General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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1912. Second edition Leipzig, 1923.

ROHDE-HAMBURG, Alfred. Die geschicte der wissenschaftlichen instrumente: vom beginn der Renaissance bis zum ausgang des 18 jahrhunderts, Klinkhardt & Biermann, Leipzig, 1923.

ROHL Heinrich Lambert, Nom Greifswohischen astronomischen Gnomos, 1652

Rohlfs, Nikolaus (1741)Curieuse Uhr-Tabellen, durch deren Beyhülfe man bey Sonnenschein die Stunden des Tages finden kan. Richter, Hamburg.


ROHR R. R. J. Les cadrans solaires à chapeaux filtrants de Saverne et de Lorquin". (The cowl sundials around Saverne and Lorquin). [Saverne is a small town near Strasbourg]. AFAHA - Horlogerie Ancienne, No 15. 1954.

ROHR R. R. J. L'Heure sur votre Mur. (The Time on your Wall). Le Chasseur Français, March 1955. A general interest article giving information on sundials on walls.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Cadran solaire du château des Reinach à Hirtzbach. (The stone sundial of the Reinbach Castle at Hirtzbach). L'Alsace. 2nd October 1964.

ROHR R. R. J. Les Cadrans Canoniaux d'Alsace. (The Canonical dials of Alsace). Les Vosges, Volume LV, No 1. 1965.

ROHR R. R. J. Les Cadrans Solaires. 208 pages, 105 figures, 51 plates, plus four in full colour. Board covers. 20-5 x 25 cm. Gauthier-Villars, 1965. Plastic book guard. With a foreword by Henri Michel. One of the most comprehensive treatises of the twentieth century. French text.

ROHR R R J. Sonnenstunden. Rhododendron Jahrbuch. Deutsche Rhododendron-Gesellschaft Bremen S. 27-35, (1966)

ROHR R. R. J. Le Cadran romain de Bettwiller. (The Roman Sundial of Bettwiller). Cahiers alsaciens d'Archéologie, d'Art et d'Histoire. Strasbourg 1966.

ROHR R. R. J. Les cadrans solaires. Histoire, théorie et pratique, Strasburgo, ed. Oberlin, 1966

ROHR R. R. J. Cadrans Haguenoviens. (Sundials in Haguenau). Les Vosges, No 1. 1967.

ROHR R. R. J. Cadrans solaires .... (Sundials in and around Wasselonne). Cahiers d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Saverne, No's 58 & 59. 1967.

ROHR R. R. J. Die Gartensonnenuhr ein unterhaltsames Problem. Rhododendron und immergrüne Laubgehölze S. 1-15 (The Garden Sundial). Year book of the Deutschen Rhododendron -Gessellchaft. [German Rhododendron Society]. Bremen 1967.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Cadran solaire des Récollets de Rouffach. (The Sundial of the Greyfriars Monastery of Rouffach). Les Vosges, Volume LV, No 1. 1968.

ROHR R. R. J. Trésors gnomoniques anciens du Canton de Molsheim. (Ancient gnomonic treasures of the Molsheim Canton). Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Molsheim. Molsheim 1968.

Rohr R R J. Vielseitige Sonnenuhr. Rhododendron-Jahrbuch S. 29-40 (1969)

ROHR R. R. J. En parlant d'Oberlin. (Speaking of Oberlin). Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Molsheim. Stories of Father Oberlin who was an 18th century pastor, diallist and popular teacher. Molsheim 1969.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Cadran solaire de Poche de 1572 signé Schissler du Musée de Strasbourg". (The Pocket sundial signed 'Schissler 1572' in the Strasbourg Museum). Cahiers alsaciens d'Archéologie, d'Art et d'Histoire, Volume X. Strasbourg 1969.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Cadran Solaire de Poche de 1572, signé Christophe Schissler du Musée de Strasbourg, offprint Cahiers Alsaciens d’Archeologie d’Art et d’Histoire, Vol XIII, pp 139-144, Strasbourg, 1969.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Chronomètre Solaire. (The Solar Chronometer). Science-Progrèss. Sept. 1969. A dial giving clock-time.

ROHR R. R. J. Vielseitige Sonnenuhr". (Polygonal Sundial). Year book of the Deutschen Rhododendron -Gessellchaft. [German Rhododendron Society]. Pages 29-40. Bremen 1969.

ROHR R. R. J. Vielseitige Sonnenuhr, offprint from Rhododendron-Jahrbuch, pp 29-40, 1969.

ROHR R. R. J. Le cadrans solaires ancienns d'Alsace, Colmar, 1970

ROHR R. R. J. Sundials; History, Theory and Practice, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1970.

ROHR R. R. J. Heures ensoleillées. (Sunny Hours). Maisons paysonnes de France, No 4. S. 19-22 1971.

ROHR R. R. J. Le très remarquable cadran solaire des princes de Salm. (The very remarkable sundial of the Princes of Salm). [18th century]. Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Molsheim. 1971.

ROHR R. R. J. Les Cadrans Solaires Anciens d’Alsace, Editions Alsatia, Colmar, 1971.

ROHR R R J. Sonnenuhr und Astrolabium im Dienste der Moschee. Centaurus Bd. 16 S. 44-56 (1972)

ROHR R R J. Les Cadrans solaires à chapeau filtrant de Saverne et de Lorquin. Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de 1974.Saverne et Environs S. 9-12 (1973)

ROHR R. R. J. La Stèle gnomonique de Molsheim. (The gnomonic stele im Molsheim). Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Molsheim. Molshiem 1973.

ROHR R. R. J. Les cadrans solaires à chapeaux filtrant de Saverne et de Lorquin. (The cowl sundials around Saverne and Lorquin). [Saverne is a small town near Strasbourg]. Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Volume XIV. [The text is in German]. Ulm 1975. Also in Pays d'Alsace, Volume 81. Zabern (Saverne) 1973.

ROHR R. R. J. Sonnenuhren und Astrolabium im Dienste der Moschee. (Sundials and Astrolabes as used in the mosques). Centaurus, Volume 18, No 1. [German text]. Copenhagen 1973.

ROHR R. R. J. Trois cadrans solaires canoniaux sur l'Eglise de Bergheim. (Three canonical dials on the church at Bergheim). Les Vosges, No 4. 1973.

ROHR R. R. J. Über die Gnomonik des Islam. (On the Gnomonics of Islam). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Volume XIII. Pp. 84-88 [German text]. Ulm 1974.

ROHR R. R. J. Die Kircherschen Filterhutsonnenuhren in Zabern und Lorchingen, in SFAU XIV S. 12-18, Ulm, 1975

ROHR R. R. J. Les remarquable singularités d'un monument gnomonique à Dorlisheim. (The remarkabale singularities of a gnomonic monument in Dorlisheim). Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Molsheim. Molsheim 1975.

ROHR R. R. J. Recontres de cadrans solaires conventuels oubliés au Canton de armoutier. (Encountering some forgotten ancient monastery dials in the Canton of Marmoutier). Pays d'Alsace. 1975.

ROHR R. R. J. JANIN, L. Deux astrolabes-cadrans turcs. (Two Turkish astrolabe-dials). Centaurus, Volume 19, No 2. Copenhagen 1975.

ROHR R. R. J. Türkisch-arabische Gebetsquadranten. (Prayer-quadrants of Turkey and Arabia). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, SFAU XV S. 35-40 [German text]. Ulm 1976.

ROHR R. R. J. Das Rätsel der Franziskanersonnenuhr in Rufach. (The Enigma of the sundial of the Grey Friar sundial in Rouffach). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Volume XIII. [German text]. Ulm 1977.

ROHR R R J. Das Rätsel der Franziskanersonnenuhr in Rufach. SFAU XVI S. 144-151 (1977)

ROHR R. R. J. L'Enigme de la Fresque du cadran solaire de l'ancienne église des Récollets de Rouffach. (The Enigma of the fresco on the sundial of the ancient Grey Friars church at Rouffach). Cahiers alsaciens d'Architecture d'Art et d'Histoire, Volume XX. Strasbourg 1977.

ROHR R. R. J. Les cadrans solaires à chapeaux filtrant de Saverne et de Lorquin. (The cowl sundials around Saverne and Lorquin). [Saverne is a small town near Strasbourg]. Les Vosges, No 4. 1977.

ROHR R R J. Eine Sonnen-, Mond- und Gezeitenuhr. Alte Uhren (NR. 3) (1978)

ROHR R. R. J. Das Roias-Astrolab. (The Roias-Astrolabe). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Volume XVII. [S. 189-196 German text]. Ulm 1978.

ROHR R. R. J. Die De'ire-yi Mu'addle. (This is the name of a Turkish instrument which from observation of the sun or moon indicates the hours of the Islamic prayers by day and night). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Volume XIII, No 3. [German text]. 1978.

ROHR R R J. Astrolabische Sonnenuhren. SFAU XVIII S. 83-90 (1979)

ROHR R. R. J. Eine Sonnen-, Mond- und Gezietenuhr. (A Sun, Moon and Tide Dial). A Scottish dial dated 1634, with indications by the sun or moon, and for tides. Alter Uhren, S. 139-143 Munich, No 2, 1979.

ROHR R. R. J. L'Horloge Astronomique de Berne. (The Astronomical Clock of Berne). Chronometrophilia, Issue No 6. 1979.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Menhir d'Altorf - une Pierre de Calendrier néolithique!. (The Standing-Stone of of Altorf - a Neolithic Calendar Stone'). Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Molsheim. 1979.

ROHR R. R. J. Un Cadran Solaire d'Atelier, Chronometrophilia, No. 6, May 1979, pp. 16-32. Deals with regulation of mechanical clocks by accurate sundials and meridian lines with figure-of-eight analemmas.

ROHR R R J. Der Kalenderstein von Stürzelbronn. SFAU XIX S. 179-184 (1980)

ROHR R. R. J. A Unique Greek Sundial recently discovered in Central Asia. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Volume 74. No 5, October 1980. Toronto 1980.

ROHR R. R. J. Greek Dials in ancient Central Asia. Hamdard Journal, Volume XXIII, No's 3/4. Karachi 1980.

ROHR R. R. J. Les Cadrans solaires de la gallerie du Kappelturm … Obernai. The Sundials on the wall of the gallery of the Kappeltower at Obernai). Year-book of Société d'Histoire et d'Archélogie. de Dambach. Dambach, Barr 1980.

ROHR R. R. J. Un Cadran solaire Antique des Bords de l'Oxus, Chronometrophilia, No. 8, Summer 1980, pp. 66-72. Describes a sundial from antiquity using a celestial pole alignment.

ROHR R. R. J. Altgriechische Gnomonik in Zentralasien. (Greek dials in Central Asia). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Volume XX. [German text]. S. 205-212 Ulm 1981.

ROHR R. R. J. Un Cadran solaire, lunaire, et à Marées. (A Sun, Moon and Tide Dial). Chronometrophilia, Issue No 11. 1981.

ROHR R. R. J. Un Cadran Solaire Equatorial et un Graphometre au Musée National Maritime Haifa, Sefunim Vol VI, pp 72-77, 1981. (Arie L Ben-Eli Memorial Volume)

ROHR R. R. J. Un Cadran Solaire, Lunaire et à Marées, Chronometrophilia, No. 11, Winter 1981, pp. 111-118. Describes a slate sun and moon dial, the work of John Bonar. This was later published in Antiquarian Horology.

ROHR R R J. Von alter und neuer Zeitmessung am Bosporus. SFAU XXI S. 141-144 1982)

ROHR R. R. J. Die Sonnenuhr. 215 pages, 322 figures, 48 plates, plus 18 in full colour. Board covers. 28-5 x 25-5 cm. Callwey Verlag Munich, 1982. ISBN 3-7667-0610-1. Book jacket bearing coloured illustrations of four sundials. German text.

ROHR R. R. J. Die Sonnenuhr. Geschichte, Theorie, Funcktion. (The Sundial. History, Theory, and Function). This is a German text of the original book written in French. It is divided into twelve chapters thus: 1. Birth, development and evolution of the sundial. 2. The Celestial Sphere. Equatorial, Horizontal and Vertical Sundials. 4. Inclined Sundials. 5. Solar Calendars. 6. Analemmatic Sundials. 7. Lunar and Tide Dials. 8. Portable Sundials. 9. Remarkable Sundials of Past and Present. 10. Islamic Sundials. 11. The special Sundials of other times and today. 12. Mottoes and Maxims of Sundials. This work of 1982 was declared the book of the year (1982) by Chronometrophilia.

ROHR R. R. J. Kleinode alter Zietmessung in Greenwich. (Jewels in the Time-measuring Instruments in Greenwich). [Sundials at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London]. Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Volume XXI, No 4. [German text]. 1982.

ROHR R. R. J. L'Enigme de la Fresque du cadran solaire de l'ancienne église des Récollets de Rouffach. (The Enigma of the Freize of the sun dial of the old Church of the Greyfriars at Rouffach). Horlogerie Ancienne, No 12. 1982.

ROHR R. R. J. Les Cadrans Solaires Histoire, Théorie, Practique. 216 pages, 322 figures, 48 plates, plus 18 in full colour. Board covers. 28-5 x 25-5 cm. Editions Oberlin, Strasbourg, 1986. This is a French translation of the German edition Die Sonnenuhr published by Georg D. W. Callwey, Munich, 1982. ISBN 2-85369-052-0. Dedicated to the author's wife Antoinette. Book jacket bearing coloured illustrations of four sundials. French text.

ROHR R. R. J. Uhrwerke des Sternhimmels. (Clockwork of the Heavens). Schriften der Freunde Alter Uhren Bulletin XXI, 1982.

ROHR R. R. J. Von Alter und Neur Zeitmessung am Bosborus". (On Old and New Time Measurement in the Bosphorus). A scaphe dial with Italian hours found in Instanbul. Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren Bulletin XXI, 1982.

ROHR R R J. Bastelbogen für Sonnenuhren aus der Zeit Peter Apians. SFAU XXII S. 157-160 (1983)

ROHR R R J. Uhrwerke des Sternhimmels. SFAU XXII S. 145-156 (1983)

ROHR R. R. J. Der Sonnenkompass. (The Sun Compass). De Zonnewijzerkring, Bulletin 17. 1983.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Cadran Solaire de la Mosquée des Umayyades à Damas, L’Astronomie, Bulletin de la Société Astronomique de France, Vol 97, Paris, October 1983.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Pierre percée de Courgenay, un Calendrier Néolithique? Suggestion d'une hypothése de travail, Chronometrophilia No. 14, Summer 1983, pp 95-99. Illustrated with a photograph of the pierced stone taken by Dr Charles Février. An erudite account by the doyen of diallers

ROHR R. R. J. Several articles on sundials in a special issue of L'Astronomie Volume 97, 1983. The authors are: Atkinson, Gotteland, Hourriére, Macrez, Oudenot, and Rohr.

ROHR R R J. Mittelalterliche Stunden- und Kalenderstudien. SFAU XXIII S. 133-143 (1984)

ROHR R. R. J. La Piere percée de Courgenay, un Calendrier néolithique?. (The pierced stone of Courgenay, a Neolithic Calendar?). Chronometrophilia, Issue No 14. 1984.

ROHR R. R. J. Mittelalterliche Stunden - und Kalendersudien. (Medieval Hours and Calendars). On the quadrant lost from the Rouen Museum, also about Abraham Cresqes and his Catalonian Atlas, Schriften der Freunde Alter Uhren Bulletin XXIII, 1984.

ROHR R R J. Die eigenartigen Sonnenuhren des Jacques Ozanam. SFAU XXIV S. 105-111 (1985)

ROHR R R J. Mittelalterliche Stunden- und Kalenderstudien. SFAU XXIV S. 112-113 (1985)

ROHR R. R. J. De Qibla zonder Astrolabium. (The Qibla obtained without the Astrolabe). German text. De Zonnewijzerkring Bulletin No 23, 1985.

ROHR R. R. J. Die eigenartigen Sonnenuhren des Jaques Ozanan. Zonnewijzerkring 85.3, pp 337-342. 1985

ROHR R. R. J. Die Eigenartigen Sonnuhren des Jaques Ozanam. (The Curious Sundials of Jacques Ozanam). Schriften der Freunde Alter Uhren Bulletin XXIV, 1985. This article was translated into Emglish by Dr A R Somerville, and published in Antiquarian Horology, Summer 1989 issue, Volume 189, No 2, Pages 171-177. 1989.

ROHR R. R. J. Les Distances lunaires. (Lunar Distances). Chronometrophilia, No 18. 1985. This is the method of determining the time at the Greenwich Meridian at any point on the world's surface for the determination of the longitude of the place where the observations are made. It proved too difficult for practical use at sea.

ROHR R. R. J. Von babylonischen und italischen Stundenlinien und von der Sonnenuhr des Kaisers Augustus". (On Babyonian and Italian Hour Lines and the Sundial of the Emperor Augustus). De Zonnewijzerkring, No 1. 1985.

ROHR R R J. Analemmatische Wandsonnenuhren. SFAU XXV S. 103-110 (1986)

ROHR R. R. J. A Sun, Moon and Tide Dial. Antiquarian Horology, Volume XVI, No 3. 1986. This was translated from the original article in French by Dr A R Somerville.

ROHR R. R. J. Les Cadrans solaires universels de Jacques Ozanam. (The Universal Sundials of Jacques Ozanam). Echo d'Orion and Centaurus Volume XXIX. 1986.

ROHR R R J. Die Sonnenuhren von Santa Maria Novella in Florenz. SFAU XXVI S. 177-182 (1987)

ROHR R R J. Noch einmal die Sonnenuhren des Jaques Ozanam. SFAU XXVI S. 183-188 (1987)

ROHR R. R. J. Die Sonnenuhren von Santa Maria Novella in Florenz. (The Sundial of the Santa Maria Novella Cathedral in Florence). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, No XIII, pp 117-180. 1987.

ROHR R R J. Vom Kapuzinertäfelchen Regiomontans zu Peter Apians Pappelblatt. SFAU XXVII S. 117-126 (1988)

ROHR R. R. J. Der Lambertsche Kreis. (The Lambert Circle). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, No XIVIII. [German text].

ROHR R. R. J. Du CAPUCIN de REGIOMONTANUS (1474) àu la FEUILLE du PETRUS APIANUS (1533)". (From the Capuchin of Regiomontanus to the Poplar Leaf of Petrus Apianus). L'Echo d'Orion, No 85. The foreword to this states that "This number is dedicated to the learned study of two old sundials, the Capuchin of Regiomontanus and the Horoscope of Apianus". There is much useful material in this. Nancy, 1988.

ROHR R. R. J. La Da'ire-yi Mu'addil. This is the name of a Turkish instrument which from observation of the sun or moon indicates the hours of the Islamic prayers by day and by night). AFAHA - Horologerie Ancienne, No 13. 1988.

ROHR R. R. J. Le Da'Ire-Yi Mu'Addil. Horologerie Ancienne, No 23, pages 67-74. An instrument of the XVIII century for determining the hours of prayer in Islam. Semestre, (Second half), 1988.

ROHR R. R. J. Meridiane, Ed. Ulisse, Torino, 1988. This book is the italian translation of Le Cadrans Solaires of 1965.

ROHR R. R. J. Un cadran horizontal à Minutes du XVIe siècle. (A horizontal sundial of the 16th century with the possibility of reading the time to a minute). Sefunim, Volume VII. Israel 1988.

ROHR R. R. J. Vom Kapusinertäfelchen Regiomontanus zu Peter Apians Pappebatt. (From the Regiomontanus Capuchin Dial to the Poplar Leaf Dial of Peter Apian). Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, No XXVII. [German text]. 1988. This article in French text - Du Capucin de Regiomontanus (1474) à la Feuille de Peuplier de Petrus Apianus (1533), appeared in Echo d'Orion No 85. 1988.

ROHR R R J. Der Lambertsche Kreis. SFAU XXVIII S. 129-137 (1989).

ROHR R. R. J. Cadran analemmatique de Gray. Zonnewijzerkring, 89.2, pp 47-48. 1989.

ROHR R. R. J. J H Lamberts unbekante Kreise. Zonnewijzerkring, 89.2, pp 10-15. 1989.

ROHR R. R. J. Lambert’s Circles, Chronometrophilia, Bulletin 89.1, July 1989, pp. 5-8. 1989.

ROHR R R J. Reflexsonnenuhren. SFAU XXIX S. 141-153 (1990)

ROHR R. R. J. A Unique Greek Dial, BSS Bulletin 90.2, June 1990, pp. 14-17.

ROHR R. R. J. Lambert’s Circles, BSS Bulletin 90.1, February 1990, p. 11.

ROHR R. R. J. On Reflected Ceiling Dials, BSS Bulletin 90.3, October 1990,pp. 5-11.

ROHR R. R. J. The Sundials of the Kappelturm Gallery at Obernai, BSS Bulletin 90.1, February 1990, pp. 8-10.

ROHR R R J. Astronomische Denkwürdigkeiten und Höhenwege unter Allahs Sonne. SFAU XXX S. 197-208 (1991)

ROHR R. R. J. Book review - Bizaiko Eguzski-Erlojuak Relojes de Sol de Bizkaia, BSS Bulletin 91.2, July 1991, p. 25. (Sundials of Biscaya). This was written by a group of 42 authors.

ROHR R. R. J. The Da’ire-Yi-Mu’Addi, An instrument for Day and Night Prayer-Times in XVIII Century Islam, BSS Bulletin 91.3, October 1991, pp. 16-19.

ROHR R R J. Gedankenüber steinzeitliche Astronomie. SFAU XXXI S. 179-187 (1992)

ROHR R R J. Von weiteren Reflexsonnenuhren. SFAU XXXI S. 177-178 (1992)

ROHR R. R. J. Astronomical Endeavours and Highlights under Allah’s Sun, BSS Bulletin 92.1, February 1992, pp. 5-10.

ROHR R R J. Die Monddistanzen - Ein Hilfschronometer auf See im 19. SFAU XXXII S. 87-98 (1993)

ROHR R. R. J. Some Reflections on Neolithic Astronomy, BSS Bulletin 93.1, February 1993, pp. 3-8.

ROHR R. R. J. The Sundial of the Old Franciscan Church in Rouffach, BSS Bulletin 93.3, October 1993, pp. 2-5.

ROHR R R J. Athanaisus Kirchers Reflexsonnenuhr in Avignon. SFAU XXXIII S. 180-181 (1994)

ROHR R R J. Von tragbaren Sonnenuhren im alten Rom. SFAU XXXIII S.172-179 (1994)

ROHR R. R. J. Lunar Distances, BSS Bulletin 94.3, October 1994, pp. 36-39.

ROHR R. R. J. Portable Sundials in Ancient Rome, BSS Bulletin 94.2, June 1994, p. 42-45.

ROHR R R J. Mondnomogramme. SFAU XXXIV S. 96-103 (1995)

ROHR R. R. J. On Lunar Nomograms, BSS Bulletin 95.2, June 1995, pp. 32- 35.

ROHR R R J. Das Astrolabium. SFAU XXXV S. 180-188 (1996)

ROHR R. R. J. Arabische Gnomonik. Zonnewijzerkring, 96.3. pp 9-17.

ROHR R. R. J. The Astrolabe, BSS 96.1, February 1996, pp. 36-39.

ROHR R. R. J. Cadrans solaires oubliés. (Forgotten sundials). Date unknowed

ROHR R. R. J. Un Hémisphèere nautique à Marées au Musée de Florence, in "Annali dell'Istituto di Storia della Scienza di Firenze" (in preparazione)

Réne R J Rohr was born in Strasbourg in 1905, where he studied before joining the navy. He rose rapidly from Lieutenant to Captain au long cours. He has written three books on his travels around the world. From his experiences as an officer in the Navy, he became interested in the problems of gnomonics, creating numerous sundials and restoring others. Since 1954 he has published some 150 articles and studies in a dozen countries. His book Les Cadrans Solaires was the first edition of the book in the French language, followed by an English edition published in Toronto 1970, and Les Cadrans Solaires Anciens d'Alsace in 1971. An Italian edition was published in 1989. The author is the leading expert on gnomonics in the world today. He is a laureate and member of the Academy of Alsace.

ROIAS, Joannes de. Commentarium in Astrolabium, Paris, 1551.

ROIZ, Pedro, Libro de Reloges Solares 1575. This a facsimile of the first book on sundials, published in Spain by El Cuadrante in 1980. 124 pages, many line diagrams in text. Thin card covers. 21 x 15-5 cm, cream coloured pages, Spanish text. (Original cost 1800 pesetas). The treatise commences with a section on mathematics, mainly geometric constructions, but progresses to give a thorough account of the art of dialling.

ROIZ, Pedro. Libro de relojes solares compuesto por Pedro Roiz, Clerigo Valencian, discipalo del Maestro Hyronimo Munez en qual muestra hazer relojes en llano y en paredes a quèlquier viento descubeiertas lavantadas a plano o inclinados hazia tierra y otras cosas para estos necessarias. (Book of sundials composed by Pedro Roiz, Cleric of Valencia, disciple of the Master Hyronimus Munez, ...sundials on vertical and inclined planes ... ). Valencia, 1575. his work by Roiz was produced as a facsimile reprint by El Cuadrante with details of the book published in 1575, the first to be written on sundials in Spain, together with the life of the author. Pontevedra, 1980.

ROJAS, Johannes de. Commentariorium in Astrolobium quod Planisphaerium Vocant. (Commentary on the Planispheric Astrolabe). Also known as Roias. First edition, 1550.

ROLANDO Francesco, Tabulas gnomonicas et horoscopicas..., 1645 (BMI)

Romá, Jorge Doménech (199*) Trazado y Construcción de Relojes de Sol. Aguaclara,.

ROMANO G., Gli strumenti per la misura del tempo nell'antichità, in GdA, n. 2 Giugno 1982

ROMANO G., Orologi e meridiane naturali, in "Coelum", Bologna, n.1, 1986

ROMANO G., Gli strumenti astronomici del passato, Moro, Cassola, 1988

ROMANO G., Un apparecchio per disegnare quadranti solari, Atti e Memorie dell'Ateneo di Treviso, n° 5, 1987/1988

ROMANO G., Un semplice apparecchio per il tracciamento di quadranti solari, in "Giornale di Astronomia", Pisa, n.1, 1988

ROMANO G., Storia della misura del tempo, in bollettino attività astronomiche Associazione di Cortina d'Ampezzo, 1989

ROMANO G., Sulla meridiana di Toaldo della Specola di Padova, in ASG 3, Feltre, 1990

ROMANO G., NOTARANGELO M., VANZIN E., Il Sole e il tempo. Indagine sulle meridiane del trevigiano, Ed. SIT, 1991

ROMANO G., OTTAVIANO G.M., La meridiana di Toaldo, Soc. Coop. Tip., Padova, 1991

ROMANO G., Archeoastronomia Italiana, App. C. Cleup., Padova, 1992

ROMANO G., Introduzione all'Astronomia, esercitazioni e problemi, (cap. 17, 188, 205), Muzzio, Padova, 1993

ROMANO, P. Orologi di Roma. (Clocks of Rome). Anonima Romana stampa. Rome 1944

ROMEO, Lucia Guerrero. Revista de la British Sundial Society, La Busca de Paper No. 21, pp. 7-12. (Review of BSS Bulletins from 93.1 to 93.3).

Rommel, H. (1958) Fühere Zeitweiser in den Wäldern um Freudenstadt. Freudenstädter Heimatblätter, Beilage zur Schwarzwaldzeitung”Der Grenzer” 8 (NR. 15) S. 105-107

RONAN, Colin A. The Cambridge Illustrated History of the World's Science. This work gives a broad view of the scientific work by the Greek, Chinese, Hindu and Indian, Arabian, Roman and the medieval savants. There is an extensive listing of books for further reading. London 1983.

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