Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

Salvation belongs to our God and to the Lamb!

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Salvation belongs to our God and to the Lamb!  So the Life lives within me!  Praise God in Christ Jesus forever!

By His Grace

She Never Told Me - 2014-09-15 17:35

I don't like to write long posts.  With the flavor of society today, very few will read if they see a lot of words.  But it can't be helped.  What I'm about to write is worth a volume as thick as "War and Peace".

My mother was born to a wealthy family in New England.  She met a young cavalry man when she was 11 or 12.  One night the ladder went up, and she was gone.  They had eloped without a word. 

She never told me what happened afterward.  Surely there was a phone call or a letter.  But she never spoke of it.

I remember hearing once that her father disowned her.  His heart was broken.  His dreams of family crushed.  No grand babies to laugh with and hold.  No more smiles regarding his beautiful daughter.  But she never spoke of this.

The couple moved from state to state, rarely staying in one place for more than 6 months or a year.  By the time I was 7 years old we had moved from Rochester New York to Salem Oregon, living in almost every state between.

The majority of those seven years was spent in the backseat of a car.  But she never told me why.  She never apologize for the childhood that did not come.  And I don't know why.

Her gallant young cavalry man turned out to be a vicious incestual Lord.  Drunk as often as he could be, he squandered his life in brutality.   The three daughters he had, knew him as far more than daddy.

The oldest one moved away and became a prostitute.  (She is long dead now, so I don't mind telling you.)  The other two daughters married Canadians and moved away from the house as quickly as possible.

Her oldest son disowned her, because she was not a Jehovah's Witness.  The other two daughters followed suit.  As soon as I could, I joined the airforce at 17, just to get away from the stench of our life.  Only my youngest brother remained.

The brutal man who gave us birth, developed an affection for a woman in the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.  When I was 12 my parents were divorced.

As a family, we lost it all.  And she never told me why.

I remember, in the days just after the divorce, a song came out regarding the dreams of an everyday housewife.  I remember her saying clearly, "I hate that song!"   But she never told me why.

She died in a nursing home, abandoned and alone.  The excitement of the ladder had turned to an entire life of horror.  And she never once told me why.

Had someone warned her of what was due to come she would not have believed them.  She would have laughed in their face with that little girl smile. 

Ripped from her family, by the lust of a girl, she encountered the beginnings of a horrible end.  But she never spoke of that moment.

By the time before she fell ill, she had married five other men.  I hated to call home, because I didn't know who daddy might be.  And she never told me why.

Without knowing why, I mimicked her life.  Without planning, I followed her every step.  Women and drinking, drugs, willful abandon, and the life of poverty, belonged to me.  And she never told me why.

I do not write this to shame my mother.  All told, she was a good woman.  When I look back, and dismiss the difficult things,  what I find is an exemplary human being.  She did the very best she could with what she had.  But she never told me why we lacked so much.

I write this because I know there are so many out there who have done the same things.  Have you told your children why?

As I raised my family, sanity appeared.  One day I woke and vowed to break the chains.  I told my children of my own foolish ways.  I had found Christ Jesus, and truth began to flow.

What has happened as a result of my own foolish ways is yet to be told when I am dead.  I would tell you the result of my life of sin.  But I have caused enough suffering.  Why put it in writing and tear at the hearts more?

Have you told your children why? 

By His Grace

Filthy - 2014-09-16 09:57

The blind and godless reach into their filthy bag of filthy riches.  Their filthy godless hands give gifts to men to promote a filthy love for their filthy godless ways. 

They do not allow their filthy hearts to love the Sovereign God and His Holy Son.  Nor will they put up with any who love the Holy Lord of life.  They entice with the filthy things of this world, and provoke with the power of death and loss.

"If you love God you have no part with us!"  Thus they scream by their doing.  And their will, their filthy will, is done.

They make laws, with their filthy form of love, to exclude the true love of God among men.  If there is limit to their ingenuity, it is for the sake of social prominence.  They are sons of their father, in whom there is no truth.

The weak and the blind submit without question.  They have been given gifts and favored by those who can destroy them.  An unholy and filthy love is exchanged.

"Expose her filthy ways, my people, my loved ones.  Let them not triumph without resistance!  Stand and be counted among the righteous who uphold my Father's Holy Name. 

Come to me and gain those things which will never be lost.  I will teach you how to be strong.  Oppose the filthy ways of filthy love."

By His Grace

Humility Wins, Hands Down - 2014-09-17 11:01

The humble man in Christ Jesus may suffer a great deal of loss.

But the proud man, who fends for himself, suffers no loss at all.

The true Christian will be compensated beyond his wildest imagination.

But the godless man will die with the things which now protect him.

Define loss and gain, as you perceive them.  Consider what is written above.  Then redefine loss and gain.

When you have read this far you have lost that much more time.  How much more time will you squander, o' godless man of self?  The door to your life has closed a fraction more as you read these words, which you are likely to dismiss.

Dear Christian brothers and sisters:

Entice loss to come up on you, even as our spiritual siblings before, enticed the wild beasts.  Let the glory of our Lord Christ Jesus excel!  He will certainly not withhold his hand from reward.

We suffer but a little while.  Then the glory of the Living God explodes upon our soul, and it will never recede.  How insignificant this time will become; as we have willingly suffered for his Great and Majestic Glory.

While you, godless men

and women,  continue in your willing blindness.  The Holy Lord stands ready to give you eyes to see, a mind to understand, and a heart that is willing to obey.  But you will have none of it.

Each man decides for himself.  Will he humble himself and pray, and seek the Lord's Holy Face, and read his Holy words, and strive with all his mind, strength and soul to learn?  Or will he count all these blessed words as if they are less than trash?

15 "And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24)

Shake the trees with your great in majestic strength, O' Living God in Christ!  Send your righteousness upon all men.  Inspect them, Father in Heaven,

even as they live dead among the dead.  Rise up and judge your enemy.  Bring a close to this great place of testing. 

Let the righteous remain

righteous.  Let the wicked remain wicked.  Let all who seek Your mercy find it in vast abundance.  But let all who hate you now be put to utter shame on that great day when you stand to judge the world.

In Christ Jesus, the Holy Son of God, amen.

By His Grace

Come Dine With God - 2014-09-18 05:43


Spilled out, without reserve, is the Holy Blood of Christ.

Dressed in Holy will; clothed with endless Mercy.

Gentle, meek, humble of heart and full of Holy intent to save.


What sin have you, which forces itself into your sweetest of dreams?

It can be covered by His Holy Love.

What desire do you have that can't be mended?


Come from far, wide, and near.

Come and dine with the Holy One.

Rise up on your shaky legs and stagger t'ward home.


He made you.  He knows you.  He loves you, as if from afar.

Yet your guilty days are spent within His Holy Body.

For, "In Him we live and move and have our being".


He has seen you.

Can you see Him?

Look with faith to the things past; those horrible things done, on that day, to the Holy Son of God.


He endured without fault.

For your sake He performed the Holy will of His Father.

"It is finished!"


Come, sit at the table to receive.

Come dine with the Holy One of God.

He will wash you by the Holy Blood of His covenant of promise.


You need not suffer any longer.

No sin is too great; His Holy love is greater.

Come taste and see that the Lord is Good.

A Tender Slide to Hell - 2014-09-19 09:27

A small congregation got together and purchased an outdoor reader board.  It was now the pastor's duty to assign what would be placed on it.

For the next 5 years, cute and harmless sayings would appear on the sign.  The people of the community were pleased that this church did not offend them.  But the membership of the church did not increase either.

About 6 miles away another congregation was able to purchase an outdoor reader board.  The congregation left it up to the pastor as to what would appear on the sign. 

For the next 5 years the public witnessed messages regarding the condemnation of God to all that is wicked.  Though the public was a bit displeased by the messages, the number of those who attended steadily grew.

Spurgeon, Wickliffe, Graham, Moody, Wesley,  Fox, Bunyan,  Luther, and thousands more.  What did they preach?  How might they have used the little reader board?

As we write what we do, let us consider the impact.  If we write to please the public, they will be pleased.  But to what end?

I once looked into having a company make a website for my blog.  One of the key opportunities he offered was a system that would keep track of what people looked at and read.  He told me that if this were in place I could tailor make my messages to match what the people wanted to hear.  He tried to convince me that this would increase my readership.  I told him if I cared about that, I would not write at all.

So many cute little pictures with tiny sweet messages.  So many honey coated words.  So very many palatable and tender thoughts.  All the while the world plunges on a tender slide toward hell.

If we write to please them why bother to write at all?  But on second thought, maybe that's all that's in the writer's hearts.  The offense of Christ Jesus is a forgotten truth.

..How many excellent opportunities are passed over for the sake of pleasure? 

..How many times will the church assume humanity wants to obey God? 

..How many times is sin let in the door of the congregation and embraced as if a friend? 

..How are many churches any different then social clubs? 

..Where is the fear of God? 

..Where is the message of hell?

.. Whatever happened to the word "repent"?

By His Grace

My Last Meal - 2014-09-20 10:30

The prisoner condemned to die is offered his last meal.  "What do you want Steven?"   The guards face was happy.  He'll be glad to be rid of this trash.

"I want steak and potatoes, green beans and spinach.  Two margaritas and an apple pie."  A belly is only so big.  And the drink is for the terror.  "And if its possible, could you serve it to me on the finest of China please."

The prisoner of this world dies a hideous death.  The Prisoner of Christ Jesus is born into indescribable glory.  We will eat and be fully satisfied.

As a prisoner in Christ I want Lamb, Holy blood, and served on the fine righteousness of Christ Jesus.  Let me gorge myself on the best possible food.  Then I will be strong and bring him the most excellent of glory possible.

By His Grace

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