Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

A Letter From the Least - 2014-05-12 08:02

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A Letter From the Least - 2014-05-12 08:02

Do not mistake the following lines for condemnation.  They are a confession of love from a man who knows God.

I know who you are, my brothers and sisters of flesh, you wicked and adulteress people of this place of testing.  I see what you do.  I know the things you love, and that what you love is unholy.

I know that many of you will die in disrepair.  Even now you complain that life is cut short.  I know that even now through silence you complain against the Holy One.  You turn to sin as if it produces tranquility.  You turn to the pleasure of sin that you may relieve your anxious heart.  I know that you offend one another for the hatred that lives in your bones.  And you glory in a strength that leads to death.

But I do not condemn you.  I do not judge you, for I have done the same things.  By my own actions I know who you are.  Because he has shown me my sins I know what sin is.  Therefore I look at you with eyes that know.

But I do not judge for the sake of condemnation.  I rightly assess because I have been caused to see rightly.  By the work of Christ within me I have come to understand the difference between righteousness and the folly of man.  And I know that with one touch of his hand you too can see.

So I stand here and plead with you.  Go to the Father and receive the peace of his Son.  The throne of God is wide open to those who have the courage of faith to approach. 

This very day is that day of opportunity.  There are two days in which the door of opportunity will be slammed shut.  Which will come first, who can tell.  But one day is your own death.  The other day is when the Father sends his Son to put an end to salvation in this place of testing.

The joy of knowing the Sovereign God through Jesus His holy son is more than a man can speak in full.  So I spoke to you first of the sin that I know dresses you in a black cloth.  Then I spoke to you of open forgiveness from this man.  Finally I gave you the words of eternal peace.

I have written this that you may live.  Consider, if he has touched me so that I might forgive, how much more power does he hold in his hand for you?

I am the least of his people.  Yet the strength of his love lives within me.  Many who now living in sin are greater than I.  How much greater can these be if they receive the love of God?

By His grace I have written.  By His grace, what I have written is true.  By that same grace life stands ready to embrace you.  All that is necessary is that your humble yourself and pray. 

Pray with ernest heart.  Pour out what you know to be true.  Confess your sins and beg for life.   Do not cease and you will receive.  The kingdom of heaven is not given to those who are not earnest.  But salvation belongs to the weak who will call out in truth.

God is faultless.  His ways are pure and Holy.  He has sent his Son as a seal of his desire to save.  This is a promise he has made and sealed with the very blood of his own Holy Son.  It is impossible for God to lie.  Yet who will believe?

The Purging - 2014-05-13 09:24

There are battles that rage of which we know nothing.  No man has ever heard an angel speak unless he is personally addressed; and that for the purposes of the war in spiritual realms.  The Holy Lord Jesus does not appear to men unless it furthers the means of heaven.  Men are nothing.  Nothing of heaven is for our entertainment.

We are what is being fought over.  And this place in eternity is not for the sake of men.  Is for the sake of the will of God and that for His Son Jesus. 

The man who thinks he is something is mistaken.  While we live in this place we are but pawns in a great contest.  Pride thinks otherwise.  And when this place is over we will take our place as servants of the Most High God.  Man has no individual purpose other than to serve the Lord who made him.

Pride devises a man's self-importance by drawing on falsehoods.  Such a man thinks he is something because he knows how to tie his shoes.  But God is able to reduce such people.  To doubt that is to rely on the falsehoods the break our souls.

But once a man is in the clutches of the Most High God, he quickly learns the futility of pride.  All things are for Christ, and that to the glory of the Father.

The Lord will purge his people.  He will drive out iniquity.  Then, as it has been written, "You will know that I am God."  Endure!

Well, Yeah! - 2014-05-14 12:06


"Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves"

If you're not wise you're not going to be harmless.

(2014-12-01 10:53:24)

Reblogged this on Words From There. and commented:

It was true and I wrote it. Believe it or not, it's still true.

Hat trips - 2014-05-14 14:08

I wish it were reasonably moral to put a camera on the front of my cap.  I would love to show you what I see.

I have mentioned my hat before, a dark blue ball cap with two words, "Think Eternity" and a small cross in silver embroidery. 

You wouldn't think it would get that much attention.  But tell someone not to think about pink elephants.  Guess what they think about now.

I see a pretty woman behind the counter at a truck stop.  No doubt she gets a lot of looks from the truckers.  But make up hairstyles and nice clothing are a flimsy sham for a weak soul.

She sees my hat and turns as quick as she can to look out the window.

I can't tell you how many people have found something more important to look at than my hat, and with breakneck speed.  Do they really think no one sees?

The men who desire her desire only what will be a corpse soon enough; the soul is in a bit of disrepair.  Let us hope she saw enough of the hat to think about eternity.

"That's Mine!" - 2014-05-19 11:22

What man of us has come from eternity?  Has he been before and said to himself, "I will now become a man."  No.  We are created from what we do not understand.  We appear, and cannot explain how we came to be.  Nor can a man say, "I will return to what I knew when I die."

This is true an indisputable.  Though a man may say he is of another life he cannot explain how he came to be in the first place.  No man has come from eternity.

I speak this way understanding that there is One who has appeared among us from eternity.  He has known heaven for he was there in the beginning, and has returned victoriously rich in all the things of God.  And when he spoke to us he spoke of things he knew.  But no other man is capable of such a thing. 

But now listen to how we speak.  We say "This is mine."  "This is my boat."  Or the poor man may say, "This is my coat."  What a man means when he says such things makes all the difference.

Does he mean the thing is identified with his name?  Does he mean it is not in the hands of another man?  Then he is just and righteous in what he says.

But if a man says something is his and intends that people should respect his belongings (as if he has created his things on his own), then he is wickedly mistaken.  At best, we are only caretakers of all that is in our hands.  Only He who is from eternity owns all.

As a man perceives, so he does.  If a man perceives his belongings as truly belonging to him, he will pursue all he has with great greed.  He will call it his own, without regard to God or others.  He will erect a fortress around it.  And he will murder anyone who lays a hand on what is his.  His waking hours will be alert without ceasing.  His sleep will be fitful regardless what alarms he may set.  And he will wear anxiousness as if clothing, all the days of his life.

But the man who perceives the truth will save himself from untold anguish.  All belongs to God.  Nothing belongs to man, for he is made from nothing.  And to nothing, he and all he owns returns.

What he has had has been a test of his heart.  That is something.  For when he leaves this place his soul will appear before God to be assessed.  Judgment will be made, and the man will receive what is rightfully his. Even while he lives assessment is made without his knowledge or ascent.  Do men really think they will give counsel to the Most High God?

The wise among men consider these things.  And if they arrive at the truth they no longer lock their doors.  All their days are filled with peace.  For they know all belongs to God. 

The sleep of the wise is peaceful and full of tranquility.  When they eat they eat with joy; they are not concerned with their next meal, for they know that God will provide.  When they reached for what is in their trust they are not concerned of its demise.

All belongs to God.  He, in his great wisdom, has created us and will sustain us.  Think about it.  If a man will take care of what he thinks is his, how much more will God perfectly protect that which his perfect nature has made?

The wise give him his honorable do and live in peace.  Those who perceive this place of testing otherwise have no peace at all.

Fidelity - 2014-05-19 12:14

If a man leaves his wife and children to be joined to another woman's family, he will soon learn what it means to be a stranger in his own house.

If you think you desire something more than what you have, you will soon find out that what you had was quite palatable.

If you cannot live with your current family, you would be better to live the rest of your days alone.

Lust says differently.  What do I care?   I know the truth for live it.  If you will not listen to these words of wisdom from one who knows, then please do, go prove it yourself.

Who are you? - 2014-05-20 10:20

Who can say he would do such if certain things happened to him?  To make words is easy.  Fools do it all day long.  But who among us knows of what they are made before the test is given?  And even as a test begins upon us we have not yet seen the fullness of our nature.

Were your mate to have a stroke and lay in a bed for 10 years.  Could you endure?  What would you do?  As the question is presented, your mind answers.  But you cannot say for sure.  Your answer would arrive at the end of the 10 years.

Life as you now know it will end.  Plans you had together will not just deteriorate or be placed on hold, they will evaporate into nothing in the flash of a moment.  And you will become embroiled in a horrible test.

Should you be caught up in some stupidity and find yourself in jail for 20 years, what would you do?  Again, the answer comes at the end of 20 years.  What we say before the test is complete is but speculation.  It is not even to calculated guesstimate.  Proof alone can rightly answer.

We know what is right.  We know what the word valor means.  We know the meaning of weakness and strength.  But we do not know of what we are made until we are tested.

No man can fully be called faithful to Christ until he arrives before the Holy One; this place of testing left behind forever.  Until then we fall on our knees and beg for mercy that we may endure everyday.  To consider yourself a faithful Christian now is to prepare a room for pride.

Who knows what tomorrow brings?  Who knows what will happen before the sun sets?  What we are is what we have done.  The sum of our history is a test.  As you look at what you have done, who are you?  We are living answers.

Closed covers - 2014-05-20 11:07

The words of the Bible are powerful and true.  They are living words that are able to lead you to the living God in Christ Jesus.  But their power is nullified if the covers of the book remain closed.

The power - 2014-05-20 11:42

The world says, "We are many.  There is nothing we cannot accomplish."  The church has heard them say this.  Mistakenly, they have taken these words to them themselves.  Instead of relying on the power of God, they have turned to the strength of numbers.  And the work of Christ has suffered horrible loss.

The church has failed to learn or remember that the kingdom of God is not to be quantified.  The kingdom of God is the power of Christ in His Holy Spirit.  And the strength of righteousness is manifested in every believer.  God does not look for numbers.  He looks for faith and faithfulness.

How many times has God done wonderous things through one man?  All the while, in that man's time, there were hundreds and thousands of believers.  With a few, God has crushed vast numbers of enemy.

How is it we have not learned?  When the world makes boasts, their words are not for the church.  Yet, even now, Psychology, sociology, politics and various other sinful teachings have crept in among us.  Why do we make the same mistakes in every generation?

A righteous man - 2014-05-20 12:49

A man is not righteous because he does right things.  Is righteous because he himself is righteousness.

The good deeds are his children.  They are not his identity.

He has become a righteous man because righteousness is what he has desired most of all.  He has appealed to God through Christ.  And he has received that for which he has asked. 

Such a man has stopped doing and has become.

A New Day in Christ | God >i
(2014-05-20 21:28:53)

[…] A righteous man […]

What's the odds - 2014-05-26 16:31

If you think about it there's probably less than 100 million devoted Christians in America.  Yet there's over 300 million people in the population. 

100 million may think they are saved.  God alone knows.  But what of the other 200 million?

If the Lord has not written your name in his book of life you will die.  How many then live their life on Earth without consideration of eternity?  The odds are you're one of them.

I'm not casting aspersions.  I'm doing the math.   Think eternity.

The stingy apple tree - 2014-05-26 20:20

If you walk up to an apple tree, do you have to tell the tree you're hungry?  And if you tell the tree you're hungry, do you have to tell him a long story about why you're hungry?

Isn't it true that your simple approach is sufficient?  And as your hand grasps the Apple and pulls it loose, do you have to say "thank you" to the tree?  No one has ever heard an apple tree complain when an apple is picked.

Does the tree look to see you coming?  Does it judge you by what it sees?  As you reach for the Apple does it withdraw the limb?

Does the tree tell you "No!", then give you some lame excuse as to why?  Perhaps it might tell you it gives its' fruit somewhere else.  So you say to the tree, "Can I just have a partly rotten apple?"  The tree just shakes its leaves and turns away.

If we, who are in Christ, are not prepared in season and out of season to give the fruit of God's generosity, we will likely stammer about like the stingy apple tree.  And we should consider that we may be in danger as was the fig tree.  " May you never bear fruit again."

The spike of peace - 2014-05-27 07:55

Our life can be considered as traveling upon a flat line.  What lay to the left is yet to come.  What lay to the right is written and sealed.  But the spike upon the line is the "now".

What is to come is not.  What lays behind is done.  Only the moment should be of any serious consideration.  The faith of the future and the faith of the past squeeze together and cause us to be.

There is peace in the faith of what is to come.  For he who promises cannot lie.  There is peace in the faith of what is behind.  For the mercy of God in Christ covers us with beautiful righteousness.

So it is right to say as follows:

"I have peace regarding what comes for God is faithful and supplies.  I have peace regarding what has been for God is faithful to forgive."

How then should we live in any anxiety?  The promises are sure.  Strength to sustain us is present.  And he has shed His Holy Blood as proof of our forgiveness. (Not only so, but he who believes in the forgiveness of Christ also gains a clean conscience)   How then shall we walk in anxiety?

This should be the aim and desire of every man and woman in Christ.  God has caused things to be in this way, so that his Glory maybe known for eternity. 

But if we live in dreams, desire, greed and anxiety about the future, how does that bring glory to God?  And if we quake and shake and cry and moan for the wicked things we've done, how does this bring glory to the Holy blood of Christ?

But if we live in peace, understanding, knowledge of truth, and trust, then we live in the place that God has desired for all men to live. Then a man lives in eternity. Then he is prepared to receive the good things God desires to give. Then the man becomes.

Practice trust.  The righteousness of God covers us.  And we know that his righteousness is Holy true.

Stupid - 2014-05-27 09:45

I have often been told that the way I perceive the world is different.  I'm not talking about my Christian perspectives.  People try to put it nicely but in the end they simply say, "You're just a little different."

I've been told that I go about tasks from an entirely different direction.  I make so many mistakes that I wonder why I try to accomplish anything at all.  Futility and Murphy's Law seem to be my best friends.  And I am not overstating.

That is the nature of my life.  I am not complaining, nor am I looking for sympathy.  What possible good with either of those accomplish?  I could complain, but I'd still be stupid. You could feel sorry for me, but that won't make me smart.  I spoke of these things for a purpose.

Though I am an oddball, I am certainly not alone.  God made cherries, grapes, peaches, apples, bananas, Kiwi and the like.  They are not all the same.  But their purpose is to be consumed.

He has allowed that man should be the same; richly diverse in wisdom, knowledge and ability.  Yet the purpose of every man is to be consumed by the things of God and for His Glory.

How should a man complain to God, "Why have you made me like this"?  Should a grape complain because it hangs on the grapevine?  Should the unintelligent sheep desire to be a fox?  Perhaps the oak should wish to retain its leaves in winter.  How is it man is the only creature who desires to be something else?

Are you smart?  Good for you.  Then by all means be smart.  You couldn't be stupid if you tried.  Are you stupid?  Then by all means be stupid.  You couldn't be smart if you tried.  Do you crave responsibility?  Then take it upon yourself, and do well.  Do expectations terrify you?  Simply make sure people know you can't be trusted.

But let every man learn to be at peace with what God has allowed him to become.  What good is greed, envy or judgemental hatred?  Take pride in God, for he has determined that you should be as you find yourself.

There is wisdom that God will give, free and without judgement.  The smart man needs it.  The stupid man needs it.  The average man needs it.  For it will guide each man into all good things.

But let every man put away comparison.  Let every man learn, by the wisdom of God, to be at peace with what he is.  And find some mercy within you to embrace the stupidity of others.  (or as is "PC",  "Their curious lack.")

P. S.
If I have offended someone by the use of the word stupid, I allow that you should consider the source.  I readily confess, I am stupid.  I have a right to speak of such things.

Human robots - 2014-05-28 22:30

To have our activities repressed is not a sign of righteousness.  Just because your sinful nature obeys your command in the Lord, it does not mean your sinful nature will be saved.

The same may well be true of the soul.  Just because you do what you are told, though you would constantly rather do otherwise, does not necessarily mean you will be saved.  That kind of obedience to the Lord's desire borders on false religion.

The Lord desires fellowship.  He is not keenly interested in creating human robots.  We not only learn to do what is right, it is also good to learn to love and desire righteousness.

In such a man, the Lord easily finds fellowship.  For he himself was praised for hating wickedness and loving. righteousness.

The pit - 2014-05-29 09:29

I saw something this morning that I will not have words to describe.  What I saw is what I am.  What I saw is the sinful nature.  What I saw is what all men are without the Lord's mercy.

My first coherent thought, upon waking, was of how wicked and ugly I have been.  How solidly hard my heart has been.  I am not saying it is so now, for if it was I would not have seen what I saw.  I saw the man I was. 

I saw how hatred consumed me.  I saw how I trusted the wisdom of men and found myself utterly wicked.   In my youth I looked to man that I may grow and become a man.  But they could teach me nothing more than what I already had as a fool of a boy.

They said, "The beauty of this world is worthy of praise and desire.  And the best beauty of this world is woman."  They told me to gain what is best and beautiful.  The best however could only be gained in my weak, futile, wicked and twisted mind.  But that to them was sufficient wisdom.

All the while they praised this form of wisdom, they despised me for holding it.  And this was the beginning of true wisdom for me.  As in all other things, men will say they love you only to show they hate you thoroughly.  So with their mouth and their media they show you beautiful things only to despise you inwardly.  My friend, they don't even want your money.  They only hate and despise anything that is not them.

There is no beauty in this wicked place of testing.  Those who put their hope in this place, and the things that belong to it, will find themselves empty.  They will think they have.  They will think they own what is good.  But when the understanding of God comes near they will see themselves are.

This is what I saw when I woke this morning.  I was caused to look inward on my body and see a dark cave; seeping with every wicked thing.  Hopelessly uncleanable.  No sooner is the nature of man cleaned but it seeps more putrid wickedness.

The man who thinks he can save himself is unspeakably fooled by a lie.  With what will you reach to approach the Most High God?  What righteousness will you present that is acceptable to the Holy One?  How can what is unclean present anything clean?  What complete folly resides in the heart of man!  And folly above folly, man thinks he is clean!

It is impossible for me to paint a more clear picture.  I am blessed to have seen it, despite the tears.  It is the mercy of God to have shown me now.  It is his tender compassion to teach what is true.

God alone is good.  He has sent His Holy One for our redemption.  Yet he was not sent simply for the sake of man.  He was sent that God may glorify him.  And those his blood redeems are a gift to his eternal and Holy kingdom.

Jesus appear before us to testify of his Father.  He came among the wicked to testify of righteousness.  He alone is what is good for us, for, without him, there is no good within us. 

The man who would balk at this is full of wicked hatred.  He does not perceive the stench of his way.  And unless a man appeals to God in the name of Christ Jesus, he will find no welcome in the kingdom of heaven.

Utterly and eternally the wickedness of man will be sealed on the day of judgement.  Those who trust in the wisdom of man will find themselves horribly crushed.

Perhaps you think I am judging you.  With my confession of my own wickedness, how could that possibly be?  I testify of Jesus.  I testify to the righteousness of God the Father.  And I testify, in truth, to the wickedness of man.

Those who think this message is a judgment against them, are full of vile things.  If there is wisdom within you to be had, consider how you hate this message.  Let that be a sign to you of what is to come.  If you cannot stand the message of a man, with these words, how will you endure them when they come from the lips of the Holy One?

I place these words here on WordPress.  I have thought them through and have been is careful as I can.  If I were to speak with you face to face I may well have missed many things.  But here it is written that all men may I understand.

How I desire that this message reach millions.  But I am not fooled by the fact of obscurity.  There are thousands of others who write all manner of things all day long.  And though this post is priceless, it will sit in the garbage heap of words.

Words gather together in this world as if a garbage dump.  They write about fashion, social grace, the beauties (so-called) of this world.  Yet a few testify of what is true.

These truth writers deposit gems in the dung heap of this world's wisdom; priceless treasures to be found by those who will be willing to sort through the trash.  I place this gem among them.  May God have mercy to direct your fingers as you tear through the stinking garbage to find something beautiful.

Please come eat and taste that the Lord is good.  Only then will you understand how sour and putrid are the things you eat now.  Your tongue is accustomed to waste.  You read what is rotten and the kid sweet. All the while the taste of truth your sour and unpalatable.  You die even as you live.  But God is willing to give you life.

Waiting to receive your angel wings when you die is part of the folly of this world's greatest lie.  The Lord Jesus has come and sacrificed so that we may have the kingdom of heaven here.  We need not wait. 

He will purify the putrid place of your soul.  He will teach you to love what is good.  He will teach you to abhor the flesh and the wisdom of man.  He will teach you  to detest yourself.  (So much for the teachings of self-esteem) He will teach you to become and overcome.  He will stand with you, within you, and before you, as you are forcibly presented to the Most High God.

I am not permitted to say more.  For even when Jesus was among us, he spoke to the people in parables.  So I have done here. 

Dear friend, if you understood the things of God, while you live in wickedness, you would die.  You cannot fulfill the demands of the Holy Lord of life by yourself.  The sinful nature is at war with God.  And if you will be saved you must be released from your own chains.

Therefore the things of Heaven are spoken in parables to those who do not believe.  Man is not given words that are true and pure.  We are allowed only to speak to men from a man.  And you will find that as you believe, it is revealed to you.  The fullness of wisdom is reserved for the place of fullness.

By His grace I have spoken.  By His grace alone, you will hear.  May the will of God be done forever!  Only God alone is true. Amen.

The lies of man - 2014-05-29 10:53

There is a yearning in heaven for the souls of men.  If this were not so do you think God would have allowed us to crucify his son? Do you say, "I was not there to crucified him! I would have done no such thing!" Really?

Who are you, that God should think so highly of you as to send his Son into your hands?  You are wicked beyond repair.  By yourself you are nothing but death; both death to yourself and to all else. In your nature selfishness consumes you.

I do not say this to shock you.  I do not say this to make you feel bad or to elevate myself.  I say this to starkly point out the truth.

I have examined myself, and that by His grace.  I find no beautiful thing that lives within me.  Without the Lord Jesus I am hideous and violent.  And you, my dear friend, are no different.

If a man is civil it is either because he has loved lies, or that God has had mercy on how he was raised.  There is not one shred of decency among men, except that God has placed it there.  Left to our own we would devour one another into oblivion. Let me expose the truth with an example that most will find offensive.

In my younger years I lived on the Prairie in Montana.  For a price a farmer would allow you into his field.  But it was not a price you paid.  Rather it was a price paid to you.

I forget the exact amount.  But a farmer would pay you a small price for every tail of a gopher (prairie dog to those who know) you could bring back to him.

The animals would destroy precious farm ground.  They are exceedingly plentiful.  And a horrible nuisance to he who would profit from the land.

So we would take our little 22's and go out.  The sport was to see how far away you could be and still make the kill.  A scope was an essential to the game.

I played this game long before I knew about Jesus.  I do not say this to justify myself.  But I say this for what comes next, that you may understand what I wrote first.

What I have witnessed in human nature I witnessed at the killing of Gophers.  Do you think you are sweet and lovely?  There is not one shred of love in you but that God has placed it there. Please allow this example to show you you are not lovely in yourself.

From a hundred yards or more we would take aim.  Through our scope we could see the dust fly up. By that we refine our aim.  The Gophers just sat there and watched with mute curiosity.

Finally a tiny piece of lead found its mark.  One down, more to go.

( If you are not a student of human nature, the following is not for your eyes to consume.  But if your soul is strong, and you are hungry for the truth, I will teach you something valuable.)

At 100 yards a man's aim must be good.  Accuracy 150 yards is rare.  So we would challenge one another with distance.  The Gopher was our enemy.  The Gopher meant bounty.

Shot by shot we focused in.  Finally, a strike!  A kill!  A bounty!  But where there is one there is fifty.  Patience.

We learned to wait.  They will come at the smell of blood. 

They will sniff around; look, listen.  They are not concerned with their dead relative.  But in amazement I watched, learning what I would later call the "Gopher syndrome" in humanity.

They appeared from the hole to see what had happened.  The smell and sight made no impact.  But let one be wounded and thrash about, and frenzy consumed the mass.

The Gophers have no compassion.  They are full of hatred for the weak.  With a chirp he calls his buddies.  And with frenzy, they devour the one wounded.

They have absolutely no compassion.  They do not care about the dead.  They care only to kill the weak.  And God has left them as a sign.

Look at man. (If I could yell in text, it would happen here!)  Look at men!  Look!  See how selfish and hungry for hatred he is.  Do you think he is beautiful?  Then add to his plight folly.

Man is wicked to the core, and hopeless in his plight.  But for the grace of God we would be as those Gophers.  Did not for Nazis show us this is true.

Don't we witness violence in rush hour?  Isn't the workplace made to do harm to your way?  Promotion is made on the backs of many.  And we consider it a privilege and honor. Indeed, add folly to our plight! Aren't families played with hatred for one another? And because of a lack of God in the house doesn't America lean towards destruction?

But that God should leave a remnant among us we would be as evil as those animals are to their weak.  we would have destroyed one another a long time ago. The heart of man is desperately wicked and helpless, hopeless, beyond repair.

I have written this to show the need for redemption. I have written this to expose the shame of man. There is an answer to our helpless state. And God has allowed me to write extensively in this regard.

But let man first come to understanding of how wicked and helpless he is. Only then is the beauty of Christ reveal.

Will you agree?   Likely not.  The lie of man's beauty was proclaimed long before you were born.  And it is only by the Spirit of God that we understand.

I know that what I have written here its distasteful to the majority.  They will write me off and give me no room to answer.  They will treat me as if I am one of the wounded on the top of the hole.  They will devour me with obscurity.  perhaps they will devour me with far more violence.

I call attention to the filth of men.  I call attention to the glory of God.  I call attention to the beauty of his Christ!  And for this these words will be hated.

Who's your daddy - 2014-05-30 08:07

In the year 1888, written at Town-end, Grasmere, William Wordsworth wrote a poem entitled  "My heart leaps up when I behold".

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
              Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.

He speaks of the reverence of a child; the wonder and amazement that comes naturally.  It does not have to be remembered, provoked, or stimulated.  It is not contrived my media.  And such a child needs no help to be awestruck.

Of such is the kingdom of heaven.  For the Spirit of God in the Lord's people speaks of wondrous things.

Many who call themselves Christians lack this sense of wonder.  And the following is the reason why.

The child is the father to the man.
He remembers the humiliation of ignorance among the people of expectation and intelligence.
The man senses the difficulty within him but cannot explain why.
He has forgotten forgiveness.

He once heard and understood.  He was glad to receive the gift of God.  But the things of this world; the concerns of the flesh, have caused him to put it away.

Neatly stored in the place of future, forgiveness is something to come.  It no longer finds use in the toil of the day.  The work of his hands replaces his play.

All the while he wonders.  "Why do I find no joy?"  Anxiety reaches deep into his heart, and replaces a child's dearest toy.

With hopeless abandon the child sits alone.  And whispers a low lonesome song. 

"Am I now dead that you no longer look to see if I am sad?  I see beauty about me and want to reach out, but you stifle me, dear old dad.

But I will continue to whisper to you the things that once were true.  The things that took shape in making the man that has become poor old you."

If you will not be a child, then you leave but one possibility.  You will be a man; accountable for all his sins.  All the while the child whispers, ignored by this world's demands. 

Belief is freedom.  Unbelief is a heavy chain.  If you would be free, then remember the child you were.

"Danger Will Robinson!" - 2014-05-30 09:28

I do not trust the rattlesnake.
He is not friend to me.
Just for spite my life he'll take.
So I prefer to let him be.

My house is mine and his is his.

With death we cross the threshold.
We both shall keep what power is.
With swiftess strike and strength untold.

In his house my blood is his.

What will be the remedy?
To stay my feet from his filthy floor;
Bar and lock my purified door.

But what is this, I see brothers do?

They do not take note with fear.
But go to the place where death awaits;
Not caring what they held dear.

2014 - 06

Panic Polly - 2014-06-02 16:12

Who was Polly that they should associate her name with such a horrible condition?  She certainly must have been one nervous individual.  I doubt you would have had trouble pointing her out in a crowd.

Are you one of those who worry about everything all the time?  Can you name one miracle that you have brought about by worrying?  Likely not.

More than likely, the only thing your worry has established is some sort of illness; fibromyalgia, ulcers, nerve bumps, hair loss, constant anger, some kind of drug addiction, and the like.

You learned to ride a bicycle; sometime after you had learned to walk, of course.  You learn to read, or you wouldn't have a clue what I'm saying.  Overtime you built a fair vocabulary.  You learned some social graces (Even if the only place they are acceptable is some sleazy bar.)

If you learned all that, then you can learn to stop worrying.  Especially if you begin to believe the gospel of Jesus, the Holy Son of God.

The gospel is important to everyone, for it is the key to eternal life.  But not just so we can float on a cloud in play a harp.  The gospel is important for the sake of righteous living, in eternity and now.

By the gospel my conscience is clean.  Not that I am without sin.  But his forgiveness is real enough to make a drastic difference in those who believe; they experience a peace they can't define, they're not easily rattled by danger, and they usually sleep pretty good.

By the gospel I am taught.  Not only do I learn what God expects, but the Holy Spirit reminds me moment by moment.  By this I have an opportunity to do what is right all day long.

By the gospel I am told that God will take care of me.  So as I find myself able to believe, I find worry and anxiety dissipate rather quickly.  It is impossible for God to lie.  And he sealed his promise with his Son's Holy Blood.  I'm thinking I'm standing on pretty firm ground when I believe he'll take care of me.

And most importantly, by the gospel I know I will have confidence before the Holy One when I leave this place.  Now some folks might not put that together.  So for the sake of the few I will explain.

If you wear anxiety like a warm coat in the winter now, what do you think you will do when you stand before his blazing glory without the confidence of faith?   How will you believe your sins are forgiven?  How will you be sure your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life?

Believe in the gospel and you will find yourself living at peace.  Choose to remain in disbelief, and you choose to live with in the negative consequences of anxiety.  And by that you are threatened to bare those consequences for eternity.

I do hope this has been helpful to at least one if not a few.

The word "efficacy" is often used in medicine.  By that word doctors, define the power of a medicine or procedure to do what it's supposed to do.  I tell you that the efficacy of Christ Jesus and His gospel are perfectly powerful.

(2014-06-02 16:18:35)

Jesus is indeed all powerful and if we have faith we can move mountains. Wonderful read. Please feel free to share your inspiration at Godinterest. God Bless Your Ministry.

(2014-06-02 16:47:55)

Thank you for the encouraging note. I will look into God interest soon.

The spark of life - 2014-06-03 00:20

Blood for the heart and thoughts for the mind, the soul is the essence of man. The soul is captive in the body with millions of silver light chords. What God has done in the making of man is unspeakably wonderous and great.

Yet break a few of the cords and the soul becomes untethered. Life within perception ceases. And the realm of man is shattered. The soul is tethered to flowing blood and the gell which is the brain. Who can fathom the mystery of life?

Let the blood stop flowing, or render a sufficient bump on the head and the essence evaporates from our perception. We would say, "The man is dead." but we speak from fleshly eyes. For what cannot be seen is that which does not die.

The body remains among us. And even the most foolish will treat it with some measure of respect. But where is the soul? Where is the spark that once animated what now rots? Death leaves an empty tent. And the dweller has gone to his rightful place.

The simple man knows without having to be told, the soul has gone where it belongs. But the "wise" among us even doubt the soul exists. For the "wise" deny God.

With exceedingly weak words, the man of his own wisdom says, "The dead man has become memory and lives with us forever." What a foolish thing to say for men who cannot remember what they did yesterday. And we will not add the things you did not know about the man who is now dead. How can the fragile memory of man cause the man to live forever? Hopeless, thoughtless and unholy are the thoughts of man without God.

I have entertained the words of those who are "wise"; those who perceive with fleshly eyes. I found them to be false and void of understanding. But to challenge their words in their face I also found to be useless. Their strength is their pride, and it is foolish to challenge. They will testify, "I am right, you are wrong."

But I will challenge you here, you man of blood and skin. What the Lord has to say lay between us and through me. May he have mercy on you, that you will consider with sobriety. For you are drunk with the things of this world. Your eyes are fuzzy with dilution. You may define the word holiness, as men have defined it. But you know nothing more than that.

If there is no God. If flesh is the truth of all. If the sum of life is to gain what can be held by the perishing fingers of Man. Then explain to me the nature of death, if indeed you can.

Where is the spark of life when a body lay limp and lifeless? If all the things you hold so dear are true and irrevocable, why do they not dissipate with the life of the body? As if all the things a man has owned disappear to be with him forever. Even now the articles of those who believed such things are dug up and sold for money.

The folly of the question is evident. But those who deny God have not even asked.

You said you know. You proclaim that those who believe in God are foolish. Then "Wiseman", answer me.

Where is the spark of life when a man lay dead? Has it gone someplace? Has it traveled some distance away? Travel takes time. So how long did it take for the soul to travel to its rightful place?

I say you are wrong. And I say those words with definitive strength. For I have the testimony of God Himself within me. Newness of life has come upon me that I did not know nor ask for. Understanding appears where once there was nothing but void.

You say there is no God. But you cannot answer the slightest of question. Where is your foundation for your feet as you stand to make that unholy accusation?

I will tell you what I know. And I will tell you I am ashamed of my lack. For I too am of flesh. And what I know cannot be perceived by skin. Though He has given sufficient to answer you.

You stand on ground you did not create. With air that is given, you fill your lungs. Your created mind conjures words. And with the glory of God's creation you make them take life; only to live as death themselves.

You miss the most important things. For in him you live and move and have your being. Yet you proudly deny he is. You testify before him that you are foolish. I only point it out because you cannot see it. But folly is of itself. You are proud as if you know something. Perhaps it is time someone got in your way.

The essence of life, the eternal soul, goes to be with he who made it. It does not take time for the soul to travel any distance. For in him we live and move and have our being. Even your unholy words have reached him, for the were spoken with in him.

To you, the rules of this place are all that is. But this unholy place has blinded your eyes. And you do not perceive the light. As long as pride is your strength you will see nothing, and that in darkness. Humility sees far farther. For humility receives the mercy of God.

The flesh is for dirt. The soul is for Spirit. Neither to return to this place again. Men even testify to their destructive nature, for they bury what rots I lest it taint what regenerates.

If I spoke to you about these things without riddle, you would not understand. And you would not strive to ask. So I make no apologies for the cloak on these words. These words are not faultless, but they speak of he who is.

You have testified as if you know. I testify from what He has given. There is a chasm fixed between us. I will no longer cross over to you. But I urge you, with all sincerity, cross over to Him.

Describing vs How - 2014-06-04 07:38

The bush limbs grow.  What man can say how?  There is a stick in the dirt.  That one only rots away.  But the one from which it was broken off grows longer and taller and thicker.  Buds appear, then the bloom.  Finally it is a joy to behold.  All in due time life appears.

Men may describe the phenomenon.  But no man knows how it is done.  And, despite the claim of science, it cannot be replicated by men.

God is life and generously gives to all, both in heaven and on earth.  No one lives who can search the deepest of God's thoughts or intent; neither in heaven nor on earth.  Even the Holy Son of God admits some things are things that are in the hands of His Father alone.

What folly then does man possess that causes him to believe he knows?  Judge for yourself.  Which is better: to assume we do not need God's salvation, or to humbly accept that he is all and singularly able to save?

Shall a man and say, "I have sinned therefore I am unworthy to go to God in prayer."  Or should he rather except that God is the only source of repair?

The man of humble understanding will let God be God.  The man who is ruled by pride will choose salvation or destruction for himself.

Regardless a man's choosing God remains God.  The man of pride does not steal from God's glory.  But he robs God of the right to give.

I write these words.  They are true and life.  Those who accept such things will say, "Amen".  Those who do not we'll seal their own fate.

Salvation is like the bush.  Men may be able to describe holiness as it appears.  But not a single one can say how.

The cost of righteousness - 2014-06-04 08:15

On the news this morning they said that they would no longer be able to help against bullying.  Funding for the program has been cut off.  Now the children of that school district will be at the mercy of the young children who love evil.

Are you kidding me?  Money is the source of righteous behavior?  We need money to restrain the evil children among us?  But isn't this what they are saying?  I am astounded at the blindness of America!

What cost is there to speak of what is true, boldly, defiantly, and timely?  What cost is there to refuse service to parents who will not control their children?  In fact we could save money if we went after righteous training properly.

But man considers himself God if he has money to spend.  Take away his money and he is helpless to do what is right!  This is what they are saying!  (I yelled)

The cost of righteous behavior is nothing more than humility.  But punishments are taken away from evil doers .  Psychology is used instead of God's Holy Word.  And proudly, man stands and says, "I have achieved godhood!  I rule over all people.  By my discretion they live or die.  For I am the keeper of the cookie jar!"

Take away your money and you are a pathetic lump of flesh.  For you trust in the riches of this world, and give no glory to the Righteous One.

But what sickens me more than your pathetic strength, is how the people agree that you are right.  Those who sin, those who teach sin, and those who say Amen to the sinful teachers, will receive the same reward; both in this life and the age to come!

I would urge America to wake up.  You sleep a sleep toward death.  By your own willful ignorance you raise an enemy in your own house.  And you will reap the crop you have planted.

How I wish it were different.  It was not this way when I was young.  But "wish" is the proper word.  For you have made your choice and you will not turn.

So be it!  Even now the judgment of God builds against such things of man.  The wise will perceive.  The proud will spit in the face of the Holy Righteous God, even on the very day when they are judged.

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