Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

God Himself has determined His messengers!

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God Himself has determined His messengers!

Oh adulteress world.  Do you really think you can suppress the word of the Living God?  Yes, you certainly do.

You think that if you attack, or ignore, His messengers that they will cease their proclamation.  You think this because you have attacked weak men.  And in your attack they have succumb.

So your folly is bolstered.  Pride fills you as if a valiant victor.  And you are spurred to legislate against Christ.  You are spurred to call His witnesses evil.

Your eyes widen with adrenaline, "I have found the way to rid myself of these noxious words!"

There were thousands of Egyptian soldiers who did the same as you!

By His Grace

Success of Enticements - 2014-12-11 09:19

The world demands that Christians be demure and live in obscurity.  Look how they threaten.  Look how they isolate and murder our brothers.  Look again, and see how effective their tactics are.

As it was in the beginning, so it is to this day.  There are those who profess allegiance to God in their mind,  but their thoughts are peniless, homeless vagabonds.

Offer them a house, and they gladly receive.  For they have no house of their own.

By His Grace

Signs of Time - 2014-12-11 10:10

A single metal folding chair propped up against the outside of a garage door.  A pile of shoes in a Nazi camp.  Church buildings converted to homes or businesses.  The restless and troubled drunk who used to be a pastor.

These are the signs of things that were, yet are no more.  They speak of activity that was. 

But can we really relegate these things to the past?  For the living God in Christ is witness to everything in our lives.

Let every man be wise and consider.  What is done in the body, lives in the mind of God.  "For in Him we live and move and have our being."

It is man who considers past tense.  It is man who finds it convenient to forget.  To God, all things are.

By His Grace

The Birthplace of Oxymoron - 2014-12-12 05:39

Did you know that the use of the word oxymoron has skyrocketed since 1950?  Before that, the word was hardly used at all. 

I gleaned this information from a chart you can find on Google.  I assume the chart is born from a computerized assessment of words used in the writings of men. 


What is the reason for this?  I propose it can be explained.

Consider 1945.  World War 2 is ablaze.  Forced by death, men embrace science with the greatest of urgent passion.  While the men of "The Faith" established Youth for Christ.  And so the division begins in earnest.  For the sake of fleshly survival, men abandon God.

Relatively speaking, before that year, men were innocent of the hideous abandon we now see.  And so the vigorous use of the word oxymoron begins.  God calls the dead to life, but the dead desire death.

In that year a serious division between the works of man and the works of God was born.  In that year, the beginning of the end began.  In that year, technology was released by necessity.  In that year, dead men died even more.  In that year, the possibility of saving souls diminished.

Oxymoron: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., "Science will save us"). 

(Do you know who said that, those words quoted in the e.g.?  It was the current leader of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.)

In that year, men began to live as oxymorons; living as contradictions between life and death.  Forced by the nature of the world, to divide themselves from the Living God.  Forced, by the nature of the world around them, to prepare an army which will face The Christ.

If it began there, how established are they now?  If your grandfather's began to separate from God in that year, where are you today?  Do you dare ask yourself, "What time is it"?

The meaning of this is clear to me, and this by the Spirit of the Living God.  If there was an urgency within the gospel, in centuries past, it is unspeakably urgent now.  For as 1945 came without fanfare, so the coming of Christ will be.

But I am forced to repeat the words of the Prophet, "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?"

By His Grace

How Much? - 2014-12-12 06:14

If you want to live forever, seek out Jesus the Christ of God.

If you want to serve Him faithfully, seek out Jesus the Christ of God.

What is the fullness that God is willing to give to man?  Seek out Jesus the Christ of God.  Only then can you begin to know.

If you think you "have", seek out Jesus the Christ of God.

By His Grace

Profits - 2014-12-12 07:18

The prophet of God is valuable.  Who then are they who disagree?

There is profit in the words of the prophet of God.  Who then are they who disbelieve?

It is intriguing that men prefer to ignore the messengers of God, when profit and loss are household concepts.  By this we can say that men are, by their very nature, lousy accountants.

For this they run the business of their life as if to fail.  Yet in business, they will kill to succeed.  Why does this tiny wisdom escape them?

It is impossible to correctly speak of the poverty of man.  Just as it is impossible to speak of the riches of God.

When we see Him face to face, we will understand.  Until then, profit comes by faith.  All the while poverty abides in flesh.

Do not be fooled, a man is what he believes.  Profit or loss, which do you choose?

By His Grace

Dedication - 2014-12-12 11:51

Now is my day.

My chance to obey.

And not just to say,

"He is my lord".


Were I to die now,

Temptations abound!

Though I be nowhere

To be found.


To the work then go I.

Using care what I spy.

To keep my soul's eye

Fixed firmly on Him.

By His Grace

Guilty Restraint - 2014-12-12 14:17

It is the guilty who over react to the presence of law enforcement.  They have failed to live prepared for judgement.

I see this best when I am driving.  Car passes me doing 5 miles over the speed limit.  Then a police officer's car comes into view, stopped along the side of the road with his lights flashing.  That same driver who passed me at 5 miles over the speed limit, now does 5 miles under the speed limit.

As I passing by in the right-hand lane I marvel at his form of obedience.  Then it occurs to me: his reaction is of fear.  While I have been obedient and have no fear.

As I see this apply on the road, it also applies to life and to God.  "It is the guilty who over react to the presence of law enforcement.  They have failed to live prepared for judgement."

The wise prepare, in them there is no fear.  The foolish do as they please, and fear controls them.

By His Grace

"The City of Faith" - 2014-12-13 03:13

There is singing and dancing in the streets.

The City of the Faithful resounds with joy and triumph.

All houses are cleaned; prepared for the celebration to come.

Even while the enemy encamps all around its walls,

Preparing to lay siege.

There is an open feast within the City.

There is a feasting on the holy things the Holy Spirit of God brings to them.

Joy belongs to the people of the Lord!

Everlasting joy is brought to those who abide in His Holy Love.

Who will come against us?

Who will dare entice the Power of  The Living God among His holy ones?

They will see the Power of God displayed within their camp;

That camp of wicked intent.

For God's people will pray.

God's people will offer opportunity for His Glory to be displayed.

Let their enemies be foolish and darkened in their understanding.

God, Himself, will take them to task.

He will say, "Then they will know that I am God".


Let us be about our Father's business!

Who, or what can come against us, that our God is not willing and able to counter?


Pray ceaselessly with earnest heart and full of faith.

We will see our lives testify that our God is able to save.


His eyes are intent on those who do His Holy will among men.

Beware, you who have minds to damage what belongs to God.

God never sleeps!


Show them no fear.

Your God is with you.

The very proof of His Love abides in your souls.


The Living God is endlessly strong and willing;

To build our faith into mountainous strength,

Even within the very fires that threaten to consume us.

He has spoken.

He cannot lie.

His Holy name among us is Jesus, The Christ of God!

Those who put their trust in Him,


Proper Living Praise - 2014-12-14 05:09

Oh, Holy Living God!  What thanks belongs to You.  What praise comes from those You have set free by the Holy Blood of Your Holy Son!

What words will man summon that correctly and fully give You praise?  His mouth is full of failing, even such men of faith.  The words we know cannot fully allow proper praise to become.  It is required.  It is given; this life of the Living God.  Only by the doing of Your Holy Living Will, are our words profitable before Your Holy Face.

By our ignorance we have spoken those things which should never be spoken.  But You have secured that living hope.  You direct, to salvation and restoration, that which has been broken; even Your Holy Law among men.

I will praise You with words and doings, directed by Your Holy Spirit.  Then You will have what is rightfully Yours.  Then alone will Your Holy Son be Glorified among Your people.

We wake from sleep, both that of body and that of darkness of soul.  To come to You and confess, that we might receive the joy extended from Your Holy Living Love.

Be Glorified among Your people, O' God of Life!  Raise us up for Your Holy Name.  Raise us up for Your Holy Love.  Raise us up in the Holy Joy that belongs to You alone, Lord, Master, Giver of Life.  Let Your Holy Son consume us with desire, that desire that causes us profit.  You alone are Profit.

May Your Holy will live among Your people in great strength and continuance.

The day will come when we are filled without seam or relenting.  Let us taste what this means, even now.  Let us become, that You might have the sweet odor of obedience to life among Your people.

Praise the Lord!  Give Him praise with fullness, those who have seen what is Holy from the day of their creation.  Let all God's people worship the Living God's Holy Son with abandon born of His Holy gifts.  He has never asked too much.  He has always given what is sufficient to accomplish His Holy will.  He will never cease to give in this manner.  He alone is Holy, Holy, and Holy!  He alone is LIFE!

"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.  Who was, is, and is yet to come.  Salvation belongs to our God and to the Lamb.  For He has secured joy eternal for all who will be willing to listen and become!  Glory to our God forever, and this through His Holy Son.

In Jesus, the Christ of God, these words are brought together.  In Jesus His Holy Son, praise of life issues from His people.  Words of praise flow.  Doings of obedience for the sake of Love flow out.  Mighty, among men, are those who are purchased by the Blood of the Holy Lamb of God!

Amen, Amen and Amen.


Well Intentioned - 2014-12-14 07:12

This article has no intention of casting judgment.  But let who will, come and eat.  Let them come and taste that the Lord is good.

Those who keep their faith to themselves (those who fail to testify openly regarding the Lord who beckons them) have not seen what Life the Living God is willing to reveal.  These perceive from the darkness of death.  These have not perceived the greatness of distance between Life and death.  They have not yet understood that death must die.  They have not yet understood that only that which is God, lives forever.

If they had encountered the Holiness of God, that which He is willing to reveal to men, they would be compelled to share their living faith.  But the faith they own is the faith of a dead man.  It is the faith given to such as are "newborn" in Christ.

Such reluctance has been chided.  Such unholy restraint has been cast on the pile of the filth of man.  Chided and cast by those who have, yet with a limit of ignorance regarding what is true.  Men have been shunned from the congregation of well-intentioned souls for such unwillingness to overcome.

It has been perceived as weakness, this restraint of testimony.  "Fear" has been the label given to such as withhold the Gospel from men, and properly so.  Yet this is not the full.  For casting and chiding have no value in driving a man through his fear to glory.

I have been guilty of this also.  Yet I will confess, without desire to find excuse, that such treatment is done in ignorance.  Here is the fullness of inspiration:

He who climbs the Holy Hill of the Lord must have clean hands and pure heart.  His worship must be of truth and the Spirit of God.  Nothing else will ever be allowed to approach the Living God.

Yet, those who do approach, return with a distinct lack of fear for the threats of man.  They have been witness to the enormous chasm that lay between Life and death.  They have perceived to the point of testimony.  No matter how the enemy has tried, such men can not be silenced.

This is the reason why such casting and chiding is proper; it is unavoidable.  But the reason they testify is also proper.  For the Lord has set His Anointed One in place to enable all men to ascend the Holy Hill of God's Holiness.  The ones who balk will never ascend.  They will remain in fear of man.  They will remain in fear of He who is Life.

No flesh will enter the throne room of the Most High God.  As a man draws near, his flesh is burnt away.  The purity and cleanliness born of obedience to the Living God's Christ is all that may enter.  In short, only the living Blood of Jesus may enter the Holy Throne Room of the Living God.  What part of a man remains exposed, is denied entrance eternally.

Your fear is the direct result of your lack of will.  Your reluctance to speak openly about he Gospel of Christ, is a direct result of perception.  He has allowed all that is necessary to enter.  But who has accepted His Holy willingness to give what is eternal?

Many will continue to live in fear.  It is, indeed, comfortable to live with the "known".  It is difficult to let go of the familiar, even at the threat of death.  Even if that "comfortable known" is death itself.  Who will persuade them differently?  The choice to live or die belongs to every soul, independent of counsel of others.

But that they might know that there is hope, I have written this word of encouragement.

May whoever will, approach and encounter the Living God.  May whoever will, ask for understanding in these things.  The Lord is willing for all to live.  He has sealed His intent by the very life, death, and resurrection of His Holy Son.  Yet who will believe to the doing?

(2014-12-14 07:29:40)

nice :)

The Powerless Gospel - 2014-12-14 10:00

"Live United" is the hope and mechanism of the gospel of man.  Because of those who propagate this lie, it could be termed the "Scientific Gospel. 

The scientific community quantifies the ability of man to raise himself to the level of God.  The scientific standard sets the boundaries of man's righteousness and wickedness.  United, such people stand against the rule of God.

"Come out from them and be separate", is the hope and mechanism of the Gospel of Christ.  By the calling and power of Christ, this is true good news.  For Jesus lifts a man far beyond the boundaries of man.  Jesus lifts his people to humility, while lowering pride to the grave.

Where you find the gospel of man, the Glory of God is diminished.  Where you find the Gospel of God, the glory of man is obliterated.

The scientific gospel glorifies man, therefore it is no good news at all.  No need for a change of heart, simply do the prescribed good works.  Even a pedophile, compulsive liar, reeling drunk, imprisoned murderer, and the myriad forms of wickedness among men, can Live United.

"But unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."  Such a Holy statement requires good news.  Such a Holy statement requires the power of the Gospel of Christ.

By His Grace

Willing Refinement - 2014-12-15 09:59

The fire is brought to the field to cleanse it of stubble and blight.  The winds of a hurricane are a pleasure to the man who knows he has built his house well.

For everything a man may make, receives a testing.  To the craftsmen who knows he has done his work well, there is no fear.  For even if his work may suffer loss, he is anxious to apply his learning.  Such a man's hands quiver with delight at the approach of destruction.

As the racehorse strains against the bit, ready and willing to run, so the man of God looks forward to the testings.  Always looking for refinement, he does not despise destruction of weakness.

It is of man to desire rest in peace from the labor of his hands.  He seeks respite for the weakness of his body and the sparseness of resource.

But the Spirit of of the Holy Lord God Almighty urges toward completion.  Let every one of God's people be joyful to submit themselves to the fire of God's Holy expectations.

His love is destruction for all that is unholy.  But this destruction is sent in eternally lovely intent.  The rewards will always outweigh the tears.  Yet is it righteous for us to have tears at all?

Allowing ourselves to be driven, accomplishment draws nearer.  But rest, as the flesh desires, and you will suffer loss.

Every man will appear before the Holy Lord to give account of himself.  The day of judgement will come as the final restraint.  But now is the day of testing.  Now is the day for becoming.

It is the forceful soul who presents himself to the day of judgement now.  "The Faith" in Christ Jesus is the beauty of holy strength.

May God receive the bounty that belongs rightfully to him; the refinement, the willing refinement of his holy people.  His reward is in his hand as he stands to judge all men. 

Let us therefore not despise the destruction of those things the flesh desires.  Rather let us side with God in His Holy judgment against sin.

The servant who whimpers at the commands of his master, is no joy at the dinner table.  Such a one is deservedly given a lower place.

By His Grace

Shod Feet - 2014-12-15 13:21

I don't have to work hard to prove how desirable a good pair of shoes can be.  If I were talking to women, there would be no need to say that at all!  What women know about shoes would be useful among any crowd.

(Just between you and me: when it comes to shoes, women seem to have an uncanny knack.  At this point, men usually just bow their head and leave.  There are some things in life that simply say, "Do not touch".)

But let's switch gears just a bit.  Let's go back to the time of Adam.  All that was necessary for the creation of the first shoes, was an encounter with the first thorns.   Simple math: Foot = vulnerable ergo, protect!

Man is designed to require protection for his feet.  All our weight rests on two small pieces of skin.  And these are no ordinary pieces of skin.  They can feel the tiniest pieces of dust on a hardwood floor.  Immeasurably more intense is the feeling of sharp objects.  So we clothe them out of utility.  We clothe them out of desperation. 

But desperation has multiple definitions.  Vanity appears on the scene and destroys everything.  What was originally intended to protect us from pain, became perverted to protect us from the judgment of others.

Soon men noticed how they were regarded by the type of shoes they owned.  Soon, ornate replaced utility.  Soon, shoes carried more than the body.  Soon shoes carried the pride of man.

So it has been, even with the clothing of men.  But shoes receive special prominence.  They have become a reflection of the man's intent.  They carry him to the place of his desire.  They perform what the man considers valuable. Most often, they are a reflection of his character.

Is he an obscure working man? 

His shoes will show where he has been. 

Is he one who desires fame and profit? 

You will see your own reflection in them.

There are shoes that scream out "fun". 

There are shoes that say, "Get-er done".

Shoes that advertise,
"Look what I own".

And shoes that say,

"You'd better leave me alone"!

Boots of pride

That kill with neglect. 
As they approach
There is no "howdy". 
They carry a head
That remains in the clouds;
Aloof from the pain of others.

Sandals of humility,

Come to embrace with life.  As they approach,
You are their intent. 
They carry a head
Created to wear
A crown of thorns instead;
Forever mindful
Of the pain of others.
He is Lord, and rightly so!

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'"  (Isaiah 52: 7)

Jack me down or hold me up. 

I prefer a leader of latter.

Become like him,

Or reside within.

I choose to climb His ladder.

By His Grace

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