Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”

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Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”

40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”

41 Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains."

How does the "giving" of man, to one another, compare?  The Holy One of God offers the gift of Life.  Will you stash it under green boughs? Will you wrap it in flammable paper?  Will you place the names of the dead within the labels?

What man gives rots, even as he prepares it to be received with joy.  But what God, in Christ Jesus, gives is a growing body of life; pure Light of Holy Life.

Will you pray with humility of soul, at the opening of each gift today?  Will you strive to give proper place to the Holy Gift of God?  Eye entrancing beauty adorns the gifts of men.  But the precious Holy Blood of the Son of God adorns the eternal offer.
(Picture found at: http://gardenofpraise.com/bibcolor.htm)

God's Presence - 2014-12-26 06:56

One day, when I was in college, I was called in to a certain teacher's office.  Another teacher came to sit with us two.  A question was asked.  I don't remember the exact phrasing, but it sort of went like this: "What makes you think that God appears to men today?"

I was relatively young in Christ.  And I don't remember my response.  But in retrospect, I am still amazed that these two should ask such a thing.

It was a Bible College!  It was a popular Christian College on the west coast.  Yet there were two teachers there who did not believe in the living presence of the Living God.

I was stunned by the question, I do remember that.  I was angered that such people, in such a position of ability, should even dare to challenge one of their students with such a foolish and unbelieving question.

I could not give powerful answer on that day, I do remember feeling rather weak before their "mighty" minds.  And I do remember how I relegated their teachings to "small" after that day.  I had doubted their power in Christ before that.  That doubt only grew from then on.

But doesn't the question remain?  And isn't it asked by far more than two unbelieving teachers in a Bible College?  There are millions of "Christians" who have wrestled with this very question in their heart for years.

The answer does not appear in physical proof.  It comes to us by faith.  Yet, I can testify that the power of the Living God does rest upon those who believe.

We hear the Word.  We believe the word.  And as we apply that belief to our life, the Living God moves in.  The more we turn to that belief, as our singular power to live each moment, the stronger is the presence of God.

The answer to their question is something like this:  "If God is not willing to reside within His people, then everything you stand for is a blazing lie.  Everything you've taught is worthless trash.  Therefore, your position, title, and all the money you make here, is stolen."

I wish I had said that.  I wish I had sealed my lips after speaking it, got up from my chair, and left them to ponder.

How to Escape Condemnation by God. - 2014-12-26 07:10

The Hungry Sea Creature - 2014-12-26 07:39

I woke from sleep this morning, from a dream that most would call a nightmare.  A sea creature had taken to land.  It was a creature who had a taste for man.

I was perched on a narrow outcropping of rocks above the surf.  He was perched along a slightly lower place. With confidence, I challenged his right to hunger for the likes of me.

But, to my horrible surprise, he was able to reach toward where my feet stood.  I was in no fear of being caught.  But as he reached, the rocks beneath me began to loosen and fall into the sea, one by one.

"No need to remain in bed", I thought.  So I got up to start the day.  It has taken two hours for this dream to find meaning.  But the meaning is more threatening than the dream.

The world moves from one moment to another.  What is past is like those rocks which were falling into the sea.  The foundation that saved me from becoming food, was a place I should not have been. Was I where I should be?  Hadn't I remained too long in a place that was no longer useful?  If I had moved on from there, I would never had seen that creature.  I would not have been vulnerable.  I would never had known what follows.

God leads His people from place to place.  He is always drawing us nearer to His intended goal.  What we can be, in His Holy Power, lay before us.  What we were standing on, becomes a crumbling foundation.  The past is not a firm place to live. Security belongs to today.

The Living God's protection applies to the moment.  It does not rest in the future, as some believe in the Gospel.  It does not reside in the past, as many waste away their lives in regret or accolade.  He is the NOW.  Remember, His Holy Name is "I AM".

The Rising Din - 2014-12-27 06:20

Every man who ever lived has heard the murmur of noise.  It is like a quiet hum in the ears of our souls.   If you listen, you'll hear it even now.

Activity in Heaven is the cause of the noise.  A sustaining of all the vastness of that Holy space.  All the preparing for those who are coming to love the Living God's Christ.

Holy weapons of love for the Living God's Christ have kept their place within the very essence of each creature who abides in Heaven.  The hum of truth from their activity reaches even to the depths of this unholy mob of creatures here.  If you listen, you'll hear it even now.

What is the vastness of Heaven?  The answer is, "Endless volume of Life".  But I will open a secret.  I will expose what has remained promised since the day of Adam and Eve.

A moment approaches.  Even now, as each letter is laid in its proper place, that moment draws closer.  Let your soul's ears hear the impact of this revealing.  Draw close to listen, as one might, as friends gathered around the camp fire to hear the ending of a stimulating story.

That moment will come when the Holy Father speaks "the Ending" to His Holy Son.  Without a moment's hesitation, the Holy Son will move to seal this place of testing forever.

And here is the impact of that revealing moment:

Every Holy Creature, which lives in the vastness of Heaven, will fix his Holy eyes on earth.  Countless billions of creatures will turn from their holy work, to work toward the end of this unholy place.  The entirety of Heaven will focus on this place of abhorrent wickedness.

Are men afraid of a mob, which comes against them to tear them apart?  Enough fear of such things rises to loose the bowels.  How much fear will rise up within every soul, when the Holy Mob of Heaven turns its attention to the annihilation of this unholy place.

For now, men live as if in secret.  As though every thing they do and desire are removed from the attention of the Living God.  As though no creature has any interest in men's doings.  Blind!  Such understanding is utter blindness!   Attention is simply waiting to be unleashed.

Give these things what thought you might.  The Holy moment of attention will come!  It will happen, for the Living God cannot lie.

Seek the Gospel of Christ Jesus.  In that Gospel alone, does peace toward that moment exist.

Arrival - 2014-12-27 07:19

Morning comes.

Despite the desire of drunkenness, daylight arrives.

Sleep ends.

Despite the depression of soul, waking dawns.

Sobriety dawns.

Despite the obsession with sin, Souls awake.

Judgment explodes.

Despite the secrets of man, Accounting yells.

Who was ready?

Who was prepared?

Who saw it coming?

Who shouts with joy?

Whose mouth is opened despite his will to keep it shut?

True Pleasure - 2014-12-28 10:20

If sadness does not accompany us on our waking.  If what is first in our desire, is to be full of joy and laugh.  If we find we can look back at our past with great pride.  If there is no fear within us for the things we love to do.  I submit to every man (Christian or not) , that such a life may not have the Living God within it at all. 

(By using the phrase "may not have", I mean the odds are 99:1.  For those of you who know nothing about gambling or other games of chance, such odds are not even worth playing.  What sane person loves to play a game he knows he can never win?)

What is pleasurable in the flesh, stands at odds with the desire of the Living God.  There is a joy in the Holy Spirit.  But it is not like the joy of man.  Man is full of joy at what he has.  The Christian is full of joy in The Promise.

There is a history in every Christian that is worthy of peaceful contemplation.  But the world would not recognize it as peaceful.  The world would perceive such a life as a desperate insanity.  For the Christian finds that not one single thought of his own was worthy of thinking.  The Christian's only moments of sanity, are those places where he obeyed. (And this in direct conflict with the desires of his body)

The Christian may carry a great pride, but it is not for the things he is, nor the things he does or has done.  The Christian's pride is exclusively in the Lord who has purchased him.  Thus the vibrant testimony, which the world hates, thrives within the man of God.  The man of God will find it impossible to keep his mouth shut.

There is a trembling in fear the man of God owns.  But it is not a fear that restrains.  It is rather a fear that provokes.  It is the very engine of godliness.

The man of God will find that he loves to do the things the world hates.  He will also find that he is full of hatred for the things the world loves.  The people of the world are like a high maintenance woman; they must be entertained 24/7.  But the man of God is full of joy to do the simple things.

To those who stand outside Christianity, I testify that Christianity is not just another religion.  Christianity is always a becoming.  And to those who consider themselves Christians, yet find entertainment their highest priority, I suggest strongly that you reexamine your faith.

While the man of God lives on this earth, he is never at rest.  And the closer we get to the Living God in Christ Jesus, the more dynamic the separation appears.  The closer we get to Him, the less we are in turmoil.  But the journey is easily compared to a bloody and protracted war.  What man can endure such a life on his own?

You can have your life of joy, and peace, and pride.  I would much rather live the life of humiliation before the Living God.  I would rather own no righteousness, than to be full of self praise.

For when I find my own ways abhorrent, then I know I agree with eternal ways of the Holy and Loving God.  And this, my friends, is peace eternal.  This, my friends, is Christianity.

My brothers and sisters in Christ: Check the boxes.  Where has your faith agreed with these things?  Do you find yourself afraid to testify?  Are you fully absorbed in the things the world loves? 

How could you possibly be at peace in godly testimony?  Such a fear testifies that you agree with the world; "Jesus is an embarrassment to you".

You may think this is a very harsh statement.  But remember that Jesus was not ashamed of his Heavenly Father.  Even to the extreme humiliation of beating and death, he knew he was at war with the things of this world.

Every hero in the Christian faith has lived his life in a desperate war.  If you find yourself living a life of peaceful joy, as you pursue and mingle with those things of the world, how could you possibly be a disciple of Christ?

Any man can call himself anything he pleases.  But there is a line of demarcation.  God himself has drawn the line, in the bloody body of His Holy Son.  And there are far more who straddle that line than those who cross it.

I wrote this to describe the radical difference between Christianity and any other way of life.  But as I came to completion, I began to realize that Christianity has been so watered down that it is almost unrecognizable.

If you consider my last few words to be an attack, you are reading with the glasses of pride, proudly poised on your upturned nose.  The man of God takes instruction where he finds it.  He may not yet be humble, but he knows that is the desired place to live.

I am finished writing this post.  I realize it is not only an instruction, it is also a declaration of war.  So be it.

By His Grace

From Fear to Boldness - 2014-12-28 11:49

I just read the post of a person who is nearly beside themselves because they can't testify regarding Christ.  Limited circumstances are driving them to desperation.

What an amazing disparity between the timid who will not speak, and those who are consumed with the fire to speak.

In myself I found the following to be true.  As I sat in fear, no strength was given to testify.  But the moment my trembling legs took my mouth to a certain place, strength came.  Boldness is given to those who let their faith loose.  Those who bottle it up will be given nothing but sustenance.

What's this mean to you?  How can I know?  I know what it means to me, and to those tiny ones of Christ who rise to gargantuan proportion.

By His Grace

My flesh gets a Ripin - 2014-12-30 07:12

Everybody loves to see the bad guy get a whoopin.  Even a bold tongue lashing satisfies the itch for justice.  Isn't that how Hollywood makes most of their bucks?

I invite you to my personal altercation.   The setting is that imperceptible slice between soul and body.   It was held in that tiny room that no man can enter alone.

Every house has a room like this, but not very many people know where it is.  The people who are proud of their house would even deny that such a room can exist within their four walls.  Even immaculate places of men  have hideous secrets.


This isn't the first time I've sat you down for a talk.  It's not possible that this is the last time either.

I know these talks don't do you any good.  Cuz every time you nod, like you understand, I hear the loose screws rattle around.  Yeah, just like that.

But I just need to vent a little bit, and now's as good a time as any.

I don't mean this bad, but you are simply insane.  Nothing you want will ever come to you.  And you trash everything you do get.

Apparently you don't know anything about age.  You seem to think you're still 17 and single.  The only things you ever remember are all the good times you had while you were flatline stupid.

You always have some foolish suggestion when I look to do things right.  And I just get tired of listening to you babble.

You lust after everything.  Your strawberry isn't big enough, ripe enough or juicy enough.  There isn't a plate in our house big enough to satisfy your tiny belly.

If you do something and don't get caught, you think you're righteous.  If I could finish my time here without you, I'd throw you into a dungeon myself.

You used to carry me around every place you wanted to go.  But now I gotta drag your worthless legs every where.

The only bright side to this ungodly union, is that you don't have much time left.  Man oh man, will I be happy on the morning when you stop being able to open your greedy eyes!  Cuz that's the morning when I get a whole new set.

Well its been real nice talking to you.  Strangely enough, I do feel better.  I appreciate your silence for the last few minutes.  Even if I found it hard to bear your blank stare.

By His Grace

The First and Basic Truth - 2014-12-30 07:13

I am sorry for you, men of the world, for you willingly reject the authority of man in the things of God.  God Himself has chosen to speak through men.  But you cannot stand such a glorious authority.

You gladly give authority to other men for lesser things.  Frankly because you know you can tear these men down at will.

You can restrain the men you elevate, by the strength of popularity, financial subsistence, or even by death.  But any man sent by God Himself rises above your filthy hands.  And for this you despise such men.

I am sorry for you because you dismiss the possibility of eternal life.  All the while you elevate the liars and the hypocrites to the places of honor.  I am sorry for you, because you will continue to do this until these things are taken away from you.

I am sorry for you, because you do not know the beauty of the things you dispatch so willingly.  By this proud strength, you think you have freedom.  But this proud strength restrains you as slaves to unrighteousness.

I write this to the men who are of today.  But you are no different from the generations who have passed before you.

I do not say this to accuse you, but to expose what keeps you blind.

Every man gives account of his own life.  Do you desire freedom?  Do you desire eternal life?  Or do you find yourself content to live a life of slavery to everything that is false?

It is an easy thing to live in lies, for we are, by our nature, liars.  Even forced by the nature of things around us to live a great lie.

And we are lazy slugs.  Desiring peace and tranquility, we strain to retain our own wickedness.  Our soul knows, that if we are wicked, the Lord will be kept far away.  To our shame, we call this peace.

But our soul also knows that we will be caught up to Him, regardless our state of affairs.  Yet men prefer to live in ignorance.

The Lord has established His Holy way from forever.  But every man is born in this place of time and wickedness.  Before he learns to speak, man is taught the authority of pride.

Are you willing to learn the authority of humility?  Are you willing to entertain the Holy Fire of the truth of God?  Every man will certainly entertain it on that great day of judgement.  But the gospel has been sent to us that we might escape The Horrible Flame.

This Gospel has been handed from God to man once and for all, and this by the Holy wisdom of God; that he may test the heart of every man.

There is a question written in the fabric of creation, and every man can read it clearly.  "Will you humble yourself and seek the face of He who is Holy, Holy and Holy?  Or you will you retain the freedom to be proud?

You will gladly accept the authority given to a man by the schools of men; that machine of men which produces liars.  Plumbers, electricians, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, and every occupation of man, receives your respect.  Are you willing to listen to those who are the product of the eternal Holy Spirit of God?

You reject them because they are taught in a school which you are not allowed to control.  Wouldn't it make sense that such men are more reliable than those who are taught for the sake of financial gain or pride?

Are you willing to receive the painful transition from wickedness to righteousness, before the painful and horrible Day of God arrives?  Are you willing to entertain eternal truth?

The lies you currently embrace are death.  Are you even willing to embrace that first and basic truth?

By His Grace

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