Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

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The Cause of Negative Emotions
Negative emotions ultimately boil down to anger of some kind, either inwardly expressed, in that the anger makes you sick, or outwardly expressed, so that it makes others feel angry and hostile.
Most psychological and psychosomatic problems are caused by suppression of negative emotions, repression of negative emotions,
depression caused by negative emotions, projection of our negative emotions onto others, displacement of negative emotions in that we become angry with others when we are really angry with ourselves, and so on.
The negative emotions most common in our society are, first of all, fear of all kinds, as we have discussed. There are also the twin emotions that drive much political activity inmost societies throughout the world envy and resentment. There is jealousy, coupled with feelings of inferiority, so

that the individual thinks, No one could ever love me There are others such as hate, suspicion, hostility, and distrust.
The Negative Emotion Tree
Imagine a picture of the negative emotion tree the fruit growing on this tree are all of the negative emotions that you can experience. In order to eliminate your negative emotions, you have to cut down this tree.
Here is the great breakthrough The trunk of the negative emotion tree is blame. It is impossible to experience a negative emotion without blaming others for something that they have done or not done of which you disapprove. The minute you stop blaming, your negative emotions cease completely.
Eliminating Blame
And how do you stop blaming The answer is both simple and revolutionary. It is impossible for you to blame someone else fora negative emotion and accept responsibility for the situation at the same time. The very act of accepting responsibility cancels the negative emotion associated with that situation, person, problem, or difficulty.
And how do you activate this sense of responsibility You simply say the magic words I am responsible.”
This positive, present-tense affirmation eliminates negative emotions of all kinds instantly.
Because your mind can only hold one thought at a time—positive or negative—you can cancel any negative thought at anytime by simply repeating to yourself, over and over again, I am responsible I am responsible I am responsible!”
How do you turnout all the Christmas lights on your tree Simple. You jerk the electric cord out of the socket, and all the lights go out instantly.
How do you get rid of all of your negative emotions The same way—
you simply cancel them whenever they arise by immediately saying, I am responsible They all stop immediately.

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