Gonzaga Debate Institute 2011 Mercury China Coop Aff

Space Race – Taiwan Scenario (3/4)

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Space Race – Taiwan Scenario (3/4)

Space advancement determines China’s effectiveness in a Taiwan invasion

Hays, retired Airforce Lieutenant Colonel, 9

(Peter L., senior policy analyst supporting the plans and programs division of the National Security Space Office “Space and Sino-American Security Relations” http://web.mac.com/rharrison5/Eisenhower_Center_for_Space_and_Defense_Studies/Journal_Vol_2_No_3_files/Space%20and%20Defense%202_3.pdf SPACE and DEFENSE Volume Two Number Three Winter 2009 accessed: 6/28/11 pg 30) TJL

Space and counterspace capabilities play an increasingly important role for both sides in this scenario. For China, space forces, and space ISR in particular, are needed to find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess strikes on carrier battle groups in near real time. Space links considered necessary for day-night, inclement weather, and near real time operation of this kill chain include highresolution imagery, tracking and data relay, synthetic aperture radar, wake tracking, and electronic intelligence—all capabilities the Chinese appear to have increasingly emphasized. It is not yet clear that China has networked together all the capabilities required for long-range precision strikes against carrier battle groups let alone what the effectiveness of Chinese forces so employed might be, even before they are attrited by the concentric layers of defenses around carrier battle groups.41 Nonetheless, it is apparent that Chinese capabilities for long-range precision strikes against ships have improved significantly; U.S. forces are threatened as they approach what the Chinese call the second island chain that includes Guam, and operate at growing peril the closer they come to Taiwan and the first island chain. The increasingly potent anti-access strike forces the Chinese have deployed or are developing include large numbers of highly accurate cruise missiles, such as domestically produced groundlaunched DH-10 land attack cruise missiles, SS-N-22/Sunburn and SS-N-27B/Sizzler supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles mounted on Sovremennyy-class guided missile destroyers and Kilo-class diesel electric submarines acquired from Russia, as well as an anti-ship ballistic missile based on a variant of the DF-21 that has a range in excess of 1,500 km and highly accurate maneuvering reentry vehicles with conventional warheads and “terminal-sensitive penetrating submunitions” to “destroy the enemy’s carrierborne planes, the control tower and other easily damaged and vital positions.”42 It is also a near certainty that China would mount large-scale counterspace operations, perhaps even as a precursor to other attacks, in any Taiwan scenario. Chinese counterspace operations would likely concentrate on cyber and electronic warfare attacks against U.S. communications and positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) capabilities using terrestrial, airborne, seaborne, and perhaps in-space jammers or ASAT systems. In addition, the Chinese could use their direct ascent ASAT and high-energy lasers to attack U.S. ISR assets in LEO and it is unlikely that either preemptive or reactive maneuvering of these assets would be able to protect them or ensure they could collect on assigned targets.

Space Race – Taiwan Scenario (4/4)

If the US has a conflict with Taiwan China will respond with nuclear weapons

Farah, WorldNetDaily founder and editor, 7

(Joseph, 10-10-7, Los Angeles Times: “A U.S.-China war?” http://www.latimes.com/la-op-dustup10oct10,0,821657.story , MLF, accessed 6-30-11]

What China needs to do to improve the plight of its people is to abandon the failed experiment with command-and-control socialism that has created a nightmare world of totalitarianism for more than 1 billion people. President Reagan rejected similar policies toward the Soviet Union and created the conditions that resulted in the Evil Empire imploding of its own dead weight in a peaceful revolution. Reagan rejected the failed policies of the past, in which the United States tried to "help" the Soviet Union with bailouts and other random acts of kindness - virtually everything we're doing with China today. China is the Evil Empire of the future. You don't have to be a prophet to see it. You only need to be a student of history. It was just two years ago that a top Chinese military official said Beijing would use nuclear weapons against the U.S. if Americans defended Taiwan against an invasion from the mainland. "If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons," Zhu Chenghu, a major general in the People's Liberation Army, said at an official briefing. Chas Freeman, a former U.S. assistant secretary of Defense, said in 1999 that a PLA official had told him China would respond with a nuclear strike on the U.S. in the event of a conflict with Taiwan. "In the end, you care more about Los Angeles than you do about Taipei," Freeman quoted this official as saying. More recently, we learned of China's plans for a cyberwar attack on the U.S. to be launched in conjunction with a conventional assault on U.S. carriers in the Pacific. Code-named "Pearl Harbor II" by the Pentagon, the plan was designed to leave America's key allies in the Pacific - Japan and Taiwan - virtually defenseless. Does this sound like the work of friends? We have a clear choice before us in dealing with the next great threat to America's future - follow the policies of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, or those of Ronald Reagan. In ignoring China's military expansion, its threats against Taiwan, its threats even against the United States, we serve only to ensure a costly battle against the expansionist power in the future. We are making our worst fear a virtual inevitability. If we want to prevent war with China, the best way is to be resolute, stand on principle, be strong and never back down.

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