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The Trauma of Human Tranquility - 2014-09-21 06:37

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The Trauma of Human Tranquility - 2014-09-21 06:37

I have heard so many say that they just wish all this drama would go away.  What they usually mean is the turmoil between people.  And they've even made cutesy names for those who can't seem to be at peace; names such as "Drama Queen".

I will thoroughly agree that it would be good if the trivial anxieties were put a side for what is real and true.  But I have to differ with the majority of the populace who look for peace and tranquility in this place.

Think of all the money that is spent trying to find peace and tranquility.  Think of all the productivity that is lost because men try to escape the reality of life.

Their brother did "this".  Their sister did "such".  Their enemy pursues them, and they'll tell you about it.  Men talk behind their back, but don't they do it too?

The rich go on vacations, and buy expensive toys.  The poor get drunk or turn to drugs, or violence or more. 

So the rich are known as righteous, because they afford all the things the others cannot afford.  See how division grows like mold.

Why then do men strive so hard to find tranquility and peace?  Every day and night the rich and the poor are pestered by a drama they choose to ignore.  If they thought they had trouble in this place, they are destined to encounter more.

The Holy Spirit of the Living God calls out to the minds of men.  "Come gain eternal wisdom, and leave these things behind.  Come worship the living God in Christ.  In there, is peace for your mind."

But in our worship of the Living God, another drama appears.  Our sins go with us, and we find ourselves full of holy fear.  Isn't this where men turn back, refusing to come near.

Return then, to the drama of your flesh.  Spend all your time and money trying to cover it up.  You will die in drama, and then face the living God.  You will drink from that bitter cup.

There is peace to be had, but its mixed with fear.  For He's Holy, and Holy, and Holy!  No sin can be brought near.  How then can peace be upon us, when we hold what we call dear?

You fight a losing battle, all of you make your own peace.  There is only one place to find what you seek.  All men will be salted with fire, whether or not they come for release.

His name is Christ Jesus, the Holy Son of God.

By His Grace

Consider - 2014-09-21 06:55

Signs of Christ’s Return

      1 Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. 2 And He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.”

      3 As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

      4 And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. 5 “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. 6 “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. 7 “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. 8 “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.  (Matthew 24)

By His Grace

Perhaps - 2014-09-22 06:38

"We interrupt this presentation of the NFL for a special message from Billy Graham."  And for the next hour and 12 minutes, Mr Graham gives us the Gospel.  How might such a thing be received?

A godless man will hate the living God.  A godless man is a tyrant over obedience.  He will not allow his heart and mind and soul to do anything for the Living God.  He is like a violent and jealous husband.  If he suspects that his heart desires what is good, he beats it cruelly, and treats it to all manner of vile behavior.  "Back to pleasure with you!  You will not do what is right!"

So the godless treat themselves.  Pleasure is their king, and they will not obey what is holy. 

They are like the young man whose eyes are full of insolence as he works at his job.  Though his boss says nothing, it is easily seen the boy does not love his work.  Trouble will surely come, for the child hates his place.

But there are some who will die watching football this season.  For them the interruption is not a mere hour and 12 minutes.  Eternity will break on them in less than a heartbeat.  And they will find their pleasure rudely interrupted.  They will finally obey God; their soul will remain in hell.

Not only will this happen to some who watch football.  It will happen in the sleep of some.  It will happen while they do their work.  It will happen to a few women as they go out to shop.  Death will appear without notice, claiming their soul for God.  The shock of death belongs to those who have not prepared their soul.

God is sovereign, he answers to no one.  But look how men treat him; as if they are sovereign and have a right to do as they please.  But God has already determined the end of a man's life.  Go ahead and make three guesses, who wins, God or man?

You insolent masses to hate the Holy God who gave you life.  Pleasure is your god.  Rebelion is your worship.  As you despise going to work on Monday, for it interrupts your pleasure, so you despise obedience to the Holy Living God.  But you are the ones who will suffer.

During times of trouble you call on God.  Why should he listen to your words, you have not listened to his.  You act like you pray for a touchdown.  Expecting God to bless your desires.  How utterly void of understanding.  How fully insolent and arrogant!

"I am not a religious man."'  You say.  I am not a Jew, nor a priest, nor a Christian.  God does not expect of me the things he expects of you." 

Your heart thinks in foolishness.  God has made every man.  And will surely call every man to account for the same Holy standards.  And you know this!  Look how you blame a label instead of taking responsibility for your own life!

You have already rehearsed your excuses.  But not a single one will do, when you lose your perceived sovereignty.  It will happen faster than you can think.  And eternity will be more sure than what you have now.

But do go and fill yourself with pleasure.  By every means, fill up the judgment against you.  To rebuke a foolish man is to incur wrath.  You do not listen to the Sovereign God, why should you listen to me?

When's the last time you even looked at a Bible?  Have you ever spent time on your knees in prayer?  Have you used the name of God's Holy Son in anything other than profanity?  Have you even considered the end of your days?

"Prop me up beside the jukebox when I die."  This is the stupidity of the folly of man.  You will not be here for your corpse to enjoy.  Yet you think there is something to be gained by the life you lead now.

Since before you were born men have been warning of what is to come.  And even while you slept this morning, preparing for your hated Monday, the Holy Lord allowed me to write this message to you.

What use is it to say more?  I do not expect a single one of you to even find this message, let alone read it and understand.  Perhaps the Sovereign God will have mercy on you and show you this place.  Perhaps he will have mercy on you and strike you with a holy fear.


By His Grace

Place and Toys - 2014-09-22 07:20

Why do you let yourself fear man?  Why is your testimony before them weak and useless?  Why do you huddle behind your skin, shaking with fear to deliver the holy words of God?  Why?

Men such as Isaiah, Abraham, Noah, Enoch, Moses, the Apostle Paul, the Apostle Peter, and all the rest.  These inhabit the kingdom of the Living God in Christ Jesus.  But the faithless, and those who fear, are cast out.  So why do you let yourself fear man?

Shall we respect the respect of men?  Shall we give their hatred any credence?  Or should we respect the Living God?  Shall we strive to please man?  Or should we strive to please Christ Jesus, the Glorious One?

When we appear before him, shall we be forced to admit we did not love him more?  Does anyone think they will proudly stand before the Living God and proclaim that they have loved men more than him?

Why do you let yourself fear man?  It is because man can take away your precious place and toys.  In America today there is no threat of death for loving the Sovereign God.  But death confronted every one of those I mentioned.  Yet they remained faithful!

How do you propose to stand anywhere near them for all eternity?  Why do you let yourself in fear man? 

Let him ask you, "Do you love me more than these."

By His Grace

The Full Gospel - 2014-09-22 07:48

A man who considers himself a Christian, once told me, "You won't save a single soul by the things you write."  I don't mean to offend anyone, but why should I care what he thinks?

If we listen to such advice we will not speak at all.  And if we error by speaking too harsh a message, have we done the Lord a disfavor?  And when men stand before the living God, to give account of themselves, will we have delivered what could have save their soul?  Or we will we stand in contempt of His Holy Blood by telling them only, "God loves you"?

The Bible does not tell us that the love of God is the beginning of wisdom.  In fact it says, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.  If men will not fear God what is that to me?  We are to proclaim the full gospel.

There are plenty of so called preachers who will tell people only that God loves them.  The world is rich with those who will preach honey.  So by His grace, I determined a long time ago to speak the other side of the coin.  I don't expect praise from those who preach otherwise.

By His Grace

"NARROW!" I Said, "Narrow!" - 2014-09-23 06:22

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7)

What is this "narrow gate"?  And why did Jesus say, "few there are who find it"?

The narrow gate is this: “37 . . .Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment." (Matthew 22)

"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to." (Luke 13:24)

The reason why there are so few who find it and enter, has everything to do with greed.  Men are destroyed because they want everything for nothing.

No man will enter the hope and Holy will of God, thus eternal life, without putting Christ first among all his things.  Take note of how greedy desire restrains you.  Take note of how callously you use the name of Christ Jesus.  Take notice how carefully you avoid prayer.  Take note of how many pages in your new Bible are still uncut.

How can any man travel any distance while he has tethered himself to a heavy weight?  All the pleasures that belong to this world will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Nor will the man who holds them dear.

Look within you.  See, with honesty, what you hold dear.  Is it the will of God?  Or is it love for what you can gain here? 

You say you don't know the will of God.  I ask you, have you looked into it?  Or have you preoccupied yourself with all the pleasures of this world you can gather?

There are two reasons why most men never enter the narrow gate.  The first is that they hate restriction.  The second is they love pleasure more than they love God.

If you want more provocation to do what is right, consider this, "Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many go in there by."  If you are one of those, you will certainly be destroyed.

If you don't care if you are destroyed, what more can be said.  But if you care about whether you live or die, be wise.  The choice is entirely yours. 

Follow the crowd and you will die.  Follow after God and you will live.  Follow the crowd and you will feel safe.  Follow after God and they will abandon you.

By His Grace

Prosperity Doctrine - 2014-09-23 07:56

9 "His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!”

10 He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

In all this, Job did not sin in what he said."  (Job 2)

To those who think that believing in Christ Jesus is prosperity in the things of this world.  You will one day stand side by side with Job.  What will you have to say then?

You will stand next to those who have suffered intensely for the name of Christ Jesus.  What will you say then?

You will stand before the One who gave his very life for your sake.  What will you say then?

There are scars upon all the great men of God, but you will have none.  What will you say then?

By spouting this lie, you injure yourself and all who hear.  When the Holy One confronts you with this, what will you say then?

But you don't have to listen to me.  Fill up your cup, for you will drink it.

By His Grace

(2014-09-23 12:22:19)

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Forsaken Owner - 2014-09-24 12:35

A vast apartment complex? No.  A trailer park a mile square?  No.  A high rise condominium in China.  No.  But over 2000 lived there at the same time.

Evicted, all of them, in a moment.  All their filth left behind.  The owner is left, for the rest of his life, to clean every room on his hands and knees.  Even the homeless are forbidden to live there again.

"Please let me go with you!  Nothing remains for me here!"  The owner begs to leave.  The answer comes from the compassionate enforcer.  "Stay here and tell everyone how I have cleaned out those detestable tenants."

Without another word, the Savior is gone. 

They may well believe this man's horror has come to an end.  But who will befriend him?  Who will take him into their house while he cleans what is left of his own?  Driven mad by detestable tenants, he now faces sanity and responsibility.  And he will face it alone.

Can we blame them for despising this poor wretched owner?  He frightens the children at his approach.  This conversation has nothing to do with anything but God.  He has no other trade but breathing.  To them he is fearsome, by virtue of history, and useless to the future.


I thank God my Savior, the Holy One of the living God, for giving me this place to serve.  Cast out by my former folly, here I can add to his wonderous bounty.

Praise to the living God.  For in Christ Jesus, he even redeems such as I.

By His Grace

The Sharing - 2014-09-26 01:51

Reluctant to love.

It looks like a man.

But a candy bar, still wrapped, looks like plastic.

Do you know what's inside?

You might if you asked.

But what a thoroughly dreaded task.

Soul or sugar; you can't taste either without unveiling.

Why has our mind a taste for the sweet, yet our pride denies The Sharing?

By His Grace

Every Effort - 2014-09-27 11:45

Most don't care one whit about the gospel or Christ Jesus in His Kingdom.

Some care and only do The Father's Will a little bit.

Others care and strive to do, but find themselves woefully lacking; falling back and rising up and falling back again. 

Very few find legs of strength and stamina to boot. 

Fewest of hearts are dedicated 100% the holy Lord of life.

This is the way it is and it evidently can't be changed.  The human heart is deceitful above all things.  And many are held captive to it.

But the captivity of the masses does not affect the Lord's promises.  This is the day of calling and of holy work.  And the day approaches very quickly when the door will be shut and there will be no more holy work for men to do.

Perhaps today the sky will rip, and the Majestic Holy Lord Jesus will appear with his Holy Angels, to gather His elect from the four corners of the earth.  Perhaps before you finish reading, this he will appear.

As quickly as he comes, it will be over.  And the vast uproar of sin on earth will begin.  Those who were close to entering, but could not, will find themselves in utter destraction.  They will know what has happened.  And a sadness like they have never felt before will consume them.  To their knees they will fall with great tears and begging.  But to no avail. 

The night will come, the day will come, and then the night again.  And so for weeks and months and years, their plight only dissipates by virtue of their weak memory.  And the distractions caused by threats of death and injury will consume them.

Gone is the semblance of peace.   Chaos, murder, rape, theft, intrigued, slander, war, and violence of every kind will become the rule of this place.  Death and sickness beyond measure is about to let loose its terror on men.  And those who were nearly there to enter, will know.

Gone is the restraint of righteous men in Christ.  Gone is the voice of godly reason.  Gone is effective prayer.  Gone is the Holy Spirit, which has directed His holy people to do the good works of God.

And those who nearly entered, but did not, will know.  But to what value?  Will their knowing set them apart from those murderous many?  Will it stop their children from being abused?  Will it guard over their possessions?  What a useless and painful memory this "knowing" will be.

24 “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. 25 Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’" (Luke 13)

What the Lord has spoken will come to pass.  Will it come to pass on you?  Will it come to pass on me?  Have we made every effort?  It is impossible for God to lie.  Where is the measure of godly fear in our hearts?

Today is the day of mercy.  Today is the day of grace.  When the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, both of these will cease forever.

By His Grace

Who? - 2014-09-28 11:15

A man's arm does not fall off because his child is rebellious.  No part of the parent's body is rejected because the child rejects the parent.  Though there is grief in the parent, the child is the one who suffers the greater loss.

So it is with eternity.  Not the slightest sliver of eternity will suffer loss because you are not there.  Due to the immense joy of salvation, no one will mourn for you.  They might look for you to share in mutual joy.  But when you are not found, no tear will fall.

In this world a man may cause suffering because of his rebellion.  And in his evil heart, he may even take joy in delivering such things.  These are the wicked things of a wicked child.

In this world a man may be lax in doing the work of Christ Jesus.  And truly, the kingdom suffers on earth for the lack of many to obey.  But do not think to yourself, your disobedience will cause God difficulty or pain.

The names of the wicked will be blotted out forever.  Their rebellion will find no strength against God nor his people.  The effectiveness of rebellion will cease!

"A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
though you look for them, they will not be found." (Psalm 37: 10)

The wicked laugh at the righteous.  "See how miserable their life is!  They do not play with us.  They cannot have joy."   The wicked mock the Holy Name and ways of God.  But they are the ones who have no place before the throne of the Holy Lord of life.  Nor will they share in the everlasting joy to come.

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.  (Matthew 5)

When all these promises come to pass, the memory of the wicked will be no more.  Enjoy your popularity now.  You will cease to be.

By His Grace

Lamb of God (lyrics) - 2014-09-29 09:49

By Twila Paris







By His Grace

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