Gonzaga Debate Institute 2011 Gemini Landsats Neg

AT: Surveillance – Non-Inherent – Reconnaissance

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AT: Surveillance – Non-Inherent – Reconnaissance

KH-8 solves—best resolution, maneuverability
Day 9 (Dwayne, space historian & analyst, The Space Review, 1/12, http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1283/1, accessed 7-5-11, CH)

There was good reason for the intelligence community to want the find to remain as secret as possible. The KH-8 was the highest resolution reconnaissance satellite ever built. Even today, it apparently holds the record for the best reconnaissance photographs returned from orbit by any spacecraft, a combination of both a powerful camera and the ability to dramatically lower its orbit, to “swoop” in over a target at altitudes of apparently only 70 nautical miles (130 kilometers). The KH-8 could apparently see objects on the ground as small as a baseball and had the ability to photograph people with enough resolution to see their arms and legs. Later satellites had bigger mirrors, but flew at higher altitudes and could not return pictures as good.

Reconnaissance satellites now solve—solved cold war crises

Hastedt 10 (Glenn, Prof Political Sciences @ James Madison University, 10/7, NASA, http://history.nasa.gov/sp4801-chapter19.pdf, accessed 7-5-11, CH)

Reconnaissance satellites, along with their predecessor, the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, were quick to demonstrate their value as instruments for preventing strategic surprise. Beginning in the mid 1950s, political forces within the U.S. intelligence community (led by the Air Force) raised the specter of a bomber gap in which the Soviet union held a decided and threatening lead over the united States in the development of a large strategic bomber force, creating an American vulnerability to a surprise attack. U-2 overlights in 1956 provided visual evidence that this gap did not exist. Satellite reconnaissance photographs would do the same just a few years later when they provided visual evidence that led to a repudiation of the charge that a missile gap now existed.
Reconnaissance satellites solve military advantage

Hastedt 10 (Glenn, Prof Political Sciences @ James Madison University, 10/7, NASA, http://history.nasa.gov/sp4801-chapter19.pdf, accessed 7-5-11, CH)

The impact of reconnaissance satellites on intelligence and national security policy did not end with the passing of the cold war. Instead, the policy stream in which reconnaissance satellites now operate has altered course. In most cases the changes now evident were present as ripples in the latter part of the cold war, and subsequently have gained in strength. As was the case with the cold war national security policy stream, we can expect reconnaissance satellites and the content of this policy to affect one another. Several indicators already point in directions where this interactive effect is likely to be most pronounced over time. One notable and already evident area of impact on national security policy is the increased use of reconnaissance satellite imagery for tactical military purposes. Satellites had provided support for military operations on a limited scale prior to the end of the cold war, in the 1986 bombing campaign against Libya, and operation Just cause in 1989. A quantum leap in the reliance on satellites took place in 1991 with the persian Gulf War. Satellite intelligence was used to provide warning of Scud attacks, target patriot anti-tactical ballistic missile rockets, provide weather data, aid with land navigation and aerial bombardment, and serve as a communication channel. The war against terrorism also has seen a heavy reliance upon satellite imagery and electronic intelligence in efforts to trace the movements of key terrorist leaders and identify targets.
Reconnaissance solves Landsats—has civilian sensing, environmental monitoring, and military capabilities
Eisendrath 6 (Craig, Senior fellow @ the Center for International Policy, bNET, Nov, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1272/is_2738_135/ai_n27059686/pg_3/?tag=mantle_skin;content, accessed 7-8-11, CH)

There also is a healthy crossover between military and nonmilitary technology. For instance, reconnaissance satellites originally developed for military use can be employed for environmental monitoring and other civilian or commercial purposes. Equally, satellites used to "verily compliance have made it possible to get agreement on arms control treaties to limit and reduce nuclear weapons without much, if any, reliance on expensive and intrusive on-site inspections--but the information collected by those satellites could be used to target the other side's retaliatory forces in a pre-emptive attack." concludes Gallagher.

AT: Surveillance – Non-Inherent – Landsats Solve Now

LandSats not key—size, infrequent launches, cost—newer satellites solve
Sweeting 11 (Martin, Dir Surrey Space Center, NDU Press, 5/18, http://www.ndu.edu/press/space-Ch29.html, accessed 7-3-11, CH)

Figure 29–1 illustrates the regions of the surveillance performance envelope that are occupied by different classes of satellite. Satellites for traditional Earth resources missions, such as Landsat and Spot, are large and expensive, are launched infrequently, and have 2-week orbital revisit cycles. It is a measure of the increasing capability of small satellites (which employ far more modern detector technology) that similar resolutions can now be achieved with much smaller and cheaper space hardware. Uniquely, as a result of the lower costs associated with small satellites, they can be proliferated in constellations, such as DMC and RapidEye. As a result of having five satellites, these constellations offer daily global imaging capability, moving their performance envelope significantly lower in the diagram. By contrast, existing military satellites are located somewhere to the left of the red region representing the capabilities of commercial remote sensing satellites such as Quickbird and Ikonos

New Landsat LDCM program solves—new thermal imaging, allocated funding, high-quality processing
USGS 10 (7/6, http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2007/3093/pdf/fs20073093.pdf, accessed 7-6-11, CH)

The LDCM is planned as a 5-year mission and will include enough fuel for 10 years of operation. NASA and the USGS share responsibility for LDCM implementation. NASA will develop the flight systems including the spacecraft, the instrumentation, the mission operations element, and the mission launch, and perform on-orbit checkout. The USGS will develop, implement, and operate the ground-data acquisition network and image-processing and archive facilities, and will provide data products to the user community. In addition, the USGS will be responsible for satellite flight operations following launch. The centerpiece of the LDCM space segment is the OLI. By collecting land-surface data with spatial resolution and spectral band specifications consistent with historical Landsat data, the OLI instrument will advance future measurement capabilities. The OLI will feature two additional spectral channels: an “ultra-blue” band for coastal and aerosol studies, and a band for cirrus cloud detection. A thermal infrared sensor (TIRS) will collect data in two long wavelength bands that will be co-registered with OLI data. A key feature in the ground segment being planned by the USGS is the provision of high-quality LDCM standard data products. About 400 scenes per day will be imaged and processed over global land and coastal areas. All acceptable scenes will be terrain corrected to a geographic projection and made available at no cost to users via the Internet. The planned specifications for the LDCM standard products are listed in the following table

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