Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

How convenient - 2014-10-21 22:43

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How convenient - 2014-10-21 22:43

You made fairy tales for the children to believe.  Fairy tales.  They are fairy tales, sir. Lies, if you will.

You convince them of the beauty of riches, elegance, princes and princesses, and happily ever afters.

Then when the crop of children grows old enough to harvest, that is to say when they can get money from their parents, you entice them to give you the money by offering them toys from the fairy tales.

How utterly convenient.  Who's bright entrepreneurial idea was this? 

Is there some way to justify this?  Is there some preventive means to avoid accusation?  Have you retained a lawyer in heaven to litigate for you before the Most High God?

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for of such is the kingdom of heaven."  And, "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

You teach them about Santa Claus.  But you reject the living God in Christ Jesus.  You teach them about witches but you never mention the Holy Spirit.  You teach them about war but you do not teach them about the peace of God.

I bring this subject to the table.  But I am not able  or willing to condemn you.  You taught me well when I was a child.  And so I taught my children.

But God will defend that which is his.  Woe to those to make a profit on innocence.

By His Grace

The Illegitimate Son - 2014-10-22 21:54

What does the world think of Jesus?  If you ask them, you may receive a relatively appropriate and coherent answer.  But if you watch what they do and listen to what they say, you will receive an entirely different response.

To the world, the Lord Jesus is like the ugly, illegitimate child who fell into wealth.  He is such a horror to the family of men that they use his name as a cuss word.  But let a need arise, and they have no shame to go knock on his door.

The way he lived his life is so hideous, that neither he nor followers are welcome at joyous occasions.  And if the name of this illegitimate son is mentioned with affection, the speaker is considered less than sane.

But don't assume the world has no compassion.  They will often display the book he wrote, as a mother may place a child's finger painting on the refrigerator door.

He is much like the child of embarrassment.  They will celebrate his birth and death, but they will give no heed to his life.  He was born in the family of men.  But they would really rather just forget about him.

It is actually quite comfortable to men to think that this son is the Son of God.  Better he be loved by God than welcome in society.  "Let's leave him in heaven, he has no place on earth."

As for being an illegitimate child, no one can say how this happened.  For at the time of his conceiving, there was no union between God and man.  "It is better",  they say,  "to simply avoid the entire subject."

By His Grace

Losing the War - 2014-10-23 11:02

I have made complaint, over and over, as to how the world is plummeting to destruction.  I have said, over and over, it is because they denied the truth of the living God among them.  But this morning, understanding comes, as to the mechanics of this plummeting to destruction.

No doubt this subject requires a rather lengthy book.  But I am forced by the willing restraint of the reader to keep it short.  Keeping it short however, will mean a loss of important trains of thought.  So I will leave it to the reader to fill in the blanks.


I do as my daddy taught me.  His teaching is like a shadow lurking in my mind.  I listened to him speak.  I watched him act.  I gathered the trains of thought in his mind and made them my own.  So also, was the influence of my mother. 

To some extent, their example remains within me.  No matter how I try to shake it with the truth of God, I cannot completely undo their influence.

This is true of every man and woman.  The better the example of truth, the more readily truth is received when we mature. 

But let us now look to the larger scale of things.  Adam and Eve could have told us what perfection was like.  Not so our parents.  And if the destruction of truth was made apparent in Cain, their son, how much more so is it today?

On and on, through the generations to now, the truth has been obscured and forsaken.  If perfection was squandered within one generation how much more so now?

The miracle of change is not the destruction of society.  (The constant pulling away from what is real) The miracle is that truth even remains at all.   The miracle is that the human race is not destroyed already.

What has prevented complete and catastrophic failure in humanity?  The power of God has restrained destruction among us.  As it is written, "Unless the LORD Almighty had left us some survivors, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah." (Isaiah 1:9)

The world speaks of truth as it applies to society at the moment.  But God has raised up men and women who know the truth according to Eternity.  They have lived among us and taught what they knew.  Those whom God inspired, listened to them and did likewise.

If we want to know why we continue to fail, it is because of the unseen shadow of lies we were taught as children.  Add to that, our natural proclivity toward rebelion, and destruction will run rampant in our streets.

To whatever degree we find ourselves willing to obey the Living God in Christ Jesus, we will become shining examples of what is true and faultless.  But to whatever extent we agree with man, that truth is relative, we will remain filthy examples of rebellion.  (Of which, by the way, are vastly more than those who teach the truth.)

A man's response to these things, is determined by his desire to love the living God.  Will he allow himself to be used as an agent of truth; helping to sustain life?  Or will he continue in his fellowship with the agents of destruction?

The Lord Jesus is able to change a man's perception.  Many things we were taught as children remain.  But they are subdued by His holy words that live within us. 

The choice belongs to every man to accept or reject this message.

I will add this final note.

The world will be destroyed. 

The moment will come when God will send His Holy Son take all of his people from this place.  Along with the absence of these people will be the absence of His Holy Spirit among men; that Great Spirit of influence that saves humanity from utter, and catastrophic failure.

Consider this, if you are willing.  When the Lord returns, this place will plummet to destruction.  Violence, chaos, illicit and immoral behavior, will become the norm, within a day. 

Within 24 hours blood will fill every street.  Hatred and violence will rise as the preeminent behavior of all men.  Add to that, the horrors God has promised to unveil in that time. 

We live as a people under duress.   By compulsion we are forced to grapple with these things.  We want to live.  But by ourselves there is no eternal life in us.  We are only wicked animals waiting to devour one another.

You, like I am, are forced to make a choice.  Receive the Lord Jesus, and obey Him, or die a most hideous death for eternity.  The wicked nature of man has no place in heaven.  And without the restraint of God's Holy Spirit we are nothing more than wicked animals.  Those who think otherwise are convinced of the lie they were taught as children.

The Lord Jesus will return without notice.  It could be today.  It could be a hundred years from now.  It will certainly be when you die and leave this place. 

We are under duress let's make a choice.

By His Grace

Reading the Bible Cannot Save You - 2014-10-24 08:09

Living a life provided by us, can only lead to an eternity provided by us. "Unless the Lord builds the house the builder builds in vain."


"Salvation belongs to our God and to the lamb!"  This will be the song sung by those who arrive in heaven, dressed for eternity.  It will not be sung by those who think they can save themselves.  No work of man can produce the attire necessary to stand before the Living God.  Simple logic brings us to this conclusion.

As an aside: I met a man who told me he had no time for Jesus.  He said he would take his chances in the Judgment Day.  I will give the man this, at least he was being honest with his folly.

The power of God alone can turn a man from fool to wise.  Those who live in truth before the Holy Lord, will cannot lie.  It is impossible to stand before Him and do anything other than tell the truth.  The perfection of God demands it.  How then can the man who trusts in his own strength sing that song?

I do not write this article to make fun of people.  I write this article that everyone may understand.  From the simple to the great, salvation is extended freely.  Yet only those who humble themselves before the Living God, will find it.

39  "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life.  These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life." (John 5)

No righteousness belongs to man.  If a man is able to memorize the entire Bible, it does not save him.  God does not take pride in such a child.  God in his excellent wisdom has reserved His Holy Son alone, that men may be saved.  The song does not say, "Salvation belongs to those who have saved themselves".

When the Lord Jesus was with his disciples on the mountain, and was transformed before their very eyes, the Holy Father spoke.  Of all the myriad of things the Holy Father could have said, what did he say?  ". . .This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"  (Matthew 17:5)

God did not say,  "Read the Bible and do what it says".  The Bible is a written and concrete evidence of the covenant of God toward man.  But the Living God, and His strength to save is, found exclusively in his Living, Righteous and Holy Son.

Pride comes when man thinks he owns anything by his own strength.  But salvation comes when all the man has belongs to God. 

If anything is not of God it will not endure the Judgment Day.  Eternity is Holy.  Nothing will ever be in it but that which is God.

There will be no pride in heaven.  There should be no pride among us here.  If a man thinks he is something, he deceives himself and does not understand the truth.

Reading the Bible, alone, cannot save you.  It is necessary that every man should humble himself before the Living God, and receive the power of his Holy Son's sacrifice and eternal Kingship.

Find a man who knows the Bible through and through, yet does not commune with the Living God in Christ Jesus, and you will find a man who is full (to overflowing) with pride and false humility.  But living in vibrant fellowship with the Living God's Holy Son, produces humility, by crushing the pride in which a man trusts.

If still you need proof, read the Holy Law that God gave to his people through Moses.  Now for 24 hours, do that law.  You will find yourself falling short within an half hour.

Those who think they can save themselves by memorizing and understanding the Bible, are like those who live by the law.  Not one man can obey it completely.  And every man who tries will die.  Remember what the Apostle Paul said.  "Those who depend on obeying the Law live under a curse. For the scripture says, 'Whoever does not always obey everything that is written in the book of the Law is under God's curse!'" (Galatians 3: 10)

May the Living God grant understanding.

By His Grace

Hate the Lesson, But Love the Teacher - 2014-10-24 10:04

Owning a love for God is a result of practise.   And this practise does not practice in mediocrity.  For no sooner does a mediocre practice, produce a "love", and sin wipes it away.

Love him more than you love all other things.  The other side of the coin, which shows our beginning, says it the same: hate him less than you hate your brother; hate him less than you hate yourself.

A child may love the teacher until he is forced to learn what he does not want to learn.  Then a measure of hatred sprouts up.  With diligence and humility, the child overcomes and continues to learn.  But let him believe his own mind, and he will remain where sin entered in.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14: 26)

By diligence we practice toward a love for God.  If a man is diligent, he will find himself learning to love the Living God in Christ Jesus.  Mediocrity is an envelope containing hatred.

10 "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." (1 John 4)

By His Grace

Always On Display - 2014-10-24 12:40

Everyday I see you.  Yes you are noticed.  Even in the night, with the doors locked and the windows shaded over, you are being watched. 

Every breath and heartbeat is counted, up to its leveling sum; that day when they add up to ceasing.  That day you cannot predict, as you now do your public behavior.

Most of the time you are like a woman dressed in finery, posing for a painting, with a delicate and entrancing smile.  Those who see you gasp with joy at the beauty you represent.  But I have seen you when you think no one is watching.

Then, you are like a ravenous lion; unrestrainable drewl escaping, wild eyed, and hungry to violence for what you desire. 

Then, your entrancing beauty is obscured by your greed.  Your beautiful habits, disheveled by illicit craving.

Yes you have been noticed, as is your compelling want.  Yes you have been seen, but not as you expect.  You rehearsed vigorously but it did you no good.  For every man owns moments of vulnerable appearance.

You disturbed the air with movements unlawful.  You spoke with voiceless words of filthy attitude.  You reached with wide eyed greed to grasp what was not yours.  You gave no thought to prying eyes.

Nothing we do or are is hidden from the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.  For in Him we live and move and have our being.

By His Grace

The Wasting - 2014-10-25 12:42

The man who sits and does nothing will surely waste away.  Exercise and learning are necessary parts of our body and mind.  All kinds of diseases and ineptitude come because the man does nothing with his body or mind.

As it is with the body, so it is with the soul.  The soul that is not fed on truth, will surely waste away.  But to whatever extent the soul is fed truth there is a strength that comes.  To whatever extent we listen to the living God in Christ Jesus we become stronger.

A level of righteousness does appear.  A level of ability to restrain sin does appear.  A level of vibrant prayer does appear.  And faith blossoms, if it is continually watered by the Holy Word of God.

Feed the body on wasteful living and it will become useless.  Feed the soul on wasteful lies, and it will become useless.

These are the rules of life that cannot be broken without consequence.

By His Grace

Consumed - 2014-10-26 10:32

I look at myself, and I see the Lord Jesus.  But I don't see myself in the same light as He.

For He consumed Himself with the Joy of obedience toward His Holy Father's will.

I, on the other hand, am consumed with the effects of forgiveness, partial obedience, and the consequences of sins (both past and present).

What an odd comparison to find living in my soul.


Without question: Jesus Christ, the Holy Lamb of God, is King of all!  Indeed, salvation belongs to our God and to the Lamb.  As it will be sung on that Holy Day, so it is memorized by compulsion today.

The Swinging Doors - 2014-10-26 22:10

I have made a great deal of noise about our calling to holiness.  There is certainly nothing wrong with pressing one another to such a high calling.  And every Christian is called to the highest possible standards.

But I have never preached the gospel to a robot.  It's not likely I ever will.  The gospel is not made for automated consumption.  The gospel is made to be consumed by frail, and even rebellious, people.

Too much talk, however, about our necessity to gain holiness can leave many with a broken heart and destroyed faith.  Not to mention that many people will simply stop listening,  because they know they cannot, or are not willing to, reach to the greatest of Christianity. 

I cannot retract one article or word in regard to our high calling.  The Lord Himself told us to be holy, even as our Heavenly Father is Holy.  So I cannot retract what the Holy Lord has spoken.

So in view of the audience, which the gospel intends to command, there must be a doorway of relative ease by grace.  Such a doorway does exist.  In fact it is a double swinging door.  That is to say, two doors which can open independently, yet are side by side.  One is made of spirit, the other is made of flesh.

The first door was built by Jesus.  It was hung, and operational at the speaking of these words by Isaiah the prophet: "A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice. . .".  Christ Jesus, being the full mercy of the living God, is the door of grace.  This is the door made of spirit.

You would think this is enough proof for anyone who is struggling.  But God has supplied a second door, due to the weakness of man. 

Often, in a man's frightful plight, he needs a human example.  As the little boy was reported to have said to his mother, "Sometimes I need a Jesus with skin on".

God has supplied the second door through the Apostle Paul.  We will call this one the door made of flesh.

As he worked out his own salvation, he fell upon a place of concern.  Though the desire within him to "become" was great, he found the flesh drawing back his upward momentum.  So he spoke to the people to explain his view.  (Failure visits every man.) 

Because of the grace of God he could continue without interruption.  But continuing did not mean he needed to start over, as some are persuaded is true of their own faith.

He intended to forget what was behind and set his mind firmly on what lay ahead.  But he also understood that if he was trying so very desperately to "accomplish", what would become of the weaker Christians.  That's when the Lord gave him a door to hang.

The Apostle Paul's door of mercy hangs right next to the door of grace.  It simply says this: "Only let us live up to what we have already attained".

Strive as hard as you can, but let God be God.

A great deal more can be said in regard to this.  But I've already used a whole lot of words.

In every job there is the craftsman as well as the apprentice.  Each continues to do what he has learned.  Each one adds daily to what he knows.  There are different levels and skills.  But the craftsmen and the apprentice own the job they are given.

Apply this as you will.  Only learn that God is Holy Love.

By His Grace

Writers needed to preach to non-believers | Stepping Toes
(2014-11-01 14:12:41)

[…] The Swinging Doors is […]

Diligence Induced By Physics - 2014-10-26 22:34

Why does physics work as it does?

"Yesterday's history.

Yesterday's 'was.'"

Maybe tomorrow will fix what got bent.

"Tomorrow's a promise.
Tomorrow's never sent."

So you're telling me clearly, today's all I've got.

"Today's crisp as lettuce.
Don't let it rot."

By His Grace

Ethics 101 - 2014-10-27 20:11

We all see it happen all day long.  Relatively decent people making wicked choices.  But let's face facts.  Wicked choices are expected among the population of this world.

If you don't strive to be first, your counted as insignificant and stupid. 

If you don't break the law, just a little, you're just not an intelligent person.  After all, they won't throw you in jail for small infractions.

If you don't lie a little bit, you will be hated by everyone who knows you.  No one confides in the man who tells the truth.  Curiously, such a man is utterly untrustworthy in this world.

In light of all this, I thought to myself, I would like to teach a class whereby men are taught ethics.  But within a fraction of a second, I changed my mind.

Though they would all nod with agreement while they were in class, by the time they got out the door they would forget everything they learned. 

So I thought, the fix, then, is to create a fast search chart.  Let the men hold it while they do all the things they normally do.  But who would be stupid enough to do that?

It was then that the comparison ignited in my mind.  This is what the Holy Spirit does for those who believe in Christ Jesus.  He is the living educator.  And he lives in the soul of those who trust in the Son of the Living God.

What is the summation of all this?  The summation is that those without the Holy Spirit have no hope of doing righteousness.  They are locked in a battle to see who can be the most wicked and get away with it.

They are not free men, regardless what society says.  They are bound to wickedness as surely as the moon is bound to the earth.

As the Apostle John wrote, "Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous . . ."  (1 John 3: 7)   And surely, the one who does what is wicked is a wicked man.

No man can hope to do what is right without the Spirit of God leading him constantly.  No one can hear the Holy Spirit accept that God gives him spiritual ears.  Man is completely hopeless without the sacrifice of Christ.

It is important to note that the word "practice" is often used in conjunction with righteousness.  He who practices righteousness will eventually do it habitually.  We already know how to be wicked.

There, I just held ethics 101.  You don't need a cheat sheet.  You simply need to fall to your knees and ask God for help.  Or you can remain just like you are.  The choice is right there before you.

By His Grace

Old Friends? - 2014-10-28 08:04

It came to me in a dream.  Was it from the Lord?  Let the reader decide.

At a social gathering, I met Bill.  I hadn't seen him for almost 30 years. 

I can't say I was happy to see him, but I was certainly surprised.  He was my boss when I used to work the oil rigs.

In the course of a very short conversation, I asked him if there was a place for me on his team.  I can't possibly explain why.  At over 60 years old I wouldn't be much use.

He seemed to be half sincere with his stammering answer.  "I'll see what I can do."  Curiously, all of a sudden, he developed a broken foot. So, understandably, he prepared to leave.

In the process of trying to follow him, I passed by a beautiful young woman I used to know.  I didn't say hi, but I certainly noticed.

At the end the dream I got up and sat in a chair to think.  A few moments later I heard the familiar wisdom of God.  "They may come around long enough to tempt you back, but they don't want you."

When a man faces temptation to join the world in all their extreme folly, it would be good for him to remember, he is of no value to them.

For even if he abandons the Sovereign God in Christ Jesus, he is tainted with some level of holiness.  Everything he does and says will contain something of God.  I can guarantee you such a man will not be embraced by those of the world, regardless what he does.

Learn to hate temptation.  It only tries to manipulate you.  It doesn't care if you live or die.  It does not want your friendship.  It is absolutely void of the concept of love.  And whatever pleasure it apparently gives, is found exclusively in you.  There is no such thing as mutual joy in sin.

By His Grace

Meet "The Christians" - 2014-10-28 09:16

When will the Church of Christ realize it has been cut away from the rock of man?   We are told to make ourselves separate from the world.  But very few realize this has already been accomplished to some degree.

When the Gospel is believed, it separates the man from all the rest of the world.  Never again can he join in all the abominations with a clear conscience.  Never again will the joys of sin sparkle in his eyes as before.

If you believe in Christ Jesus, you have already been culled from the mass of men.  Your belief in Christ Jesus has separated you forever.  The transformation has already begun.  And you know in your heart you are hated for it.

So why does the Church capitulate with those who have no part with her?  It is because of fear.  They fear being cast out.  They fear being ostracized.  They fear being different because they know the world is violently evil toward the Holiness of God.

How do they know this?  Because the violence toward God was in them also.  And by their silence, the violence remains!  As a man is, so he does.

Let everyone of us remember!  Among those cast out from the Great City, are the cowards and the faithless.  To fear and to lack faith, is to resist belief.  How can a man say he believes in the Son of God if it does not make a drastic difference in his strength and resolve?

If you will not stand apart now, you will not stand apart then.  Silence and inclusion will not save you.  It is only a detriment to your place in eternity.  For every man will be judged according to his own deeds.  Do not believe the great satanic lie, "UNITED WE STAND".

And let us put this "politically correct" stance of the Holy Church in proper perspective.  When you appear before the Most High God, you will be standing among those who willingly gave their very life for the Gospel you now hold to yourself.   What great shame will cover you then?  What great fear will shake your soul?  Do you think it might be more than what you may receive here?  Very possibly.

Wake up "Modern Church"!  You're about to meet your ancestors!

By His Grace

I Don't Understand Why - 2014-10-28 09:51

Why do your people love good works, yet turn away from the man who gives You open praise.  I don't understand why the public proclamation of the Holy One's name is such an abomination to the ears of Your people.

I don't understand why it is apparently an impropriety  for a man to give praise to God in public.  Even if it is spoken in the hearing of those who say they believe, it is not received with mutual joy.  I don't understand, Sovereign God.

But Who am I to voice my lack of knowledge?  You have spoken of this profusely.  Why do the people who call themselves "of God", refuse the joyful words you send?  As they have killed your prophets, and stoned those you have sent to them, so they ignore the praise you deserve.

Is this too harsh a conclusion for me to own?  I do not intend to judge, I intend to understand.  Therefore let my assessment be heard in the Holy Court of my God

Is it because religion has taken the place of faith?  Is this why they respond to the joy of Your Holy Spirit as if the man is insane?  "Are you such a fool as to not realize it is inappropriate to speak of God here?  Such lips are exclusively used in church.  Speak here with your "outside" voice."

I find it impossible to understand.  And so I present my consternation to You, Great Sovereign God of eternity.

By His Grace

Broken and Naked - 2014-10-28 12:04

From Psalm 119:

122 "Ensure your servant’s well-being;

do not let the arrogant oppress me.
123 My eyes fail, looking for your salvation,
looking for your righteous promise.
124 Deal with your servant according to your love
and teach me your decrees.
125 I am your servant; give me discernment
that I may understand your statutes.
It is time for you to act, Lord;
your law is being broken."

I sat and pondered Church.  Perplexed at her ailments, I searched to see if there was something that could be done.

It is not as though she is void of the word.  She is rather, void of understanding.  For the word is preached in her, everyday and in every corner.  What she lacks, is a firm, wise hand of leadership.

"For lack of vision the people perish", it is written.  And the vision of God's shepherds has been obscured by the world's proclamation of peace.  How then can the church stand with holy strength?

I remembered a passage as I looked into these things.  "It is time for you to act, Lord; your law is being broken."  I thought this was an appropriate prayer.

But when I view it in this context, it is not talking about reparation for sins; that is to say a heavy hand from God.  Instead it speaks of Glory.

The words are the end of an appeal to the Holy Father to glorify His holy Son.  Because the holy laws of the Living God are being broken, it is time to present the sacrifice on behalf of those who need it.

It is a difficult thing to look at the beauty of the Living God, and see the hatred for his commands that thrives in his church.  Even a passing glance will provoke some measure of pain.

But as we are told, "mercy outweighs judgement".   We must allow the Holy Lord to reserve his right to judge.

All day long, a lament is sent to the throne of the Living God.  "Please O' Sovereign God, purify your church."  Hearts bent toword the Lord, like sunflowers in summer.  The Lord's faithful people make intercession for the sins of their brothers and sisters.

But they do not call for the heavy hand of God.  They call for the water of sacrifice to be poured out afresh on the hearts of His people.  They call for a renewal of understanding.  They call for eyes to see, ears to hear, and souls full of vision to lead.

Therefore teach them.  Show them the severity of their sin.  Show them the incomparable suffering necessary to secure their release.  Teach them about his glorious hopeful promises.  Gain vision!

Holy Father:  I thank you for cutting short my folly.  I thank you for showing me these things.  The church belongs to your Holy Son.  And he will never abandon what is his.

Still, we lament, O' Holy God!  Your covenant is being broken.  Shame covers your people, where it should be a glorious and radiant hope.  We are ashamed and do not realize it.  We are sick and wax near death.

Instead of shame there is praise, "You do well to condone all sin.  For God has commanded us to love all men".  Was it for this that your precious blood was spilled in such great agony?  Were you glorified as first above all, that your people may remain in squalor?

Please rise up Sovereign Father, in Christ Jesus Your Holy and Righteous Son, and purify your people. 

This prayer simply finds its place among your holy things.  You will act according to your great and eternal wisdom. 

Let it be known that we did not cower in fear.  Let it be known that we stood apart to proclaim a wrong.  All of this we have done because you have loved us.  All of this we have done because you taught us this was true.

The glory is not ours.  The glory belongs to the one whose blood has written the covenant of the living God. 

Purify your church, Holy Lord Jesus.  Set us in right standing, that we may proclaim for your glory.


A related article, of considerable value, can be found here: http://theagetocome.wordpress.com/2014/10/27/the-kairos-moment/ The title is, The Kairos Moment.

By His Grace

(2014-11-03 20:18:46)

Amen! And He will glorify His Church, because only in the Vine can growth occur. What is dead will die, what is alive will produce abundantly for His glory. Only Lord, let these dry bones live!

(2014-11-03 20:45:29)


Likewise - 2014-10-29 05:05

You can not sin against God without consequences.


You cannot love God without consequences.

One destroys, the other brings life.

You cannot remain apart from him without experiencing death in many fashions.


You cannot be included in his love without experiencing life in many fashions.



1 I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the Lord;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the Lord with me;
let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
6 This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
9 Fear the Lord, you his holy people,
for those who fear him lack nothing.
10 The lions may grow weak and hungry,
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
11 Come, my children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
12 Whoever of you loves life
and desires to see many good days,
13 keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from telling lies.
14 Turn from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it.
15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and his ears are attentive to their cry;
16 but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
to blot out their name from the earth.
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.
21 Evil will slay the wicked;
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

By His Grace

The Charade of Men - 2014-10-29 05:50

Waking brings him near. 

The daylight testifies to him with loud and colorful words.

The night, and even sleep, are times of expectation.

He trains the soul to love him.

Hunger for the Holy Lord erupts like a pent up volcano; no one can quench it

This, in measure of the words of men, is how it is for those the Lord has called to be his own. 

The world ascribes these things to those who are set aside as pastors or priests.

They say:

"Let them wear the cloth or other significant clothing.  Let them remain in the building we have allowed to be called the church.  Force them, by expectation, to live as marked men.  In this way we will know who to avoid; who to share our convenient and crafty lies with.  Who it is due, that we should render our list of convenient excuses.

Let us war with fairness.  Let the enemy be marked blatantly.  How else can we subject them?  How else can we control their evil influence?  Even among the enemies of our own blood, uniforms are displayed.  Make it be so with them."

But the Lord has seen the folly.  He has allowed man to play and evil charade.  All the while men think they have contained what is holy, the living God has raised up a people in their midst.

Hate the Lord's people, old wicked an adulterous world.  Divide them and secluded them from all your unholy ways.  Despise the one who glorifies the Holy Name of God in your presence.  The fire of God will never leave his people.

But it is your religion to cast away the things of the living God.  It is the religion of this world to destroy the things of heaven. 

God will never be touched by your abomination of faithless faith.  You put your faith in what is not.  The living God will not be contained.

Litigate against the Lord's people.  Separate them.  Mark them and place them in containment.  Still they wander among you free men.

You will never contain the living God.

By His Grace

Stealthy Christians - 2014-10-29 06:55

Take note of the animals that use cover and camouflage to move about and hunt.

Notice how vulnerable they are if they are exposed. 

The worm is helpless without the earth to cover him.

The lion hunts in vain when there is no concealment.

The snake is crafty, using both.

The sparrow hawk hovers above the line of sight.  If he will eat, he must keep his place.

Concealment is necessary for animals.

But what Christian has the right to conceal the light of God; to hide within the acceptable social framework?

The Lord Jesus was exposed and died, for the sake of the salvation you hope for.  How is it you live out your faith with stealth?

Those who trust in him, will live though they die.  Can you say you have come to believe this?

Billions pass them by,  not the slightest awareness they have just passed a Christian.

They will not ask.  Is this the concealment you hope for; the willing ignorance of men?

By His Grace

The Waking of a Christian - 2014-10-30 05:45

"Expose the things that are good.

Entice them with your calling.

The trappings of holy brotherhood;

The glory of God in man."


He wakes with desperation, as if a bugle blew.  He'd slept the sleep of flesh; that necessary portion of man.

But before his eyes are cleared, the chasm of difference appears.  From the realm of dreams to the realm of God, he dresses himself in thoughtful prayer.

The day has dawned like a crack of thunder.  "Now, to the will of my God!"  Let fear assail his fleshly heart.  He intends his soul to soar.

From chaotic dreams to Holy fire, "Purify my heart O' God!  Your will is first, as You are so.  Teach me and I will do." 

The response is quick and full of love.  Without effort, the chasm is crossed. 

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2: 8)

By His Grace

Original Intent - 2014-10-30 09:33

The farm lands of the world were not intended to bear crops.  The farm lands of the world were intended to bear thankful souls.

By His Grace

Carried By Jesus - 2014-10-30 10:27


By His Grace

Contracts - 2014-10-30 11:57

Unless a person agrees to a contract independently, there is no contract.  In the world this is referred to as strongarming.

The Gospel is offered as a contract between the individual and the living God.  He will not bully anyone into accepting the contract of the Gospel. 

The tactics of wicked men are not used by the Holy Lord of life.  If you want to live for eternity you must agree to the Lord's terms willingly. 

To hope in your own righteousness will only result in your creation of a new contract offer.  But will your contract please God?  Does the sacrifice of the Son of God get included in your offer?  If not, you have nothing to offer.

By His Grace

The Fearless and the Ordinary - 2014-10-31 07:09

Fearless, and ordinary passion for Christ will come face to face with the stubborn ignorance of this world.  But ordinary passion will lose the battle before it is begun.

Stubborn ignorance knows the difference.  When confronting ordinary passion, stubborn ignorance is allowed to use a variety of excuses.  For ordinary passion has only answers for himself.  His lamp is set for use in the house.  It is not built for travel in the streets.

But when stubborn ignorance comes face to face with fearless passion, calculated and decisive strikes will lower his guard.  The lamp of fearless passion is a blazing light that penetrates to the deepest parts of every man.  No matter how the armor of ignorance is turned, the gaps in its protection are pierced.

Fearless passion has a twinge of warrior.  But ordinary passion is a brother to self satisfaction.  This is a harsh saying, but it finds its truth in fruit.

Fearless passion is of the family of godly humility.  But ordinary passion is of the family of man.  Another harsh saying.  War requires a fearless heart.  While the ordinary its content with the domestic.

Fearless passion goes hunting for the transformation of men, regardless the threats to himself.  But ordinary passion has received his desire and finds himself satisfied; full of the gain he hoped to find.

Both passions recognize the holy fire of God (afterall, they are passions).  But the fearless enter in, allowing themselves to be burned by the work of God.  While the ordinary perceive God's holy fire simply as protection and forgiveness of sins.

The Fearless desire to be sent.  The ordinary are content to stay at home.  By compulsion their message to the world will differ radically.  One perceives the gospel as a choice in lifestyle.   The other perceives the great weeping and gnashing of teeth that will surely come.

Fearless passion will enter into the war for souls.   He will not consider his life of any value, but that he should serve the Sovereign God in Christ.  With abandon, he counts his life as nothing.  He seeks to save the souls of others, and stands before the Lord, willing and daily, to be sent.

Ordinary passion respects the Lord's love, but fails to make the connection between his own need for salvation and that of others.  Except where he is invited, he keeps the gospel to himself.  This is the proof of fruit that a man may easily see for himself.

Both passions will serve the living God.  But the domains, in which they serve, are radically different.  One is built to willingly embrace death and threat.  The other is built on the gladness of life.

Both will be received by the Holy Lord.  Both are a ligament response to the sacrifice of Christ.  But one seeks understanding (to the "doing), while the other is content to receive and become.

Personally I perceive that the fearless are the intent of the gospel.  But I will not shake the faith of the ordinary.  Still, I cannot help wondering what this world would be like if every Christian were fearless.

By His Grace

Of the Making of Books - 2014-10-31 07:32

11 "The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails—given by one shepherd. 12 Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them.

Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body."  (Ecclesiastes 12)

Has the world honestly done itself a favor to create and accept so many books regarding the Bible and Christianity? 

A great and profitable enterprise was launched many decades ago.  The making of more and more translations.  Sunday School lessons enough to fill a cathedral, without one gap left for air.  "How to" books, "Where and When" books, books for families, books for marriage, work, play, devotion, witnessing, holiness and hell, books of pictures, books regarding prophecy, and hundreds more.

All of them for sale.  All of them for profit.  All of them beckoning.  All of them crafty in their own right.

Has the printing press replaced the Holy Spirit?  What has become of the saying,  "Freely you have received freely give"?  And where is the door through which we might return?

Many know the proverb above.  But how many have taken note of the tiny passage within it: "given by one Shepherd"?

By His Grace

The Intent of God - 2014-10-31 09:51

God is the maker of your soul.

He wants it back under his control.

To curb your hands with which you stole,

His righteousness and joy.

By His Grace

Tying Virtue Tight - 2014-10-31 12:33

Mocking virtue is the business of those who have none.  It is not a business of jealousy or greed.  It is a business run by pure evil.

Yet to make a mockery of those who work in that factory, is to displace virtue with judgment. 

Those who work in high-rise construction often tie their tools to their person.  Care is taken for the sake of others below.

Those to whom virtue is displaced, are like a careless highrise worker.

Let those on the ground mock the workers in the air as they tie their tools to their wrists.  It is not because they lack control or dexterity. 

It is for the sake of those who mock, that we bind virtue tightly.  Judgment is reserved for he who never makes a mistake.

Let us make our assessments with the wisdom of God.  Those who mock can be a sincere distraction.  But let us keep clear and intense focus, that those who move below may have a place to live.

By His Grace

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