just like you who made all kinds of mistakes because of ignorance and inexperience.
You must forgive your parents for every mistake that they ever made in bringing you up. You must let them go completely. Even better, you must go to them and tell them that you forgive them for everything they ever did or said that hurt you in anyway. Set them free and become free yourself. You must forgive every other person who has ever hurt you in anyway every personal relationship
or business association, even those relationships and marriages that caused you incredible emotional turmoil and distress. You must forgive.
You must issue a total pardon to all those people you still think about from time to time in terms of negativity, anger, and the desire to punish them or get even in some way.
Remember, you are not forgiving for the sake of the other person.
Forgiveness is a perfectly selfish act. You are forgiving for yourself. By letting them go free, by forgiveness, you are allowing yourself to go free at the same time. Finally, you must forgive yourself. You must forgive yourself for every wicked,
senseless, brainless, and stupid thing you ever did that hurt anyone, for any reason, at anytime in your life.
Remember, the person you are today is not the person you were when you hurt someone else in someway. The person you are today is not the person who would ever do what you did at a previous time.
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