General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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1614. Ralph Handson (active 1612-1630), was a mathematical teacher who was granted life office as Auditorof the Court of Chancery Accounts on 19 November 1617. The above is his only work.

HANEKUIJK, Mw A. Herrineringen aan de BSS/Zonnewijzerkring Conferentie. Zonnewijzerkring 92.1, pp 2-3.

HANEKUIJK, Mw A. Siet hoe den gepeylden tyd gaet met ons nae d’eeuwigheyt. Zonnewijzerkring 92.1, p 10-13.

HANEKUYK, A. Verslag van de zomerexcursie op 20.6.92. Zonnewijzerkring, 92.5. p 1.

HANEKUYK-TOP, A. Verslag excursie 23 Juni 1990. Zonnewijzerkring 90.3, pp 2-3.

HANIN, M. Restauration d’un Cadran Solaire, 1 plate. (Restoration of a Sundial). Auxerre 1891

HANKE, W. (1977 Eine achtteilige mittelalterliche Sonnenuhr an der Stadtkirche zu Burg Stargard. Die Sterne 53 (NR. 3) S.151-162

HANKE, W. (1981) Heimatforscher Wilhelm Lübstorf entdeckte in Burg Stargard eine achtteilige mittelalterliche Sonnenuhr. Neubrandenburger Mosaik S. 20-28

HANKE, W. (1983) Ermittlung der Deklination einer vertikalen Wand mit Hilfe von Sonnenazimut- und Streckenmessungen. Die Sterne 59 S. 42-45

HANKE, Willi (1975) “SINE SOLE NIHIL” Sinnsprüche auf Sonnenuhren. Selbst,.

HANKE, Willi (1975) Zur Theorie der “Homogenen Sonnenuhr” (Hybrid Sundial) in moderner Sicht. Die Sterne 51 (NR. 3) S. 159-166

HANKE, Willi (1979) Sinnsprüche auf Sonnenuhren - Der Mensch und die Zeit. Selbst, Dresden.

HANNEKUYK-TOP, A. Herrinneringe aan de Excursie 1984. Zonnewizjerkring 84.3, p 302.

HANSEN VINTER J.M., Det store ur i Lunds domkirke, Nat (NR) 8, p. 154-157.

Hantzsch, V. (1898) Sebastian Münster - Leben, Werk, wissenschaftliche Bedeutung. K. Sächs. Ges. d. Wiss. Philol. hist. C. Abhandl. XVIII (NR.

Hantzsch, V. (1902) Beiträge zur älteren Geschichte der Kurfürstlichen Kunstkammer in Dresden. Neues Archiv für sächsische Geschichte 28 S. 220-296

HAPPELIUS. Relationes Curiosae, No’s 85-86, Die Arabische Kunst-Uhr, N P, not dated.

HARAUCOURT De CHAMBLAY C.F., L’Usage de quelques Inniverselles et du Cylindre, Pont-à Mousson, 1616

HARDY, Thomas. The Sundial on a Wet Day, Bulletin 96.3, October 1996, p. 22. A poem by the well-known West Country novelist.

HARDY, Thomas. The Sundial on a Wet Day, Compendium, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 1. (A poem by the famous novelist Thomas Hardy).

HARIOT, Thomas. Of the Manner to Observe the Variation of the Compasse, or of the wires of the same, by the sonne's rising and setting. MS. Add. 6788. This is one of a number of papers written for the expedition of Ralegh to Guiana and contains a table showing an amplitude table for each degree of the sun's declination for latitudes up to 54°. 1585.

Thomas Hariot, or Harriot, (1560-1621), graduated from Oxford University in 1579 going directly from there into the service of Walter Ralegh (Raleigh) at Durham House in the Strand. He went with the sea expedition made by the colonists to Virginia and described this in his True Report of 1588.

HARNER Willy, The principle and use of the Astrolabe, London, und New York, 1939

HARRIS, John, The Description and Use of the Globes and the Orrery. This work had many editions, first published in London, 1703. The 1703 edition title also includes ... and of Collin's Pocket Quadrant. Copy of the third edition of 1734 in library of Charles K. Aked. 190 pages, 5 plates, plus frontispiece of the Great Orrery of four feet diameter made by Thomas Wright. Calf covers. 20 x 13 cm.

HARRIS, John. Lexicon Technicum. (Technical Dictionary). The precursor to Chambers Cyclopaedia and the much later Rees's Cyclopaedia. John Rowley and Thomas Wright were subscribers to Harris's work, it was well thought of at the time by those interested in instruments. London 1710.

John Harris (1667-1719), was educated at Oxford and took Holy Orders. He moved to London where his address, appropriately enough, was Amen Corner, near Paternoster Row. He was Secretary to the Royal Society from 1709-1710, but mainly earned his living as a private tutor in mathematics.

HARRIS, John. Astronomical dialogues between a gentleman and a lady: wherein the dctrine of the sphere, uses of the globes, and the elements of astronomy and geography are explain’d. In a pleasant, easy, and familiar way. With a description of the famous instrument call’d the orrery, London, 1719.

HARRIS, John. The Description and Uses of the Celestial Globes, and of Collins Pocket Quadrant. 1703. This was a small book sold by Daniel Midwinter to those who attended the public mathematical lecture given by John Harris in March 1703 entitled "The Use of the Globes and Doctrines of the Sphere". It was sold at one shilling a copy. The courses were then free but it was expected that the attenders would purchase a copy of the book. A subscription had to be paid for with the later courses.

HARRIS, Joseph. The Description and Use of the Globes and the Orrery, London, 1757.

HARRIS, Joseph. The description and use of the globes, and the orrery ..., London, 1731.

HARRISON P.L., A device for finding true North, Solar Energy, 15, 303/308, London, 1974

Härtel, Siegfried (1991) Sonnenuhren zum Beispiel in Pfungstadt. Selbst,.

Hartkopf, W. (1960) Die Taschenuhr des Wojennoplennyi. Archimedes (NR. 7) S. 109-110

Hartmann, Georg (1528), Holzschnitte und Kupferstiche von Sonnenuhren und Astrolabien mit Erklärungen. N.N. S. 23 Bl.

HARTMANN J., -. Le temps vrai et le temps moyen, ou résumé de la cause de l’irrégularité apparente des montres et pendules réglées sur le temps vrai, suivi d’une table d’équation, ... (True time and mean time, or a resume of the cause of the irregularity apparent in watches and clocks regulated to show true time, followed by an Equation Table). Paris 1827.

HARTMANN, J. Stereometrische-Trigonometrische Nebungen aus der Gnomonik, Marz, 1852.

HARTMANN, J. Die Astronomischen Instrumente des Kardinals Nikolaus Cusanus, Berlin, 1909.

Hartmann, J. (1919) Die astronomischen Instrumente des Kardinals Nikolaus Cusanus. Abhandl. d. K. Gesellschaft d. Wiss. zu Göttingen Math.-Physik. K. NF X (NR. 6) S. 1-56

Hartmann, J. (1869) Gnomonik, oder Theorie und Konstruktion der Sonnenuhren., Passau.

HARTNER Willy, Asturlab, in "Enciclopedia dell'Islam", London, 1958

HARTNER Willy, The Astronomical Instruments of Cha-ma-lu-ting, their Identification, and their Relations to the Instruments of the Observatory of Maragha, in "ISIS", n. 124, vol. 41, Luglio 1950

HARTNER Willy, The Principle and Use of the Astrolabe, in "A Survey of Persian art...", A.U. Pope, London and New York, 1932; vols. III and IV.

HARTNER, Willy. The principle and use of the astrolabe, A survey of Persian art from prehistoric times to the present, 3, pp 2530-2554, 6 plates, Oxford, 1939.

HARTWELL HOUSE. A Catalogue of Books, mainly of the Eighteenth Century, from the Library at Hartwell House, Aylesbury, Bucks, Oxford, not dated.

HARTWELL, Robert. An advertisement by Robert Hartwell, in Robert Recorde's The Ground of Arts, states that Arts Mathematicall is taught by him at his house within Hanging Sword Court, near the Cundite in Fleet Street, including the description, demonstration and use of the Quadrant, etc; and Dialling of all sorts, viz Fixed and Instrumentall as well as Geometrically, Arithmetically as Instrumentally. London 1623.

HARVARD, Henry. L'Horlogerie. (Horology). Chapters II and III, pages 10-36, contain an excellent account, first of gnomons and then sundials, with eleven illustrations. A notable dial is that at the Sorbonne, the fragment of dial discovered by M Renan in Syria is also described. Paris 1893.

HARVEY David A., The Analemma of the Planets, Sky & Telescope, 3, 237-239.

HASAN Hadi, A history of persian navigationa, New York, 1981

HASIB, Mohamed El, (Abuabdala). Libro de relojes de Sol. (Book of Sundials). Ms. Sevilla 1360. In spite of the Arabic sounding name, Hasib is believed to have been Spanish.

The manuscript is in Arabic, possibly copied from an Arabic manuscript in 1360. Forty-four problems in dialling are disc ussed, with 53 explanatory figures. The manuscript is discussed in Las Matemáticas en la Biblioteca del Escorial by José A Sanchez Pérez, published in 1929. It is preserved in the magnificent library of El Escorial, to the north of Madrid. This library possesses many mathematical manuscripts, books, and other material with reference to dialling which could be researched.

HASLER N., Hexagonale, aequatoriale Sonnenuhr mit Lemniskatenschattenwerfer in Hofe der Kantonnschule Schaffhausen. Orion, n° 107, p. 98-99, 1968

HASLINDE, Gundolf (1960) Das Horologium Achaz und andere merkwürdige Formen von Sonnenuhren. Die Sterne 36 (NR. 7/8) S. 152-160

HASLINDE, Gundolf (1975) Transportable Sonnenuhren und astronomische Instrumente. SFAU XIV S. 19-23

HASLINDE, Gundolf (1976) Kommentar zu der Abhandlung des Senor Don Miquel PALAU I CLAVERAS: Tracado Geometrico de un Quadrante Analematico.

HASLINDE, Gundolf (1976) Schweizerische Sonnenuhren. S. 1-6

HASLINDE, Gundolf (1978) Über alle rechts- und linksläufigen Sonnenuhren auf einer Horizontalebene. SFAU XVII S. 197-199

HASLINDE, Gundolf (1978) Über die unendliche Menge aller Sonnenuhren, die rechts- und linksläufig über einem gegebenen Horizont konstruierbar sind. SFAU XVII S. 201-202

Hass, P. (1927) Das Planisphaerium der astronomischen Uhr in der Marienkirche in Lübeck. Mitteil. d. Mathem. Gesellschaft zu Hamburg VI S. 273-290

HASSELBRINK, J C. Der neu Angelecte und car Anmuthig-Grunende von Sonnen-Uhren, Leipzig, 1703.

HASWELL, J Eric. Horology. Chapter I, pages 1-19, gives an excellent introduction to Time Measurement based upon the Earth as a clock. It defines all the essential parameters in a simple way. The book was first published in 1928, with a cheaper edition in 1937, and it was republished in London 1975.

HAUG, G Friederich. Kurze und Deutcliche anleitung zum gebrauch eines sextanter, Stuttgart, 1794.

HAUPOLTER Alphonse, Die Sinnenuhren des Salzburger stadt. Museum., Salzburg, Austria, 1908

HAUSMANN, Tjark. Alte Uhren, Kunstgewerbemuseums, Berlin, 1979. Revised edition.

Hautefeulille, Abbé Jean de (1703) Microscope micrométrique pour diviser les instruments dans une grande précision.,.

HAWKES, T. A new apparatus for an orrery of any sort or size, proving that the real path of the moon in the heavens round the sun is concave to it, Gentleman’s Magazine, 22, pp 564-5.

HAWKINS, Gerald. Stonehenge Decoded. The astronomical significance of Stonehenge unveiled, giving an insight into the methods of analysis of ancient solar monuments. New York 1965.

HAWNEY, William. The Doctrine of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, London, 1725.

HAWTHORN. Instructions for Using the Locomotive Engineeer’s (or Hawthorn’s) Improved Slide Rule, Birmingham, 1864.

Haye (1726) Règle horaire universelle pour tracer les cadrans solaires sur toutes sortes de plans réguliers déclinants ou inclinés; ouvrage utile aux personnes qui n’ont jamais eu de pratique dans cette science qui est la plus belle partie des mathématiques., Paris.

HAYE, T. Regle Horaire universelle pour tracer de Cadrans Solaires sur toutes de plans reguliers d’Eclinans & Inclinez. Ouvrage outile aux personnes qui n’ont jamais eu de practique dans cette science, qui est la plus belle partie des Mathematiques. Avec un abrege de la Sphere pour donner un connaissance des cercles & Meridiens qui la composent, J Vincent, Paris, 1716, 1726, 1731. Universal Hororary rule for tracing sundials on all kind of planes, regular, declining, and inclining. Work useful to those persons who have never had this science, which is the most beautiful part of mathematics. With an abridgement of the Sphere for giving a know-ledge of the circles and meridians which compose it.

HAYWARD, J F. The celestial globes of George Roll and Johannes Reinhold, Connoisseur, 126, pp 167-72, December 1950.

HEAL, A. London shop signs, other than those given by Larwood and Hotten in their history of signboards, reprinted from Notes and Queries, vol 176, London, 1939.

HEAL, A. The old signboards of London shops, London, 1947.

HEAPE, E. "Old Sun-dials in or near the ancient Parish of Rochdale". 1920.

HEATH & WING. The Construction and Use of a New Universal Dial, London, 1758.

HEATH, T. Aristarchus of Samos: the ancient Copernicus, Oxford, 1913. Reprinted 1959 and 1966.

HEATHER, J F. A Treatise on Mathematical Instruments, London, 1853.

HEATHER, J F. Mathematical Instruments: Their Constrcution, Adjustment, Testing and Use, Volume 1, London, 1892.

HEATHER, J F. Treatise on mathematical instruments. London 1849

HEAULME, Pierre de. Principes curieux pour faire toutes sortes de cadrans solaires. Paris, 1654.

Hebing, C. (19!!)Sonnenuhren an Fassaden.,.

HECKENBERG, Norman. Letters to the Editor - Pocket Sundial, Bulletin 97.1, January 1997, pp. 50-51. (With three illustrations).

Hederichs, M. Benjamin (1710) Anleitung zu den fürnehmsten mathematischen Wissenschaften, benanntlich der Arithmetica, Geometrie, Architectura, Astronomie und Gnomonica. Zimmermann, Wittenberg.

HEDERICHS M. Benjamin, Astronomia atque Gnomonica perspicue atque brevis solvere doceat, in “Introductio ad scientas Mathematicas”, Vitemb. 1728

HEDRAEUS Benedictus, Nova et accurata Astrolabii geometrici structura, ubi gradus, horumque singula minuta prima, nec non quadrantis astronomici azimuthalis, quo non solum prima, sed singula minuta secunda distinctè observari possunt. Una cum utriusque usu, claris et perspicuis exemplis illustrato. Lugduni Batavorum, 1643. In 8, piccolo - 104 fac. num. con figure. - Nota: manoscritto appartenuto alla collezione di Galileo Galilei e conservato nella Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze.

HEES, G H Strang van. Inclinerende en Declinerende Zonnewijzers. Berekening met behulp van boldriehoeksmeting. Zonnewijzerkring 84.1, pp 144-146.

HEES, G L Strang van. Aanhangsel bij page 687 (zie ook XV 738). Zonnewijzerkring 82.4, pp 720.

HEES, G L Strang van. Aanvulling bij XIV 687/720. Zonnewijzerkring 83.1, p 738.

HEES, G L Strang van. Berekening van een zonnewijzer die een willekeurige stand in de ruimte heeft. vervolg 720. Zonnewijzerkring 82.4, pp 681-687.

HEES, G L Strang van. Constructie van een ellips. Zonnewijzerkring 84.2, p 241.

HEES, G L Strang van. Vervolv “lectuur” en een vraag van de ere-presidente. Zonnewijzerkring 84.2, pp 242-243.

HEES, G L Zonnewijzers in Nederland, supplement. Zonnewijzerkring 82.4, pp 721-730.

HEES, G L Zonnewijzertjes In Nederland/categorie Gelegenheidsgeschenken! Zonnewijzerkring 82.4, pp 731-731.

HEGGE, Robert. Treatise of Dials and Dialling. This is a manuscript preserved in the library of Corpus Christii College, Oxford. It includes drawings and accounts of dials designed by Nicholas Kratzer and Charles Turnbull. Whilst Kratzer's dial has disappeared, Turnbull's still remains in the college quadrangle and is now generally referred to as the 'Pelican Sundial'. Oxford 1624. Little is known of Robert Hegge himself apart from this manuscript.

HEIBERG J.L., Ptolemaus de analemmate, in “Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik”, Lipsia, 1895

HEILAND, F. The Zeiss planetarium at Jena, Jena Review, 2, No 6, pp 163-171.

HEILBRONNER Christoph. Jo., Historia matheseos Universae, Lipsiae, 1742

HEILEGENBERG, Th J J v d. Een Zonnewijzer van der Cloese. Zonnewijzerkring 92.2, pp 37-45.

HEILEGENBERG, Th J J v d. Zakzonnewijzers: Hora Est. Zonnewijzerkring 92.2, pp 23-26.

HEILIGEBERG, Th J J van de. A Story of Naturalised Dutch Twins, Bulletin 97.2, April 1997, pp. 17-23.

HEILIGENBERG, T J J v d. Een tuinzonnewijzer van I Masson uit 1831. Zonnewijzerkring 92.1, pp 25-27.

HEILIGENBERG, Th J J v d. Een nieuwe activiteit? Over Draagbare zonnewijzers. Zonnewijzerkring 85.2, pp 207.

HEILIGENBERG, Th J J v d. Richtlijnen voor inzenders van kopy. Zonnewijzerkring 85.2, pp 201-203.

HEILIGENBERG, Th J J v d. Zwacht en Zelf. Pilkington & Gibbs. Zonnewijzerkring 94.4, pp 4-18.

HEILIGENBERG, Th J J van den. De zonnewijzer van Pilkington and Gibbs. Zonnewijzerkring 83.4, pp 921-922.

HEILIGENBERG, Th J J. Nu ook in Utrecht een oude kubus. Zonnewijzerkring 84.1, pp 120-121.

HEILIGENBERG, Th. Anton van Cuyck en zijn Zonnewijzers. Zonnewijzerkring, 97.1. p 5.

Heinrich, Walther (1983) Die Sonnen von Tiwanaku - Ein perfektes Kalendersystem. INTI, Trier.

HEINZ, H J., Catalog of the Collection of Watches belonging to Mr, H. J. Heinz of Pittsburgh deposited by him in the Carnegie Museum. The first six examples described and illustrated are of portable sundials dating from 1618-1720. Pittsburgh, 1917.

Heinz, Werner (1992) Tragbare Sonnenuhren. Berliner Erdgas Magazin (NR. 1) S. 10

Heis (1876) Über Anfertigung von Sonnenuhren. Deutscher Hausschatz in Wort und Bild S. 621-624

Heisius (1680) Sciatericum Achas in es miraculus.,.

HELBIG G., A propos de nos cadrans solaires, Bull. des Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire, Bruxelles (3), 11, p. 50-64.

Helfensrieder, Johann Evangelist (1790) Vollständiger und ausführlicher Unterricht, gute Sonnenuhren auf ebene horizontale und verticale Flächen, sonderlich auf Mauern und Fenster zu machen, als ein Beytrag zur Gnomonik - Mit Kupfertab. Rieger, Augsburg.

Heller, August (1878) Die St. Literarische Berichte aus Ungarn II

Hellingwerf, P. (1718) Wiskonstige Oefening., Amsterdam.

HELLINGWERF, Pieter. Uriskonstige Offening Behelsende eene verhandeling over vorname zaken van de Mathesis, Amsterdam. 1718.

HELLMANN, Gustav (1894) Contributions to the Bibliography of Meteorology and Terrestrial Magnetism in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Report of the Chicago Meteorological Congress. T.2 Chicago S. 352-394

HELLMANN, Gustav Rara Magnetica, 1269-1399, Berlin, 1898. Reprint from Schriften und Karten uber meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus No 10.

HELLMANN, Gustav (1897) Die Anfänge der magnetischen Beobachtungen. Zeitschr. Gesellsch. erdkunde Berlin 32 (NR. 2) S. 1-27

HELLMANN, Gustav (1906) Über die Kenntnis der magnetischen Deklination vor Christoph Columbus. Meteorol. Zeitschr. 23 25 S. 145-149 369

HELLMANN, Gustav (1906) Über die Kenntnis der magnetischen Deklination vor Columbus. Meteorol. Z. (NR. 4) S. 145-149

HELLMANN, Gustav (1907 - 1922) Beiträge zur Geschichte der Meteorologie. Veröffentl. Preuß. Meteorol. Inst. (NR. 273, 296, 315) S.

HELLMANN, Gustav (1909) Magnetische Kartographie in historisch-kritischer Darstellung. Veröffentl. Preuß. Meteorol. Inst. (NR. 215) S.

HELLMANN, Gustav (1920) Beiträge zur Erfindungsgeschichte mmeteorologischer Instrumente. Abh. Preuß. Akad. Wiss. Berlin Math.-Phys. Kl. (NR. 1) S.

HELLYER Brian und HEATHER Hellyer, The astronomical clock Hampton Court Palace, Baylis, Leicester/London, 1973

HELMREICH, Andreas von Eissfeldt. Rechenbuch ... uhnd wie man die Funff Horologia, Leipzig, 1595.

HELT, Hugo. Declaracion y Uso del Relox Espanol, Salamanca, 1549.

Helwig, Martin (1570) Von allerley Stunden Zeigern, ihren Ursprung, Unterschied und Gebrauch, item acht neue Tafeln, auff alle Zeiger halb und gantz, die recht zu stellen, mit Auffgang und Niedergang, Mittag, Miternacht, Tag und Nacht Länge, sampt dem ganzen lauff der Sonne. C. Scharffenberg, Breslau.

HENDERSON, J, MORTIMER, C & HACKMANN, W D. Analysis of Diptych Dials, unpublished report of analysis undertaken for Oxford University at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford, 1988.

HENDERSON, Janice A. A Computerized Checklist of Astrolabes. See Price entry. Yale 1973.

HENDERSON, Thomas. On the Meridians of Greenwich and Paris. 1827.

Thomas Henderson (1798-1844), attended Dundee Academy and was allowed to use the instruments at Edinburgh Observatory, which decided him on a career in astronomy. He was placed in charge of the Cape Town Observatory in 1831, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1840. One of his achievements was the first successful measurement of the angular change resulting from observing a star with the diameter of the earth's orbit as a base, thus being able to calculate the distance of the star. He was succeeded at the Cape Town Observatory by Sir John Herschel whose observations of the Southern stars completed the survey of the then visible heavens.

HENNIG R., Construction de cadrans solaires sur les plans horizontaux, verticaux ou inclines dans les deux sens. Selbstverlag des Verfassers, Genf, 44 Seiten, 1987

Hennig, L. (1976) 500 Jahre Regiomontan - 500 Jahre Astronomie Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Katalog zu Ausstellung., Nürnberg.

Henning, Richard (1931) Die Früherkenntnis der magnetischen Nordweisung. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie 21 S. 25-42

Henrici, P. und R. Jeltsch (1987) Komplexe Analysis für Ingenieure. Birkhäuser, Basel Boston Stuttgart.

HENRION, D. Les Recreations Mathematiques, Rouen, 1639.

HENRION, D. Les Recreations Mathematiques, Rouen, 1669.

HENRION, D. Mathematical Memories, Volume I, Paris, 1613.

Henrion, D. (1623) La construction, déclaration et usage du cadran, ou horloge universelle à la suite du canon manuel des sinus., Paris.

HENSLOW T.G.W., Verses for Sundials, London, senza data (circa 1950)

HENSLOW T.G.W., Ye Sundial Booke, London, Arnold, 1914

HENSLOW, T. Geoffrey W., Ye sundial Booke. ix + 421 pages, 3 plates, 262 drawings by the artist Miss D. Hartley. Board covers, 25 x 16 cm.W. and G. Foyle, London, 1935. 600 verses on dialling in this mawkish compilation. The surroundings of each sundial depicted are fanciful and can be very misleading.

HERBERT A.P., Sundials Old and New, London, Methuen, 1963

HERBERT, A. P., Sundials Old and New, or Fun with the Sun. 198 pages, 13 b & w illustrations in text, 15 plates. Methuen, London, 1967. Board covers, dial illustrated on front, A. P. Herbert on back cover. 21 x 17-5 cm. A book written in humorous vein. Price #3.50.

HERBST, Klaus-Dieter, Zur Entwicklung des Meridiankreises von 1700 bis 1850 unter Berucksichtigung des Wechselverhaltnisses zwischen Astronomie, Astro-Technik und Technik, Stutgart, 1994

Herculanensium voluminum Tomus II, Napoli, 1809 Nota: riporta, alle pagg. 43-47, un’iscrizione greca in cui si legge una parola ignota che secondo gli autori potrebbe essere in relazione con un orologio solare.

HEREWARD, DAPHNE, “Inscriptions from Thrace”, in American Journal of Archeology, n° 67 del 1963, pp. 71-75, figg. 17-20. Anche in Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, XXIV, 642. Illustra l’hemicyclium di Kavalla (Gibbs, cat. 1004).

Herigone, Pierre (1644) Cursus mathematici (Gnomonique, t V., Paris.

Hérigones, Pierre (1634) Cursus Mathematicus - Lehrbuch der Mathematik 6 Bde. Simeon Piget, Paris.

HERIGONII Petri, Cursus mathematicus, Paris, 1644

HERMAN, EGGER, Results of sundial competition, Sky & Telescope, Nov., 1970

HERMANN, EGGER, About azimuthal sundial, Sky & Telescope, Nov., 1960.

HERNANDEZ PERERA, Jesús. La pintura española y el reloj. (Spanish paintings and the clock). With 78 plates, the author shows most of the Spanish paintings with timekeepers included. Madrid 1955.

HERNANDEZ Y JIMENEZ, José. Manual teóretico de Gnomonica, o sea, tratado elemental de relojes solares con los principios indispensables de geometria y astronomia. (Theoretical manual of Gnomonics, or an elementary treatise of sundials, with the indispensible principles of geometry and astronomy). 1851. José Hernández y Jiménez was a Curator of the First Class in the Corps of Engineers of the Elército, of the Island of Cuba. A second edition appeared in Havana, Cuba, in 1852.

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