from whom he needed guidance.

  6. Members of the city council can ill afford to vote themselves additional fringe benefits inasmuch as their constituents mistrust them.

  7. Alif was entirely wrong when he guessed that she was in love with Abdul since in fact she was merely bedazzled by his brilliant lyrics, which reminded her of starry nights in Egypt.

  8. The fraternity members all carried banners as they marched back and forth tirelessly, their signs calling for an end to building nuclear reactors.

  9. It occurred to Madeline that perhaps she could improve the situation if she could create an atmosphere of goodwill.

  10. Give out those sample tubes of toothpaste to whoever asks for one.

  11. Phil Brown regularly attends church, where he loves to hear the old hymns and a rousing sermon, which make him feel purged and give him a new lease on life.

  12. Although the specific notes had faded from his memory, a certain melody remained, which haunted him for the rest of his life.

  13. Such facts cannot be ignored, assuming that we want to preserve the wilderness.

  14. Those of us who are prisoners must face the grim truth, which is that even our wives and lovers will leave us even though we have shared the most tender and intimate moments with them.

  15. The scientific establishment now believes that the earth was formed 10 15 billion years ago, after an explosion, or “big bang,” which set the universe in motion.

Punctuation (692)
Answers to exercises on inserting commas. C means that the sentence is correct.

  1. Professor Grover, as all of his students agree, is one of the most exciting history teachers on campus.

  2. Madam, I beg to differ with you; that is my purse.

  3. We were asked to check with Mr. Weaver, our head custodian. (C)

  4. Because the water was murky, cold, and swift, we did not go swimming.

  5. In denouncing the hypocritical, Truman encouraged honest dealings.

  6. Let’s not give up until everyone agrees with us. (C)

  7. Since they belong to the neighborhood, they should pay for part of the damage.

  8. Address your letter to Mrs. Margerie Freedman, 320 N. Lincoln Blvd., Reading, Massachusetts.

  1. So many memories are connected with the home of my grandparents, a big red brick mansion surrounded by a white picket fence.

  2. Twice the doctor asked, “Have you ever had laryngitis before?”

  3. Relaxed and happy, Jim ignored the people who were angered by his decision.

  4. July 4, 1776, is an important date for patriotic Americans.

  5. Glistening like a diamond in the sun, the lake beckoned us.

  6. Readers of the Times, however, were not all equally impressed with the editorial on abortions.

  7. All together, some ten thousand people filled out the questionnaire.

  8. “My most exquisite lady,” he said gallantly, “you deserve the Taj Mahal.”

  9. From the mountains, from the prairies, and from numerous villages came the good news. (C)

  10. One of her sisters lives in Chicago; the other, in New York. (C)

  11. Pat Moynihan, who was once the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is a popular lecturer.

  12. Well, Mary, are you satisfied with the effect of your crass remark?

  13. The laboratory technician has finished the gold tooth, hasn't he?

  14. Anyone who feels this is a bad law should write to his con­gressman. (C)

  15. Outside, a spectacular rainbow arched across the deep blue sky.

  16. We walk down this street unafraid, not even thinking of danger. (C)

  17. Now his grandparents live in a condominium in Florida, where they have no yard.

Answers to punctuation exercise (694)

  1. Shakespeare wrote many plays, including the famous Hamlet.

  2. “Listen,” he said, “if you want, we can to go to a movie—any movie.”

  3. The word renaissance has several pronunciations.

  4. We can have the party at John’s cabin or the Fieldings’ apartment.

  5. Its overtaxed heart failing, the race horse collapsed before everyone’s eyes.

  6. The most tragic poem I can imagine is Keats’ “Ode to Melancholy.”

  7. Get off my lawn, you swine!

  8. The big bands of the ’40s still sell millions of records.

  9. Last year’s flowers have wilted; they have withered and died.

  10. As far as the committee is concerned, you have lost the grant; nevertheless, you are to take the exam one more time.

  11. Just as the situation appeared hopeless, a surprising thing happened: a number of leading American artists became interested in making lithographic prints.

  12. Then, in the summer of 1976 the counterrevolutionary army took over.

  13. Do you know the difference between the verbs compose and comprise?

  14. Wonderful! Here comes the beer! Cheers!

  15. He entitled his paper “June Wayne: Profile of a California Artist.”

  16. He lived a stone’s throw from Twin Lakes.

  17. This is what Bertrand Russell says: “Science from the dawn of history and probably longer has been intimately associated with war.”

  18. Bertrand Russell has said: “Science...has been intimately associated with war.” (Refer to item 17.)

  19. He received his Ph.D. at 9:00 A.M. on Sunday, June 6.

  20. My friend asked me, “Did you read Bill Shirley’s article ‘World’s First Bionic Swim Team,’ published in the Sports Section of the Los Angeles Times?

  21. The rule is that you must sign up two days in advance. (See Section 25, paragraph 2.)

  22. Dear Sir: This is in answer to your letter of May 13.

  23. A slight tinge of embarrassment—or was it pleasure?—crept across his face.

  24. The first day we studied; later in the week, however, we relaxed.

  25. The babies’ carriages were broken.

Capitalization (698)
Answers to the exercise on capitalization. C means the sentence is correct.

  1. Our memorial day picnic was canceled due to rain.

  2. The headline read: “U.S. agent Fired in Investigation of Missing Ammunition.”

  3. Any mayor of a city as large as Chicago should be on good terms with the President of the United States. (C)

  4. The democrats will doubtless hold their convention at the cow palace in san francisco.

  5. The tennis courts at Nibley park are always busy.

  6. If you have to take a psychology course, take psychology 101 from Dr. Pearson, a graduate of harvard.

  7. There is something elegant about the name “Tyrone Kelley, III, esq.”

  8. Until easter of 1949, they lived in a big white georgian home.

  9. During the second world war, switzerland remained neutral.

  10. I intend to exchange my capri for a toyota.

  11. Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, used dialogue as a teaching method.

  12. Some Socialists have joined the Republican Party. (C)

  13. She said, “the ticket entitles you to spend a night at the Holiday inn in Las Vegas.”

  14. The bible was not fully canonized until the council of trent.

Exercise (699)
Some possible answers are given below:
1. street Jane lives on a narrow street.

2. Street Mail it to 22 Plymouth Street.

3. Democratic The Democratic National Committee will meet.

4. democratic We live in a democratic country.

5. academy He went to school in a private academy.

6. Academy The Academy of Renaissance Arts donated the statue.

7. biology I hate biology.

8. Biology Biology 101 is a difficult course.

9. memorial The tree is a living memorial to his worth.

10. Memorial They never celebrate Memorial Day.

11. father Shakespeare’s father tanned gloves.

12. Father Father and Mother agree with me.

13. senior My brother is the senior member.

14. Senior Will you go to the Senior Election Council?

15. against Don’t fight against the owners.

16. Against The book was entitled One Against All.

17. company Mr. McDuff owns the company.

18. Company McDuff and Company, Inc. is a large firm.

Spelling (702)
Exercise 3

  1. existance, describe, personal existence

  2. paid, particular, oportunity opportunity

  3. benificial, apparent, experience beneficial

  4. controversy, concious, occurred conscious

  5. preformance, similar, succeed performance

  6. probably, marriage, predjudice, prejudice

  7. profession, persue, separate pursue

  8. catagory, paid, disastrous category

  1. effect, disasterous, mere disastrous

  2. preceed, proceed, procedure precede

  3. embarrass, exaggerate, envirement environment

  4. prevailent, probably, existent prevalent

  5. coming, heighth, professor height

  6. define, fascinate, posession possession

  7. repetition, quiet, receive receive by the

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